The Unexpected Attack

Strangest Mating Season of the Century

"What am I supposed to do, Mr Bat?" Miyoung asked.

The bat which she had healed previously became rather attached to her and frequently came back. Miyoung smiled softly when she saw it tapping the window with its feet again and she opened to let it in.

The bat flew around and didn't settle down, as if it was worried about something. "Something on your mind, Mr bat?" Miyoung asked absent mindedly.

"Me too Mr Bat." Miyoung pouted. "What am I to do now? Lee Chanhee won't even look at me in the morning even though I apologized yesterday night. I think it's mean to say this, but I wish Chansik oppa never came."

The bat didn't seem to nod its head like it usually did and it flapped it's wings around frantically.

Miyoung blinked at the bat. "Is something wrong, Mr Bat?" she asked, sensing the animal's discomfort.

The bat looked around and flapped its wings. It flew forward and took one of the long ribbon strands in front of Miyoung's shirt in its mouth.

"Hey Mr Bat!" Miyoung frowned, trying to get her ribbon back.

The bat tugged and made squeaky sounds, and tugged again. "Do you want me to follow you somewhere?" Miyoung asked unsurely.

The bat tugged again and this time, Miyoung moved. Sure enough, the bat let go of her ribbon the moment she stepped forward, but continued flying.

Miyoung frowned and followed it, wondering where this bat was bringing her. Was it foolish to even follow an animal? Was it even going to lead her somewhere?

The bat continued flying, and it seemed to know that wolves didn't like it's kind. It hid behind walls when other wolves walked past, and continued flying when the coast was clear.

It flew to the edges of the forest and continued on inside, leading Miyoung to one of the waterfalls.

"Why have you brought me here, Mr Bat?" Miyoung asked, confused.

The bat flew on even though it seemed like a dead end, and disappeared behind the wall of water falling from the cliff.

Miyoung blinked, but curiosity got the better of her and soon she was climbing the rocks and following. She was surprised to find that there was a cave hidden behind the waterfall, and she exclaimed in surprise. "Wow! This is a marvelous place you've brought me, Mr Bat!" she beamed.

The bat hung itself on the top of the cave and let out a sigh. It looked at Miyoung cooing at various things and one would almost think it was smiling.



Meanwhile in the Werewolf Territory, things were getting alarmed for everyone. The first thing that happened was that a mother found her son lying in the middle of the street. Brutally killed and out of blood.

The news spread throughout town within less than two minutes and everyone was alert. Who could this brutal murderer be?

No one had seen it being done, given that it was already late at night.

Some ambulances came and collected the dead body, and many of the folks came to grieve for that young innocent boy.

The town square was filled with people as they got together, talking and grieving. Which was the perfect place for the first attack to start.

A sudden shrill cry from the crowd alerted everyone. A pale creature whose skin looked even whiter than Miyoung's white fur hopped across rooftops in a fast movement.

When it stopped, the folks were horrified. It was a vampire.

"GET THE GARLICS!" Someone shouted, and the females all rushed to their kitchens while the males stayed behind, eying the vampire while wondering how to attack.

CAP growled and changed into his wolf form first. The rest of the folks and Teen Top members too changed their forms an growled at the Vampire.

CAP leaped and he easily got to the top of the roof. He and the vampire circled each other, and CAP let out a low growl of displeasure. Why had this creature entered their grounds?

He was just about to pounce when he stopped, his eyes widening. Because he was circling the vampire, he got to the edge of the roof and he saw a shocking sight on the other roof next to this one.

Another five vampires, standing there and looking impressive.

The crowd shifted their gaze because of CAP's shocked expression, and let out howls of surprise. This wasn't a vampire attack, it was a vampire CLAN attack.

The vampire that had appeared first eyed CAP with a smug expression. "You don't have anything against us, you animals." he hissed in his soft feather light voice that somehow traveled through the night and made everyone shiver.

He looked back at the other vampires. "Infinite, get the leaders. I'll settle the folks."

With that, the other five vampires ran off in different directions, their movements so fast that one wouldn't even be able to see their faces.

"Follow them!" CAP barked. "I'll get rid of this bastard." he eyed the leader of the vampire clan and pounced.

The rest of the Teen Top members and other healthy strong wolves ran after the other vampires in hope of saving their leaders.

And the  fight began.



You may be wondering why the wolves didn't use guns and why they seemed alarmed at the appearance of a mere six vampires when their whole town was present.

The thing was that Vampires are a lot stronger and faster than wolves. Their reflex are ten times as fast and they can easily battle ten wolves at once and win.

Not only that, their skin was impenetrable, not even by gun power. They were truly invincible.

Chunji had been walking home when he saw a white flash darting past him and heading towards his and Miyoung's apartment.

He blinked. "Was that..."

"Yes it's a vampire and it's going to attack all the leaders so get your feet moving and lets save Miyoung before its too late!" Ricky howled in one breath and ran after the Vampire along with L.Joe and Changjo.

Chunji's eyes widened and he quickly changed forms. It was lucky that the vampire hadn't noticed him when it ran past. If it had known that Chunji was the next Lee leader and attacked, Chunji would be dead in a flash.

Chunji felt fear gripping his heart as he bounded towards their apartment. *Please don't let Miyoung be at home. Please.* he prayed in his mind.


When the four Teen Top wolves arrived at the apartment, the Vampire was already done looking through most of the house.

Chunji almost sighed in relief. Miyoung wasn't home.

He didn't have time to think of where she was though, because at this point, the vampire noticed him.

It smirked and made its way slowly towards them. "Lee Chanhee, future Lee Leaders isn't it?" the vampire asked. His face was flawlessly beautiful, utterly handsome and so gorgeous to look at, he'd blind your eyes.

Chunji snarled and flexed his muscles. "First we take down the leaders, then the entire existence of wolves." the vampire smirked and counted off his fingers. "And then we'll finally get this piece of land. Wonderful isn't it?"

The vampire smirked. "Too bad I couldn't see your mate Park Miyoung. Wanted to get to see how sort of wolf was considered beautiful." he threw Chunji a sneer. "To ugly that you hid her?"

Chunji broke and he pounced forward. The vampire's reflex was so much faster that he anticipated Chunji's move and used his momentum to throw Chunji onto the wall, forming a large dent.

L.Joe attacked the vampire from behind while Changjo tried to grab its legs. The Vampire darted expertly and instead landed two heavy punches on both wolves.

The four Teen Top wolves tool turns biting, pouncing, trying to hurt the wolf but it didn't work.

Until Chunji noted something hanging behind the wardrobe. He silently thanked Mrs Park for insisting them to put it there.

He ran for the garlic and whipped it out triumphantly. The vampire froze and let out a growl, before fleeing out of the window.

The wolves panted and sighed in relief. "We have to help the rest of the people." L.Joe said determinedly as he stood up, not caring about his broken rib.

The rest nodded and turned to go when Chunji stopped. "I have to find Miyoung. She's going to die if any of the vamps find her."

L.Joe nodded. "Go. Protect her and don't let her get hurt."

*I won't.* Chunji thought as he jumped out of the window and headed where his senses brought him. He would never let her get hurt. Never.

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If you're confused why they haven't gotten the golden eyes please read my previous chapters (9 or 10) when Principal Jang explains the workings of mating


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Iminthezone #1
Chapter 71: So many new stories yet i always come back to read yours :)))))
Small eyed leader, donkey faced tho
mistymountains 193 streak #2
Nice story!
Chapter 71: Hi this is like the seventh time I've reread your series because I never get sick of it. It's my go-to fanfic when I'm wanting something to read but not interested in anything else!
Chapter 36: I can't believe its been 6 years... year 6 then, year 12 now... and im still reading this ;; omg ahaha the feelings all come back
Today is 16Feb,2018 6yrs since this AWESOME fic published and i'm still here reading this again for the nth times and reminiscence about the first time i had discovered this masterpiece ^^ my childhood memories ~
please come back author-nim! T-T
KissStar #7
Chapter 30: Oh God. This story may be nearly 5 years old, and I've read it many times - yet I still had to bit my pillow to prevent me from squealing so loud that I'd wake my daughter. ☺
I love your story.