Day One

Diary Entry - Eundeok Married Life (Baekhera)

Eun’s diary

We’re now settling down in this small inn in a remote town up in the mountains. The moon is full and bright tonight, so bright that it could be mistaken as the sun! The air outside the capital really is refreshing, I’d like to live here forever if I could! I should be thankful that we rode on horses – if I were to walk the distance today, I’ll surely be dead by now. Soondeok’s really fast on the horse, we raced each other when we were on the fields – she won of course. But that’s only because I started late! I swear, if we ever race again, I will surely win! After all, I’m a man! I may not be good with swords and things, but I sure am good on horse! I won’t go easy on her next time. She’s outside chatting with the innkeeper now, thanking them for the meal and so on. I don’t get it, why should we thank them when we actually paid for it? It’s not like we get it for free, and frankly, the meal is very simple – if there’s anything I miss from the capital, it’s the food.

Now, for my plan to escape, I’ll first need to reach the East sea, which is where we’re heading, and at the ports there, I should be able to find myself a ship to the middle lands like Liang or Yan easily. I’ll just tell Soondeok to buy something in the market while I get on the ship and head away! Perfect plan, don’t you think?


Soondeok’s diary

What a day! It feels so awesome to see lots of trees again! I just love to listen to the sounds in the mountains – birds, boars, monkeys…I swear I’ve even heard a bear! We’re heading to the East sea, Eun suggested it, and I think it’s absolutely marvellous! I’d like to see the sun rise in the morning…myself if not with the prince. Speaking of which, the prince told me to call him husband when we’re on the trip since we can’t let anyone know who we are. Of course, that’s in a way telling me to not talk to him at all…I mean, how can I bring myself to call him that? I can’t even utter it under my breath, let alone calling him ‘husband’ or ‘honey’ out loud! I’ll just keep silent for as much as possible. Perhaps it’ll be better if he calls me honey or wife first…which I doubt will ever happen. But, who knows?

Eun is outside washing up, he seemed really tired today. We raced each other on the horse this morning, which of course, I won. Maybe I should let him win next time…he is a prince after all. I suppose I’ll have to write several lines in the journal when he gets back. But first, I’ll paint a picture before I forget what I’ve seen today. I don’t think the prince will help…I’ve never seen him paint before. I’m not good at painting, but I know how to do a simple one at least. I’d like to paint so that mother can look at them as if she’s been here with us.

I don’t know why, but this morning when we were bidding farewell, Eun seemed very sad – when he looked at mother, as if he’s really going to leave for good. Am I sensing something or he’s really planning to run away? Of course anyone with enough sanity will know better not to do so, but for him…if he sets his mind to it, then he will find a way to escape. I suppose that’s why he wanted to go to the East sea where he can easily get on a ship and sail away. Should I tell him all traveling in and out of the country has been banned?

(Eun returns seeing Soondeok painting)

‘What are you doing? I thought you’re going to sleep.’

‘We should at least write something in the journal, it’s the first day of the trip after all.’

‘We can do it tomorrow.’

‘Then tomorrow you’ll say tomorrow, so the next day the next day the next day. Before long, we’ll be returning to mother with an empty journal! Now you take yours and write a few lines while I finish off my painting in mine.’

‘Aigoo…it hurts my head every time I have to write…’

‘If so, then you paint and I’ll write.’

‘You crazy? Why would I paint? You do that…I’ll just write something here…’

(Soondeok looking up)

‘If I hadn’t known any better, your highness doesn’t know how to paint, am I right?’

‘Nonsense! I…of course I know! Who do you take me for? Now be quiet when I’m writing, I need to concentrate.’

(Both work in silence)

‘Here, all done! We just need to put it out here to dry then I’ll pack it up tomorrow.’

‘Let me look at it. Oh my!’

‘Is something wrong?’

‘I…you drew this? Just then?’

‘Yes, didn’t you see me? Do…you like it?’

‘How unexpected…I didn’t know you can, you know…paint.’

‘It was the basics only, I’m not an artist myself, unlike my sisters…but I practised and like what they say: Practice makes perfect!’

‘You should write something on the painting, at least state that it’s day one.’

‘Yes prince. I’ll write a short poem. Here, how’s this?’

‘Hmmm….let’s see…

The wind carried memories away to the one not by my side,

If only the birds could spread the message of my heart,

If only time is not lost like the tide,

In harmony, our footsteps, today is the start.”

This is not bad! Very nice…so nice that I don’t even understand it…but never mind, I guess mother will.’

‘It would seem a waste throwing the left over colours away…should I draw something else?’

(Eun finishes off his journal)

‘Soondeok, I’m done, let’s sleep!’

‘Your highness! Please, don’t move! Just one second!’

‘What are you doing? Don’t tell me you’re painting me?’

‘Just because I don’t want to waste the colours – don’t think otherwise…’

‘If so, draw my eyes bigger…and give me taller nose. By the way, I thought I told you stop calling me your highness or prince, didn’t I? You really want the whole world to know?’

‘Sorry, it’s just that I can’t bring myself to call you…that…’

‘Funny, since you’re the one who wanted to marry me so badly, I thought you’d die to call me that…I told you to give me bigger eyes!’

‘I like it the way it is. There, done! Let’s sleep, I’ll tidy things up, you go ahead and sleep first.’

‘Ha! Hahaha! Look at this! Do I look like this to you? My ears!’

‘Go ahead, laugh all you want, I don’t care. Such a baby you are!’

(leaves room to wash the equipment)

‘Heck, she’s good! What does that make me? There’s got to be something I could do better than her! There’s got to! Wait, why am I smiling? Eun! Wake up! Remember how much you hate her? Why are you smiling now? Knock it off! You don’t like her! You can’t possibly like her! To you…she’s just…a younger sister, a very annoying younger sister that you cannot get rid of, that’s all…don’t have feelings towards her…’

(Soondeok enters)

‘You were calling me?’

‘Wh..what? No! Of course not! Let’s sleep.’

‘Please, you sleep inside – I’ll sleep here by the door.’

‘Why? It’s so hot inside!’

‘Well, if bandits come, I suppose you can stop them first and fight them off with your bare fists.’

‘Oh forget it, I’ll sleep inside! You keep nagging just like my mother, oh how annoying!’

‘Good night…my prince.’

‘Yeah, whatever.’

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Chapter 131: Thank us for reading? Thank YOU for creating a story as consistent and well-fitting for the characters Baekhera were able to portray. You write so well and stay true to their personality from the start to the end, I enjoyed reading this book so much. Tbh, The chapter count surprised me and I didn’t think I’d be able to finish it because I was only looking for a small fanfic to satisfy my Baekhera fantasies yet you accomplished that and more! Your story was captivating and well paced, I finished the book in three days! I don’t think many got to fully appreciate I you so on behalf of us shippers, I thank you! ;)
KimN97 #2
Chapter 131: Beautiful story. For so long I looked for a story to read for this couple. You gave them the story and ending they deserved 🥰 can’t wait for the sequel
KeemNoona #3
ezakimsoo #4
I cant believe this ended already
ezakimsoo #5
I cant believe this ended already
Turellia_Del_Rynn #6
Chapter 131: Thank you so much to have written this! I’ve been reading this fic for a month and I sure enjoyed every second of it ?!
Chapter 131: Thanks to you we, Baekhera shippers, got to spend an amazing time while reading your fiction!
Thanks to you again, a lot ?
ezakimsoo #9
Chapter 131: Wheres the baby?? I need spin off?
1241 streak #10
Chapter 131: Thank you so much for this ^^