She's decided - it's time

Diary Entry - Eundeok Married Life (Baekhera)

(Soondeok lights a torch in the cave)

‘Since when did you bring a torch with you?’

‘I always carry it around when I go out, who knows when we’ll need it. Besides, this is a travel-size one, light to carry. But that’s not the point, let’s see if I can still find it…’

(Eun looks around uncomfortably)

‘D…Deok ah, there won’t be snakes in here, right? Or bats…or…bears…’

‘Don’t think so, this is not a deep cave, see this hole here? Papa said that long time ago, people used to live in caves like this, and they’ll start a fire in a hole like that and cook over it.’

‘So people lived here?’

‘Hundreds of years ago, that’s what Papa said. Over there you can see some markings on the wall, Papa said that these markings are like notes or diaries.’


‘Anyway…where is it? I remember it’s somewhere there…ah! Here it is!’

‘You found it?’

‘It’s behind this rock…just need to remove this.’

(Soondeok explains as she tries to pull the rock out)

‘You see, there was a big crack on the wall and I put it in there, then Papa put a rock over it. I remember it all now. Oppa, hold the torch for me please. Guess I’ll be needing both my hands.’

(Thunder clap again)

‘D…Deok ah, better hurry…I’m scared.’

‘I’ll try.’

(After some time, Soondeok finally takes out a small jar, sealed)

‘It’s still here! Oppa, it’s still here!’

‘Good! Let’s get out of here now.’

‘Let’s see if it’s still in here first.’

‘What’s in it?’

‘What do you think?’

‘Me? How am I supposed to know? You didn’t tell me.’

‘Open it. My gift to you.’

‘Awww, thanks Deok ah.’

(Eun’s about to open the lid when he suddenly stopped)

‘Wait…what if a bug bounces out or something?’

‘Don’t worry, it’s sealed tight. See? There’s no way a bug could’ve gone in.’

(Eun opens it and takes out a scroll – a scroll of paper)

‘Paper? Deok ah, what is this?’

‘Unroll it.’

(Eun unrolls it and finds a bookmark)

‘What is this, honey?’

‘What do you think?’


‘What’s on it?’

‘Flower, yeah, flower…a pressed flower bookmark? I remember mother had one. What’s so special about this bookmark?’

‘Don’t you remember? The flower ring you gave me when we first met, remember? I kept it and put it inside a book…to preserve its colour…well, not much of the color are left here now, but it’s still intact to some degree. I made it into a pressed flower bookmark so I can keep it forever!’

‘Wow…And it’s still here after all these years. Daebak…’

‘Amazing isn’t it? When I put it in here, I promised myself that if I ever do marry you…I’ll come back and take it out then give it to you as a gift. Childhood dream…’

‘Then, why didn’t you bring me here when we got married?’

(Soondeok picks her words carefully)

‘Because…I thought you wouldn’t agree to come…you never liked spending time with me…and even if I did give it to you as gift, you’d probably just throw it out.’

‘But our relationship got better later on, why didn’t you bring me here then?’

‘Umm…I suppose I just forgot about it…My old self, I mean. Who knows?’

(Eun smiles)

‘Soondeok ah. Let’s pick more flowers to make more bookmarks together later on, sounds fun? I can make some for mother too. And for aunt.’

‘How? It’s summer already, you can’t find flowers easily now…maybe next spring…if we’re still together next spring…’

‘Of course we’ll be together! Besides, there’s always the palace where you can find flowers almost anytime of the year, and Soo knows the garden well-’

(Silence. Eun realizes the mistake he made)

‘I…I mean…aish, darn it! See? Because you kept saying her name today, you made my tongue slip!’

(Soondeok looks at Eun and says in disbelief)

‘What? So it’s my fault again?’

‘Oh heck yeah! Stupid mouth…stupid mouth of mine!’

(Eun slaps his mouth several times softly then hugs his wife without warning)

‘You’re…you’re not mad, are you? Deok ah…’

‘Oppa, let me go.’

‘Say you’re not mad~’

‘Mad is hardly the right word…more like…confused…whatever, let’s just go.’

‘Deok ah~ I’m sorry, okay? I-’

(Suddenly, thunder clap – and the rain started pouring down – heavily. Soondeok breaks free)

‘Oppa! Our horse! And our food!’

(Soondeok runs out)

‘Ya! Deok ah! Come back here! You’ll get wet!’

‘Oppa start a fire! Guess we’ll have to spend a night here! I’ll be right back with the horse. Gather wood for the fire, as much as you can, before they get wet from the rain!’


(Soondeok can hear crackling sounds. She opens her eyes, finds herself inside the cave, lying next to the fire, sleeping on the picnic mat. She turns her head and sees Eun throwing a piece of wood into the fire. Her body feels heavy.)


‘Deok ah!’

(Eun runs over to her)

‘Deok ah, you alright?’

‘My…my head. What…what happened?’

‘Don’t even get me started.’

‘Did I…faint?’

‘How am I supposed to know? All I know is that the moment I went out, I saw you being unconscious…JUST WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? I told you not to go out! You know how dangerous it could’ve been? You got me worried sick! What if something happened to you again, my baby girl…hm?’

(Eun touches her cheeks)

‘I…I’m sorry…Oppa, for making you worried about me.’

(Eun sighs, he’s relieved to see his wife up and well)

‘Deok ah, can’t you remember anything? Did you trip over or-’

‘Nothing…maybe I passed out…maybe the thunder, who knows?’

‘Whatever the case, I’m glad you’re awake. And you should thank me for bringing the picnic mat and the picnic blanket too.’

‘Thank you…but…how’d you know we’d be needing the blanket?’

‘I was afraid you’d get cold today when we have picnic up in the mountains, as always. I brought it just in case. Thank goodness the food’s packed nicely too or we’ll have to eat soggy rice-balls tonight. Here Deok ah, sit up and eat this. All heated up. This one has kimchi inside.’

(Soondeok pushes herself up, but when the blanket drops, she realizes that she’s not wearing anything – she gasps and pulls the blanket back up at once)

‘Gosh! What? How? Why…where are my clothes?!’

‘It’s over there, they should be dry by morning.’

(Soondeok gulps hard and scrunches up like a ball, Eun sees how uncomfortable she was)

‘Ay Deok ah, don’t worry, I didn’t see anything.’

‘You didn’t see anything? And you expect me to believe that?’

‘Well, not exactly…like…you know what I mean. I had to take your clothes off.’

(Soondeok keeps her head down, Eun’s a bit annoyed)

‘Ya, we’re married already, married! It’s normal…Oh whatever. Here, have some food, I bet you’re hungry by now.’

‘What about you, Oppa?’

‘I ate.’

(Soondeok keeps the blanket up with one hand and eats with another hand, clumsy. Eun sees and walks around to kneel behind her)

‘What…what are you doing, Oppa?’

‘Honey, at least tie a knot or something, it’s not like you don’t know how y you look…Let me wrap the blanket around your body for you. Lift your arms up please, there we go, and we tuck this under here…done. You can walk around freely now, a nice one-piece dress you have here. Designed by me~’

(Eun’s proud of himself)


(Eun goes back to the fire and adds more wood in)


‘What did you say?’

‘Sorry for all this…if I hadn’t insisted on coming here…we wouldn’t be stuck now and…’

‘Honey, stop apologizing, there’s nothing to be sorry about. Besides, it’s nice here. Spending a night in a cave, I’ve always wanted to try, and now I got a chance to.’


‘Everyone dreamt of spending a night in a cave when they’re young don’t they? And I suppose we’re not the first one to be stuck in this cave…see the pile of wood over there, it was here before we came, I suppose someone too were stuck here before.’

(Eun stretches himself as Soondeok eats her food quietly)

 ‘Ah~ What a day! What! A! Day! Haven’t been this tired for a long time, Soondeok ah. Let me stretch myself a bit, aigoo…’

(Both of them look into the fire as the night advances)

‘Deok ah.’


‘Want me to tell you something?’

‘Sure, Oppa. Anything.’

‘I got praised by your father today~ Woohoo~’

(Eun does a little dance with his arms)

‘Daebak! For real? That’s great Oppa!’

‘And he even wished me happy birthday…well of course, you heard that too.’

‘Yes, and he said he’ll bring over a present for you later.’

‘You really think he will?’

(Soondeok nods her head hard)

‘Certainly! When father says he’ll do something, he’ll do it. That’s my old man.’

(Eun smiles bitterly)

‘My father has never wished me a happy birthday, nor celebrated it with me…is that what it feels like? To have your father remember your birthday?’


‘And celebrating my birthday here with my wife…in a cave, boy, this birthday is going to be the weirdest so far!’

‘Don’t worry, we’ll be able to get home tomorrow, we’ll celebrate your birthday properly then. I’ve told the maids to prepare you favourite dishes for lunch tomorrow.’

‘Why rush? I think it’s kind of nice to be with you here, just you and me.’

‘But your friends, you guys will have dinner together tomorrow evening.’

‘Ah right…I did promise them, didn’t I? Then let’s just hope the rain will stop soon…’

‘I still can’t believe it…it’s been 3 years since…since I scared you with the bear fur.’

(Eun laughs)

‘Yep. We’re all growing older now, aren’t we? And…’

‘What’s wrong?’

‘And hyung’s gone too…that birthday party was the last…’

‘Oppa, it’s a good thing he’s gone. If Prince Yo really had become the king-’

‘I know I know. But we were brothers, we grew up together. I’ve never liked him that much, but he’s still my hyung…’

(Eun brings more wood over, in hope to change the subject)

‘This much wood should do.’

(He yawns)

‘Aigoo…better go to sleep now…the fire should last the night after putting in this lot.’

(Soondeok moves over)

‘Oppa, you sleep here close to the fire, it’s warmer.’

‘No darling, you sleep close to the fire, I’m fine.’

‘But Oppa…’

‘I told you, I’m fine.’

(Eun makes Soondeok lie on her back then lies down next to her)

‘See? All fine. It’s warm here too, Soondeok ah.’

(Soondeok turns to look at her husband)

‘By the way, why did you let your hair down, Oppa?’

‘I had to dry them-’

(Soondeok touches Eun’s hair then his clothes)

‘Oppa…your clothes are wet too! Oh right! You carried me back didn’t you! You were in the rain too! Then why-’

‘Well, I didn’t get too wet. My outer garment was but my inner garment is pretty alright…just a bit wet, it’ll dry out soon.’

‘Oppa, take your clothes off.’

‘Say what?!’

‘Give that to me, I’ll wear your clothes, you can take the blanket.’

‘No honey, I said I’m fine.’

‘What if you catch a cold?’

‘And you won’t?’

‘I lived like a soldier before I married you, wearing wet clothes is like super normal for us and I’ve never fallen sick because of it. Come here, let me take it off for you.’

(Eun inches backward)

‘Ya, I said I’m fine, honey.’

‘What if someone finds out? A wife letting his husband sleep in wet clothes. What will they say?’

‘No one will know!’

‘This won’t do, you’ll make me feel bad for being such a bad wife all night long. Come here please.’

‘I’m fine, really!’

‘Oppa, just get over here! You’ll catch a cold if you keep wearing this! I mean it! I don’t want you to be sick on your birthday!’

‘Deok ah, I won’t get sick, I promise.’

‘Stop acting like a kid and just take it off!’

‘Gosh, you sound just like my mother! I’m not a kid!’

‘Then start acting like so!’

(Soondeok going after Eun, Eun moving away from his wife – both kicked around a bit on the picnic mat that’s now their bed. Eventually Soondeok nails Eun down, as expected, and smiles.)

‘I win, Oppa~’

(Eun’s eyebrow twitches)

‘Nope, I think I won.’


(At that moment, Eun pulls Soondeok down and gives her a soft kiss on the lips then when she’s lost her guard he flipped her over and have her on her back)


‘I win~’


‘It’s not the first day you know me.’

‘Yes, well…’

(Eun moves in closer to look at his wife)

‘You look beautiful tonight. Must be the lighting here, you look a hundred times more beautiful now you know that?’


‘If only I can keep looking at you all night…next to the fire…as if the world has stopped…just you and me…’

(Eun gives her another soft kiss before pushing himself back up)

‘Enough fun, let’s sleep…and don’t you think about changing with me, I’m a man, this is nothing for me.’


‘Trust me, okay?’

(Eun attempts to sleep again, closing his eyes. Soondeok sits up and looks at her husband. Indeed, the warm color from the fire really is something different – the flickering of light. Eun looks especially inviting tonight…she wants him to hold her, to kiss her, to love her. Her heart starts racing. Soondeok’s not thinking straight – she’s bewitched. She as decided that it was time.)

‘I…I’m sort of disappointed in Oppa today…’

(Eun opens his eyes and gets up – wondering what he did wrong that day)

‘Did I upset you? Did…did I do something wrong? Ah, you mean when I slipped my tongue and mentioned her name?’

‘No, not that.’

‘Or…when we were at the temple-’

‘No, not that either.’

‘Then what?’

‘You took off my clothes-’

‘I had too, Deok ah, you were soaking wet!’

‘That’s not the point.’


(Eun crosses his legs and leans forward, listening attentively)

‘How is it that you didn’t notice it? Do you not love me?’

(Soondeok turns her head a bit away from Eun, making Eun panic even more)

‘Of course I love you! I love you so much, darling. But…notice what? What…what was I supposed to notice? Honey, I didn’t see anything!’

(Soondeok turns to look at her husband)



‘You didn’t see anything, Oppa. Nothing...No-thing!’


(Eun thinks for a moment)

‘So…what does that mean?’

(Soondeok facepalms)

‘Something’s missing, Oppa. You of all people shoud be aware of it.’

(Eun’s really confused. He scratches his head hard trying to figure out what exactly had gone missing. Then – a light bulb moment – well, lightbulbs weren’t invented back then…but you know what I mean!)

‘AH!!! That! Wait…you’re right! No scar! That’s it isn’t it? Scar! That’s what you wanted me to say, right?’

(Soondeok pushes Eun away)

‘And I thought you’d be happy to know about it…’

‘I…well, you see, I wasn’t paying attention to it, I was just…’

(Soondeok pouts)

‘I was going to let you know tomorrow…as your birthday present…but now…it’s ruined.’

‘Honey, I can pretend I didn’t know.’

‘Do you hate my gift that much? That you have to pretend you didn’t even get it?’

(Eun stutters, he doesn’t know what his wife wants him to say anymore)

‘No darling, I…I…I love this gift, yes, I just thought you wanted to give it to me tomorrow so I’ll pretend I didn’t here it today. But since you…you want me to accept this news now then…thank you for letting me know, it’s a nice present, I love it.’


‘Oh yes really.’

(Soondeok stares at Eun, Eun blushes – hoping his answer is of satisfactory to his wife)

‘Yes well…all happy now? Then let’s…let’s sleep.’

(Just as Eun was about to lie down again, Soondeok spoke, making him bounce right back up)


‘Yes honey?’

‘Aren’t you going to open your present?’

(Eun can hardly believe his ears)

‘I’m sorry. What…what did you say?’

‘I said, aren’t you going to open your present?’

‘I…well…what…what do you mean? How?’

(Soondeok leans over and whispers into his ears)

‘Should we carry on? We were cut off this afternoon at the temple, but we’re free now.’

(Eun blinks hard and coughs)

‘Kkkmmm! I…uh…well…the answer is simple! No.’

(Soondeok protests)

‘But why not?’

‘Why not?! I mean, Deok ah, why yes? We can’t do it here!’

‘Why can’t we? There’s just us.’

‘And our horse.’

‘Well, our horse won’t mind.’

‘Darling…this is a cave.’


‘This is crazy! We can’t do it here! Never! That’s too much!’

‘Too much? And yet it’s not too much if we do it inside a carriage, in a bathtub, on a table, under a tree, inside a tent, on a boat-’

‘Hey! For the record, you suggested most of those places.’

‘Did not!’

‘Honey! What’s gotten into you tonight? You’re so- Wait, why did you get up? Wait, hold up! Honey-’

(Soondeok attacks. As soon as she sits on Eun, she starts kissing him, not allowing him to go anywhere. Revenge is sweet. Eun tries to resist at first, of course he has to, his wife’s obviously out of her mind, but then he gives in – his wife’s learning so fast. Clearly, Soondeok’s acting crazy, it’s been a long time she’s done that, and he likes it, reminds him of the old ‘her’, and the tedious 2-month drought is about to come to an end. Eun temporarily pauses for a moment to look into her eyes.)

‘Deok ah…’


(Eun lowers his voice)

‘Let me ask you seriously. Do you really mean it?’

‘I mean it, Oppa. Since this afternoon, actually.’

(Eun nods slightly)

‘But…please be easy on me, Oppa…it is still my first time, straightly speaking…’

(Eun smirks)

‘Easy on you? Well, I can’t guarantee that.’

(Soondeok does aegyo while him)


‘Aigoo…this is pure madness…I mean, we’re inside a cave for goodness’ sake. Imagine the lovely symphony we’ll be making here~ All night long~’

(Soondeok giggles)

‘I thought you said you’re tired, your highness.’

‘Not now~ I’ve got enough energy to last the night – the entire night. Be prepared to beg for mercy, honey. Now, my dear wife, I’ll be opening my present. Mind if I?’

‘Stop acting like a gentleman. That’s not my style these days.’

‘Oh, it’s not?’

(Eun immediately changes mode and presses Soondeok down on the floor)

‘I’m no gentlemen tonight. Tonight, I’m a wolf. AWWWOOO!!!’

(Soondeok unties his clothes to shut him up. Bad habit of his, always saying a bunch of nonsense before doing anything ‘meaningful’. The moment Soondeok touches his chest, he’s all in – and that’s how their long eventful night begin. A night they’ll never forget. Because it is on this very night that a miracle happened.)

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Chapter 131: Thank us for reading? Thank YOU for creating a story as consistent and well-fitting for the characters Baekhera were able to portray. You write so well and stay true to their personality from the start to the end, I enjoyed reading this book so much. Tbh, The chapter count surprised me and I didn’t think I’d be able to finish it because I was only looking for a small fanfic to satisfy my Baekhera fantasies yet you accomplished that and more! Your story was captivating and well paced, I finished the book in three days! I don’t think many got to fully appreciate I you so on behalf of us shippers, I thank you! ;)
KimN97 #2
Chapter 131: Beautiful story. For so long I looked for a story to read for this couple. You gave them the story and ending they deserved 🥰 can’t wait for the sequel
KeemNoona #3
ezakimsoo #4
I cant believe this ended already
ezakimsoo #5
I cant believe this ended already
Turellia_Del_Rynn #6
Chapter 131: Thank you so much to have written this! I’ve been reading this fic for a month and I sure enjoyed every second of it ?!
Chapter 131: Thanks to you we, Baekhera shippers, got to spend an amazing time while reading your fiction!
Thanks to you again, a lot ?
ezakimsoo #9
Chapter 131: Wheres the baby?? I need spin off?
1241 streak #10
Chapter 131: Thank you so much for this ^^