What if...we're meant to be mates?

Strangest Mating Season of the Century

Chunji managed to survive another day at school, surpassing his expectation. He had nearly gone mad whenever Miyoung was out of his sight and he really hated how those admirers of hers didn't have enough sense not to crowd around her. They shouldn't have done that even if it was out of concern. What if they accidentally nudged her and she fell again? HUH?

Chunji had to keep an eye of her secretly, knowing how Miyoung would always seek fun and not reject helping anyone when the time comes for it to be.

However, he was still rather concerned over her health and well being and thought hard of what to do to make her recover. "The girl doesn't even want to drink the vegetable juice I make every morning." he grumbled. "Why does she have to be so stubborn?"

The Teen Top members burst into laughter. They were very amused by how their Chunji hyung was actually acting like a nanny right then. It was thoroughly fun to watch. "Stop fussing over her, Chunji hyung." Ricky commented. "Miyoung noona isn't a three year old." he retorted.

Chunji made a face. He still couldn't help the worry that rose up in his chest whenever Miyoung wasn't near him. At least when she was around a hundred meter radius away from where he was, his senses could tell him if she was alright, and her scent would signal to him that she was okay.

To be completely honest, he didn't like to worry about someone so much either. It's taking up so much of his nerves and brain power.

But he can't help it not to worry and he desperately hoped that if he fed Miyoung well, the worry would subside but deep inside, he knew otherwise. He knew that no matter how well Miyoung was, there was a part of him that would continue to care, that would continue to worry about her.

"Aish." he rubbed his temples. "Don't you think I should give her some tonics or something? For nourishment?"

"You can, of course." CAp nodded. "It's not a bad idea actually. If Miyoung's well fed and everything, perhaps she would recover faster. Especially that leg wound."

Chunji nodded enthusiastically. "That's what I was thinking!" he puffed his cheeks and pouted. "But where do I get those herbs? I don't even know how to make a tonic..." he sighed.

"Doesn't your mother have one of those thousand year old ginseng type of thing?" Niel wondered. "If you can get the herb, my eomma can help you with the cooking. Ginseng chicken soup sounds fine doesn't it?"

Chunji's eyes widened and he clapped. "That sounds great!" He jumped out of his chair and went running off. "I'll try to get it right now!"

The Teen Top watched as he went, smiling goofily. Suddenly, Changjo blinked. "Wait." he muttered. "What if Chunji hyung gets caught by his parents?" The Teen Top members looked at each other. "Uh-oh."



"Wow. It's been ages since I came back." Chunji muttered to himself as he pushed the door open.

He had timed his visit back to his old house carefully, knowing that his parents would be away for their leader duties and high tea activities. He looked around the house just in case, and smiled when he saw that they were truly not around.

He went to his old room first, and got a few books and CDs that he had left behind. *Forgot to take these the last week I was back.* he thought, and chucked it into his bag. He saw the book that he and Miyoung had eyed at the same time the other day. "Fault in our Stars."

"I wonder if she has interest in this book." He murmured, and put it into his bag as well.

After leaving his room, he pranced into his parent's room quietly, tiptoeing even though there weren't any one around. He opened the door gingerly and went in. He hadn't been in his parents room a lot while he was still staying there, but he knew where his parents kept prized gifts from other people.

His conscience creaked slightly when he thought of how he was going to steal from his own parent. But it's for Miyoung, he thought. Miyoung's worth it.

He fiddled around the room and flipped through the drawers one by one, trying to find the prized ginseng he so vividly remembered his mother fawning about. He opened one of the drawers and saw a number of large green velvet boxes that the gifts normally came in.

He opened one of them and shook his head. "Nope. Not gold ware." he muttered and closed the box. He opened another box and frowned. "Nope. Not jewelry." he muttered.

He went through every one of the boxes until he finally came across the thing he was looking for. "YESH Mister Ginseng I was looking for you!" he grinned, hugging the box. Chunji closed the drawers after arranging the boxes carefully. He stood up and eyed the place. Good, nothing out of order.

He nodded happily and stuffed the large box into his bag. He hauled it over his shoulders and made his way out to the living room. Just as he reached the front door, the door opened itself and his parents came pouring in. Chunji's eyes widened and so did theirs.

"Chanhee!" Mrs Lee whooped and threw herself on her son. "My son! You're back to see us!"

Chunji nodded hesitantly and hugged his bag closer. *Of all times!* he cursed in his mind. He hugged his father and mother with a smile and looked at them. "Y-You guys are back early..." he commented.

Mr Lee smiled proudly at his son and shrugged off his jacket, hanging it. "We spoke to some of the ministry people today, Chanhee. Regarding you." he smiled. "Just in time that you're back to see us!" he settled down on the couch and gestured for Chunji to do the same, leaving Chunji with no other choice but to follow.

"Me?" Chunji responded, even though he wanted to get to Changjo's house to have this Ginseng soup brewed as fast as possible. Curiosity did him in and he conitnued and he couldn't help but ask. "Why were you talking to the ministers about me?"

"Your separation with Park Miyoung of course! What else!" Mrs Lee laughed and patted Chunji's cheek. "You haven't forgot about it haven't you Chanhee?"

Chunji swallowed. Yes he did.

"Of...of course not Omonim." Chunji murmured hesitantly. He hugged his bag pack tightly. "What...what did you guys talk about, Abeoji?" he asked.

Mr Lee smiled. "Well, we're trying to get a decree approved by the rest of the ministers, but I don't think it's going to be difficult." he smiled. "as a Ministry, we are still lee and park pack wolves. All of us anticipate the seapration of you and Park Miyoung. None would have the guts to disallow the decree."

Chunji gulped. Of course.

"What's the decree about, Abeoji?" Chunji whispered.

"As long as you and Park Miyoung have not gotten the golden eyes or have not mated within this time period," Mr Lee chuckled. "There is great chance that you two can be separated. Not to worry son, we'll get you out from this nightmare."

*It's far from a nightmare.* Chunji thought to himself. He hugged his back pack and stood up. "I think I heard enough, Abeoji. I'll make my move now." he murmured.

Mrs Lee stood up immediately and smiled at him. "Oh alright. Do you want to take some tonics home since you're back?" she smiled. Chunji gulped and clutched the bag tighter. "No need Omonim. I'd be leaving."

He strode towards the door and let his hand fall on the door knob. He stopped.

Without turning behind to look at them he whispered," What if...what if Park Miyoung and I aren't an accident?" he whispered.

He opened his mouth to speak, this time his tone firmer. "What if...what if we were meant to be mates?" With that, he walked out of the door and slammed the door shut.

Mr and Mrs Lee blinked at each other. "Did you hear what I think I heard?" Mr Lee asked in surprise.

Mrs Lee shook her head while patting her ear. "Yeobo, I think we need to get our ears checked."

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If you're confused why they haven't gotten the golden eyes please read my previous chapters (9 or 10) when Principal Jang explains the workings of mating


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Iminthezone #1
Chapter 71: So many new stories yet i always come back to read yours :)))))
Small eyed leader, donkey faced tho
mistymountains 193 streak #2
Nice story!
Chapter 71: Hi this is like the seventh time I've reread your series because I never get sick of it. It's my go-to fanfic when I'm wanting something to read but not interested in anything else!
Chapter 36: I can't believe its been 6 years... year 6 then, year 12 now... and im still reading this ;; omg ahaha the feelings all come back
Today is 16Feb,2018 6yrs since this AWESOME fic published and i'm still here reading this again for the nth times and reminiscence about the first time i had discovered this masterpiece ^^ my childhood memories ~
please come back author-nim! T-T
KissStar #7
Chapter 30: Oh God. This story may be nearly 5 years old, and I've read it many times - yet I still had to bit my pillow to prevent me from squealing so loud that I'd wake my daughter. ☺
I love your story.