
Choi Minho's Damsel in Distress


Minho knocked. It was the maid who opened the door for him. He smiled and freely went inside Onew’s house. Soojin peeked out from the kitchen. Minho smiled and went to the kitchen instead of sitting at the couch first.

“Is hyung still awake?” He asked and immediately took two pieces of chopped apple as he saw it on the bowl. Soojin tapped his hand.

“Never get a food barehanded when you didn’t wash them yet.” She said and placed the bowl of apples away from him. “He is upstairs making Jingook fall asleep.” She said completely sounding like a mother. “Go up and see if he’s still awake.” She ordered.

Minho took a fork and reached out for the apples, “Give me 2 more please.” He said for Soojin just to realize he already has them on the fork.

While walking up, Minho wondered if women really change once they get married. Soojin was already Onew’s wife when they started being close, so he doesn’t really know the difference of Soojin being just a girl to being a mother and a wife.

Choonhee, Jonghyun’s wife, as he noticed, got a lot different, too, after getting married to Jonghyun. She is a very strict and guarding wife to Jonghyun. They laugh every time Jonghyun rushes everything out just because he told Choonhee he’s going home at a certain time and if he arrives late, then he is absolutely dead. It’s funny, though, because Jonghyun hyung is very naughty, tough, and such a badass, but he becomes a complete puppy when he’s around Choonhee.

He carefully opened the door, and it revealed Onew and Jingook sleeping soundly on the bed. Onew was hugging Jingook and so as his son.

He smiled at the thought of it, “I’ll have a child soon, and my child will have the sweetest mother ever.” He suddenly thought of someone, frowned and shook his head, wondering why her face immediately showed up on his mind the moment he thought about his child’s sweetest mother.

Instead of waking Onew hyung up, he decided to close the door back and walked downstairs quietly. Onew hyung has been guiding them ever since the start. Sometimes, he feels shy on coming to his hyung, especially now that he already has his own family. He has more important priorities now that he has a wife and children.

Minho sat at the dining table, silently watching Soojin as she prepared 2 lunchboxes. “Noona…” He uttered. Soojin looked at him in surprise.

“That was the first time I heard you call me that, Choi Minho.” She said in disbelief. She’s two years older than the guy, but never did he actually call her that, just now.

“Don’t mind it.” Minho uttered as he felt so embarrassed. “Anyways, what are you doing there? Are those for Sooki’s food for school?”

“Yes. I’m making food for your hyung, too.” She answered. “It’s always nice to eat homemade food. I think it’s healthier since it’s been made with love.” She looked at Minho and smiled. “Just like the Kimchi Ji Eun made.”

“Noona.” Minho uttered to stop Soojin from talking too much.

“Talk to me just like how you want to talk to hyung.” Soojin said without looking at Minho. She was busy filling Onew’s lunchbox with foods. “I’m not your hyung, but I still know how to listen.”

Minho thought for a while. “But… but you’re a…”

“I’m a girl? And therefore I don’t understand man’s feelings at all?” Soojin looked straight into Minho and faced him at the table, acting like a real older sister. “Are you going to talk about a girl? Wait… I mean, girls?” Soojin looked at Minho, waiting for him to answer.


“Just yes or no.”

“Yes.” Minho admitted.

“See?” Soojin put the lunchboxes away as they were already finished. “Talk to me about it now. Come on, don’t be shy. I know you’re eager to share it.” Soojin leaned forward like a friendly noona, “I promise I won’t tease you on that.” She said comfortably.

“The thing is, I can’t really explain it, noona.” Minho shook his head and looked flat at the table. “It’s weird, how I do things I don’t normally do just because I want to match with her time. I don’t realize it, until they told me I’m being so unusual lately. Firstly, I understand why I helped her, that is because I don’t want someone to be totally blind about something that is very wrong. I thought I’ll stop after helping her out, but why does she look very beautiful the moment I saw her eyes filled with tears? Why was it like a sound of beautiful music while she told me she won’t be seeing that person again? Why was it like angel’s voices when she told me how she never wants to see him again?”

“Do you think you like her already?” Soojin asked.

“I don’t know…”

“How about Krystal?”

“I love her. I’m sure of that.” He said while nodding, “I just think I’m being confused as to how Ji Eun looks at me.” Minho answered.

“When you say you’re confused, that would, at least, probably mean you would want to try a thing.” Soojin smiled at him.

 “Try to go more than friends with her? I’ll be cheating on Krystal then.”

Soojin shook her head, “You’re in an open relationship with her, that’s what I think.” She said. “You know you love each other, but you’re not committed to each other. If you open up your heart to someone else, that is not considered as cheating.” She explained.

“No, noona. I should really stick to Krystal, right? She’s my only love. I need to stop seeing Ji Eun, I think. She’s making me cheat on Krystal.”

“Does Ji Eun intentionally flirt on you? Does she strip in front of you? Does she go for s? Does she say she likes you so so much?” Soojin chuckled. “Is being real considered as way of seduction? I don’t think so. You’re building those thoughts in your head, Minho-yah. She’s being just her, and you’re the one who’s putting such colors into it.”

“I should not see her again, then.” Minho asked simply.

“I don’t get you, Minho.” Soojin frowned. “Do you want me to give my insights or do you want me to just agree on what you want? Do you want me to side on your opinion so you won’t feel confuse about it anymore or do you want to hear some other opinions so you’ll have an option on what to choose?” Minho was speechless. “The way you talk to me feels like you already decide on something. You just want someone to agree with you so you won’t feel like you made a wrong decision.”

Soojin sighed. “Okay, then, fine. Let it be. Don’t see her ever again.” Minho automatically looked at Soojin. “Stop seeing her. You’ll just continue cheating on Krystal if you ever see her again. Stop communicating. Stop calling her. Stop picking her up. Stop doing anything related to her, oh, and stop eating that Kimchi as well. Throw it to the trash, or no, just give it to Jingook because he loves it very much.” She stood up and walked 2 steps, almost at the exit.

“But don’t ever try to wonder what would probably happen if you only tried to open up your heart to other person.” She said. “Don’t ever think about how happy you could probably be if it’s her instead that you got to be with forever. And please… don’t even regret the fact that you won’t get to taste the Kimchi that she made.” She said, and silently walked. Minho stood up and followed Soojin.

“Noona, you just made me even more confused.”

“You’re confused because you don’t want to make a mistake, Minho-yah.” Soojin placed his hand on his shoulder despite their height difference. “If you try to loosen up, open your heart to someone else, and stop preventing yourself from getting hurt, I swear you won’t be confused anymore. I was like you before… I realized it was even harder regretting the things you didn’t do that you wish you did.” She said.



Author's Note:

OMG. I took too long writing this. I kept deleting and re-writing Soojin's words. TSK. Why does Minho's life have to be this complicated? It's hard to put resolutions into it! Daarn. Haha. 

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lovescomplicate #1
Chapter 49: I pity dongshin in some way....if only he realise earlier. He become kinda sweet
mushroomonew #2
it was a coincident that i start to read your first fanfic.. because onew is my bias! and then i start indulge in the story you wrote^^ and i'm so into it!!! please keep the good job~
i m looking forward to read tae's story too!
MinMiShine94 #3
Chapter 10: hahaha I'm laughing when I read you A/N XD tehe honey I think exams are getting to your head hehehe you need to at least try a miracle is another name for hard work without hard work there's no miracle believe me fate is like when you've tried and you failed then that's fate but if you tried and you passed then that's also fate ok that doesn't even make sense now =.="
leeontae #4
Chapter 73: Realllllllllllllllllllllllyyyyy good story,,,,,I Love all u'r stories authornim,,,,really good job!!!!daebak
Chapter 74: I cant wait to read the next story....I love this series a lot!!♥♡♥
Chapter 46: i'm also got a goosebump after reading this chapter...continue...
Daebak!! (y)
Unnie...you are a good writer!!! Keep on going like that ;)
Chapter 74: My oh my how Minho changed after they got married!
DuahSiraj #10
Chapter 73: OMG that sneaky son of a devil Minho.... i was so shocked at his behavior and i just couldnt see how he could be so careless... however he sure pulled a fast one on me because i didnt see that stunt with the fan coming! Now the only thing i wished would have happened is that JJong and onew's reaction been put in the last chapters. Im sure Jjong felt band for saying what he did! other then that i loved this story ^-^