Black Out

Mission: Protect The Oppas !

Chapter 25:

Black Out


Mr. Ahn has whistled and all of you now gathered into the court.

"Hwaiting !" you shouted and gave all of them a fist pump. Himchan chuckled and shouted back, "Hwaiting !"

"Oppas won't go easy on you, HyunJi ah !~" Yongguk yelled with his smirk. You rolled your eyes but smiled, "You're on"

Jongup tapped your shoulder, you spun around, "Hum ?"

"I will take care of Zelo, you Himchan hyung, okay ?" Jongup nodded to Himchan. You blinked then brightened, "That will be easy for me"

"Boys ! Hwaiting !" you turned to Nu'Est and they all nodded, except Ren. You lowered your head to see his face clearer, "Ren, are you okay ?"

Ren looked up and nodded unwillingly, "Yeh ...". You chuckled and punched his arm, "Aiii, man up. You will take care of Daehyun, okay ?"

Ren glanced at Daehyun, who was heating up by cracking his knuckles, Ren gulped then nodded, "Okay .."

You squeezed his hand once last time then ran to the front. "Okay, I will kick off the ball first"

You glanced around Yongguk's team and your face turned serious immediately. You bounced the ball and the game - Started.

"Baby, gimme the ball" Yongguk ran to you and said with husky voice. You smirked and easily ran pass him, "Sorry master"

You ran nearer to Himchan, and he reached out but you quickly passed the ball to Minhyun, "Minhyun, catch !". Minhyun had the ball and he was running toward the basket, but YoungJae was after him.

You was about to run again but Himchan stopped you by his hand reached out, you blinked and looked at him, "Wae ?". Himchan quietly used his hand to wiped off the sweat on your face, "I can feel your face heating up now, don't waste too much your strength" he lowered his head to near yours. You blinked and didn't know what to do. *I think my face is hotter now ...*

"KIM HIM CHAN !!!" Yongguk shouted and cut off the romantic moment. Himchan chuckled and tapped your head, "Ciao"

You snapped out and smiled a little, *He could be gentle...*

"BUNNY !" Minhyun yelled and passed back the ball for you, you caught it on time and kept your head in the game.

You started running but Aron blocked you. "You think you can block me ?" you smirked a bit and didn't wait for Aron to react, you tossed the ball pass his legs and you ran through, "Sorry"

"Hey !" Aron snapped and raised his hand, JR skipped pass and hi-fived with him, "Thanks, hyung"

"Not so fast, Hippo" YoungJae ran from Minhyun to you. You raised an brow and kept bouncing the ball from your left hand to your right one. YoungJae scoffed, "Don't play that way" he stepped up to yank the ball, but you spotted Ren aside without no one after him. *Why no one cares about Ren ?*

"Yah !! Pass me Hyun Ji !!" Baekho jumped up and pointed at himself, but too late, you had tossed it to Ren.

"Catch ! Ren !" you shouted and Ren widened his eyes.

*Uh-oh* Nu'Est thought.

"Huh ?! Wait ! What ... !" Ren kept yelling nonsense things and he didn't even reach his hands out for the ball.

"Thank you !" Daehyun quickly caught the ball and ran back to your basket. You sighed, "What was that, Ren ?". Ren shyly looked up and bit on his lips, you softened and assured, "It's okay. I'm sorry for passing you the ball"

"Uhm ... I'm sorry" Ren spoke lowly. You chuckled and shook your head with a smile, "My fault"

You had ran after Daehyun, "JR ! You in front !" you motioned JR to ran in front of Daehyun. But Zelo was there and blocked JR, "Hyung !" Zelo chirped happily.

"Aishhh ! Big boy ! Get away !" JR whined and tried to pry Zelo away.

Daehyun now was really near the hole. He smirked and jumped up, "Sorry baby !" he shouted for you to hear and ended up having the ball inside.


"Garhhhh" you scowled but gave Daehyun a hi-fived, "Nice jump, master". Daehyun raised his chin up, "Oppa". You blinked, "Mwo ?". Daehyun chuckled and tossed the ball in front of your face, "Call me oppa, I'll give you the ball"

You rolled your eyes, "Why must I call you that, when I can easily have the ball ?". In one swift of movement, you had the ball and ran pass Zelo, Yongguk, YoungJae and Aron. "Eh ? Where is the last one ??" you mumbled and realized Himchan was in front of you.

He was in the ready mode and looked intensely at the ball in your hand. You smirked and tossed the ball to JongUp, "Master !"

"Not again !" Himchan whined in frustration. You smiled and ran after JongUp. There was no one who can block JongUp, and he got the ball inside the hole without difficulty.

"Whooaahhh !!" JR cheered and ran around the court. You hi-fived with Jongup and smiled victorily.


The game continued and you were now 13-13

"We only had 5 minutes left" Jongup whispered and you nodded in understanding. He wanted you to end this up with 3 point-shot.

"Noona, I wanna win !" Zelo shouted and ran after you. You chuckled and kept bouncing the ball while looking back, "You expect me to let you ?", he nodded, you shook your head and tucked your tongue out.

The highlight was now on you, all the eyes were on you and they all held their breath to wait for the ending.


"Go ! Hyun Ji !!" you classmates shouted

"Hyun Ji hwating !!!"


You were also sure that you will easily gain the 3-point-shot. But out of nowhere, Himchan appeared and blocked your way. "Baby, give oppa the ball" he grinned and blinked cutely. You raised an brow and counted the way. *If I continue running, there is no way I can go pass Himchan master. The only way is the left .... REN !* you saw Ren and your face lit up.

"Minki !" you called his name and waited for him to give full attention to you.

"eh ?" Ren spunned around and met eyes with you. You smiled and bounced the ball to him. Really hard. Very hard.

Ren stifftened and froze right on his spot. *Not again*

You encouragely waved your hand, "Come on, you have to bring victory to us !"

Still, Ren didn't move. In any moment, the ball will hit his face and he will end up humilating again.

"He gets scared when the ball flying to him !" JR shouted and you turned into panicking mode.

*What the heck ? Why none of them tell me earlier ?* you cursed under your breath and without asking, you ran in the full speed to Ren.

"You silly !" you shouted and was about to dodge the ball with your hand. But wrong calculation. The ball hit right your face, seriously hard.

"Ouch !" you yelped and your legs grew weak. You sank down and covered your face with your palms. "Ah, it hurts" you said quietly. And a hot liquid filled your hands. *Red and hot ...*

"Noona !! You are bleeding !!" Zelo shouted in shaking voice and ran to you with teary eyes.

You saw the boys all rushed to you and shouting with fear, concern, ... And the last thing you knew, you were black out.


Author's corner:

Aigoo ... I didn't plan to let you get hit :))

I was planning to let Ren, but anyhow, haha, it ended up like this LOL

Wait for the next update :)) It will turn out funny though =))

Leave comments, neh ? Neh ? !!

I love you, my readers ♥

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It's funny that the more I update, the more subbers I lots T__T


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koreankimchibaby #1
Chapter 86: One word....DAEBAK
hwaiting!!! c:
Chapter 9: LOL!! Himchan you idiot x'D
Chapter 8: HAHAHA!! LOL ROFL *literally dies laughing* brother in law?!?!?! XD
Chapter 6: RENNY OPPA!!! <3 but HOLY COW this chapter was posted the day Exo debuted?! Sooo long ago!! Lol
Lol I can't remember if I've read this story or not... I think I didn't because I used to not like Zico..... But this is really familiar lol
normalgirl #6
Chapter 83: i soooooooo agree with u author-nim zico is real fun in the story and i feel so touch when he is being all lovey dovey to his sister i just do like this kind of brother-sister relation but not SOOOO OVERPRTECTIVE ..... and sorry 4 that but I DO LOVE YOU KIM MYUNGSOO but you look little bad when you are drunk so plz dont get drunk , arsso oppa ,, and ^^ love you too author-nim
Chapter 29: KYAHHHH~ !!!!!! Hyunji kissed Himchan >.< this is soooo freaking awsome!!!
Chapter 18: poor Zico :( being fooled by her younger sister XD


My gosh Ren!!! you make Zico fall in love at you >.<
Chapter 86: Ohmyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!! TTwTT How your final chapters are always perfect??!! And... ZICO FOUND A GIRL! UHAAAAAAYYY!!! \o/ xD huahahahahahahahahaaha And I'm happy that Hyunji and Jiae are friends >w<
Kyaaa!! I really liked this story! Even that a lot of bad things happened, in the end everything worth it.
p.s: sorry for the avalanche of comments for the last ten chapters :x
Chapter 85: Awn! She is so happy!!! ;w; -smiles like a proud mother- And I couldn't help but act exactly like Hyunji when I read that Myungsoo got himself a girlfriend xD huahahahahaha And I think that the most funny character after Zico is Sungyeol. xD Monkey and Giraffe. ;w; I just love this cute-dork-couple of friends.