Chapter 14

My One-Sided Love Life...♥

Butler Jong and Mr Lu were in the car , on their way home. Then , Mr Lu called out to his butler.

Butler Jong.. Take me to my wife..

Butler Jong nodded and made a U turn. They finally reached a place. The Graveyard. What is Mr Lu doing here? Mr Lu was holding a vase of white lilies in his hands. He took a deep breath and walked towards a grave. He kneeled in front of the grave and touched his wife's pictures on the tombstone. He put the white lilies beside the tombstones.

I'm here , jagiya.. How are you up there?

Tears were rolling down Mr Lu's cheeks. 


Butler Jong was in the car looking at Mr Lu. He understood the pain Mr Lu was facing.

Jagi.. Hyojin and Luhan will get married soon... I know you won't like it.. But I'm doing this for the company.. Please... let Luhan made his choice.. Give him some time.. Forget about the past and rest in peace , jagi..

A gentle wind blew across Mr Lu's face. He smiled and looked up at the sky. 

Thank you , jagi.. I will be back again to visit you.. I promise..

Mr Lu laid a kiss on his wife's pictures and left the graveyard. Butler Jong opened the door for Mr Lu.

Butler Jong.. Don't ever mention this to my son..

Butler Jong nodded. They drove away from the graveyard and on the way home.












After a few weeks had passed , Hyojin finally opened her eyes. She blinked her eyes to get her sight back. She stared at the ceiling and turned her head to her left. I?

Then , the door opened revealing her parents. Her parents gasped and ran towards Hyojin. 

Hyojin dear! Is that you?! Are you awake? Do you feel any pain?

Hyojin shook her head and smiled.

I'm okay , mama.. I'm sorry for worrying you and papa..

Hyojin's mother burst into tears and hugged Hyojin tightly. Her father went to call the doctor. The doctor came in and checked on Hyojin. Her mother called Mr Lu about the news.

Mr Lu! Hyojin is awake!!

Once hearing about the news , Mr Lu and EXO rushed to the hospital with Luhan.

Doctor Zhang.. Is my daughter going to be okay?

Yes.. She will be fine if she need more rest and maybe go out for a walk for some fresh air..

Thank you , Doctor Zhang! Thank you so much..

Doctor Zhang smiled and left the room. Her parents sat beside Hyojin holding her hands. Then , Hyojin remembered about the incident.

Mama! Papa! Where's MingMing and MongMong?! Are they okay? Where are they! I want to see th- arhhh!

Hyojin held onto her head when the pain struck her. Her parents panicked and laid her on the bed.

Calm down , Hyojin ahh.. They're at Luhan's house.. The maids are taking good care of them.. Just get some rest , okay?

Hyojin heaved a sigh of relieved and nodded. Then , Mr Lu and EXO came into the room with barking sound?

Hyojin ahh! Gwenchana? Are you hurt anywhere?

I'm okay , Mr Lu.. Thanks for your concern..

Hyojin turned her head to EXO and saw MingMing and MongMong. Hyojin gasped. 


The dogs jumped on the bed and their owner's face. Hyojin hugged them tightly. Lay was there watching her. Smiling and sigh in relieved when he found out that she's okay now. Then , EXO left the room without a word. Hyojin softly sighed when she saw them leaving the room. She looked around hoping to see Luhan. Where is Luhan? Luhan was nowhere to be seen. She smiled bitterly and laid on the bed.

Hyojin dear.. Are you okay?

Hyojin nodded with a small smile. Then , Mr Lu came and told Hyojin something.

Hyojin ahh.. Do you who save you?

Hyojin shook her head.

It was them.. EXO.. They save you.. 

Hyojin widened her eyes in shocked. Why would they save her? They don't like her anyway.

Lay was the one who brought you here.. This is his dad's hospital.. He got hurt too.. Bruised and swollen everywhere..

She felt guilty for not thanking them. She bit her lips and lowered her head.

I'm sorry.. I didn't know that..they...would

Mr Lu smiled and patted her head.

Don't worry.. Take some time to rest and when you get better.. Go and thank them when the time comes..

Hyojin nodded and thanked Mr Lu. And so , they left Hyojin in the room because they have a meeting to attend to. Her parents laid a kiss on her forehead before leaving the room with Mr Lu. When they left , tears started to fall. 

I guess..Luhan was having fun with Haneul that night.. until he forgot about me.. How long was I out? Did Luhan ever visit me?

It made her heart in so much pain. Actually Luhan was here in the hospital...cafeteria.. He sipped his coffee with his sunglasses on. 

Should I visit her? Maybe I should.. AISH!!! This is so troublesome!! 

Luhan slammed his coffee down on the table and groaned. He saw EXO coming out from the lift with his father and Hyojin's parents. But he didn't saw Lay coming down.

Where's Lay? I thought he's with you all?

Ohh.. He went to see his dad..

Lay went to see his dad. He knocked on the door.

Appa.. It's me..

Come in..

Lay went into the office and sat across his dad.

Appa.. Thanks for treating Hyojin.. 

His dad smiled.

Well... It's a doctor's responsiblities , right?

Lay laughed and they chat all the way.











Evening came and Hyojin left her room with her dogs. She wanted to go out to have some fresh air with her dogs. She was passing an office. She stopped when she saw a name. Doctor Zhang. 

Is this Lay's father?

Then , the door opened revealing Lay. Lay jumped in surprise when he saw Hyojin in front of him. His heart started to beat faster. Hyojin smiled a little and bowed. She left and went out to the back of the hospital. Lay blinked his eyes when he missed the chance to talk to Hyojin! He mentally cursed himself and went to the cafeteria. EXO and Luhan were there , chatting while drinking coffee. On the way to the cafeteria , he saw Hyojin at the garden , playing with her dogs.


He hesistated to order 2 coffee. One for him and one for her. He took a deep breath and this is his chance. He left and ignored EXO's shouting and calling out to him to join them. Lay left the cafeteria and went to see Hyojin. EXO and Luhan saw Lay just ignored them.

Luhan hyung.. Just say sorry to Lay hyung..

Luhan glared at the panda and smacked his head.

What did I do wrong anyway! geez!

Luhan groaned in annoyance and left the table. EXO glared at the panda and one by one giving him a smack on the head. The panda pouted and fake a crying face. One by one rolled their eyes and left the table , leaving Tao alone. Lay arrived the garden and saw Hyojin smiling happily and playing with her dogs. His heart started to beat like crazy. He slowly walked towards Hyojin.

Ermm.. Hi..

Hyojin looked up and saw Lay holding 2 coffee. Hyojin stood up and bowed.

Hi.. Lay shhi..

Just call me Lay , that's all.. Mind if I join you?

Hyojin nodded and Lay took the seat beside Hyojin. MongMong jumped on Lay's lap and his face.

MongMong! Don't do that to Lay.. Mianhe , Lay.. MongMong liked to people's face..

Lay chuckled and shook his head.

It's okay.. I like dogs too.. Here..

Lay gave one cup of coffee to Hyojin. Hyojin thanked Lay for the coffee and sipped it. Then , silence took over them. None of them didn't know how to start the conversation. 

Ermmm.. Lay?


Lay turned his head to look at Hyojin.

Thank you for saving me..

Lay smiled and patted her head. Hyojin widened her eyes and looked at Lay. Lay smiled , showing his deep dimples.

You're welcome , Hyojin ahh..

Hyojin doesn't know why but she wanted to know more about Lay and made frieds with him. She seems to be trusting him. Hyojin smiled and chat until someone from far away saw both of them happily chatting with each other. He clenched his fist and left the scene.

Who was that?




Here's chapter 14! I know this is a boring chapter! I'm so sorry!! I got my EXO OVERDOSE ALBUM AND POSTER!! Wahahahaha! It's so beautiful and I'm going crazy about it the whole day! Hahahaha! Sorry for the boring chapter! Maybe I will update again tonight.. Sorry! now I need to watch THE RETURN OF THE SUPERMAN! THE BABIES ARE SOOO CUTE! Please continue to support me and give me an upvote too! ENJOY~~


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Hello miss author! It's been 2 years since I read this and i am here to support and read your amazing piece uh- hundred times? haha. I'm here to cry, laugh and smile again .
missadel #2
Chapter 72: I keep on skipping from one chapter to another. sinceiwasquitebored. And i was like hyojin probably set a new record for being the most frequentely getting hurt. Lol
rebelblood123 #3
Chapter 13: Honestly I started reading this story and then so much happened in one chapter that I was just sitting there like O.o. Finally getting around to finishing this. Really lovin it so far.
Chapter 72: Hello author-nim!
I really love this story!! Just reading chapter 1-7 makes me cry already. Luhan is so mean to her!
I'm starting to hate Mr. Lu he was doing this for the sake of his company at first. Honestly I really like Jihoon and I ship him with Hyojin at first cause he was so nice and caring but then I hate him cause of his evil side. If he wasn't evil I want Hyojin to end up with him. Lay was so sweet I really want Hyojin to fall for him. I hate when Luhan run after Haneul when Hyojin ask him to stay so I think he doesn't deserve her. Hehehe~
Chapter 7: and this too T_T
Chapter 5: this chapter too T_T i cannot read
Chapter 3: authornim can you edit your layout because i cant read this on phone :'(
liyanaTik #8
Chapter 67: Everytime i read this story i cant stop crying
natsumikan_luv #9
Great story. I love it