Building Memories

Mission: Protect The Oppas !

Chapter 75:

Building Memories


It had been a week since that day when everything happened so fast and unbelieveable.

You were trying your best to avoid Infinite. The fact that you saw them everyday and everytime didn't make it any better. When they tried to go in a conversation with you, you would nicely excused yourself and walked away. Infinite noticed the weirdness in the way you treated them, but since they knew it had to do with Myungsoo, so they just kept silent.

About B.A.P, you didn't say a single word about the marriage between you and Myungsoo. Yet, you had answered Mr. Bang. The answer must be obvious to you guys now since he decided to take back all the forced circumstances. He let the boys do what they wanted and said that he would respect them, which happened to blind the B.A.P boys with happiness and they didn't pay any doubt on you.

I will accept your condition. Now you agree to marry Myungsoo, I will let the boys do what they want, even though, the thought of my sons dancing and singing like those stupid singers is killing my soul. But, because of Myungsoo, I will give them a chance. And you ! I'll give you a week after going back to Seoul. I know you have lots of things to arrange, just do what you want in just a week. Infinite will move back to their own house and you will move in with them later. You can't stay away from your husband, don't you think so ?

What Mr. Bang said was singing in your mind. You sighed in pure annoyance and shook your head. *You did it already ... there is no backing out ... face the reality, Woo Hyun Ji*. You walked to the sink and flashed water on to your face, tried to make all the hurt and worry leave your face. *I have to act normal, I shouldn't let any of B.A.P know about this. I will leave them in silence... I can't stand seeing my tears sheed when I leave* you looked at your image in the mirror and tried to lift your lips up into a smile, which happened to be arkward. Your forced smile dropped and you sighed loudly, "I think return to my old side will be better ..."

"HyunJi ! Can I have a cup of milk ?" Sunggyu skipped past you in the kitchen and asked. You shook your head one last time before taking him a cup of milk. You poured down the milk into a cup and closed the fridge before giving it to him without a word.

"Er, thanks" Sunggyu blinked at a cup on his hand then at you. You nodded and went away.

Sunggyu scratched his head, "She is weird ..."

You headed to a living room and noticed all the boys were there. You heaved in a deep breath and curved your lips into a light smile. You slopped down to a seat between Himchan and Zelo. You hugged Himchan's arm and Zelo's at the same time and smiled heartity. "What chu doing ???" you asked with high tone, definitely there was no worry in your tone.

Himchan chuckled and combed your hair with his slender fingers, "Watching movie, why are you so happy today ?" he looked at your eyes and you carefully looked away, "Because today is Monday, lalala ~" you sang.

Zelo laughed this time, "Today is Tuesday, silly noona" he poked your side. You cocked your head cutely and turned to hug him fully on the waist, "Junhong, do you want ice-cream ?" you asked him with puppy eyes, Zelo nodded for the next second. You smiled and clapped your hands together, "We will eat ice-cream, okay ? I have bought 2 big boxes yesterday ! Banana ice-cream and chocolate one !" you pointed out and squealed on your own.

All the head turned to you with weird looks, what the hell happened to you ?

You laughed it off and turned to YoungJae, you pursed your lips and batted your eyelids, "Oppaaa, can you take out the boxes for me ?"

YoungJae raised his eyebrow, "Me ? You ask me to ?"

SungJong butted in, "I'll take it for you, then can I at-"

"Please, YoungJae oppa, pleaseeeeeee" you did aegyo and cut off SungJong. Now you really didn't want to talk to any of Infinite. YoungJae sighed and nodded, "Fine, weirdo Hippo"

"This Hippo loves YoungJae oppa the most !!" you cooed and smiled. Himchan stared at you before pinching your cheek, "Aigoo yah, today you know how to whine and do aegyo to make YoungJae obey you ?"

You just smiled and waited as YoungJae came out with ice-cream.

"Here" YoungJae put them on the table and sat down next to Daehyun. You opened both boxes and waved B.A.P over. "Daehyun oppa, YoungJae oppa, Jongup, Yongguk oppa, come here and join me and Zelo. You too Himchannie" you pulled Himchan and put a spoon of ice-cream into his mouth. The coldness froze his brand, Himchan closed his eyes and crunched his nose. You laughed and quickly pecked his cheek, "Aigoo, so cute". Himchan shot open his eyes and gasped at you. *She never does skinship with me in front of everyone ...* he thought but his odd thought was cut off when you fed Zelo and kissed his cheek also, "My Zelo is cute too ~"

A light smile was formed on Himchan's face. *She is hyper today, I guess that's all*

Infinite glanced at all of you in slight jealousy. "Why don't you ask us to join ?" Sungyeol jerked. All 6 heads turned to them, but you glued your eyes on a box of ice-cream. 

Myungsoo noticed and he sighed. *She is ignoring us ... hasn't she accepted to marry me ? Didn't it mean she accepts us like she does with B.A.P ?*

Being a nice one, Jongup offered, "Come here and join us" he waved they over. But before Sungyeol and SungJong could lay their toes near your place, you pushed a chocolate box harshly to them, "You can eat over there" you coldly said and continued eating your banana ice-cream.

Sungyeol gulped upon seeing you acting cold to him just like when he met you first time. He opened his mouth to say something but was pulled back by Hoya. "Let's just eat here, don't disturb them"

Himchan looked at you with concern look, "Are you really okay ? You get a temper these days ..." he patted your shoulder and pulled you closer to him.

*No, I'm not okay at all* you bit your lips to not saying it out loud. With another forcing smile, your head lit up and you fed Jongup with ice-cream, "Cold right, Jongupie ?"

Jongup shallowed down and nodded, "My throat is hurt now" he pouted. You chuckled and leaned in to kiss his cheek, "Is it okay now ?" you beamed. Jongup's cheek flushed pink and he managed a half nod because of embarrassment.

YoungJae's eyes twinkled and he quickly poured ice-cream down his mouth, he choked within a next couple of seconds and coughed loudly. You got his treat and slowly leaned near him, ever so lightly, you planted a soft peck on his chubby cheek and giggled, "You got fatter, you know ?"

YoungJae rolled his eyes but shyly rubbed his kissed cheek.

Daehyun blinked 'innocent' at you and he charmingly smiled while tapping his cheek, "Are you consider giving me a kiss too ?"

Himchan gasped, "Yah-" "Sure, Daehyun oppa" you kissed his cheek and blinked cutely. Daehyun broke in a soft smile and returned you with a peck on your cheek also. "Payback"

You shook your head with a small smile. You found Yongguk silently looked away. A meek smirk escaped your lips and you stole a quick kiss on his cheek, "Yonggukie oppa, thank you" you spoke and sat back down. Yongguk reached out and ruffled your hair, "I don't know what you thank me for, but, don't force yourself around us..." his eyes looked through your soul. You knew Yongguk can easily tell you are not fine. But still stubbornly, you let out a wide smile. "What about talking about ? I am not acting !"

He chuckled and glanced at Infinite, they were stealing glances at you. Yongguk breathed out with his mouth and stumbled back down. *Something is wrong, but I can't tell exactly what is it*

Himchan also realized how your smile seemed unreal and dramatical. He had that worry in him since you would always say you are okay whenever he asked you. "HyunJi, don't hide anything from me, okay ? You know you can tell me everything"

*Even about I will marry Myungsoo ? I don't think it's a good idea ... I don't want to hurt you, at least not now ...* you beamed and shook your head, "Everything is just perfectly fine, don't think too much" you squeezed his hand and smiled up. Himchan didn't know what to say now, he just nodded and kissed you on the lips. "I love you". You kissed back, tried to not cry, "I...I love you to"

You two totally ignored all the eyes were on you. The only thing in your mind right now was cherishing and memorized all the beautiful memories you had right now.

*Don't do that in front of me. I won't back down or let you go despite how much I know you don't love me at all. I will make you fall in love with me when we are together* Myungsoo drift off to his own thought and ignored you and Himchan kissing.


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It's funny that the more I update, the more subbers I lots T__T


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koreankimchibaby #1
Chapter 86: One word....DAEBAK
hwaiting!!! c:
Chapter 9: LOL!! Himchan you idiot x'D
Chapter 8: HAHAHA!! LOL ROFL *literally dies laughing* brother in law?!?!?! XD
Chapter 6: RENNY OPPA!!! <3 but HOLY COW this chapter was posted the day Exo debuted?! Sooo long ago!! Lol
Lol I can't remember if I've read this story or not... I think I didn't because I used to not like Zico..... But this is really familiar lol
normalgirl #6
Chapter 83: i soooooooo agree with u author-nim zico is real fun in the story and i feel so touch when he is being all lovey dovey to his sister i just do like this kind of brother-sister relation but not SOOOO OVERPRTECTIVE ..... and sorry 4 that but I DO LOVE YOU KIM MYUNGSOO but you look little bad when you are drunk so plz dont get drunk , arsso oppa ,, and ^^ love you too author-nim
Chapter 29: KYAHHHH~ !!!!!! Hyunji kissed Himchan >.< this is soooo freaking awsome!!!
Chapter 18: poor Zico :( being fooled by her younger sister XD


My gosh Ren!!! you make Zico fall in love at you >.<
Chapter 86: Ohmyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!! TTwTT How your final chapters are always perfect??!! And... ZICO FOUND A GIRL! UHAAAAAAYYY!!! \o/ xD huahahahahahahahahaaha And I'm happy that Hyunji and Jiae are friends >w<
Kyaaa!! I really liked this story! Even that a lot of bad things happened, in the end everything worth it.
p.s: sorry for the avalanche of comments for the last ten chapters :x
Chapter 85: Awn! She is so happy!!! ;w; -smiles like a proud mother- And I couldn't help but act exactly like Hyunji when I read that Myungsoo got himself a girlfriend xD huahahahahaha And I think that the most funny character after Zico is Sungyeol. xD Monkey and Giraffe. ;w; I just love this cute-dork-couple of friends.