The Initiation Ball: When Jealousy Strikes

Strangest Mating Season of the Century

Chunji took a deep breath and let out a dragged one. "Wow." he muttered.

The Teen Top members had arrived promptly at the scene of the Initiation Ball and it was awesome. Exceeding their expectations by more than a hundred times.

It seemed that this year the ministry had invested much more resources in this ball because of the higher profits the previous year, or it could be purely because both the children of the two pack leaders were attending which was why things had to be grander than ever.

The place was warmly lit, cosy and had an air of mysterious magical tinge to the whole feel. The food was of course, amazing. Chunji deduced that from seeing the amount of people at the food area as compared to the centre of the ballroom.

The Teen Top members moved into the hall and took away breaths from numerous girls. Dressed in suits and ties that shaped their manly figure, the Teen Top members looked absolutely charming. A lot like a bunch of princes where every female in the hall wished they were the princess.

"I can't say cause I've never been to any other Initiation balls," Niel muttered. "But wow. Wow. Wow. Wooooowwww..." he trailed off at the grand sight.

Chunji muffled his laughter and nodded. It was indeed something to be wowing over, something he would have done if not for how ridiculous Niel looked right then.

"Look at the girls!" CAP whistled as some walked past. "Dressed to kill. And to think perhaps my mate would be amongst them tonight."

Chunji's eyes followed the girls naturally like his always would when females were around. He nodded and turned to collect a glass of champagne from the waiter.

They didn't interest him. Not anymore.

"Aish." L.Joe paced around, his eyes kept on the main entrance as he looked extremely uncomfortable. His whole stance was stiff and awkward, unlike his usual cool and collected style.

"Why are you so tense, L.Joe hyung?" Changjo asked as he sipped his champagne.

"Mihye isn't here yet." L.Joe muttered. "I wonder where she went. Can't have other male wolves ogling at her when she's mine."

The Teen Top members vaguely wondered if L.Joe knew he was talking to them or was he just muttering to himself.

Chunji diverted his attention to Changjo. "I heard." he raised his brows on question.

"We all heard." Ricky, Niel and CAP chorused together.

Changjo pinked lightly, uncommon for this maknae. He chuckled lightly and waved his hands around dismissively. "I just thought I might stand a chance, now that even Chunji hyung and Miyoung are mates."

Ignoring the slight stir in him at her name, Chunji continued his interrogation. "You liked her for a long time?"

"Long enough." Changjo nodded as he sipped his champagne again, popping a few peanuts in his mouth that Ricky offered. "She had always intrigued me. How she was able to be friends with Park Miyoung when the one she's in love with is in love with her best friend."

Chunji's mind whirled for a moment and he backtracked, playing the statement again in his mind. "I beg your pardon?" his eyes widened.

"Gongchan of course." Changjo laughed at his hyung's surprised expression. "I'm not expecting you to know that because you aren't very good at these things concerning love despite being a play wolf."

Chunji shot him a glare.

"But yeah." Changjo shrugged. "I admired how Kyungmi could look over her grievances and become best friends with Miyoung even though she likes Gongchan and Gongchan likes Miyoung. That's pretty amazing to me."

"Yeah. Amazing." Chunji muttered as he let his gaze trail off to the dance floor where a few couples were dancing.

Gongchan liked Miyoung? When? How? Why??

Chunji shook his head. How could he not have known? And he expected Miyoung to be no less new to his information as he was. She was that dense sometimes.

He didn't exactly care about how Kyungmi's in love with Gongchan though. He assumed he would get over it when she found her own mate and Gongchan would be the last thing in her mind.

But Gongchan and Miyoung.... Chunji shook his head, harder this time. *The hell? It doesn't even concern me.* he shook his head to clear the thought.

At this moment, murmurs and whispers rang throughout the hall as three people stepped into the room. Chunji hadn't even turned to look who it was, but he instantly felt his hair stand, being attracted to whoever it was.

He turned to see her and gulped.

Even though he saw her in that white dress before at the departmental store, he was no less surprised at her beauty when he saw Miyoung again.

She didn't even seem to be conscious of the attention she was attracting as she waltzed into the room gracefully beside Kyungmi and Gongchan.

His eyes were glued to her every minuscular move and he couldn't look away no matter how much he told himself to do so. It was like he couldn't see anyone but her, that she was the sun and his world couldn't help but revolve around her.

"That beautiful?" Ricky .

Chunji rolled his eyes and kept a straight face, careful to check that his jaw wasn't dropped open nor was he drooling.

His eyes returned to where Miyoung was and slowly trailed to the figure who had followed her loyally since she entered. Gongchan.

The music started and Gongchan immediately asked for Miyoung's first dance. Miyoung looked around for a bit, biting her lips and Chunji had this sudden hope that perhaps she was looking for him.

Instead, she smiled unsurely at Gongchan and glanced at Kyungmi. Her friend nodded and soon Miyoung was whisked to the centre of the ballroom by Gongchan as they danced.

Chunji had this uneasy feeling as he watched how Gongchan smiled softly at Miyoung, twirling a curl of her hair behind her ear. Like him, Gongchan's undivided attention was given to Miyoung and he kept his eyes on her at all times.

Chunji clenched his fists at his side and it took monumental strength to unclench them when he caught CAP looking. "Jealous?" the leader asked.

"Hardly." Chunji choked out. "Except this dance should have been mine."

CAP smiled knowingly and Chunji rushed to explain. "I mean how I'm her mate and all and it's rude to dance with someone else first!"

CAP patted his shoulders. "No need to explain. Jealousy is normal." he grinned.

On the other hand, Changjo had already crossed the hall and appeared in front of Kyungmi. He had seen how her face fell when Gongchan asked Miyoung for the first dance instead of her, and he was perhaps the only one in the ballroom who noted the fall in her expression.

Kyungmi's eyes widened when she saw Changjo in front of her. "May I have this dance?" he asked courteously.

"N-No.." Kyungmi murmured, shooting nervously glances around at the people who were furious that a Lee pack wolf was asking a Park Pack wolf for a dance.

Changjo ignored what she said and pulled her to the dance floor and began twirling her around. "Don't care about them for just this dance, Kyungmi. For now it's just you and me." he smiled.

Kyungmi saw the pleading in his eyes and nodded hesitantly. Perhaps she could just dance one dance with him. After all, her mate had pranced off with another without a second thought about her and she should be able to do what she wanted as well.

Gongchan rubbed his eyes and squinted in surprise as he turned Miyoung around for the umpteenth time in their dance.

*Is that...Kyungmi dancing with Changjo?* his eyes widened.

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If you're confused why they haven't gotten the golden eyes please read my previous chapters (9 or 10) when Principal Jang explains the workings of mating


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Iminthezone #1
Chapter 71: So many new stories yet i always come back to read yours :)))))
Small eyed leader, donkey faced tho
mistymountains 193 streak #2
Nice story!
Chapter 71: Hi this is like the seventh time I've reread your series because I never get sick of it. It's my go-to fanfic when I'm wanting something to read but not interested in anything else!
Chapter 36: I can't believe its been 6 years... year 6 then, year 12 now... and im still reading this ;; omg ahaha the feelings all come back
Today is 16Feb,2018 6yrs since this AWESOME fic published and i'm still here reading this again for the nth times and reminiscence about the first time i had discovered this masterpiece ^^ my childhood memories ~
please come back author-nim! T-T
KissStar #7
Chapter 30: Oh God. This story may be nearly 5 years old, and I've read it many times - yet I still had to bit my pillow to prevent me from squealing so loud that I'd wake my daughter. ☺
I love your story.