
Diary Entry - Eundeok Married Life (Baekhera)

Eun’s diary

What to do what to do what to do??? Heck, I’m on the brink of a mental breakdown now! Not because there’s a girl in my room, and most certainly am not because I want to sleep with her, but the fact that if I don’t by tonight, she’ll have to marry my grandpa tomorrow! And Soondeok, Park Soondeok, my wife, has left me to deal with all these problems alone! Where is she when I needed her the most? Where oh where is she? If only she’s here, she would know what to do! Where in the world is she???

The only thing that brightens up my day now is that the old lady is up and well now. She can talk, yes she can talk, and she can walk too! It’s a miracle! She thanked me over and over again for my hospitality, I’m glad that Soondeok did save her in the first place. I asked her for her opinion on the matter, but she could give no advice to me – she said she was not in the position to give me one anyway. She told me to ask Mi-ah, who equally has no idea on what to do next.

Mi-ah is doing fine, she’s finally gaining some weight, after much effort. She was very skinny when I first saw her, it’s obvious that her mother’s been treating her badly while spoiling her brother. I hate it, I hate it when parents treat their children like that, it’s not like their children asked to be born into their family! Why are they doing that to their own kids? Why?


‘Your Highness.’

(Eun opens his eyes which closed naturally from his deep thoughts, only then did he realize that he’s been sitting at the desk for an hour, troubled.)

‘Hmm? Oh, Mi-ah, what is it?’

‘I’ve brought you some tea…I was aware that you didn’t notice the maid coming in…’


‘You don’t look so well, your highness…is there something wrong?’

‘Um…no, it’s just that…’

(Trying to hide his uneasiness, Eun gulps down the tea then forces a smile on his face)

‘Nothing’s wrong, I’m just thinking, that’s all.’

(Mi-ah looks down in silence then finally says)

‘Your highness, you don’t have to worry about me. I’m ready for it.’


‘I know you’ve been concerned about me, ever since I came here, I know you’ve been trying to find a way to help me escape…your highness has been treating me well like your very own sister, I can see that, your highness. It’s just that…I don’t want you to be stressed out because of me, because of someone as…as unworthy as I am.’

‘Don’t say that, Mi-ah. I’ll get you out of here, I promise. Somehow…’

‘You’ve already done what you can, your highness. I’ve prepared myself for anything that might happen to me…come to think of it, marrying your grandpa may not be too bad…’


‘At least, I’ll have a place to rest my head at night, at least I’ll have food to fill my stomach, to me, that’s the most important thing, your highness.’

(Eun fists the desk)

‘No! I won’t allow it! I told you! I’ll deal with it!’

‘Your highness, it’s my last evening here, I’d hate to see your highness looking so down…please? For me, please try to cheer up tonight. I’m fine, really.’

‘But…you’re only 17…’

‘My life is long, your highness, if heaven allows. I’ll get my freedom, eventually.’

(Eun can hardly believe the optimism the girl in front of him has.)

‘Your highness, can I sleep on the floor tonight?’


‘To be honest, I couldn’t sleep well on the bed, maybe it’s because I’ve never slept on one. Tonight, I want to sleep comfortably on the floor…’

‘You’re a girl. How can a man make a girl sleep on the cold hard floor?’

‘Think of it as doing me a favour, your highness. Please?’

‘Fine…if that’s what you wish. I really am so sorry…about everything.’

‘The person who should be sorry is I, your highness…to have caused you so much trouble…’

‘Nobody should be sorry about anything…it’s my grandpa who should be sorry…’

(Mi-ah turns to leave)


‘Yes, your highness?’

‘If you can choose, would you like to get back to your family?’


‘I can find someone to search them out for you, if that’s what you want. It’s not hard to find them these days.’

‘Your highness.’


‘I think it’d be best if I never see them again in my life.’

‘I understand.’

‘Mother chose to kick me out, then I see no point of going back. I suppose they’re no longer part of my family, whatever happens to them is none of my concern whatsoever.’

‘Do you miss them though?’

‘I do…but it’ll pass.’


Bogum: ‘Grand general! We’ve scouted the town like you told us to. There are ‘wanted’ posters of that woman all over the place and there are even soldiers everywhere in town, it won’t be easy getting her out.’

General: ‘Why? What’s written on the posters?’

Bogum: ‘It would seem that they’ve tracked her down here already. I suppose she caused some trouble when crossing the borders.’

Soondeok: ‘Father, I’m sure the prince has hidden her well, let me secretly go back to our place by myself, I’ll find a way to bring her out.’

General: ‘It’s too dangerous for you to go alone.’

Soondeok: ‘If you come too, dad, they’ll get even more suspicious. Besides, I know that place better than anyone of you guys.’

Bogum: ‘I’ll follow behind you, just in case.’

Soondeok: ‘Thanks.’

General: ‘Deok ah, be careful, okay? If you encounter anyone of them, remember to run, don’t fight, promise me that.’

Soondeok: ‘I’ll try.’


Soondeok: ‘Your highness! Oppa! Where are you?’

Eun: ‘Deok ah! Oh Deok ah you’re back!’

Soondeok: ‘Shhh!’

(Eun holds his woman tight)

Eun: ‘Oh Deok ah, where have you been?’

Soondeok: ‘Are you alright, Oppa? Why…why’s there a guard outside your bedroom?’

(Soondeok looks as concerned as Eun is)

Eun: ‘How did you get in?’

Soondeok: ‘I…I knocked him out a bit, he won’t be up for quite some time…where’s that lady? That old lady, where is she?’

Eun: ‘She’s in the secret library. Why?’

Soondeok: ‘Dad’s waiting outside of town, I’ll have to take her to him. There are people all over the place looking for her.’

(As Soondeok turns around, Eun grabs her arm)

Eun: ‘Oh wait! Deok ah, take her with you. Mi-ah, come here!’

(Mi-ah slowly walks up)

Soondeok: ‘Who…who’s she?’

Eun: ‘Long story short, Deok ah, you have got to believe in me. Grandpa locked her up with me so I can sleep with her while you’re away, but I didn’t do anything to her, I swear, ask her yourself if you want. But the thing is, if I don’t sleep with her by tonight, then she’ll have to marry my grandpa tomorrow, so-’

Soondeok: ‘You want me to help her escape too, right?’

(Eun nods)

Soondeok: ‘Alright, fine fine fine. You stay here in this room, I’ll bring her with me. What’s her name?’

Eun: ‘She doesn’t have one, I named her Mi-ah.’

(Soondeok looks into her eyes)

Soondeok: ‘Mi-ah, just want to make it clear. If you come with me, there’s a chance that you’d die during the escape, will you be alright with that too?’

(Mi-ah nods without hesitation)

Soondeok: ‘Good. Let’s go then, Oppa, bring her something warm to wear, it’s cold outside.’


Soondeok: ‘We have to get out now, ma’am.’

Old lady: ‘Oh my, it is you.’

Soondeok: ‘Pardon?’

Old lady: ‘Yes, you’re Grand General Park’s daughter for sure…you look exactly like your mother.’

Soondeok: ‘Ma’am, we’ll exchange stories some time later, but right now it’s very dangerous here, the town has soldiers all over looking for you. I’ll have to get you out now.’

Old lady: ‘Forget about me darling, just help that girl out.’

Soondeok: ‘Ma’am!’

Old lady: ‘I’m just an old lady, I can’t put you in danger by trying to help me out as well. Your husband loves you so, he’s been telling me stories of you two, I can’t let you risk yourself for me, I can’t, after all that you’ve done for me.’

Soondeok: ‘Ma’am. Before I was my husband’s wife, I was my father’s daughter, and it’s my duty to do what he wishes, what I wish too. Please come with me.’

Old lady: ‘I’ll give you this first then.’

Soondeok: ‘What’s this?’

Old lady: ‘It’s a pill, it can save your life.’

Soondeok: ‘Yes well, Ma’am, I can’t…’

Old lady: ‘Accept this gift, only then will I follow you out.’

Soondeok: ‘I…’

Old lady: ‘Here, just take it. You’ve still got a long road ahead of you, my girl.’


(Three of them steps out of the library and immediately they could hear someone coming their way)

Soondeok: ‘Who’s there?’

Seok: ‘I should be the one asking!’

 (The boy who works at the stable brings his lantern up to see better)

Seok: ‘My lady? Is that you? When…when did you come back?’

Soondeok: ‘Oh Seok ah, my dear lad! Why are you here?’

(Seok blushed hard)

Seok: ‘I wanted to pee so I walked out…and it’s my night duty today…I have to look after the house tonight.’

Soondeok: ‘Seok ah, can you do us a favour?’

(Seok stands straight)

Seok: ‘Anything for you, my lady!’

Soondeok: ‘We’ll have to open the doors to help these ladies escape, but once we open the door, people will come out because of the sound. Your job is to make sure they don’t come after us, can you do that? These ladies are my friends, I can’t let other people know, you can’t let anyone know as well. Can you do that for us?’

Seok: ‘Of course I can! You don’t have to worry about that, my lady. Besides, the master had lots of wine tonight so it shouldn’t be a big problem.’

Soondeok: ‘We count on you, Seok ah.’


(Soondeok grabs hold of Mi-ah and the old lady’s hand and runs out – she could hear people coming out – it’s a relieve Seok was there to stop those people from coming after them. Bogum pops out from nowhere and pulls the ladies over to a dark corner.)

Bogum: ‘Deok ah, you’ve made it!’

Soondeok: ‘It’s too early for us to celebrate.’

Bogum: ‘Wait, who’s she?’

Soondeok: ‘A girl who needs our help. Tell dad to keep her somewhere safe too, Eun’s grandpa must not find her.’

Bogum: ‘Why don’t you tell him that yourself?’

Soondeok: ‘I’ll have to go back now, I can sense that those soldiers are after us already.’

Bogum: ‘Soondeok ah.’

(They can hear soldiers running their way)

Soondeok: ‘Take her to father for me. I’ll distract them.’

Bogum: ‘No! You promised him you won’t-’

(Soondeok gives Mi-ah’s hand to him as well as the old lady’s)

Soondeok: ‘Thanks.’

(Then without another word, Soondeok runs out into the moonlight. Bogum turns to look at Mi-ah.)

Bogum: ‘So…what’s your name?’

Mi-ah: ‘Mi-ah…’

Bogum: ‘Well, Mi-ah, can you run?’

Mi-ah: ‘I can, I still can… but I’m afraid she can’t.’

(Bogum carries the old lady on his back)

Bogum: ‘Mi-ah, don’t let go of my hand, okay? I’ll take you to the grand general, don’t you worry.’

Mi-ah: ‘But Lady Soondeok-’

Bogum: ‘Has told me to bring you two to her father, and that’s exactly what I’ll do. Come on, let’s go.’


‘Soondeok ah! How did it go?’

‘They’re safe.’

‘Oh thank goodness! What about the guard?’

‘He’s still passed out and-’

(Suddenly they can hear people knocking on their residence’s door. Eun looks at Soondeok’s sword, drawn out, in her hand.)

‘Deok ah! Did you? I thought I’ve told you not to-’

‘We don’t have time for this! They’re here to search for me!’

‘Yes, it would seem.’

‘What if they search here too?’

‘You’re my wife, there’s nothing wrong with that.’

‘No! There IS something wrong with that! First, if your grandpa comes in too, he’ll realize that the girl is gone! Second, if they see me here, all of a sudden appearing here in the middle of the night, they’ll suspect me and then my dad too! Remember, no one in this house saw me return today except you!’

‘Good point, but, what can I do?’

(They’re inside the courtyard now)

‘Oppa, I’ll hide in the bath tub.’

‘You mad? You can’t stay under water! And they’ll realize there isn’t a girl in the room!’

(They can hear footsteps, immediately Soondeok jumps into the bathtub, Eun too gets in, taking his clothes off, trying to act as natural as possible. Not long after, the soldiers barge in.)

‘Search everywhere!’

‘Excuse me gentlemen, but can’t you see I’m trying to take a bath here?’

‘Your highness, we’re really sorry about that, but we’re here to search for an intruder, an assassin too maybe.’

‘Ha! An intruder? As far as I know, not even a single fly flew pass here tonight, let alone a person!’

‘It’s for your own safety, your highness. We saw someone collapse in front of your room.’

‘Safety my ! The only thing of my concern right now is that you fellas ruined my bath time! If you guys don’t leave by the time my head comes back up, you’re all dead!’

(Eun takes a deep breath and goes underwater, he feels for Soondeok, who’s been holding her breath. He moves forward and kiss her, hoping the air which he passes to her can help her stay underwater for a bit longer. Then he’s back up.)

‘Ya! You men are still here? What did I say?’

‘The search is clear, captain! There’s no one here in his highness’ bedroom.’

‘Thank you for your cooperation, your highness, we shall get going.’

‘You’d better! And shut the door behind you, I hate it when people leave the door open!’

(Everyone leaves, Eun quickly pulls Soondeok out of the water, calling her name as loud as he could without letting anyone hear from outside, shaking her awake.)

‘Deok ah! Deok ah, open your eyes!’

(Soondeok coughs)


‘Oh thank goodness! Oh baby, I thought I’ve lost you!’

‘What now?’

‘Let’s get you out of here first, change into something dry…’

(Both gets out of the bathtub)

‘Oppa…what if they found out?’


‘The soldiers came in, didn’t they? What if they tell your grandpa that they couldn’t find a girl in your room?’

‘Grandpa had lots of wine tonight, I doubt he’ll-’

(They can hear Eun’s grandpa screaming in the courtyard)

Grandpa: ‘What are you all doing here in my house? Is this some kind of joke to you?’

Captain: ‘I’m sorry, your excellency, but we’re here to find someone who entered your house during our chase.’

Grandpa: ‘You better get your boys out of my house before I start arresting you all! Don’t you know who I am?’

Captain: ‘I’m afraid we have to do what we must to protect everyone here. The intruder did come, your excellency, even one of your man is down.’

Grandpa: ‘What?’

Captain: ‘We found a guard fainted outside the prince’s room. It’s clear that the intruder did come your way.’

Grandpa: ‘What?! The girl, what about the girl?’

Captain: ‘What girl?’

(Eun’s grandpa is outrageous, he quickly storms towards Eun’s bedroom)

‘Oppa, what should we do?’

‘Deok ah, make sure you keep your face away from everyone else.’


(Eun carries Soondeok to their bed, pulls the blanket over them and rips her clothes off.)

‘Ya! Oppa! You mad?’

‘Shh! Honey, we don’t have time. Right now, you have got to pretend you’re Mi-ah, okay?’

‘But your grandpa knows my voice.’

(The people getting closer to the room)

‘Then don’t speak. I promise honey, I won’t let them come near us, I promise, try to act along, okay?’

‘I can, but can you-’

(Eun’s lips stop her from ending her sentence. All at once, the empty bedroom is filled with confused audience, all in shock to see the prince in bed with a woman. After making no one doubt what he’s doing, Eun exploded at them, without stirring away from his position of course.)

Eun: ‘Grandpa! If I fail to give you a grandson tonight, it’s not my fault, it’s their fault!’

(Eun’s grandpa, drunk and not knowing what’s really going on, starts to get mad at the soldiers)

Grandpa: ‘You man better get your asses out of my house this instant!’

Captain: ‘Sir, it was clear that no one else was in here when we searched this place. This woman is suspicious.’

Grandpa: ‘She’s not the person you were looking for! I bought her to sleep with my grandson! Happy now?’

(On one hand, the captain and grandpa continue to argue, the soldiers on the other hand remain clueless as to what they should do next, so they just discussed among themselves while gazing at ‘the show’ – the entire scene was chaotic, and a bit awkward too. Eun whispers into Soondeok’s ears as he pulls the blanket over their head.)

Eun: ‘Honey, what should we do now?’

Soondeok: ‘Why aren’t they leaving? They think we’re putting up a show or something?’

Eun: ‘We have to upgrade it a bit to scare them away.’

Soondeok: ‘Like what?’

Eun: ‘You know what.’

(Eun’s eyebrow twitches, Soondeok makes a deep sigh)

Soondeok: ‘I hope you know what you’re doing…’

Eun: ‘Remember our first night?’

Soondeok: ‘How can I forget? Gosh, it’s embarrassing…’

(Eun pops his head back out the blanket and looks out, it would seem the men had no intention to leave whatsoever so he presses down Soondeok’s arms above her head and begins his act)

Captain: ‘Look sir, all we ask is for us to identify the girl, that’s all.’

Grandpa: ‘I said no! Do you even have manners? And-’

Soondeok: ‘AH!!!’

Eun: ‘Uh~ Shhhh…Good girl…you’re my woman now. Uh~ It won’t hurt anymore…’

(Eun kisses Soondeok on her neck as he starts moving his hips, pretending to be inside his wife. The couple’s act persuade everyone on the spot, no one doubts them after hearing Soondeok’s squeal and Eun’s moan which is unexpectedly vivid and lively. Grandpa smiles with satisfaction and starts herding everyone outside.)

Grandpa: ‘GET OUT NOW! You all should be ashamed of yourself! Out, everybody out!’

(Grandpa moves the people out of the room and shuts the door at last)

‘Ah! Ouch!’

‘Deok ah, they’re gone now, you don’t have to-’

(Soondeok pushes Eun aside and sits up, scrunching her face up in pain)

‘Deok ah! Is that blood? You didn’t tell me you were hurt!’

‘I didn’t realize I was…’

(Eun quickly fetches some gauze from their room and press it hard on the wound behind Soondeok’s thigh to stop the bleeding.)

‘Is…is it deep, Oppa?’

‘Thank goodness it’s not. Ya, didn’t I tell you not to fight with those guys? I told you I’ll hurt myself too if you ever hurt yourself.’

(Eun stands up)

‘Where are you going, Oppa?’

‘To get a sword, I’m gonna slice the back of my thigh too.’

‘You crazy? No! Please don’t! Oppa!’

‘You’re the one who broke your promise first.’

‘Alright alright! I promise I won’t let it happen to me next time. Oppa, please don’t hurt yourself…please…’

(Soondeok sounds like she’ll cry so Eun listened to her.)

‘I’m never letting you out of my sight, never, understand? Aigoo… Here, let me wrap it up for you.’

‘I’m sorry about this, Oppa…everything…’

‘Nonsense! We managed to fool them after all didn’t we? We make a great team, huh?’

‘Your act was too exaggerated, Oppa, it’s embarrassing.’

(Soondeok buries her face in her hands)

‘Think of it this way Deok ah, that’s the only way they would believe it, the only way to solve everything.’


(Soondeok yawns)

‘Honey, let’s sleep now, they won’t bother us anymore tonight.’

‘Gosh…the bed…the blood…it’s all my fault…’

‘Just what we needed.’


‘You know why…to persuade my grandpa that I really did sleep with…someone…’

‘Oh right…’

(The couple gets to bed, finally sleeping in each other’s arms, at last)

‘I’ve missed you, Oppa…’

‘Me too…What took you so long?’

‘The snow…travelling in winter is not the best idea you know.’

(Eun brushes her hair softly)

‘I’m just glad you’re back now, the past several days have been a torture to me.’

‘Why, because you had the urge to sleep with Mi-ah?’

(Eun bounces up)

‘Ya! Honey! That’s not funny!’

‘Sorry~ I’m just curious. So, what’s she like?’

‘To me she’s just like my little sister, nothing else.’

‘I know I know, I can feel that, relax Oppa! I’m just asking~’

‘She’s kind, too kind, that’s why her mother’s treating her like that. If I were her, I’d run away from home as soon as I could! Imagine, Deok ah, she works day and night to earn money for the family but in the end her mother sold her to someone, how outrageous is that?!’

‘Poor thing…Don’t worry, Oppa, dad will take good care of her, I’m sure she’ll be able to start a new life.’

‘I hope so…’

(Eun embraces Soondeok yet again)

‘What’s wrong, Oppa?’

‘I just want to hug you, that’s all…I don’t want to lose you.’

(Soondeok wraps her arms around Eun)

‘I’m here aren’t I, I’m not going anyway, don’t you worry. Ah, Oppa, I’ll be gone when you wake up though.’


‘I’m not here, remember? I was Mi-ah tonight, nobody knew I returned.’

‘Oh right…’

‘I’ll officially come back tomorrow. But before I do, please get the legal documents from your grandpa.’

‘What legal documents?’

‘The one stating that Mi-ah is sold to him. If you don’t get that, then Mi-ah is still your grandpa’s slave, legally speaking.’

‘I get it, I’ll do so before you come back.’

(Soondeok kisses Eun on his cheek)

‘Good night~ I love you~’

‘I love you too, my baby~’


[Note from author] Daebak! I can't believe it's 100th chapter already >.<''

Sorry I can't update as much as I used to, but I'll try to keep updating every now and then~

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Chapter 131: Thank us for reading? Thank YOU for creating a story as consistent and well-fitting for the characters Baekhera were able to portray. You write so well and stay true to their personality from the start to the end, I enjoyed reading this book so much. Tbh, The chapter count surprised me and I didn’t think I’d be able to finish it because I was only looking for a small fanfic to satisfy my Baekhera fantasies yet you accomplished that and more! Your story was captivating and well paced, I finished the book in three days! I don’t think many got to fully appreciate I you so on behalf of us shippers, I thank you! ;)
KimN97 #2
Chapter 131: Beautiful story. For so long I looked for a story to read for this couple. You gave them the story and ending they deserved 🥰 can’t wait for the sequel
KeemNoona #3
ezakimsoo #4
I cant believe this ended already
ezakimsoo #5
I cant believe this ended already
Turellia_Del_Rynn #6
Chapter 131: Thank you so much to have written this! I’ve been reading this fic for a month and I sure enjoyed every second of it ?!
Chapter 131: Thanks to you we, Baekhera shippers, got to spend an amazing time while reading your fiction!
Thanks to you again, a lot ?
ezakimsoo #9
Chapter 131: Wheres the baby?? I need spin off?
1241 streak #10
Chapter 131: Thank you so much for this ^^