Chapter 71

Mission: Protect The Oppas !

Chapter 71: ^^! I don't know how to name this chappie :D


After a BBQ party, um, not exactly a party right now, since everything and everyone became too silent for a party, everyone was gathering around a living room, since those maknaes wanted time with their daddy.

"Daddy, why are you here suddenly ?" Zelo asked while tilting his head side to side. Mr. Bang smiled softly, rubbed his youngest son's head and answered with a gentle laugh, "Don't my son want me to be here ?"

Zelo shook his head right away with a pout, "Noo daddy, it's just that you are rarely free in summer. I really want to spend time with you"

Jongup nodded a long and massaged Mr. Bang's shoulders, "Dad, so why are you here ?"

Mr. Bang stopped smiling, he saw so much seriousness on his sons' faces, from Sunggyu to Zelo. He faked a shake of his head and just smiled it off, "Nothing. I just miss my sons". However, his eyes darted to the kitchen, looking for a certain someone.

*HyunJi, I don't know if this is best for everyone. But this is all for your own good*




You were washing all the plates, bows, everything that were used to eat a while ago. Having an apron on, you carefully yet skillfully washed each plate and placed them on the board.

Your mind slowly drifted off to Mr. Bang. His facial expression when he told you to meet him later made your stomach ached. The first time he had a private talk with you was when he asked you to be B.A.P's bodyguard. And the last time until now was when he wanted you to ask Zico to be Infinite's bodyguard, but that talk was gone down the river because of Zico's temper.

*What's now ? He wants me to be Infinite's bodyguard too ? But ... I am now ... not really ... but... Aish, what if he wants me to quit being B.A.P's bodyguard ? Which means I have to leave them ? Nooo ... What if-*

"Baby ~" Himchan cooed and pressed his back against the counter, he pinched your cheek, brought back to reality. There was the brightest smile ever on his face.

Your thought was completely washed off your mind as soon as you saw your boyfriend. Your face showed a strain of happiness and a smile was formed on your face also. "Neh oppa ?"

Himchan chuckled and leaned in for a light kiss on your cheek, "My baby is such a hard-working angel ~ I will be really lucky to have you as my wife in the future ~" he hugged you from behind and whispered into your ears. You giggled and lightly pushed him, "Don't praise me that much, or else I will be self-confident like you"

Himchan squeezed you by his strong arms and breathed out softly, "HyunJi ah ..."

"Neh ?" You spun around with a confused face, "Is something wrong ?"

Himchan pulled out a piece of paper from his back and hang it in front of you. You read it in one-go and your eyes grew wide and round, a gasp was on your mouth and you can't let a word out of your throat.

"T-this ? You ? Since when ?" you looked back and forth between him and a paper with a super surprise face. Himchan nodded with a confident smile, "Yes yes I did it !! I did it !! I receive a scholarship to Seoul Traditional Music !! They said I can just attend school without competition after I graduate !! Can you believe it ?!" he tightened his grip on your waist and snuzzled your cheek. You grinned too wide and was too happy for him to react to his tight hug.

"You are the best oppa ! I'm so happy for you !" you pinched both his cheeks like a mommy praising her son. Himchan chuckled and dragged your hands, he placed them on his cheeks and pecked your lips, "You know, the best way to show me your happiness is kissing me" he slyly smirked and kissed you again.

You blushed, looking over his shoulder to a living room, you saw Mr. Bang looking at you and you quickly pushed Himchan away.

Himchan looked puzzled and he raised his eyebrows. "Why ?"

You arkwardly shook your head and turned back to wash your hands and spun on your feet, both your two pairs of eyes met, you sighed with a tired smile, "I'm sorry oppa. I was just ... just ... Nevermind" you looked up and sent him a wide smile, "I think I will deal with our relationship now ..." you cupped his face and made him look at Mr. Bang.

"Oppa, do you think your dad know about our relationship ?" you whispered behind his back. Himchan blinked and processed the situation, then a chuckle was heard. He poked your head lightly before giving you an assuring smile, "If you are worried that my dad will not approve our love, I swear I will kidnap you and go away from town, we will live happily ever after ~"

You rolled your eyes at him but still gave him a light smile, "...okay, I didn't mean to have doubt on you ... It was just I have bad feeling about your dad's sudden coming this time ..."

"You was having worry but say nothing to me ? Aigoo, silly girlfriend of mine ~" he poked your head again, "Like I say, we will be together through rise and fall. I will be by your side, forvever. So, don't hide your worry from me, I am your boyfriend, remember ?". Suddenly, his face grew wide-surprised, "Orrrr ! You have had other man in your heart ?! Ouch ! I am hurt !" he clutched his chest and growled.

You shook your head at his dramatical act, "Silly you too. How can I have another guy in my heart when you are in my mind for 24/24 ?"

"Really ? Okay, I believe you" his eyes rolled around, avoided your eyes, his smile threatened to grow. You laughed and punched his arm, "Don't act around me ! You fool !"

"Hey ! You punched me ?! For real ? You dare to punch me ?! You are dead !! Woo Hyun Jiiiii !" Himchan faked a snarl and he chased you around the kitchen.

You squealed and tried to run away from him. But of course Himchan was faster, he caught you in no time and started tickle you. "This is for your blunt action in front of your dear boyfriend. Now take that ! Jah jah jah !!"

You laughed like a maniac, your head bobbed back and forth, you squealed and squeaked every time he poked your waist.


And ... in the living room, Myungsoo was staring at both of you with a growing-jealous heart. Moreover, Mr. Bang was observed his two sons - Himchan and Myungsoo. He looked at you and Himchan interacted with each other, his father's heart squeezed in guilty, but at a very end of his heart, he knew there was another son of him needed you more than everyone, aside Himchan.

"HyunJi !" Mr. Bang called.

You stopped Himchan and quickly ran to him, "Yes, sir"

He looked at you with his famous gentle eyes, "Can you go and buy me those things ?" he handed you a note, wrote down somethings like medicine, clothes, food and some random things.

You blinked several times before taking it, "Ah, sure sir. I'll be home-" "Wait, Myungsoo, you go with her" Mr.Bang cut you off then motioned Myungsoo.

Myungsoo rounded his eyes, but soon enough, his face turned cold again. Without another word, he stood up and walked towards you.

You shook your head at the idea, "No no no ! I can do it by myself ! You don't need t-"

"No, I insist. Now go" Mr. Bang waved his hand and pushed Myungsoo and you out.

Himchan quickly went after you, "Wait, I'll go with you"

But before Himchan could go out of the door, Mr. Bang dragged him back, "Wait, Chan. I want to talk with you first"

Yongguk eyed Himchan as he confusingly followed their dad upstairs. *Himchan, you need to be strong and bull-headed to face this news ... I don't know if I can do anything for you ...*



Author's corner:

I really want to update twice today ! But because some things happened TT___TT

I may can update twice tomorrow :D:D

Thank you for always supporting me !! Saranghae <3

@PanicInParadise: haha ! SungJong and YoungJae <3 I love them together :d

@Grey_Storm:^^! Seriously ... I didn't know what to say hear after talking with you on our walls LOL

@unxplainablejoyss501: ohhhh ! Zico's new picture is on my walllll !! You can go by and watch it :d

@daehyunbunny: what ? You are still a children ? Ohhh, I guess you will tell me your born-year when you are a teenager then :))

@Junkyu: Update here ~

@greenjongup: What about he says, "Greenjongup, you will be Jongup my son's wife ? Can you ?" Hehe !

@izzie_inlove: Smell L-ish :))))) I love how you came up with this :))

@seoulchae: what will it be a bad thing ? Will you kill me ? O___O

@sxpxfly: Nooooooooooooo !! Um ... I don't know ... should he do that ? LOL

@Hanaeyuji: Hiiiiii !!! And thank you <3333

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It's funny that the more I update, the more subbers I lots T__T


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koreankimchibaby #1
Chapter 86: One word....DAEBAK
hwaiting!!! c:
Chapter 9: LOL!! Himchan you idiot x'D
Chapter 8: HAHAHA!! LOL ROFL *literally dies laughing* brother in law?!?!?! XD
Chapter 6: RENNY OPPA!!! <3 but HOLY COW this chapter was posted the day Exo debuted?! Sooo long ago!! Lol
Lol I can't remember if I've read this story or not... I think I didn't because I used to not like Zico..... But this is really familiar lol
normalgirl #6
Chapter 83: i soooooooo agree with u author-nim zico is real fun in the story and i feel so touch when he is being all lovey dovey to his sister i just do like this kind of brother-sister relation but not SOOOO OVERPRTECTIVE ..... and sorry 4 that but I DO LOVE YOU KIM MYUNGSOO but you look little bad when you are drunk so plz dont get drunk , arsso oppa ,, and ^^ love you too author-nim
Chapter 29: KYAHHHH~ !!!!!! Hyunji kissed Himchan >.< this is soooo freaking awsome!!!
Chapter 18: poor Zico :( being fooled by her younger sister XD


My gosh Ren!!! you make Zico fall in love at you >.<
Chapter 86: Ohmyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!! TTwTT How your final chapters are always perfect??!! And... ZICO FOUND A GIRL! UHAAAAAAYYY!!! \o/ xD huahahahahahahahahaaha And I'm happy that Hyunji and Jiae are friends >w<
Kyaaa!! I really liked this story! Even that a lot of bad things happened, in the end everything worth it.
p.s: sorry for the avalanche of comments for the last ten chapters :x
Chapter 85: Awn! She is so happy!!! ;w; -smiles like a proud mother- And I couldn't help but act exactly like Hyunji when I read that Myungsoo got himself a girlfriend xD huahahahahaha And I think that the most funny character after Zico is Sungyeol. xD Monkey and Giraffe. ;w; I just love this cute-dork-couple of friends.