Last night in prison

Diary Entry - Eundeok Married Life (Baekhera)

(The night before the court trial, Soondeok stayed still in her own cell, pondering on all the moments she had spent with Eun, all the good times, the bad times, the sad times, the happy times. She hears someone coming, it’s Haesoo)

‘Lady Soondeok.’


(Soondeok moves closer to see Haesoo clearly)

‘I’m sorry I can’t visit you sooner, My Lady, I brought you some food and a blanket.’

(Haesoo passes them through the gap, Soondeok receives them gratefully)

‘Thank you, Haesoo. How’s the 10th prince?’

‘I’m sure he’ll work something out, My Lady.’

‘That’s exactly what I’m worried about, Haesoo…the things, stupid things, he might do for me.’

‘He loves you, My Lady, he’ll find a way.’

‘Am I being too reckless, trying to hold on to something that’s not supposed to be mine? From the day we got married…’

‘My Lady-’

‘I never thought we’d welcome our 3rd wedding anniversary like this…I never thought I’d survive till now, to be frank…’

‘Lady Soondeok, please stay positive, we’ll get you out, the 10th prince, myself, your father, and 4th prince. We’ll do all we can to help you stay with the prince.’

‘Father…So Oraboni…Everyone’s having a hard time because of me again…’

(Soondeok smiles at Haesoo)

‘Don’t worry, I won’t give up now, Haesoo, I mean, I’ve come all the way here…Anyway, I’d like to meet Oraboni, is it possible to see him tonight?’

‘I’ll send for him if you wish to see him, My Lady.’


‘Then I should get going, please eat something while waiting for the prince.’

‘I don’t have the appetite for any food now…’

‘Even if it’s not for you, think about your child, My Lady.’

(Soondeok looks into her eyes)

‘You believe it, Haesoo? That I’m really carrying 10th prince’s child?’


‘If there’s anyone who deserve to carry his child, it’s you, and only you, My Lady, that’s what I believe in. Good night.’


(Prince So goes to see Soondeok at once after Haesoo’s told him about Soondeok wanting to meet him. He slowed himself down before reaching Soondeok’s cell, he doesn’t like it here, the last time he came, he saw Haesoo covered in blood. Having heard his footsteps from quite a distance away, Soondeok calls out to him)

‘Oraboni, just come already, I can hear you.’

‘Soondeok ah…’

(Prince So kneels by the door)

‘Are you alright, Soondeok ah?’

‘My heart’s still beating and I’m not bleeding, so I suppose I’m considered in good shape, no?’

‘Soondeok ah, now is not the time for that!’

‘Oraboni, I need you to tell me something. You know someone called Hyeongyeong?’

‘Hyeongyeong? THE Hyeongyeong?’

‘You know him?’

‘Of course! He’s one of the generals who helped the late king set up Goryeo!’

‘That’s why his name sounded so familiar…and he must’ve known my husband’s grandfather as well.’

‘Certainly! Eun’s grandfather also helped the late king into establishing our country. Why?’

‘He’s trying to marry off his granddaughter to Eun, I mean, he and Eun’s grandfather formed some kind of alliance and Eun is to marry his granddaughter – she’s supposed to take my place and be his first wife.’

‘Is that why Eun’s grandfather tries to make Eun break off his ties with you? That bastard!’

‘Oraboni, I’m afraid it doesn’t just stop there.’

‘What are you suggesting, Soondeok ah?’

‘There’s no point in this alliance if it’s just a bond for wealth, both families are extremely wealthy already.’

‘Maybe some people just never get enough, never satisfied with what they have.’

‘I’m afraid what it suggests, Oraboni.’


‘You…Soondeok ah, you don’t mean…’

(Soondeok nods then whispers)

‘I’m afraid Eun’s grandfather is plotting something.’


‘You must stop this, Oraboni, you must.’

‘Let’s not jump to conclusion yet, Soondeok ah, we…we still need to gather more evidence, but I’m relunctant in doing so.’


‘Think about it, Soondeok ah! If Eun’s grandfather is caught plotting something, Eun will have to bear all the arrows! He’s the only royal that his grandfather is related to, it’s too easy of a link for people to find – they’ll think that because Eun wants to be king, he asks for his grandfather’s help. No one will think the other way around.’

‘That’s why I need your help, Oraboni, first find out if there’s anything fishy going on, if yes, expose them all tomorrow, but put all the blame on me.’

‘Soondeok ah!’

‘That way the arrows will be on me, right?’

‘You’re so naïve, Soondeok ah! You can’t do that, it’s too risky! Besides, just because you tell people you’re part of it won’t protect Eun, both of you will get targeted. Sacrificing won’t work in this case.’

‘Then what am I supposed to do?’

(Soondeok feels helpless)

‘You must protect the prince for me, Oraboni, please, I don’t ask for anything else.’

‘Don’t panic, Soondeok ah, we’re not even sure there’s a plot going on, maybe Eun’s grandfather simply wants to make more money and have greater influence in the royal courts, that’s all.’

‘But why do I keep getting those nightmares these days? And my chest…it’s like something heavy is pressing down on it…’

‘You need me to fetch you a doctor, Soondeok ah?’

‘No…the royal doctor will come tomorrow anyway…to take my pulse and declare to the whole world whether or not I’m pregnant.’

‘I’ll investigate it for you tonight, Soondeok, don’t you worry. Just try to relax for now, okay? And sleep well, promise me that. Promise me you won’t overthink during the night.’


‘I’ll be back before sunrise.’


(Prince So leaves, but he never came back to Soondeok before sunrise – A riot is coming their way, Soondeok’s half right, but it’s not the riot she had in mind, it wasn’t one in anyone’s mind, and soon, the palace will be showered with blood again)

to be continued...

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Chapter 131: Thank us for reading? Thank YOU for creating a story as consistent and well-fitting for the characters Baekhera were able to portray. You write so well and stay true to their personality from the start to the end, I enjoyed reading this book so much. Tbh, The chapter count surprised me and I didn’t think I’d be able to finish it because I was only looking for a small fanfic to satisfy my Baekhera fantasies yet you accomplished that and more! Your story was captivating and well paced, I finished the book in three days! I don’t think many got to fully appreciate I you so on behalf of us shippers, I thank you! ;)
KimN97 #2
Chapter 131: Beautiful story. For so long I looked for a story to read for this couple. You gave them the story and ending they deserved 🥰 can’t wait for the sequel
KeemNoona #3
ezakimsoo #4
I cant believe this ended already
ezakimsoo #5
I cant believe this ended already
Turellia_Del_Rynn #6
Chapter 131: Thank you so much to have written this! I’ve been reading this fic for a month and I sure enjoyed every second of it ?!
Chapter 131: Thanks to you we, Baekhera shippers, got to spend an amazing time while reading your fiction!
Thanks to you again, a lot ?
ezakimsoo #9
Chapter 131: Wheres the baby?? I need spin off?
1241 streak #10
Chapter 131: Thank you so much for this ^^