Jelly Himchan

Mission: Protect The Oppas !

Chapter 15:

Jelly Himchan


And a new week started. Which also meaned you and Himchan had to start walking to school also.

"Bye bye hyung !~ Bye noona !~" Zelo waved and kissed your cheek then quickly darted into a car.

Daehyun poked his head out and smirked, "See ya !"

YoungJae and JongUp also waved their hands in the most exciting way.

Yongguk folded his arms firmly and eyed both of you, "Don't cause trouble, Himchan"

The mentioned boy frowned, "Why me ?". He sighed and pulled on your hand, "We will go first"

You only had time to wave back to the boys and being pulled by Himchan.

Yongguk and the boys hi-fived each other and laughed like freaks, "YEAH ! HIMCHAN HYUNG BETTER GETS A GIRL !~"




"Master ..." you called his name, since he kept sulking on the way to the bus. Himchan looked up with his hands in his pocket, "Yeh ?"

"I'm sorry" you kept your head down, "It's my fault that caused you to walk to school like this". Guilty took over your body and you walking without looking your way.

"Silly... Actually, walking like this with you is kind of nice too" Himchan smiled and bent your level, "Right ?"

You gulped down seeing his face so close like that, "...Y-Yeh"

He ruffled your hair and rushed you, "Come on !~ The bus won't wait for us". He pushed your shoulders and soon enough, you two reached the bus and hopped on in time.


"That was close ! We almost miss the bus" you sighed out and looked around, there was only one place available, and if you weren't hurry, that seat would be taken too.

"Omo !" you squealed and without thinking for yourself, you dragged Himchan's hand and pressed him down that seat. He blinked and looked up at you, you gave him a small smile, "Later will be very crowded, master needs to be careful" you demanded and held on the handle for standing-passengers.

Himchan was off for a moment, he didn't know why you push him down like that and stood by your own. He glanced around and found the next person to him was an old ajussi, and the bus was already full. Reality hit him in the mind and he knew why now. *Aish, this girl will never care for herself* he lightly poked on your hand, "HyunJi, you can take my-"

Didn't let him to finish his sentence, you were pushed away by lot of people.

"Eh- ?" Himchan gasped and you were already away from him. He was about to stand up also, but the crowd kept him stuck. No choice, he had to sat back unwillingly.

*Why today is so so crowded ?* you closed your eyes and let people came through you. Once you opened your eyes, you found yourself stood right next the door, and Himchan was in the middle.

Worrying filled your eyes, you took glances at him and met his eyes always. *Aigoo, hope he will be okay on his own* you smiled and nodded encouragely at him. Himchan sighed and closed his eyes to ease his uncomfort-ing.

The bus was about to started, but a bunch of schoolboys hopped on and of course, they stood right behind you.

You looked back, but didn't bother to care about them. Himchan's eyes flicked open wide and he went in an alert state. *Isn't she aware of those freaks ?*

One guy noticed you and he elbowed his friends, "Yah yah ! She is my crush !"

You were so into the street that didn't hear a word. Himchan didn't hear either, but he can tell that guy wanted to hit on you. "What the heck ?" Himchan yelled a little too loud, the people around him all gave him a strange look, but he could careless about anything right now.

"Ask for her numble, man !" another guy hissed and all of them laughed. That boy nodded slowly and carefully tapped on your shoulder.

You spun around and puzzled, "...neh ?" you rounded your eyes unknowningly made you really cute. That boy blushed and his friends whistled, "Good choice man !"

You tilted your head aside, *Why they are so loud ?* you lightly frowned, they will disturb other people and you hated those kind of people, ... like JR ...

"Er ... do I know you ?" you carefully asked, looked straight into his eyes. That boy sweated so much but still managed to say, "Can I have your number, and... do you have boyfriend ?" he shyly looked down and scratched his head, his friends laughed even more.

You was startled and blinked at the boy, this is the first time you were confessed.

"I - I am-" "She is taken" a hand held on your shoulder and pulled you closer.


Himchan bit on his own lips and maybe ready to eat his tongue too. He couldn't believe that that guy was confessing and asking for your number. A strange and odd feeling rushed out his heart and he felt really uncomfortable. *No no no no*

He stood up, surprised all the passengers near him. Himchan excused himself and tried to sneak around to reach you.

Once he was near you, he heard the boy asked if you had a boyfriend, Himchan really wanted to fly to and punch that guy in the face. But he calmed himself down and quietly held on your shoulder.

"She is taken" Himchan said sternly and smiled as unfriendly as he can.

You looked up and gasped at him, "Himchan-" "I am her boyfriend"

Your eyes widened and you turned to the boy to explain, but the bus stopped and Himchan quickly brought you down.

"Next time, don't you dare hit on my girl" Himchan glared at the poor boy and hopped off.




You grew uneasy and blushed madly at the accident. Himchan grinned to himself as he had beated up that guy. He noticed you froze and didn't move an inch by yourself, only him pushing you.

"What's wrong ?" he asked and poked on your arm. You dazed off and immediately hid your face under your hair, "N-Nothing"

"Really ?" his voice sounded teasing. You pouted lightly and firmly looked up, "Actually, yes. Why did you do that ?"

"Do what ?" he blinked innocently and shrugged. You gasped and frowned at him, "You are not my boyfriend"

*Not yet* he smiled and raised an eyebrow, "So ... you want to be flirted by that boy"

Your face burned red and shook your head again and again, "I DIDN'T !"

He smirked, "That's why I helped you, silly"

You stuck with your word, "B-But ... you could make another better excuse !" *Not that kind of hoping me*

He tapped his finger on his lips, as if was thinking and you smacked his fingers, "You're right ! I must have told him you are my wife !!!"

"Aish !" you grumbled and headed to school first. Ignored all the friends who greeted you, snickered at you going to school with Himchan.

"Oh come on !~ I was just kidding !~" Himchan laughed and ran after you. He kept up with you and pulled on your bag, "Hyun Ji !~"

"Hyun Ji ah !!~" he whined but you didn't even look back.

*Stupid master ! You raised my feeling up ....* you lightly smiled and turned back, "Hands off my bag"

He blinked and grinned, "Then I will hold your hand !" he said and did it right away.

You raised an eyebrow but can't help but smiled back, "Aish ! You are annoying as hell !!"

"But I am handsome !" he talked back. Your mouth agasped and gave up on him.

"Whatever ..." you mumbled and let him do anything he wanted to.

Himchan felt super happy today, and found himself love taking a bus everyday after this day.

*As long as I am there with you. No guy will ever hit on my girl !* he cheered by pumping his fist in the sky and did some weird dance.

Students muttered about both of you, they all had different thoughts.

"They are together ?"

"Must be kicked off by the scary Yongguk !"

"Himchan oppa is super weird today"

"Did the cold princess HyunJi just smile ?"

"Omg, HyunJi is really cute, why didn't I notice her before !"

"HyunJi unni is the best !~~"



Author's corner:

I am loving this couple alot right now ... <3

But be aware ! I won't let those two have an easy love story :)

More drama, more fun !!!!

Yay ! Thank you my 58 wonderful subscribers !!! <3<3

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It's funny that the more I update, the more subbers I lots T__T


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koreankimchibaby #1
Chapter 86: One word....DAEBAK
hwaiting!!! c:
Chapter 9: LOL!! Himchan you idiot x'D
Chapter 8: HAHAHA!! LOL ROFL *literally dies laughing* brother in law?!?!?! XD
Chapter 6: RENNY OPPA!!! <3 but HOLY COW this chapter was posted the day Exo debuted?! Sooo long ago!! Lol
Lol I can't remember if I've read this story or not... I think I didn't because I used to not like Zico..... But this is really familiar lol
normalgirl #6
Chapter 83: i soooooooo agree with u author-nim zico is real fun in the story and i feel so touch when he is being all lovey dovey to his sister i just do like this kind of brother-sister relation but not SOOOO OVERPRTECTIVE ..... and sorry 4 that but I DO LOVE YOU KIM MYUNGSOO but you look little bad when you are drunk so plz dont get drunk , arsso oppa ,, and ^^ love you too author-nim
Chapter 29: KYAHHHH~ !!!!!! Hyunji kissed Himchan >.< this is soooo freaking awsome!!!
Chapter 18: poor Zico :( being fooled by her younger sister XD


My gosh Ren!!! you make Zico fall in love at you >.<
Chapter 86: Ohmyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!! TTwTT How your final chapters are always perfect??!! And... ZICO FOUND A GIRL! UHAAAAAAYYY!!! \o/ xD huahahahahahahahahaaha And I'm happy that Hyunji and Jiae are friends >w<
Kyaaa!! I really liked this story! Even that a lot of bad things happened, in the end everything worth it.
p.s: sorry for the avalanche of comments for the last ten chapters :x
Chapter 85: Awn! She is so happy!!! ;w; -smiles like a proud mother- And I couldn't help but act exactly like Hyunji when I read that Myungsoo got himself a girlfriend xD huahahahahaha And I think that the most funny character after Zico is Sungyeol. xD Monkey and Giraffe. ;w; I just love this cute-dork-couple of friends.