The First Couple

Strangest Mating Season of the Century

The first weekend found both Chunji and Miyoung glaring at each other as they met outside the train station for their project. In spite of their unpleasant feelings about each other, they arrived early because they didn't want either of them to have a reason to nag each other about it.

Just as they met, Chunji's phone rang. "Yeoboseyo?" Chunji answered. "Yes Sulli darling I have to do the project today." he said in that cooing voice of his. Miyoung rolled her eyes and looked away. "You know I'd rather be with you anytime darl, but this is school work and I can't escape."

"Neh~~ Bye~" he sang.

When he got off the call, Miyoung narrowed her eyes at him in disgust. "Just how many girlfriends have you had again?" she asked sarcastically.

Chunji waved the matter away dismissively and instead looked at her, raising a brow. "And just how many boyfriends have you had?" he asked. He faked a gasp. "Oh I forgot. None!"

He laughed heartily at Miyoung's expression and she punched him in the arm. "I'm just waiting for my mate, you idiot." she grumbled. Chunji gave her an expression that he didn't believe her and she let out a sigh of frustration.

"So now what?" she asked him. "We have to research on five couples. So where do we start?"

Chunji shoved his hands into his pockets and adjusted his cap so that his perfect hair wouldn't get messy in the wind. "I don't know about these things. Shouldn't you be familiar with research and all since you're the little miss perfect Valedictorian?" he snickered.

Miyoung stuck her tongue out at him. "Jealous wolf." she harrumphed and stalked off. Chunji blinked and raised his brows. *WHAT?*

Chunji frowned as Miyoung walked away from him and he rushed to follow. How she managed to make it seem like he was the petty one, he had no idea.

The two of them walked down the street, not knowing how to start their project.

"First of all, we have to find a couple worth interviewing." Miyoung tapped her pen on her chin thoughtfully. She looked around at the masses of scurrying people. "But who?"

Chunji stretched lazily and looked around in a bored manner. "Just pick one and we'll do it." he yawned. He squinted as one couple walked past them and the girl had extremely large bosoms.

"How about that one?" he asked, his eyes completely glued.

Miyoung rolled her eyes and walked off by herself. She passed by the numerous stalls on the street and looked at every of the stall owners, wondering what sort of story they had behind their lives.

She came across a fruit stall that was manned by a young couple and they smiled at Miyoung brightly when she passed. "Fruits?" the guy asked.

Miyoung smiled. "I'll just look around." she told him.

The guy nodded and finished skinning the apple he was peeling before Miyoung came. He washed it carefully and delicately, and Miyoung watched with interest. She wondered why a man like him would be so careful about tiny details as such.

"Baby," the guy turned to his wife who was sitting on one of the wooden chairs. "Here. Your favorite apples."

The girl smiled brightly at the apples and it was then that Miyoung realized that his wife was pregnant. The wife took the apple and looked at it for a while. "But oppa.. You just wasted an apple. This could have been sold. I could have just eaten the rotten ones that the customers didn't want." she frowned.

The guy's face darkened. "I can't give you riches and wealth, babe. But at least give you an apple. That much I can afford." he looked pained.

The wife swallowed back her tears and a smile lit her face. "Thank you." and she began eating the apple as if it was the most delicious piece of desert she had ever eaten.

Miyoung felt tears well behind her eyes and she immediately snapped her head around to look for the darned Chunji. She saw him leaning against a post and chatting casually with a girl and throwing charming smiles every now and then.

Rolling her eyes, she went over to him and pinched him by the ear. "Lee Chanhee stop flirting and lets get to work!" she growled.

Chunji frowned at her and rubbed his ear furiously. "Aish." he grumbled. "I was busy alright? And you just had to embarrass me like tha-"

"I found our first couple." Miyoung cut him off, her eyes shining brightly with excitement. Chunji blinked. And was that a bit of tears at the side of her eyes?

Chunji blamed himself for being that observant wolf he was and now he couldn't say no to Miyoung. He sighed and resigned to fate. "Fine fine. Where are they?"



"I have no idea why you two would want to interview us." the guy, whom they found was called Jonghyun looked at them curiously and set two glasses of water on the table.

Chunji frowned at the water and opened his mouth to speak. "Plain water? Don't you at least have te-" he started when Miyoung slammed her hand on his mouth.

Chunji raised his brows at her. "Mmmhhfff.."

The wife, called Jieun, came into the small space of their fruit stall and Jonghyun immediately let his seat up to her while helping her to it.

"I'm sure your love story is as touching as anyone else's." Miyoung encouraged. "No one's story is any less meaningful than anyone else's."

Jieun chuckled and looked over at her husband. "Where should we start, dear?"

Jonghyun grinned a boyish grin that made him look much younger. Younger than the haggard tired man Miyoung had first saw.

"Well we have to start with how different our families are from the start first don't we?" he chuckled.

Chunji yawned and stretched. "And how long is that story going to be?"

Miyoung threw him an impatient glance and punched him straight in the arm. "One more word, and I'll cut your tongue off Lee Chanhee. I mean it." she hissed.

She looked over to the couple and nodded encouragingly as her hand held her pen over the paper on anticipation.

Jonghyun smiled. "Well it first started when we first fell in love by the lake..."

It turned out that it was love at first sight for them. It didn't take more than five minutes for them to identify each other as mates, which wasn't very common since it took some time for the confirmation for most cases.

However when the Jieun's parents heard about it, they were furious, because Jonghyun was from a poor family with a sick mother and their family was rich and wealthy.

The attraction was too strong between both sides to be ignored, so in the end they decided to leave their families and start one on their own.

Miyoung found that the both of them were actually only three years older than her. She wondered if her life would be as different three years from now.

"It's hard, without the parental support." Jonghyun admitted. "But it doesn't matter because we have each other." he smiled at his wife and squeezed her hands lightly.

Miyoung smiled softly, touched by the love between them. She could only hope to find love as such in her mate. Sometimes love didn't happen between mates despite the physical attraction and she fervently hoped it wasn't that in her case.

She opened , about to say something like "that's so touching" or "I admire the love you two feel for each other," when the retarded Chunji just had to speak.

"Well that's pretty retarded if you ask me," he blew a raspberry. "Leave your family where all the riches and comfort are? Epitome of retarded-ness."

Miyoung whipped her head towards Chunji. "LEE CHANHEE JUST SHUT YOUR MOUTH!"



Hello people! (:

As you recall I've promised to answer your questions that you've asked from last (was it friday or thursday) till this Monday. And I have at my blog.

Go check it out if you asked me any questions! I hope I didn't miss out any of yours. (:

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Thank you!
If you're confused why they haven't gotten the golden eyes please read my previous chapters (9 or 10) when Principal Jang explains the workings of mating


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Iminthezone #1
Chapter 71: So many new stories yet i always come back to read yours :)))))
Small eyed leader, donkey faced tho
mistymountains 193 streak #2
Nice story!
Chapter 71: Hi this is like the seventh time I've reread your series because I never get sick of it. It's my go-to fanfic when I'm wanting something to read but not interested in anything else!
Chapter 36: I can't believe its been 6 years... year 6 then, year 12 now... and im still reading this ;; omg ahaha the feelings all come back
Today is 16Feb,2018 6yrs since this AWESOME fic published and i'm still here reading this again for the nth times and reminiscence about the first time i had discovered this masterpiece ^^ my childhood memories ~
please come back author-nim! T-T
KissStar #7
Chapter 30: Oh God. This story may be nearly 5 years old, and I've read it many times - yet I still had to bit my pillow to prevent me from squealing so loud that I'd wake my daughter. ☺
I love your story.