Soondeok's diary

Diary Entry - Eundeok Married Life (Baekhera)

(Morning, Eun’s been staring at his wife for a long time, waiting for her to wake up, not wanting to startle her. At last, Soondeok twitches her nose.)

‘Good morning, angel.’

(Soondeok slowly opens up her eyes)

‘Um? Oh…good morning, Oppa.’

(Soondeok smiles and cuddles close to Eun, he hugs her tight and kisses her on the cheek)

‘Did you sleep well, baby?’

(Soondeok nods while keeping her sleepy eyes shut, still not quite awake yet)

‘What about you, honey?’

‘Just wonderful. I dreamt of you last night, honey~ We were at this waterfall, and we were eating watermelon together, sounds mouth-watering right?’

‘It’s too cool for that now, Oppa. You’ll catch a cold if we do that.’

‘I know…I miss summer already. I miss walking around the room ~’

(Soondeok chuckles, Eun steals a glance at his wife)

‘Well? Did you dream, Deok ah? Did you dream about me?’

‘Hmm…let me think…I think I did dream but…no…no Oppa this time.’

(Eun pouts)

‘Shut your eyes, Soondeok ah, you’re going back to sleep.’

‘Uh? Why?’

‘Wake up after dreaming about me.’

‘Oppa~ Are you upset? Just because I didn’t dream about you?’

‘A bit…’

(Soondeok kisses him on the cheek)

‘My dear husband. Why do I need to dream when you’re right here? This is the best kind of dream, isn’t it? My dear prince~’

‘Well, I suppose you’re right.’

(Soondeok suddenly frowns a bit)

‘Deok ah, what’s wrong?’


‘Do you…are you…do you want to vomit?’

‘How’d you know?’

‘Aish. Ya, Deok ah… See? Told you! I told you not to eat so much last night but you wouldn’t listen! I kept telling you to stop eating but-’

‘Is it my fault? It tasted so good! It’s Oppa’s fault, you bought it home…you know how I just can’t resist pork belly…you knew…’

‘Still…I didn’t buy it so we’d finish it in one go…I thought-’

‘It’s all your fault, Oppa…my stomach’s upset now because of you…’

‘Kya…so it’s my fault?’


(Eun wiggles close to Soondeok and smiles mischievously)

‘Punish me then, my dear wife.’

‘Aigoo…not in the morning, Oppa.’

‘Why not? I’m better in the morning, you admitted yourself before.’

‘Still…Mother will be waiting for us, come on, let’s have breakfast then greet her good morning.’

‘I think I’ll have to send mother back to the temples.’


‘Ever since she came back, you don’t care about me anymore. I don’t like it, Deok ah…’

‘Aigoo, aigoo, look at you Oppa…stop being such a kid.’

‘Deok ah~ Can we do something fun today? You know, before the winter comes and we’re all locked indoors?’

‘Like what?’

‘I don’t know…What about riding?’

‘Oppa…I’m afraid I’d throw up if I ride today…Ah! Oppa, we should buy a gift for His Majesty.’

‘Hmm? Why?’

‘We’ll be seeing him soon…I think it’s only proper if we prepare something…’

‘So, shopping? Yes! I love shopping! Boy, it’s been a long time! Shopping’s just what we need! A date~ But Deok ah, not in the morning, the shops are not open then, we can go in the afternoon and maybe have lunch out~’

‘Good! Then shopping it is! Come on, let’s get up.’

(Both wash up)

‘I’ll be changing first, Oppa.’

‘You done already? I’ve still yet to wash my face.’

‘You know it doesn’t take me long to wash up in the morning, Oppa.’

(Soondeok changes in the closet, Eun comes in)

‘D…Deok ah…why are you wearing that again?’

(Soondeok looks at herself in the mirror)

‘Hm? This? Ah…just…you know…I don’t like to spend too much time on thinking what I should wear…’

‘Deok ah…we’re having a date today…can’t you wear something…say…prettier?’

‘This…this is not?’

‘Well…I mean…’

‘Am…am I not pretty wearing this? Your highness?’

‘No! Not at all! Just…I mean, you look pretty WHATEVER you wear…it’s just that…’

(Soondeok listens closely as Eun stumbles upon his words)

‘Just…Deok ah…you’re pretty now…but if you wear a dress…I think you’ll look EVEN PRETTIER!’

‘Ahh…is that so? But…I don’t have any dress…’

‘Ya! What about that one I bought for you last time?’

‘That one’s a bit too much, Oppa…’

‘You look pretty in it.’

(Eun goes around trying to find that dress)

‘Here! Deok ah, look how beautiful it is! What’s it doing under all those coats? You should wear this more often honey…’

‘Ayy, Oppa…how can I look pretty in this? It…it doesn’t suit me…’

(Eun holds the dress in front of Soondeok)

‘Wa…very VERY nice~ I mean it, Deok ah.’

‘Maybe…maybe some other time, Oppa…’

‘Why do you hate wearing dresses, Deok ah?’


‘I mean…it would seem like…almost like…you’re afraid to wear it…why?’

‘Well…I…it’s just that, you know…I’m not tall…I’ll look short if I wear it.’


‘And…I’m not skinny like Haesoo so-’

(Eun kisses Soondeok and lifts her up to have her sit on the dressing table)

‘Wife, what did we agree on, hm?’

‘Ahh…right…not allowed to mention…I’m sorry, Oppa.’

‘You should be. Besides, who cares if you’re not skinny? You’ll look perfect in a dress, Deok ah! Take this from your fashion advisor~’

‘And…I don’t like to put on makeup…Oppa…if I wear a dress, I’ll have to…’

‘Aigoo, who cares? You look pretty without makeup.’

(Soondeok blushes as she looks at Eun)

‘Oppa…it’s a lie too obvious to ignore…’

(Eun puts his arms around Soondeok)

‘Honey. Just wear whatever you want, okay? Sure, I wish to see you in a dress…very much, but if that’s not what you want, I suppose I should just let you.’

‘Will you?’

‘Of course! I mean…there’s no law that states girls have to wear a dress…nor the either way around. Who knows? Maybe I’ll look good in a dress.’

(Soondeok bursts out in laughter)

‘Oppa! Stop joking around~’

‘I mean it. Maybe…no one will know I’m a boy if I put my mind to it. After all, I’m beautiful~’

(Eun winks like a girl)

‘Aigoo, Oppa…I’d love to see you do that someday. I think you’ll look more girly than I do.’


(Eun’s smile disappears as he looks seriously at his wife)

‘What…what’s wrong, Oppa?’

‘It’d be a waste to miss this chance, wouldn’t it, Deok ah?’

‘Hmm? What…what chance?’

‘I mean…you talked about that person…which means I’ll have to punish you once-’



‘It’s…it’s getting late! We should…we should get going.’

(Soondeok tries to escape before things get out of control but Eun stops her just the same)


‘W…w…what are you doing, Oppa?’

(Eun kisses Soondeok on the neck)

‘Honey~ This spot is nice, I like it. Come to think of it…we’ve done it everywhere…everywhere except in here~’

‘Ya! Oppa! You must be mad!’

‘Why not? We’re here to change anyway, aren’t we?’

(Eun starts to make his move and Soondeok giggles at his touches – suddenly a maid calls in)

‘Your royal highness, my lady, your breakfast is here. May I come in?’

(Soondeok tries to hold back her moan as she answers the maid)

‘S-sure! No…I mean…ha~ Oppa, stop it~ Just…I mean…Just leave it outside the room will do!’

‘Alright then, I’ll put it outside here. Please take it before it gets cold, my lady.’


‘My lady! Are you alright?’

‘Hm? Oh yes, I’m f-fine…you can go now.’

‘You sure?’

(Eun can’t take it anymore so he shouts to the maid outside)



‘Now, Deok ah~ Can we start?’

‘Oppa…I don’t think it’s a good idea…’

‘Why not? I’ll make it quick, I promise~’


‘Aigoo, you want it so, Deok ah, just admit it~’

‘Just once though -’

‘Of course~’

(Just then, Eun’s mother calls from outside)

‘Eun ah. Son, are you up yet?’

(Eun sighs)

‘Yes, mother! What is it?’

‘Just…just want to make sure you’re not sleeping in. Also, the king has sent someone to talk to you, about tomorrow I think. They’re here to see you now.’

(Eun’s heart sinks and looks at his wife)

‘Aish…why’s everyone up so early? Why now? Can’t they come like in the afternoon? Darn it.’

‘Honey, you should go…you can’t keep them waiting.’

‘I know…honey…I don’t want to go…’

‘Just go for now.’

‘You’ll wait for me, right?’

‘If mother doesn’t-’

(Mother calls from outside)

‘Eun! Hurry up! They can’t stay long!’

‘Coming Omma! Soondeok ah, wait for me, okay?’

‘It’s best to put it off till next time, Oppa.’

(Soondeok pats Eun on the shoulder then gets off the table)


Eun’s diary

Can you believe it? It’s been two months since I’ve last written! Not that I hate writing diaries, but it’s just that, these days, I don’t find the need to write it. Seems like every single moment is a dream, that if I were to write them all down, I’d need to write for hours each day. And my wife, boy is she a killer! I love my wife so much; I was worried that my love will slowly fade after I make her into my woman, but thankfully that didn’t happen. Yes, it’s official, that I love her because I just do, not because of anything else. Funny, right? How I’m so unfamiliar with myself that I don’t even know what I like and what I love! Soondeok’s been training me for the past few months, and I follow her orders without whining much now. Archery, I’m good at it at last, I can shoot it as good as she can. I think what she said was right, I’m not dumb, I just need a good teacher.

My wife? She’s healthy as ever! I asked her to wrestle with me yesterday, thinking that I can beat her now – after going through all that training and all, but she flipped me over just the same. I think she pinned me down 10 times yesterday to say the least! Still, I love to wrestle with her, reminds me of the old times, the times when I first got to know her – when I first saw my wife and Jung wrestle in the grounds, the times when father was still here.

Will father be proud of me if he sees me now? Will he? And grandpa, Soondeok told me that grandpa is sick, that’s why he was so eager to see my child, his special grandchild. I want to fulfil his last wish, despite the fact that I loathe him so, but I don’t want to hurt my wife either. Will heaven bless us with a child? I sure hope so, I’ve been working so hard on it. But even if we don’t have one, I’ll still love my wife just the same.

The king’s men came this morning, reminding me how I’m part of this royal family, one I’ve never wanted to be in in the first place. Darn it! It’s not like I don’t get reminded often enough already!


Soondeok’s diary

The prince is getting stronger day by day, and I’m glad to see him change – hope father will begin to appreciate my husband more. I miss him so. With summer’s departure comes autumn, season of golden leaves and promising hunts. Well, tomorrow will be the Nine-Nine festival and His Majesty has invited us to stay over at the palace for one night! It’ll be a two-days-one-night festival! I’ve never slept over in the palace before, I’m so excited about it! Eun doesn’t like it though, he hates the idea of sleeping in the palace, but I hope this time will be different, because I’ll be there with him.

Sadly, the king doesn’t let So Oraboni come with us for our autumn hunt, but he did give him permission to come with us in spring! Awesome, right? Oh, I just can’t wait! Yes, spring might be even better! Sure, it’s not going to be a hunt anymore, but a simple visit to the mountains will be just as great! Maybe I should invite more princes too! Mother’s back from the temples, I’m glad she’s back, she looks much better now – I suppose the air in the mountain really has a healing effect to it. Maybe Eun and I should stay there for winter – oh it’d be lovely! We can have snowball fights! I’ve always wanted to have one with him.

I’ve stopped taking them, the medicine, I mean. Eun doesn’t know, but if I were to carry his child, I suppose I need to do what I can, and luckily, my body’s been fine so far, except for an upset stomach. Heck I knew it was wrong for me to eat so much last night.


(Soondeok playing with Mongryong when her father suddenly comes into their residence)

‘Soondeok ah!’


(Soondeok flies to her father and gives him a hug)

‘Abba! You’re here! I can’t believe you’ve come to see me! Oh, I’ve missed you, Abba!’

‘I’ve been missing you too, pumpkin. I’ve just got back from patrolling around the borders.’

‘Did you meet Bogum? How’s he?’

‘He’s fine. No letter this time though.’

‘Oh? Why?’

‘Too busy I guess. He’s too into his work, I’m afraid he’ll die from working.’

‘Abba, you should find him a wife. He needs to start a family too.’

‘You’re right on that. Anyone on your mind who may be a good match?’

‘No…I’ll let you know when I do. Oh, mother’s having her afternoon nap right now, maybe you’d like to join us for tea later?’

‘Oh no no no, I didn’t come there for tea. I came here to give you this.’

(Soondeok’s father tells his servants to put a box down)

‘What’s this, Abba?’

‘These are your stuff, Deok ah. We were cleaning out the store room when we found these…we need to renovate the place; your sister-in-law is with child again.’

‘AGAIN? She just had one not a while ago.’

‘I know, but your brother’s not stopping, he wants more girls…aigoo. Anyway, so we need more rooms. I’m afraid you’ll have to sleep in the guest room if you do come over next time, your room will be renovated into the girl’s bedroom.’

‘It’s alright. I’d love to come over soon.’

‘Where’s that boy?’

‘Boy? What boy? Ah, my husband?’

‘Where’s he?’

‘He’s practicing archery.’

(Soondeok’s father raises his eyebrows)


‘Oh yes, I’ve taught him well, Abba. Come on, let’s meet him.’

(Soondeok pulls her father to the garden, they observed Eun quietly as he practises without noticing he’s got audience)

‘Does he, practise often?’

‘Well, I used to make him, but now he’d practise on his own. He was going to do it this morning but something happened so…’

‘Well, I think I’ve seen enough.’

‘Abba, aren’t you going to meet him?’

‘Na. Soondeok ah, I’m not really into this father-son bonding kind of things.’

‘Just saying hello will do.’

(Father smiles nervously)

‘He’d be scared if I say hi.’

‘No, he won’t.’

(Soondeok’s father pats Soondeok on the shoulder)

‘Daughter, I’m glad you married him. He’s such a fine young man, you know.’

(Soondeok grins)

‘I know, right? Thanks for making it happen, Abba. Wait…are you saying that you’re starting to like him as your son-in-law?’

(Soondeok’s father clears his throat)

‘Kkkmm, nope. I still don’t like him in some ways…but…you know…after observing him for some time…he didn’t seem too bad after all.’

‘Oh daddy~’

(Soondeok gives her father a goodbye hug)

‘Aigoo…When will I start hearing good news from this side of the family, Deok ah, hm?’

‘W-what good news?’

‘Oh well, it’ll come when it comes. Bye daughter.’

‘Bye, Abba. Love you!’


(Night, Soondeok’s still in library. Eun’s been waiting for her in their room. At last, he’s lost his patience and goes into the library himself.)

‘Do you plan to camp here or what?’

‘Oppa! You scared me! Don’t you knock?’

‘What are you doing?’

‘Ah, these? Sorting them out. Some I need to throw away…Ah, did you take care of His Majesty’s gift?’

‘Yeah, I put them somewhere safe, the servants will bring it out tomorrow.’

(Eun sits down on the floor next to his wife and picks up a book from the box)

‘What are these?’

‘My old stuff, it’s been in our store room for ages, father returned them to me today.’

‘Father? Your father?’

‘Oh right, you don’t know. Yes, he came today, and he saw you practising.’

(Eun swallowed hard)

‘He did? Why didn’t you tell me? Why didn’t you let me know? I would’ve greeted him.’

‘He didn’t want to disturb you.’


‘Did…did he say anything?’

‘Oh yes, he said you’re a fine young man after seeing you practise today.’

(Eun could hardly believe his ears)


‘Oh yes he did! Oppa! I think he’s starting to like you~’


(Eun punches the air with excitement)

‘Are you really that happy, Oppa?’

‘Of course I am! About time!’

(Eun reads the book in his hand)

‘Uh? What book is this? “Dear diary, when I grow up I will marry Prince Eun”.’

(Soondeok hears Eun reading out her old diary so she tries to snatch it but Eun holds it up high and continues to read it.)

‘Oppa! Give it back!’

‘“When I grow up, I will marry my handsome Prince Eun and we will ride horses every single day. I will ride a white horse and he will ride a black horse and we can catch butterflies together just like today.” Deok ah, have we ever caught butterflies together?’


‘“We’ll have lots of kids and we can all play hide and seek together. We can play with fire flies at night and eat many cupcakes for dessert.” Deok ah, when did you write this?’

(Soondeok snatches her diary from Eun)

‘Oppa! You can’t just read people’s diary like that!’

‘Ooohhh, you’re blushing now, Deok ah, you know that?’

‘It’s all your fault…’

‘I’m sorry, honey, I should’ve asked you first. But gosh it’s just so cute, the way you’ve written it down…when was this?’

‘I think…when I was…7? 8? I forgot.’

‘Have we ever played together? Why can’t I remember?’

‘Well…we did for a few times before father and I left the capital…but you had many friends back then I wouldn’t be surprised if you had forgotten about it.’

‘Can you…read more?’

‘You want to hear it? It’s kind of boring…I don’t really write too much when I was young…’

‘Still, I’d like to hear it.’

‘Well, if you insist…“Dear diary, when I grow up, I will marry my handsome Prince Eun and we’ll live happily ever after.”’

‘And you did, Deok ah, you really did.’

‘Yes, I’m glad I did. “Dear diary, when I grow up, I will marry my charming Prince Eun and we’ll fight dragons together.”’

‘Wait, Deok ah, does every entry begins with “When I grow up I will marry my Prince Eun”?’

(Soondeok flip through the pages)

‘Yeah, pretty much. See? I told you it’s boring.’

‘I like it. Anyway, what’s that with fighting dragons together?’

‘Don’t know…there was a time I wanted to become a dragon-fighter…maybe it was written during those times…can’t remember. Wa~ Seems like all the old memories are flooding back now.’

‘Read more, Soondeok ah.’

‘One last one. “Dear diary, when I grow up I will marry Prince Eun. But if I can’t marry him, I think I can marry Jongin oraboni...”’

(Soondeok cuts it off a bit too late)


‘It’s written right here, Oppa.’

‘If you can’t marry me you’d marry Jongin oraboni? Why?’

‘B-because…I think I did kinda like him back then, I forgot…Ah, down here, it says… “Jongin oraboni is so tall, he gives me candies and he can help me climb up the tree in the garden when father’s not here…” Maybe that’s why.’

‘So! I guess Bogum was not the only rival I have…’

‘Oppa…not again…’

(Eun shows his fists and stares hard at it)

‘Looks like I’ll have to challenge him next time I see him, that Jongin punk.’

‘Oppa, are you jealous of him? Come on, I wrote this when I was 8!’

‘Still! I don’t like the idea of you wishing to marry someone else.’

‘I don’t now! Not anymore~ Oppa, I really don’t!’

‘And he carried you back last time! Now I see why! Ha! He likes you too, doesn’t he?’

‘No, Oppa, no he doesn’t…you’re being too sensitive.’

‘Am I?’

‘Well, what about you? I’m sure you would’ve loved to marry different girls when you were at my age. Read your diary and see.’

‘I don’t write diaries when I was young.’

‘Do you now?’

‘Why are you asking, Deok ah?’

‘So, you do?!’

‘I’m not saying I do.’

‘But you didn’t deny it! Oh boy! I can’t believe you keep a diary too!!! Where is it?’

‘I won’t let you read it even if you find it, Deok ah.’

‘Ah wae~~~~~~’

‘Because you’ll hate me if you read it.’


‘Let’s go to sleep now, it’s getting late.’

‘But the mess here…’

‘We can clean it up tomorrow before we leave for the palace. You’ve been staying up late, it’s not good for your health.’

(Eun walks out of the library, Soondeok talks to herself)

‘Is that why my period’s late?’

‘What? Deok ah, did you say anything?’

‘N-nothing…I’m coming…’


(Both of them sleeping on their bed, lights out)




‘What is it?’

‘Nothing…you wouldn’t know.’

‘Well, maybe I do, if you’d only ask me.’

‘It’s no big deal, forget it, good night.’

(Soondeok turns to her other side to sleep, Eun embraces her from the back)

‘Deok ah, I love you.’

‘I love you too, Oppa.’

‘We’ll be sleeping over in the palace tomorrow…I don’t want it to happen actually…’

‘You’re afraid?’

‘A bit.’

‘I’ll be next to you, Oppa, you should be alright.’

‘I hope so…Soondeok ah… I’ve got a request.’

‘Hm? Request?’

‘Yes…when we’re in the palace…will you allow me to…pretend that I hate you? You know…like when we first got married?’


‘Please, will you?’

‘Well, of course. I’m sure you have your reason. And I know that in your heart, you really don’t hate me, so…but…why, may I ask?’

‘Because that’s how I can protect you.’


‘Yes…we need to be careful in the palace, Deok ah…we’ll never know what will happen. Everything’s different now, since hyung’s become king. I can’t let anyone see how much I love you…how much you mean to me.’

‘I…I’m sorry, Oppa, for asking…’

‘No, it’s alright. You should know.’

‘Why…can’t you let others see how much you love me? I mean…’

‘Because it’s my duty to protect you. In the palace, there’s a continuous fight between powers, much worse now, after father died. Jealousy is a scary thing. Love is considered a rare species in the palace, Deok ah…if people see us loving each other so much, they’ll become jealous…they’ll start wishing something bad will happen to us…start making it happen…’

‘Surely…surely it won’t happen to you, Oppa. I mean…’

‘That’s why I hate the idea of going to the palace, Deok ah…in that world, whatever you treasure will be taken away from you, whomever you love will be disposed of…that’s the world I was born into, honey. If I had the power to protect you I wouldn’t have minded telling them how precious you are to me. If I had the power…but I don’t. Very few people have that power, Deok ah…even my father didn’t possess such power…the power to protect what he treasures. So it’s only right for me to do what I can…to stop that from ever happening, to stop people from taking you away from me.’

‘Oh Oppa…I can’t imagine you growing up like this…’

‘Well, welcome to the world of the palace, Deok ah. This is just some of it…I’m glad our child won’t have to go through that…I’m glad I’m not king…I’m glad I don’t have to live inside those walls anymore. I just hope we can make it out alive after this festival.’

‘We will, Oppa, we will…’

(Soondeok kisses Eun on his lips softly)

‘Good night, Oppa.’

(Eun hugs her tight)

‘Good night, my precious. I won’t let anyone hurt you, don’t you worry. I won’t let anyone take you away from me, not ever. I promise.’

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Chapter 131: Thank us for reading? Thank YOU for creating a story as consistent and well-fitting for the characters Baekhera were able to portray. You write so well and stay true to their personality from the start to the end, I enjoyed reading this book so much. Tbh, The chapter count surprised me and I didn’t think I’d be able to finish it because I was only looking for a small fanfic to satisfy my Baekhera fantasies yet you accomplished that and more! Your story was captivating and well paced, I finished the book in three days! I don’t think many got to fully appreciate I you so on behalf of us shippers, I thank you! ;)
KimN97 #2
Chapter 131: Beautiful story. For so long I looked for a story to read for this couple. You gave them the story and ending they deserved 🥰 can’t wait for the sequel
KeemNoona #3
ezakimsoo #4
I cant believe this ended already
ezakimsoo #5
I cant believe this ended already
Turellia_Del_Rynn #6
Chapter 131: Thank you so much to have written this! I’ve been reading this fic for a month and I sure enjoyed every second of it ?!
Chapter 131: Thanks to you we, Baekhera shippers, got to spend an amazing time while reading your fiction!
Thanks to you again, a lot ?
ezakimsoo #9
Chapter 131: Wheres the baby?? I need spin off?
1241 streak #10
Chapter 131: Thank you so much for this ^^