49 days

Diary Entry - Eundeok Married Life (Baekhera)

Soondeok’s diary

It’s been 49 days since it happened. 49 days, the number of days the spirit is said to roam on earth before leaving for good. That’s why Eun’s grandpa wouldn’t let us go back to our place, not wanting something bad to happen to Eun. As if Mongryong’s spirit would hurt us…

I will pay a visit today, to him. Not Mongryong, but him. Yes, he did kill our dog, and yes, he did try to kill Eun’s mother, but he’s still my friend before he started serving the queen – the queen dowager now. I asked Prince So to protect his family and send them away to somewhere far off so the she won’t kill them off to shut their mouths. They’re safe now.

For some reason I can’t seem to sleep well these days, is it because that day is getting closer? The day of our 3rd wedding anniversary. Less than 20 days now. To be honest, I’m scared. Scared that the prince and I will have to separate from each other, or worse.

His grandpa is plotting a riot, my feeling is giving me that shiver, I really don’t want Eun to be part of this. He doesn’t want to be king, none of us wants to live the rest of our lives inside the palace. I suppose his grandpa wants to get all the power he can get before he finally dies. Eun’s been having several arguments with him since we moved in temporarily, I can’t blame him.

Anyway, the prince is still asleep, I must get going now. The carriage is ready.


Eun’s diary  

My wife has once again left me while I’m asleep. I really need to put a bell on her. I hate it when I have to have breakfast all by myself. The servants said that she’s going to spend the day in her father’s place, and she wishes not for me to go. Should I listen to her? Should I? Or should I just stay here all day and wait for her return?

After tonight, we’ll move back to our place, so I suppose I should start packing things. Funny, how I sounded like there’re many things for us to pack when in truth, we didn’t really bring much from our place here. Besides, our house is just next door, I don’t think packing up really is necessary. And this is not me giving myself an excuse to be lazy, of course not!

Last night Soondeok couldn’t sleep, at least I noticed that she’s been tossing and turning for hours, I didn’t talk to her, in fear that she might feel sorry for making me stay up with her as well. Is she as nervous as I am? About the day, that day, THE BIG DAY. So far, no one’s suspected anything and her period did stop as she started taking that medicine I told her to. Everything will go well, right?

I dreamt about Mongryong last night, he was running around the garden in my dream, wiggling his tail as he sees me walking towards him. I was about to reach out and pat him when I woke up. Thank you, Mongryong-ah, for visiting me last night. I miss you.


(Eun pacing outside Soondeok father’s residence, wanting to peep over the wall)

‘Your highness!’

(A servant comes out to greet the prince)

‘Your highness, what brings you here? Please do come in.’

‘Oh, no need, I uh...I’ll wait here.’

‘Whom are you waiting for, your highness? I can call them out for you.’

‘No, um, it’s fine. It’s just my wife.’

‘The lady? But…but the lady is not here, your highness.’

‘Say that again.’

(The servant thinks hard then replies)

‘Lady Soondeok didn’t come today, your highness. Are you sure you’re in the right place?’

‘Then…wait, so she’s not here? Did…did she stop by here this morning then?’

‘I’ve been standing here all day long, your highness, and she really didn’t come in. The only person that came was to deliver royal documents for the grand general himself.’

(Eun leaves in a hurry but then returns after a split second and gave the servant a pat on the back)

‘Thank you for your information. I shall get going.’

‘Your highness, would you like us to search her for you?’

‘No need, I’ll handle it myself. Uh, and one more thing, please don’t tell my father-in-law.’

‘Don’t worry, your highness, I shan’t tell my master.’

(At once, Eun runs back to his residence.)

‘Your highness! What made you run back like so?’

(The butler greets the prince)

‘Butler! Butler! Thank goodness! Agioo, my lungs! Have…have you seen my wife?’

‘Lady Soondeok? No sir, no I have not. Ah, but she did visit the stable, a carriage was what she needed this morning.’

‘Did she say where she’d go?’

‘No sir, I do not know.’

‘How can you not know?!’

(Eun starts getting agitated)

‘Your highness, I’m so sorry! I shall send a searching party at once!’

(Right at that moment, a stable boy walks pass them to fetch water from the well)

Butler: ‘Hey you! Didn’t you go with Lady Soondeok this morning?’

Boy: ‘Yes sir.’

Butler: ‘Why are you here then? Is the lady back?’

Boy: ‘After we dropped off the lady in the forest, she told us to come back.’

Eun and butler: ‘SO YOU GUYS DID?!’

(The boy, still uncertain what’s going on, scratches his head and nodded)

Boy: ‘Yes. We didn’t want to disobey the lady.’

(Eun takes in a deep breath and bangs his head on the pillar next to him)

Butler: ‘Your highness! Please stop, you’ll hurt yourself!’

(Eun points at the boy)

Eun: ‘If anything goes wrong with my wife, I swear, you’ll have to pay with your life. You and everyone that went today, understand?’

Boy: ‘Your highness!’

Eun: ‘I’m going there! You boy, lead me to that place. NOW! GET MY HORSE READY!’

Boy: ‘Yes your highness! Right away, your highness!’


(And so began the search for Soondeok)

‘Soondeok ah!!!!!! Deok ah!!!! Where are you????’

‘My lady! Lady Soondeok!’

‘Lady! Lady Soondeok! My lady, where are you?’

(Soondeok’s name echoes around the forest as the maids and the servants searched for her, but the loudest screams came from the prince himself)

‘Deok ah! Come out please! This is not a joke! Deok ah! Deok-’

(Suddenly, gazing down the bottom of a slope, Eun sees a body on the ground)

‘S…Soondeok? Honey? Deok ah! Soondeok ah!’

(He quickly makes his way down the slope, it was a very steep slope, one misstep could cause his life, but he doesn’t care, he needs to go to his wife, who seems to be unconscious at that moment)

‘Deok ah! Wife! Honey, can you hear me?’

(Eun kneels beside the body and turn it over to face himself, sure enough, it was Soondeok.)

‘Deok ah!’

(Eun gently pats her on the cheek, there are some fresh bruises on her along with some minor cuts on her face and neck)

‘Over here! I found her!’

(Eun’s cry drew the servants there at once)

‘Hurry! Bring the carriage here, I’ll carry her up the slope.’

‘But your highness, it’s dangerous for you to do so. We’ll carry the lady up, you come up here first.’

‘Nonsense! I’m not leaving her! And she’s so cold now, I need to get her back as soon as possible!’

(Several servants cautiously made their way down to help Soondeok get on the prince’s back and slowly, ever so slowly, they helped the couple climb back up the slope, back to safety)


(Soondeok slowly opens her eyes, she sees Eun with his head down, praying while holding onto her hand tightly)


(Eun quickly looks up at his wife)

‘Darling! You alright?’

(Soondeok nods)

‘I…I’m fine…’

‘What happened?’

‘I…I don’t remember…Where am I? I…how did I…what happened?’

‘You sure you don’t remember? Do you not remember how you ended up at the bottom of the slope?’


‘You could’ve died! How can you do this to me? Didn’t I tell you to stop going to places all by yourself? When will you grow up, Deok ah?! WHEN?’

‘I…I’m sorry…I…’

(Soondeok gets teary. Eun knew he had gone too far so he hugs his wife to comfort her.)

‘I’m sorry darling. I was just…I…As…as long as you’re fine now, Deok ah…’

‘I…I want to sit up…’

‘No darling, don’t. The doctor hasn’t come to check on you yet.’

‘Doctor? Oh honey, I don’t need a doctor. I’m fine.’

‘Fine? You were unconscious! And cold as ice! IN SUMMER!’

‘I suppose it’s just because I didn’t have any breakfast this morning.’


‘Please kindly cancel the call for the doctor, Oppa. That man’s is already as busy as it is. What I need now is not more medicine…but food…Oppa…I’m hungry.’

‘Ok, I understand, you wait here, I’ll tell them to bring you something to eat.’


(Soondeok puts the spoon down)

‘I’m full.’

‘Soondeok ah, here, have one more bite.’

‘I really can’t.’

‘I thought you said you’re hungry.’

‘I suppose it’s because I was too hungry, my stomach’s not agreeing with me.’

‘What about some water?’

‘Yes please.’

(Eun pours his wife a cup of water and gives it to her)

‘Here darling, drink this.’

‘I’m sleepy…’

‘Yes, of course you are. Go to sleep now, darling, I’ll be here with you.’

‘Thank you.’


(At around sunset, a maid comes in)

Maid: ‘Your highness, my lady, I bring news from the master.’

Eun: ‘Can you please tell that old man to stop talking to me!’

(Soondeok touches Eun’s hand)

Soondeok: ‘Oppa…Please don’t be like that. Let’s hear it out first. Hmm? Carry on, what is it that you have come to say?’

Maid: ‘Um, yes, my lady. The master went hunting today, as you might know, and has just come back. He’s having a feast tonight and would have both the prince and you join him.’

Eun: ‘I decline.’

Soondeok: ‘Oppa, I don’t think it was an invitation. It was more like an order, am I right?’

Maid: ‘Regrettably, yes, my lady…your highness…’

Soondeok: ‘It’s alright. Tell them we’ll be there.’

(Maid bows out)

‘Darn it.’

‘It’s just tonight, Oppa, the last night we’ll be spending here. Tomorrow, we’ll be back to our place.’

‘Uh, I miss our bed so much, Deok ah. And our room. And our house. Everything!’

‘Just enjoy tonight, Oppa. Please promise you won’t make a fuss of it. Please?’

‘Okay, I promise…’


(Dinner time, the feast is starting, sounds of music, people laughing, chatting, cheering…and the food still has yet to come. The banquet hall is full of people, packed with noises, the entire environment is in a way suffocating.)

Butler: ‘Master, the food is ready. Shall we start serving?’

Grandpa: ‘My, of course! What are you waiting for? Roll them out! Give me the fattest boar we hunted today!’

Butler: ‘Yes, master.’

(Eun and Soondeok seated at the same table as grandpa, that man didn’t seem ill at all, it’s as if the old man will live for yet another 20 odd years. Soondeok leans over to whisper to her husband.)

Soondeok: ‘Oppa…I…’

Eun: ‘What is it?’

Soondeok: ‘I…’

(Just as the servants passes behind them with numerous plates full of meat, Soondeok can’t help but feel sick)

Soondeok: ‘Urgh.’

Eun: ‘Deok ah, you alright?’

Grandpa: ‘What seems to be the problem?’

(Grandpa frowns as he sees Soondeok covering )

Soondeok: ‘N…nothing’s wrong, sir. I beg your pardon.’

Grandpa: ‘Then dig in! Have a piece! It’s a wonderful evening! Everyone, drink as much as you want, eat as much as you want! CHEERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!’

(Everyone yelled cheers and just as everyone starts devouring the meat, the entire banquet hall filled with delicious aroma – well, delicious to everyone except Soondeok)

Soondeok: ‘Oppa, I’m afraid I have to leave. I-’

(Soondeok runs out of the hall before she really loses control and vomit there and then)


(Eun chases after his wife to the garden outside)

‘Whoa whoa whoa! Easy there, honey!’

(Eun steadies his wife as she leans against the rail)


‘You okay there? Oh gosh, what’s wrong with me, of course you’re not okay! I’ll you back to your room.’

‘Oppa…I’m fine. I just need some fresh air, that’s all. It’s rather stuffy in there, wasn’t it?’

(Soondeok forces a smile)

‘You sure, honey?’

(Soondeok gently pushes him away)

‘I’m fine. Just fine. It’s just that, my stomach hasn’t been well these days…you too know that. I’ll get by. Happens every now and then.’

‘Then, let’s go back inside.’

(Soondeok shakes her head)

‘No way I’m going back in there. I’ll go back to our room.’

‘I’ll take you there then.’

‘It’s okay, I can walk there myself, hurry back in now, Oppa, or your grandpa will notice.’

‘Okay darling, stay safe.’

(Eun kisses her on the forehead then leaves)


Soondeok’s diary

Alone at last. I was right. It was the queen dowager who killed him. I mean, it was her who asked him to kill Eun’s mother and since he failed the mission, he killed himself before she does so herself. How do I know? I saw her today. Just as I was at the tree where he had hung himself, just as I was laying my flowers there to say a little prayer, she and a few maids appeared. She was shocked to see me, but I wasn’t shocked myself, I kind of expected it. Jihan was really loyal to her, in a way, I wouldn’t blame him, the queen dowager did treat him extra well. I remember Jihan and I got together to practice one day, not long after he was assigned to serve her, he couldn’t stop praising her, as if she’s his savior or something. She gave him a decent piece of land outside the city, a nice house and enough money to feed him and his family. She even let him have dinner with her and her sons on several occasions. Jihan told me that she saw him as her own son, and I suppose that’s what she said to everyone working for her, that’s why they’re so loyal to her, even till death.

Anyway, so she saw me and was taken aback, she told her maids to leave us alone and we talked. From the look on her face, she knew why I was there, and she knew that I know why she’s there too. She didn’t admit it though, I didn’t expect her to either. I ended our conversation because I didn’t want to talk to her any longer, so I just left like that, and on my way back, I suddenly felt weak on the legs, slipped and rolled down the slope.

It’s fortunate that I made it out alive, Eun said. Indeed, I have been feeling rather lightheaded lately, is it because I skipped breakfast this morning or of the medicine, the one Eun told me to, I’ve been taking? On the bright side, my period really did stop coming, that’s something to be thankful about. Now, the real drama is on.

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Chapter 131: Thank us for reading? Thank YOU for creating a story as consistent and well-fitting for the characters Baekhera were able to portray. You write so well and stay true to their personality from the start to the end, I enjoyed reading this book so much. Tbh, The chapter count surprised me and I didn’t think I’d be able to finish it because I was only looking for a small fanfic to satisfy my Baekhera fantasies yet you accomplished that and more! Your story was captivating and well paced, I finished the book in three days! I don’t think many got to fully appreciate I you so on behalf of us shippers, I thank you! ;)
KimN97 #2
Chapter 131: Beautiful story. For so long I looked for a story to read for this couple. You gave them the story and ending they deserved 🥰 can’t wait for the sequel
KeemNoona #3
ezakimsoo #4
I cant believe this ended already
ezakimsoo #5
I cant believe this ended already
Turellia_Del_Rynn #6
Chapter 131: Thank you so much to have written this! I’ve been reading this fic for a month and I sure enjoyed every second of it ?!
Chapter 131: Thanks to you we, Baekhera shippers, got to spend an amazing time while reading your fiction!
Thanks to you again, a lot ?
ezakimsoo #9
Chapter 131: Wheres the baby?? I need spin off?
1241 streak #10
Chapter 131: Thank you so much for this ^^