Food For Them

Mission: Protect The Oppas !

Chapter 5:

Food for them


Finally, first day at school was over without anymore problem except Himchan and the toilet ><

You tended to walk off first, avoided B.A.P. Because you knew exactly they would force you to go home with them. No way.

"Yes way" YoungJae popped out from nowhere, fightened you by his confident voice.

"Whoa" you jumped up and turned around, made an attacking movement, luckily you were fast to realize it was YoungJae.

"Yoo Young Jae ..." you mumbled and relaxed. YoungJae smirked and walked closer to you, "Well well, Hippo. Now you don't call me master, huh ?". He sounded like ... like it a lots.

You stumbled back and reached for a wall behind. *Crap* you puffed your cheek and held your chin up, faced YoungJae.

"Sorry, YoungJae master". You felt like your price was thrown away ! Sorry the YoungJae ? The mocking king ?

YoungJae's smirk grew higher and he pressed his palm next to your face, making the gap lesser. Your face burned up, *What the hell is he doing ?*

YoungJae was about to whisper into your ear, but a hand stopped him by turning him around and shoved him off.

You gasped at YoungJae, hands immediately covered your pink cheeks and looked up to meet eyes with furious Himchan.

"Master ..."

"HYUNG !" YoungJae yelled and dusted off his . He punched on Himchan's arm. Himchan rolled his eyes and tackled the younger boy.

"WHY YOU KISSED HER !" Himchan shouted, which made you and YoungJae widen the eyes with confuseing looks.

"When ?" YoungJae rasied his voice. Himchan was left hanging, "... just a while ago ... You were really close with her !"

You got the point and sighed out, "YoungJae master was just ready to yell into my ear"

YoungJae smirked, "You knew it ?". Yup, you knew him to well, and everytime he made you feel like blushing, ... there was no other than teasing or scaring you off.

You gave him a look and walked pass Himchan, tapped on his back, "There is no way he will kiss me, master. And you don't really have to care about it"

You went to look for the other masters, *I guess I have to go home with them. Stupid YoungJae*

YoungJae waved his hand in front of the freazing Himchan, "Hyung ! Hyung ! Earth to Kim Him Chan !"

Himchan snapped out from his thought and rolled his eyes, "DON'T YOU DARE KISSING HER !"

Once again, the younger boy was beated up by Himchan's childishness.


"Noona, what will we have for dinner ?" Zelo chirped up in the car. He got really excited after school, which meaned dinner for him.

"Yeah, what will you feed us ?" JongUp asked while rubbing his stomach. The exercise boy seemed like hungry all the time.

"Feed ? You made it sounds like we are puppies !" YoungJae scowled. Daehyun chuckled and kicked YoungJae, "You ARE the one pointed it out !"

YoungJae sent death glare to Daehyun, the latter just kept smiling.

You bit on your lips, started worrying about dinner. *There is not much foods at home. Zelo and Jongup ate all the food for a month within 3 weeks. Should I ask for money from Yongguk master ? ... *

The money for meal is given by Yongguk. Mr Bang gave him permission to use money with all his needs. But you didn't want to bother him too much. Even though foods was over because of the maknaes, but asking him sooner than the deadline was ... arkward.

*But I don't have that much money ... The last time I earned money was 2 months ago while I was still walking at a coffee shop at weekend. Jiho oppa doesn't have that much money either ...*

You kept silent and Yongguk noticed it. He softly smiled and fixed your hair, "Zelo ate all the food, right ?"

Zelo pecked up and pouted, "Why me ?"

You slowly nodded. Yongguk chuckled and took out his wallet, "Here. You use it to buy some more food. Remember to bring home the amount of food that can supply those pigs" Yongguk handed you the money and he smirked to the dongseangs.

You glanced quickly at the money and your eyes lightlt widened at it, it was too much for a month's food. You gasped and pushed back half of it to Yongguk, "You gave me a lots. This is enough" you beamed and showed him the money left.

Yongguk warmly smiled his gummy smile, "You are out of money too. Take it"

You shook your head violently, "No way. I will not receive this. Mr Bang gave me a place to stay, and he supported me to go to school. I really can't take the money"

Yongguk's smile faded and he turned to look at B.A.P. Just like their leader, the younger boys looked down and casted you a sad look. Zelo scooted closer to you and hugged on your arm tightly.

They didn't hate their father for having 2 wifes and a bunch of sons. But they hated him for not being by their side since the day you could have take care of them - like a mother. Heck, how could a girl who is the same age with his 5th child could take care of them better than him ?

Himchan looked out the window and sighed. YoungJae and Daehyun slumped down the seat and rested their head together. Jongup tried to kick out the sadness by sticking himself with his phone.

Yongguk breathed out and ruffled your hair, "You are my sister, you know it, right ?"

You softened and stared at him, you didn't dare to nod or smile, but all you could do was sending him your same feelings with eye-contact. Yongguk smiled and pinched your cheek.



The boys filled in the house and sank down on the sofa with hopeful look. They all looked at you with puppy eyes and lips lightly pouted.

"Foodddd !!" Himchan lied down the sofa and stretched his arms.

"My stomach is growling ..." JongUp blinked at his stomach, he even tried to talk with it.

Zelo's eyes stirried around, aigoo, he was having an urge to cry again.

You sighed and put your backpack down. "Okay. I will go and buy food. Then I will make dinner once i get home"

You took your hoodie and wore it in one swift of movement. Himchan sat up, "I will go with -"

"HyunJi noona !! I will go with you !" Zelo ran to you and hooked arms with you. He smiled happily. You frowned and pulled him off, "No Zelo. It's dangerouse out there. Moreover I will get home soon"

Himchan tugged on a smile, "Then I can protect yo-"

"Please please please !!" Zelo cut him off again. Himchan opened his eyes wide to the maknae, still, the jello boy didn't care about his hyung.

Yongguk laughed and nodded like a boss, "Let's him go with you, HyunJi. I think nothing will happen. The market is near our house though. You can call me if something bad happens"

You chuckled, "I am your bodyguard, master" you reminded. Yongguk shrugged, "I am stronger than you".

You sighed and gave in to the cute boy, "Fine, Zelo. But don't leave my sight, kay ?"

"Okay !" Zelo made his hand to his forehead, did a obey sign.

"But -" Himchan spoke, but you and Zelo had gone out already.

Himchan grew angry and rolled around the floor, "Ahhhh !! Why no one cares about my existance !?"

The 4 other blodies turned to him. YoungJae joked, "Yongguk hyung, what animal is making strange noise for over 5 minutes already ?"

Yongguk smirked, "Don't know. Maybe, ... alien ?"

Himchan shot him a glare, Yongguk laughed and hi-fived with Daehyun.

Jongup innocently blinked at the hyungs, then he spoke out of the blue, "What alien ? Isn't it Himchan hyung was making really weird noise ?"

The odd silence took place and bamp, they broke into a big laughter, except the teased boy - Himchan.

"Jonguppie, you are just making thing became nonsense !" Daehyun laughed while hugging onto YoungJae's shoulder.

Jongup gave Himchan a poor look, which made Himchan frowned, "Aish ! I am not an alien !"


Author's corner:

=)) Sorry for not updating on Wed and Thus :) I was busy !

Just hope you guys will leave comment :)

Oh, and the poster on chap 4, I MADE IT =)) But it so so ugly :P

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It's funny that the more I update, the more subbers I lots T__T


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koreankimchibaby #1
Chapter 86: One word....DAEBAK
hwaiting!!! c:
Chapter 9: LOL!! Himchan you idiot x'D
Chapter 8: HAHAHA!! LOL ROFL *literally dies laughing* brother in law?!?!?! XD
Chapter 6: RENNY OPPA!!! <3 but HOLY COW this chapter was posted the day Exo debuted?! Sooo long ago!! Lol
Lol I can't remember if I've read this story or not... I think I didn't because I used to not like Zico..... But this is really familiar lol
normalgirl #6
Chapter 83: i soooooooo agree with u author-nim zico is real fun in the story and i feel so touch when he is being all lovey dovey to his sister i just do like this kind of brother-sister relation but not SOOOO OVERPRTECTIVE ..... and sorry 4 that but I DO LOVE YOU KIM MYUNGSOO but you look little bad when you are drunk so plz dont get drunk , arsso oppa ,, and ^^ love you too author-nim
Chapter 29: KYAHHHH~ !!!!!! Hyunji kissed Himchan >.< this is soooo freaking awsome!!!
Chapter 18: poor Zico :( being fooled by her younger sister XD


My gosh Ren!!! you make Zico fall in love at you >.<
Chapter 86: Ohmyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!! TTwTT How your final chapters are always perfect??!! And... ZICO FOUND A GIRL! UHAAAAAAYYY!!! \o/ xD huahahahahahahahahaaha And I'm happy that Hyunji and Jiae are friends >w<
Kyaaa!! I really liked this story! Even that a lot of bad things happened, in the end everything worth it.
p.s: sorry for the avalanche of comments for the last ten chapters :x
Chapter 85: Awn! She is so happy!!! ;w; -smiles like a proud mother- And I couldn't help but act exactly like Hyunji when I read that Myungsoo got himself a girlfriend xD huahahahahaha And I think that the most funny character after Zico is Sungyeol. xD Monkey and Giraffe. ;w; I just love this cute-dork-couple of friends.