L.Joe's mate

Strangest Mating Season of the Century

More and more wolves have found their mate as the season went on, and the other single wolves are getting restless.

They kept talking about how they wanted to have their own mates as well and the complains kept coming. It wasn't until one day that they had something to get their attention off their lack of relationships.

It was the Building Day. All wolves 21 and below, and above 18, healthy and strong were required to help with the patching up of the boundary of the werewolf community.

Some holes were seen along the boundary and fixes were needed immediately for the werewolves' safety from the outside world.

They can't let the humans wander into their territory so easily and find out about them. Profit driven humans would do anything to capture them and put them in exhibitions to display.

And humans aren't the only one that the werewolves are trying to guard against.

Vampires are also rampant in the outside world and those sly creatures may do anything when they want to invade the werewolves' territory.

Of course, the vampires can transform into bats and fly into the werewolf territory but they don't often know where it is. The boundary helps because it creates an illusion that there is nothing but trees and bushes around, looking seemingly like an innocent piece of mother nature.

All the wolves in the required range were gathered at the boundary as both pack leaders explained how to repair it.

Mr Lee shot his son a look as he continued explaining. Chunji grumbled under his breath and sighed. *Yesterday I weed. Today I repair the boundary. Tomorrow am I expected to build a whole city next?*

The wolves then set to work with axes, hammers and nails, and even a bit of magic.

The Teen Top members gathered round a hole as they debated how to go about sealing it.

"Shouldn't we use more wood to cover it up?" Niel asked confused.

They stared at the large hole in front of them that was large enough to let the Lee pack out. L.Joe whacked Niel's head. "Wouldn't wood deteriorate faster?" he retorted.

Ricky pouted and tapped his chin deep in thought. "Eotteohke?" he asked. "This hole is huge."

Chunji frowned at the hole. "It can't be that difficult..." he muttered.

He soon decided to take the role of commander like Kim Jong Kook and demanded the Teen Top members to try mending that hole in his way.

They tried for a whole half an hour and were all drenched in sweat at the end of it but nothing seemed to work.

"Are you sure we should nail in at the edge of the hole?" Changho questioned doubtfully. "The wood at the edges are already weak. If we put a nail in them, they'll splinter."

Chunji frowned. "Aish just do it!" he grumbled. "Don't you want to get it done?"

Changjo and Ricky met eyes and they sighed. The Teen Top members grabbed pieces of wood and tried to nail the boards to cover the large hole. However, as soon as Changjo managed to puncture a single nail into the original boundary fence, a larger piece of the boundary weakened and fell, almost in their heads.

Chunji stared desperately at the hole that just got larger because of him.

"Told you." L.Joe rolled his eyes and Chunji's face burned red.

"Aish!" Chunji growled and flung the hammer down on the floor. "What hell is this ! It's unrepairable!"


Chunji spun around at the familiar name which he remembered calling some other girl before. And that some other girl smirked at him with her arms crossed, her hair in a tight bun on the top of her head and her two best friends standing behind her supportively.

"Park Miyoung." Chunji frowned.

Miyoung blinked and looked at the large hole in the middle of the boundary while and bits of the wood that had fallen from the bulk of the fence, creating a bigger hole. She raised an eyebrow. "Lee Chanhee doesn't know how to fix this hole?" a small smile played at her lips.

Chunji growled, his ego hurt. "It's not that easy if you know." he muttered. He couldn't help noticing how her neck was revealed when she put her hair up. And what a nice neck she had. Slender and milky smooth...

Miyoung wanted to laugh at Chunji's annoyed face. It made her smile every single time, but this was the first time she ever admitted to herself that she liked seeing it. She advanced towards the Teen Top members and scrutinized the hole.

"How do you think we should fix this?" she asked, wondering.

"We obviously can't use nails now." Kyungmi murmured, seeing how the nails had damaged the fence even more. "Yep that's right!" Changjo supported enthusiastically drawing suspicious looks from his fellow members.

Changjo gulped. "What?" he muttered. "She's right."

Gongchan walked nearer and inspected the mess. He smiled at Miyoung, his face bright. "I think I have just the idea."



"Grow trees, why the hell didn't we think of that?" CAP questioned as he heaved and plucked a young tree from the ground. The various wolves had gone around looking for smaller sized trees as Gongchan had instructed them to do and had brought it to where the fence was.

They dug holes in front of the fence and grew the young trees there, close to one another. "Now, for the magic." Gongchan grinned. He took hold of Miyoung and Kyungmi's hand and they surrounded the young trees.

Closing their eyes, they chanted a simple spell that had been passed down through generations of wolves when their wolfish ancestor saved a nymph before and the nymph decided to tell the wolves this spell.

The trees grew rapidly, taller and wider in size. Because they had been grown so closely together initially, when they grew, they were basically pushing against each other and fighting for any available space between them. The tree trunks grew thicker and was almost inpenetratable.

When the spell was done, the trees themselves had formed a solid wall in front of the hole and had covered it up perfectly. In fact, the wall of trees was even more solid and stable than the original fence had been.

"That was a great idea, Chansik oppa." Miyoung smiled.

Gongchan chuckled and patted her head, his eyes glowing with affection. Chunji rolled his eyes. "Psssshhh.." he grumbled. "What the hell the idea was just a strike of luck I tell you." he complained. "He was lucky it actually worrrrrrr!!!!! WOAH BYUNGHUN YOUR EYES!"

Everyone turned to L.Joe but he wasn't paying attention. His eyes were fixed on thie other girl that had stopped her work, feeling someone's intense gaze on her.

Miyoung felt run dry when she saw L.Joe's eyes. They were golden.

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If you're confused why they haven't gotten the golden eyes please read my previous chapters (9 or 10) when Principal Jang explains the workings of mating


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Iminthezone #1
Chapter 71: So many new stories yet i always come back to read yours :)))))
Small eyed leader, donkey faced tho
mistymountains 193 streak #2
Nice story!
Chapter 71: Hi this is like the seventh time I've reread your series because I never get sick of it. It's my go-to fanfic when I'm wanting something to read but not interested in anything else!
Chapter 36: I can't believe its been 6 years... year 6 then, year 12 now... and im still reading this ;; omg ahaha the feelings all come back
Today is 16Feb,2018 6yrs since this AWESOME fic published and i'm still here reading this again for the nth times and reminiscence about the first time i had discovered this masterpiece ^^ my childhood memories ~
please come back author-nim! T-T
KissStar #7
Chapter 30: Oh God. This story may be nearly 5 years old, and I've read it many times - yet I still had to bit my pillow to prevent me from squealing so loud that I'd wake my daughter. ☺
I love your story.