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Diary Entry - Eundeok Married Life (Baekhera)



(Eun enters into the courtroom dramatically, pushing the doors open and striding inside as the ray of light explodes behind him)


Grandfather: You- You!

Eun: I'm sorry I'm late, Your Honour.

(Soondeok almost in tears as she turns around and sees Eun approaching her)

Eun: Today, I ask for your wise judgement, Your Honour! Not only will I not divorce my wife, but I need your ruling, so that I can NEVER divorce my wife by the law of our great nation.

Grandfather: YOU BASTARD!

Judge: Quiet down! Let the prince speak! And you, Honourable Wang Gyu, please act in some form of decency! Another bad word from your mouth and it's out for you!

(Grandfather lets out an angry grunt as he sits down on his chair)

Judge: Your Highness, what do you have to present to the court?

Eun: First of all, my wife is indeed pregnant, this everyone knows. I made the baby with her, for heaven's sake! Second, the reason I went to buy the herbs from him was because I found out that my wife was pregnant. I was told that certain herbal formula can help a pregnant woman-

Middle-aged man: Yeah well...

Judge: Is that true?

Doctor: That is indeed true, Your Honour. And given that Lady Soondeok has previous experience of miscarriage, extra care must be taken her once she's pregnant again.

Eun: Thirdly, there're evidence that I cannot divorce my wife, ever. You see, I've been unfaithful to her, Your Honour.

Judge: What?

(Soondeok stares at Eun, not knowing what's going on, afraid that Eun's getting himself into some kind of unknown trouble)

Judge: Do you have evidence?

Eun: I do! I have numerous witnesses here with us today, Your Honour!

(Judge stares at the group of people at the back of the courtroom, pushing their way into the middle)

Judge: Tell me one by one. You first, the captain over there.

(Captain looked a bit nervous)

Captain: I thought I'd bury this secret with me in my grave, but since the prince asked for a favour, I have no choice but to say it, Your Honour. I'm captain of the guards in a humble small town not far from the capital where Honourable Wang Gyu's winter residence is located. The prince and the lady came by during winter, and after several months, the lady went on a long trip, it's during her time of absence that this happened. We received reports that a dangerous man came to our town and so we sent out a searching party, that evening, we chased the person and that person went into Honourable Wang Gyu's winter residence, so we had no choice but to search inside as well. When we searched the prince's room, we saw him with another woman...in bed...doing what I cannot say here, Your Honour.

(People started shouting, some started cursing at the prince)

Judge: QUIET DOWN! You sure that's not Lady Soondeok?

Captain: Yes, Your Honour! Because Lady Soondeok came back the very next day, everyone saw her returning, there's no mistaking that.

Grandfather: You you you! How dare you-

(Captain looks at grandfather)

Captain: You were there too, Honourable Wang Gyu! You even told us to leave so the prince and that woman can keep making babies together!

(Gasps filled the room)

Judge: Is that correct? You were there? You knew?

Grandfather: You see, Your Honour, I only-

Judge: ENOUGH! You, the old lady there, what do you have to do with this?

Maid: Your Honour, I'm a maid working at the residence, you see.

Judge: You knew of the things that happened? About the prince sleeping with a woman that's not his wife?

Maid: At first, I didn't believe it, because we all knew how much the prince loved his wife! But then of course that's before I changed the bed-sheets for the prince, Your Honour. There were blood stains all over the bedsheets, no doubt about it, Your Honour.

Judge: It was a ?!

Maid: I'm afraid so, Your Honour.

(An old woman stepped forward)

Old woman: My son was one of the soldiers who went into the prince's room with the captain that night, and he told me everything he saw. There's no doubt, the prince was unfaithful to his wife! He and 20 odds other men were there, Your Honour! They would've all come if they could leave their duties back in town.

(Other maids and servants who came all the way to the capital started stepping out and saying what they've seen or heard that night)

Eun: I'm both ashamed and glad right now, Your Honour. According to Confucius' words, a man cannot divorce his wife if he's found to have committed adultery.

Grandfather: You! Don't you know our great nation is built upon Buddhism? And you, never once finished a book, how dare you talk about Confucius?

Eun: And who was it that made me abandon my studies, grandfather? If you hadn't told me of your ambition, I would've kept studying like all my brothers. And don't even talk about Goryeo not following the words of Confucius! If it weren't for his thoughts, would you have the excuse to make me divorce my wife just because she's childless? Why do people always blame the woman for not having children? Are woman baby-making objects that we own? That we can abandon if they fail to live up to our expectations? No! This very law itself is wrong! You think those women don't want to have children? My wife, she's having a hard time not having kids already, why are we making their lives even harder by forcing their husbands into getting another wife or divorcing them just so her husband can have children to carry on the bloodline?

Grandfather: YOU-

Eun: I love my wife, but why did I still sleep with that woman? Because if I don't, you, grandfather, would make her into your concubine! And she was only 17!

Judge: I beg your pardon! Honourable Wang Gyu, I expect a decent explanation from you on this.

Grandfather: Yes, you know, well, Your Honour, I wasn't really going to make her...my concubine, why would I? I'm an old man, I...I just...wanted to make my wife sleep with her so she can give me a grandchild, that's all-

Maid: That's not true, Your Honour! He even planned a wedding back then, invited several guests and asked us to prepare a feast-

Grandfather: YOU SHUT UP! I ought to fire you!

Maid: I knew the prince wouldn't cheat unless he's got a good justification! He didn't do it because he wants to, it's because he had no choice!

(Whole room is about to tear apart as people argue amongst themselves, screaming, shouting, yelling, cursing)


(Judge sounds the gong and the room quiets down at last)

Judge: I've heard enough! I will now leave and prepare my final ruling. I want absolute silence while I'm away!


(Everyone kneels onto the ground as the judge returns, waiting for the final ruling to be issued. Soondeok shuts her eyes as Eun kneels beside her, holding her hand. It's the first time she's seen the prince talking like that, defending her, protecting her, comforting her. She's always thought that she's the one who should protect the prince, that she's the stronger one so she must sacrifice herself more, but now, right now, she feels at peace, knowing that her husband – despite everyone calling him useless – is the bravest, manliest, cleverest man in the whole world.)

Judge: Though there were some doubts to Lady Soondeok's pregnancy, there are insufficient evidence to prove otherwise as of this moment. Divorce – not approved.

Grandfather: Your Honour-

Judge: MOREOVER! Given the abundance in evidence of the prince being unfaithful to his wife during their marriage, I hereby announce that 10th Prince Wang Eun, in the name of the law, shall under absolutely no circumstances, divorce his wife Lady Park Soondeok as long as he lives under the sky of our great nation. Both of them shall remain as man and wife, till the day they depart this world. Everyone here is witness to this issue today. My ruling, ends here. DISMISS!

(Judge leaves the courtroom as Grandfather runs after him, begging for retrial. Soondeok collapses, Eun catches her just before she's completely down)

Eun: Deok ah! Soondeok ah!

Doctor: She must have some rest and eat something, Your Highness, it would seem that she hasn't had a proper meal during her time in prison.

(Eun carries Soondeok on her back and runs home, where his mother and aunt are waiting earnestly for them)


Eun's diary

It's over, everything's over. Not only did grandpa fail to separate Soondeok and I, but I've had the court rule for us so that we get to permanently stay together till the day we die! How great is that? Soondeok's been out for many hours, I hope she'll wake up soon. I was so worried this morning because everyone was late. They ran into some trouble on their way to the capital so they only arrived this morning, and we ran to the courtroom like a bunch of crazy people. So glad we arrived just in time. Otherwise, I can't even think about how things might've turned out. Mother and aunt were super proud of me, they should've gone there with me today, how I wish they'd seen how cool I looked! Maybe I should become a lawyer or something! Jokes, who am I kidding? Oh, looks like my wife's up.


(Soondeok putting this and that into her bag not long after she's got enough energy to get out of bed)

'Deok ah, what are you going? Are you feeling better? You should rest longer- What on earth are you doing?'

'Oppa, anything you find valuable? Whatever you want to bring along, please put it in this bag now, nothing too big though. Understand?'

'No, I don't understand, are we going on a holiday or something?'


(Someone knocks on the door)


(A servant comes in)

'Your Highness, master would like to meet with you and Lady Soondeok in his place.'


'Yes, now, Your Highness.'

'I have no time for that wicked old man.'

'Your mother and aunt have gone there already. Please do hurry up.'

'Darn it...this is no time for family dinner gatherings!'

(Servant leaves)

'Oppa, let's just go.'

'It's clear that grandfather still hasn't given up, Deok ah. You should stay here, I'll go.'

'No, I have to go, there's something I need to know.'


(Eun and Soondeok arrives, Eun's grandfather, mother and aunt are there already, along with two guests. An old man and his granddaughter – he's here, Hyeongyeong)

Hyeongyeong: So here comes the hero of the day!

Eun: Cut the formalities and just say what you've come here to say. I don't have time for this nonsense.

Grandfather: Eun! Be polite!

Eun: I'm sorry, I must've taken the rudeness after you, grandpa.

(Hyeongyeong chuckles)

Hyeongyeong: He's just like you when you were young, Wang Gyu, remarkable young man. Fine, I'll say what I must. You see, originally that's not how things are supposed to be. You're supposed to divorce that woman you call wife over there and marry my granddaughter here today. That's what your grandfather and I agreed on, and that's why he approved of you building a house now. I funded it, you see, for you and my granddaughter.

Eun: Well too bad, you can keep the house if you want.

Hyeongyeong: I gave your grandfather a large sum of money, young man, even if your family go bankrupt, he won't be able to pay them back. I suppose he never told you the gambling habit of his.

Eun: You...grandpa, you gambled away all our properties? How could you?

Grandfather: It's no big deal! At least it won't have been, if you've just divorced your wife and married his granddaughter.

Eun: Why would he want me to marry her anyway? I'm the 'good for nothing' prince!

Hyeongyeong: I see in you, potential that no one else can see, Your Highness. Well, no one except your grandfather and I.

Eun: I DON'T WANT THE THRONE! How many times do I have to say it?

(Both old man chuckles)

Hyeongyeong: Oh yes I'm sure, but unfortunately, we do, your grandfather and I.

(Eun stands up)

Eun: I'm having none of this!

(Just as Eun's about to leave, the granddaughter stands up)

Granddaughter: If I may interrupt, everyone here seem a bit stressed out today, why don't we all calm down and talk about this in an orderly manner? I've ordered the kitchen to prepare some tea for us.

(She claps and maids come in with the teacups, placing them one by one in front of the people there – the two old man, the granddaughter, mother, aunt, Eun and Soondeok)

Granddaughter: Enjoy.

(Eun eyes the lady suspiciously, he remembers seeing her real colors, that evil, dark, selfish side of her. Something's up. Eun looks at his wife beside him, she's about to sip from the cup.)

Eun: Honey, here, give me that.

Soondeok: Your Highness, what's wrong?

(Eun glances over at the lady's reaction before looking back at his wife again)

Eun: Your tea is...um...cold. Here, take mine, it's warmer.

Granddaughter: Oh, we can fix that. Make another cup for His Royal Highness.

Eun: No, I'm fine, I never liked hot tea anyway, this is perfect for me.

Granddaughter: No, Your Highness, I'll make you another cup-

(The lady is anxious in stopping Eun from drinking, she gets up hastily and when trying to snatch the cup away from the prince, the tea spills all over his hand)

Granddaughter: I'm so sorry, Your Highness! I'll get you another cup of tea. Let me wipe that dry for you-

(Eun pulls his hand away)

Eun: My wife can do it. Darling?

(Soondeok gets out a handkerchief)

Soondeok: Here, Your Highness, let me dry that for you.

Eun: No darling, wait.

Soondeok: Wait? Why?

Eun: Because I need you to wait.

Grandfather: What is going on?

(Eun takes off his ring)

Eun: Grandpa, apparently, your would-be granddaughter-in-law almost killed my wife.

Mother: Oh dear!

Eun: My ring, my oh so precious silver ring, one I picked to wear especially for tonight, has turned black after tea was spilt on it. Mum! Aunt! Explain to them what it means!

Aunt: What else? It's poison obviously! Everyone knows silver can detect most poisons out there! I can't believe she tried to kill our dear Soondeok! Father! How could you?

(Grandfather too was taken back; death was not the solution he had in mind)

Hyeongyeong: Aigoo...seems like one of the maids working here is trying to poison her.

Mother: Maids? It's clear that your granddaughter is behind this!

Hyeongyeong: How bold of you to assume that?

(Hyeongyeong stands up and walks to the maids lining up in the corner of the dining room)

Hyeongyeong: Who was the one who brought the tea for Lady Soondeok?

(No one budged)

Hyeongyeong: No one? Well, I suppose I should just-

(Without thinking twice, Hyeongyeong pulls out a sword and killed all of them, not leaving one behind. Grandfather slams the table hard.)

Grandfather: YOU'VE GONE MAD!

Hyeongyeong: I hate it when blood gets on my face...oh well, it's for the best I guess. I'm getting what I want today, one way or another.

(The granddaughter slips out of the room, Soondeok can sense things going the wrong way, she stands in front of Eun, shielding him from the mad man coming their way)

Hyeongyeong: How much alike, you and your father, we used to get along quite well, before he snatched your mother from me.

Soondeok: So that's what it's all about?

Hyeongyeong: Well, no point talking about that now I suppose. Since I started this bloodshed, I might as well see it till the end.

Soondeok: Don't you dare.

Hyeongyeong: Just one, I just need one more person to die tonight, you.

(Suddenly a servant comes tumbling in)

Servant: This is not good! We're surrounded by soldiers!

Hyeongyeong: What nonsense are you talking about?

Servant: P...P...Prince Yo! He's alive! I think it's a riot! He must've killed the king-

(The servant died without finishing off his sentence as an arrow hit him on the back. Screams filled the air, Soondeok pulls Eun out of the dinning room via the backdoor and speeds back to their residence, soldiers closing in, Soondeok and Eun heads into their room)

'Deok ah, what's happening? Why can't I understand a thing? Prince Yo? Yo hyung-nim? He's alive? How? And the soldiers-'

'We don't have time for that, Your Highness! Quick, grab all the things over there and put it in my bag.'

'You started packing the bag up earlier today...did you perhaps know that this would happen?'

'No, sadly no, but we don't have time. There, done. We need to go. NOW!'

(Soondeok drags Eun out of their room)

'Hurry, Your Highness!'

'Wait! Mum! Aunt!'

(Eun turns the other way, heading to his mother's room, but soldiers have already begun throwing everything out from that room, his mother and aunt kneeling on the ground in front of a man with a torch in his hand)

'Mum! Aunt!'

'SHH! Your Highness! You mad?'

'We can't leave them!'

'We'll find a way to save them later, we have to go now! Oppa please!'

'Mum...aunt! I can't, we can't leave them...'

(Soondeok drags Eun to the backdoor)


(A soldier shouts as the other one throws grandfather onto the ground)


(Eun's grandfather yells as he sees Prince Yo. Eun's heart ached for him, that's not how things are supposed to be, that's not how today's supposed to end! He's supposed to be able to finally sleep in peace with his wife beside him, with a smile on his face, not this!)


(Soondeok takes Eun to the little hut, the one only she and Bogum knows)

'Deok ah...what...what do we do now?'

'We have to wait for Bogum, I told him we'll wait here for him if anything goes wrong.'

'You knew this would happen?'


'It's dark in here...can we light a candle?'

'No! We must never light a candle here, thank goodness it's still dark now, the soldiers won't search this area for us, but when day comes...it's hard to tell.'

'Well, what do we do now?'

'If the soldiers really come, we'll have to go.'

'How? We're in the middle of nowhere! The moment we leave the hut, they'll spot us.'

'There's a secret tunnel under this mat, Oppa, it'll lead us to the palace.'

'You out of your mind? Why would we want to go to the palace? When literally everyone in the palace is looking for us?'

'Sometimes the safest place is the enemy's fortress. The new king would never dream of finding us there.'

'What about father?'

'We can't find him, the new king would've had his men follow him by now, the moment we meet him, we'll be taken away.'

'I can't believe Yo hyung-nim is still alive...why don't we just talk to him? I know him-'

'Do you? Do you really know him?'

'Deok ah...'

'He's probably killed the king already...from the looks of it, he'll need a good reason to justify his riot. That's why he's after you, Oppa.'

'What do you mean?'

'I knew grandfather wanted to make you king, there's no other explanation for his sudden urge for the termination of our marriage. And him suddenly changing from asking you to get a second wife to asking you to get a new wife-'

'You think he did that to put me on the throne?'

'Yes. He needed money, he wanted power, he wanted more, before he dies, and he'll need someone as powerful as Hyeongyeong to help him. Of course, Hyeongyeong won't do anything for free, he wants to be the grandfather of Goryeo's queen, almost the same thing as him being the king himself if that king happens to be someone like you, Oppa. Grandfather probably thought of this as his way out to return the debt he's got from his gambling...'

'It's all his fault!'

'I'm afraid so...'

'But...hyung-nim won't kill him, right? And mother, and aunt, he won't kill them, right?'

'Of course...'

(Silence. Soondeok knows, there's no way they'll live till noon tomorrow, not when Yo is the king and his mother is there beside him)

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Chapter 131: Thank us for reading? Thank YOU for creating a story as consistent and well-fitting for the characters Baekhera were able to portray. You write so well and stay true to their personality from the start to the end, I enjoyed reading this book so much. Tbh, The chapter count surprised me and I didn’t think I’d be able to finish it because I was only looking for a small fanfic to satisfy my Baekhera fantasies yet you accomplished that and more! Your story was captivating and well paced, I finished the book in three days! I don’t think many got to fully appreciate I you so on behalf of us shippers, I thank you! ;)
KimN97 #2
Chapter 131: Beautiful story. For so long I looked for a story to read for this couple. You gave them the story and ending they deserved 🥰 can’t wait for the sequel
KeemNoona #3
ezakimsoo #4
I cant believe this ended already
ezakimsoo #5
I cant believe this ended already
Turellia_Del_Rynn #6
Chapter 131: Thank you so much to have written this! I’ve been reading this fic for a month and I sure enjoyed every second of it ?!
Chapter 131: Thanks to you we, Baekhera shippers, got to spend an amazing time while reading your fiction!
Thanks to you again, a lot ?
ezakimsoo #9
Chapter 131: Wheres the baby?? I need spin off?
1241 streak #10
Chapter 131: Thank you so much for this ^^