I can't do it!

Strangest Mating Season of the Century

For the next few days, the situation between Chunji and Miyoung were extremely awkward.

For Chunji, it was extremely puzzling. He had convinced himself entirely that the first kiss had been caused by curiosity, that it was an accident, that it wasn't meant to happen.

And all of a sudden he goes kissing Miyoung for the second time and the satisfaction and bliss he felt was so much stronger than the first, it felt too right but at the same time wrong on all logical levels.

On the other hand Miyoung was surprised with herself. The first time he had kissed her and she didn't respond because of shock. Let's not talk about how she didn't push him away, that's another matter for now.

But now that they kissed for the second time (note, they kissed, not he kissed her), she had responded and she couldn't deny that she like it. A lot.

But both wolves were thoroughly confused as to why they were feeling such attraction to one another when they were supposed to be enemies.

Because they were mates? NAHHHH. Both didn't want to even consider the fact because it still seemed rather ridiculous despite them already staying in the same apartment.

Hence with confusion set between them, the most natural thing the both of them did was to avoid each other. As in, not-even-wanting-to-stop-and-bicker type of avoid.

Miyoung walked into the living room at the same time Chunji did. Both of them were holding on to the same disk. "The Grudge."

On usual occasions, one can imagine Miyoung retorting "Why Lee Chanhee, you're too for this!"

And Chunji might make a face at her while sticking his tongue out in a childish manner. "Well you can watch it just fine because you're just like those dead people inside with the curse!" he hissed.

Well, that was what would have happened if not for the fact that things were sooooo awkward between Miyoung and Chunji. Miyoung hugged her tub of popcorn while Chunji shifted, holding his large bottle of cola.

"Uhm, you want to use the show?" Chunji shuffled awkwardly over and passed her the remote control. "Uh you can watch it. I'll use my laptop to view the movie."

Miyoung treaded carefully over, as if there were mines and bombs under her feet. "I-It's okay you can have the tv. I'll use my laptop."

"No you use the tv." Chunji blurted, holding out the remote control.

Both of them met eyes and that surge of energy passed between them again. Chunji swallowed hard and forced himself to look away, biting his teeth hard. "Uh up to you. I'll use the laptop." he quickly ran away before he could hear Miyoung's response.

In the end, both of them sat in different rooms, watching the same show, one with popcorn and one with coke, both trying to forget the other's existence in the other room.

And that wasn't the end of it. It seemed fate liked to put these two together knowing that the last thing they wanted to do was to bump into each other.

Miyoung had gone to the library to borrow some good reads. Since she didn't bicker with Chunji anymore, it seemed like staying at home was particularly boring and she needed some entertainment.

She walked around the library, stopping now and then to take a book off the shelf and reading the synopsis.

She finally stopped at one corner when she saw a title that caught her eye. "Fault in our Stars." she murmured, reaching out to grab it.

And be it coincidence or fate, another hand reached out for the same book at the exact same time. Their hands touched and a zap of electricity ran through them.

Chunji jumped. *Damn it. This feeling could only be...* the girl looked up and he nearly sighed out loud. "Park Miyoung."

Miyoung wanted to throw herself on the wall when she saw Chunji. The last person she wanted to meet was him! Now the memories of the kiss were surfacing once again in her head and she felt blood rising to her cheeks.

"You want that book too?" Miyoung took it from the book shelf and shoved it in his hands. "You can have it. Bye!" she ran off.

Chunji sighed and looked at the book in his hands. "Damn. I never thought things would become so awkward between us."


The other wolves from both packs were really delighted at how Miyoung and Chunji deliberately avoided each other. It appeared to them that the couple was having a cold war, since they didn't know what was happening behind the scenes.

Protests were voiced everyday at the Ministry to rid of this couple. To separate them.

Lees and Parks can never mate together!

Then one stupid wolf had this idea that to convince the Ministry that this couple wasn't meant to be, there had to be some sort of fight. And for the first time, with the common goal of causing more conflicts between them, the Lee and Park pack wolves united for once.

Ironic, yes.

They settled on a time and date and each pack deliberately lured their future leaders to the ring for the final showdown.

Miyoung was already there when Chunji arrived. She was dressed in her sports hear and boxing gloves and practicing her punches.

Chunji blinked confusedly when he looked around and saw that the spectators consisted of both Lee an Park pack wolves. This was strange. They never shared the usage of any facilities before.

"Why am I here?" Chunji questioned, suspicious.

L.Joe shrugged coolly. "They wanted you here so we brought you here. We have no idea what's going on too so don't ask us."

Chunji's frown got even deeper when another younger wolf ran towards him and passed him a bag of clothes. "Here Chunji hyung! Change into this and put on the boxing gloves!"

Chunji rose a brow. "What for?"

"Just do it hyung!" the younger wolf urged and pushed Chunji to change. When Chunji resisted, a bigger group of wolves came to "usher" him to the changing room, and "ushered" him back when he was done.

"Why am I here again?" Chunji asked confusedly as they pushed him into the ring.

"To fight Park Miyoung of course!" They shouted in glee. "Fight fight fight!"

His eyes widened as recognition settled. He spun round and saw Miyoung pushed into the fighting ring with the same awed expression on her face.

They faced each other hesitantly and the crowd cheered. "Fight! And perhaps we can convince the Ministry to separate the two of you!" one said. "The tougher the fight the better!"

Miyoung bit her lip. If this works, she could be separated from Chunji. Isn't this what she wanted?

She got into her fighting stance and saw that Chunji did so too. He had a firm expression on his face, and she too knew that he hoped this would help to get rid of this awful situation.

The bell rang and the fight began.

Miyoung's reflex was faster and she pounced towards Chunji immediately, hitting him soundly in the stomach. Chunji fell back with a thud and winced, causing the Lee Pack wolves to howl.

He scrambled up and flipped Miyoung over easily, tripping her legs. Unexpectedly, Miyoung slipped between his legs and escaped his captivity with superb agility.

Instead, Miyoung attacked his back with her elbows and pushed him to lie on his front while she held is hands captive.

Chunji panted and glanced up at her, the small smile on her face. "You're enjoying yourself?"

Miyoung made a face. "Extremely."

"Then I'm going to change it." he uttered. Miyoung's eyes widened as Chunji rolled over without warning, and came to a standing position once more. Miyoung quickly followed suit and resumed her fighting stance, panting as she faced him.

They weren't fighting. They were somewhat playing around and bickering with their bodies in a manner that only Chunji and Miyoung could achieve.

"I think it's weird, but Chunji hyung seems to be enjoying it." Niel commented.

L.Joe smirked, his gaze knowing. "And I bet he doesn't know why he feels this way."

The "fight" went on, sometimes with Chunji leading, sometimes with Miyoung. Though the both of them were competitive, they made sure not to hit each other too hard, or tackle too swiftly.

The fight went on and on and on and it seemed none of them actually wanted to do anything to claim their final victory. Chunji could see Miyoung getting tired and he slowed down his movements to match hers as well.

Until Miyoung finally couldn't match his attack, for once, and they fell together onto the floor. Chunji panted as he held Miyoung's hands above her head, where she's totally in his mercy.

"Good fight there Park Miyoung." he panted. Miyoung giggled between breaths. "You too."

Chunji wanted to get off her and put out his hand to haul her up, when one of the wolves took a camera and positioned himself beside them.

"Quick, Chunji! Deliver the fatal punch!" he urged. "I'll catch it on camera and we can send it to the ministry!"

Chunji's eyes widened and he met Miyoung's. "What?" he gasped.

"Don't you want to get rid of her?" the wolf asked. "A fight's not enough. We've got to show the ministry that the bad blood runs too deeply between you two!"

"YEAH!! PUNCH HER!" the Lee wolves screamed. The Park pack wolves protested for their future leader, but felt the irony since they wanted the couple to break up as well.

Miyoung squeezed her eyes shut. "Just do it, Lee Chanhee." she muttered. "Not too hard though. Convincing enough." she joked half heartedly.

Chunji swallowed down raised his fists above Miyoung's stomach and the wolves waited in anticipation.

He watched as Miyoung's chest rose and fell to her every quick breath, and to his horror, noted some bruises at her arms where he had managed to hit her during the fight.

*What am I doing?* Chunji suddenly asked himself, aware of how his fists were trembling.

He couldn't hear the cheers of the crowd anymore and they faded into the background. His eyes trailed to the blackening bruises and a stab of pain ran through his body.

He had done that to her.

She was a willing loser, she fought hard. No doubt he had similar bruises all over his body because of her attacks as well.

But he couldn't get over the fact that the bruises there were caused singlehandedly by him.

He paled and took a step back, releasing his hold on Miyoung. Her eyes fluttered open and she frowned at him, confused.

"Whaa?" She started, when Chunji threw his gloves off like they were the most disgusting things he had ever touched.

He couldn't believe they actually let the other wolves talk them into fighting each other. They fight all the time, yes. But Chunji will never acknowledge a fight that wasn't arisen by problems caused by themselves.

He shook his head and darted off the ring. "I can't do this. I'm sorry. I can't." his voice cracked and he ran out of sight.

Miyoung watched him go with confusion and a some what warmth in her heart. She sighed. *We shouldn't have let them talk us into this.*





Hey guys (: I think the comment system is back. (I HOPE)

Please comment! I missed all of yours for the last chapter and I was really looking forward to your reactions to the kissy kissy~~ hehe.

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If you're confused why they haven't gotten the golden eyes please read my previous chapters (9 or 10) when Principal Jang explains the workings of mating


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Iminthezone #1
Chapter 71: So many new stories yet i always come back to read yours :)))))
Small eyed leader, donkey faced tho
mistymountains 193 streak #2
Nice story!
Chapter 71: Hi this is like the seventh time I've reread your series because I never get sick of it. It's my go-to fanfic when I'm wanting something to read but not interested in anything else!
Chapter 36: I can't believe its been 6 years... year 6 then, year 12 now... and im still reading this ;; omg ahaha the feelings all come back
Today is 16Feb,2018 6yrs since this AWESOME fic published and i'm still here reading this again for the nth times and reminiscence about the first time i had discovered this masterpiece ^^ my childhood memories ~
please come back author-nim! T-T
KissStar #7
Chapter 30: Oh God. This story may be nearly 5 years old, and I've read it many times - yet I still had to bit my pillow to prevent me from squealing so loud that I'd wake my daughter. ☺
I love your story.