Chapter 44

Memories of Yesteryear

"Goodmorning!" Sooyoung chirpped as soon as she saw Baekhyun groggily enter the kitchen. Upon hearing the sudden loud voice, Baekhyun stumbles backwards. 

"G-Goodmorning to you too.." Baekhyun said still in the state of shock causing Sooyoung to burst into laughter upon seeing the priceless surprised expression he has.

"You woke up early.. going somewhere?" Sooyoung asked before turning the faucet off and going to the kitcen counter to take the white towel lying there to wipe the water off her hands. 

"So as you.. No, how's.. the car?" Baekhyun trailed off before pulling the chair and taking a seat on it. Sooyoung in the other hand took a seat on the chair beside him. 

"I don't know yet. Dad's going to check it after lunch, I guess" Sooyoung said and Baekhyun just nodded not saying any words anymore. 

"Excited to leave?" Sooyoung asked making Baekhyun turn his attention to her again.

"Oh.. absolutely not. You know, I really like your family since this is the kind of family I dreamt of having back when I was younger but I grew up  being neglected and hurt.. by my own father" Baekhyun said. He doesn't know why he told Sooyoung things about his part but he grew comfortable around her. 

Comfortale that he didn't noticed that he had hurted someone's feelings, Taeyeon's to be exact. She's there, she heard how Baekhyun opened up easily to Sooyoung when he didn't even told her what had happened to him.

She wondered how Baekhyun easily let his wall down to her. Did Baekhyun got enough of waiting for her so he turned to Sooyoung who's more outgoing and laidback?

"So that explains why you're the quiet type.. But I can see that you're strong too and you don't let your past hunt you down. Good things comes to those who wait" Sooyoung adviced and Baekhyun chuckled before shaking his head. 

"But better things comes to those who work" Baekhyun argued back causing Sooyoung to chuckle. 

"You're really smart" Sooyoung complimented. "I just acted mature earlier than what normal people does" Baekhyun said and Sooyoung raised her brows. 

"As what I have told you I'm always being neglected. So because of that  leaned to do things and think on my own, without my parents help" Baekhyun said and Sooyoung slowly nodded. 

She have to admit it. Baekhyun wasn't just an average guy.

He's something.

"So..did you hate your parents?" Sooyoung asked and Baekhyun leaned his back on the chair. 

"I would be lying if I say no" He muttered causing Sooyoung to nod. It was a normal outcome for her, kids tend to hate their parents especially when they felt that something is lacking or something is wrong with the treatment their parents gave them. 

"I understand you.. that's the normal reaction" Sooyoung said but before Baekhyun can finish another voice interrupted them. 

"Goodmorning guys! You two seem to have some serious talk there" Siwon said and Baekhyun said that Taeyeon was standing beside Siwon. 

Their eyes met but Taeyeon abruptly looked away followed by a sigh causing Baekhyun to be confused with her actions. 

"Oh yeah.. we're talking about confidential stuffs" Sooyoung said and Baekhyun glanced at her and Sooyoung just gave him an innocent smile.

Confidential huh, Taeyeon thought.

"Mind if we join?" Siwon asked and Sooyoung shook her head glancing at Baekhyun who smiled a little. 

"Nope.. we wouldn't mind at all" Sooyoung said and Siwon pulled the chair for Taeyeon and Taeyeon gave him a smile as a sign of thanks.

"So?" Siwon asked as the smile never left his face. 

He could be the dumbest psychologist, Sooyoung mentally told herself thinking that her brother didn't notice the awkward atmosphere between Baekhyun and Taeyeon. 

But to Sooyoung's knowledge. Siwon knows it all too, he just don't let them notice that he's observing. 

"Goodmorning kids!" Mrs. Choi greeted as soon as she entered the kitchen and saw the four there. They all smiled before greeting her in unison.

"Siwon.. aren't you going to your clinic today?" Mrs. Choi asked and Baekhyun glanced at Sooyoung who was probably asking her why.

'He's a psychologist' Sooyoung mouthed and Baekhyun nodded and this, this simple interaction didn't escaped Taeyeon's eyes

"Nope.. my friend's going to take my turn today" Siwon said and Mrs. Choi nodded. Taeyeon already knew that Siwon is a psychologist too since they talked the night before right?

Siwon told her everything she needs to know about him and his family.

"Sooyoung.. can you run some errands at the market today? We're going to grill outside for lunch" Mrs. Choi said and Sooyoung nodded before taking the list of everything she needs to buy.

"Baekhyun.. wanna go?" Sooyoung asked and Baekhyun nodded without thinking twice and just like that, they left.

"It's scary.." Sooyoung said as soon as they settled inside the car. "Why?" Baekhyun asked while putting his seatbelt.

"Taeyeon's stares at me like there's no tomorrow.. she's probably strangling me mentally" Sooyoung joked causing Baekhyun to chuckle.

"Why would she?" Baekhyun asked asked causing Sooyoung to knock the side of his head.

"She's jealous!" Sooyoung said while starting the engine and Baekhyun just rubbed the spot where Sooyoung hit him.

"There's no reason for her to be jealous. We aren't even together" Baekhyun mumbled but Sooyoung heard him clearly.

"Exactly" Sooyoung said making Baekhyun give her a confused look.

"What exactly?" Baekhyun asked.

"You're not even together so it made her more jealous. Thinking that you can flirt to any girl you want since you're single" Sooyoung said  while keeping her eyes on the road occasionally taking left or right turns and Baekhyun cringed upon hearing the word 'flirt'.

"Hey.. I'm not even that kind of guy" Baekhyun defended causing Sooyoung to chuckle.

"Alright then.. you say so" Sooyoung said.

On the other hand, Taeyeon was busily helping Mrs. Choi set the table up in the backyard. After doing so, she smiled upon seeing Minho and Sulli happily running around chasing each other. 

It made her miss her brother. She turned her attention to Mrs. Choi and saw he wiping the sweat of her husband while settng up the grill.

It made her miss her mom and dad.

"Hey.. busy aren't we?" Siwon asked breaking Taeyeon's train of thoughts.

"Uhh no.. I just finished setting this up oppa" Taeyeon answered while pointing at the table. 

"You didn't ask for my help" Siwon sulked causing to both of them errupt in laughter. But soon, it subsided when Sooyoung's loud voice sounded on the backyard.

"We're back!" Sooyoung said while walking to them with Baekhyun walking behind her obviously carrying all the stuffs they bought.

"Good!" Mr. Choi happily said before starting to grill. 

The lunch was wonderful for the two of them. Baekhyun got to experience the real warmth and happiness of having a family while Taeyeon on the other hand got to reminisce her memorable past with her parents when they're still alive. 

Although it was fun and enjoyable, the awkward atmosphere didn't died down between Baekhyun and Taeyeon who obviously tried to avoid each other as much as they can and of course the cause of this is none other than their..


The night came again and the news got to Baekhyun that his car was fixed on the afternoon. Thinking that it was already late he decided to hit the road the next day early in the morning.

He prepared himself to sleep but it seems like he can't. He tossed and turned again but nothing happened, he tried counting sheeps but no, he still can't.

Frustrated, he made his way downstairs and into the kitchen door thinking that he needs to breath in some fresh air. 

As soon as he did, he saw Taeyeon standing at the same spot where he saw her talking to Siwon last night. He sighed, maybe she's waiting for him again. 

Ready to go back, he turned back and decided to go inside when he heard his name being called. He ly to see Taeyeon motioning him come to her.

"Why aren't you asleep?" Taeyeon asked as soon as Baekhyun stood beside her. 

"I can't sleep.." Baekhyun shortly answered still feeling jealous of her and Siwon.

"Need Sooyoung?" Taeyeon bluntly asked making Baekhyun sigh. He doesn't like the tone of her voice nevertheless he abruptly answered. 

"I'm jealous of you and Siwon"

"You're what?" Taeyeon asked but Baekhyun kept a straight face on not even bothering to give her a single glance. 

"I said I'm jealous.." Baekhyun said and it was followed by a sigh. 

"I.. I envy you and Sooyoung too. I envy how you act comfortably around her that you got to tell her your past easily" Taeyeon muttered causing Baekhyun to sigh but it didn't made him spare her a single glance.

Taeyeon looked up and saw Baekhyun staring straight onto the city lights. She sighed, she must have hurted him with her stupid actions. 

Finally making up her mind, her right hand gently made it's way and caressed Baekhyun's left cheek causing his head to turn sidewards to her and without any words, she leaned in and kissed him.

It was gentle, it was pure. 

She just stayed there for a few seconds and leaned back. Her eyes bore onto his confused ones, she lifted her left hand and caressed his other cheek.

She cupped his face as that familiar simple yet enticing smile never left her face.

"I don't think there's any reason for you to be jealous anymore. I love you Baek.. I really do" Taeyeon sincerely said while staring straight into his eyes, the moon shone brightly reflecting those round orbs.

"So.. does that mean?" Baekhyun asked and Taeyeon gently nodded answering all his questions and confusion. 

"I'm.. I'm going to take a step further with you now"



Jealous Taeyeon leads to confession *EVIL LAUGH* oh.. I see some of you likes the Jelly Tae, in the next few chapters maybe?

how's the update? *hides under the table*



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it's going to be better.. ^^


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Juniar07 #1
Chapter 81: I hateeeeee u authornimm
DON'T TOUCH MEEEE !!! I'm really mad right noww
I lopiuu the end :( :(
Fab_ien_ne #2
Chapter 81: Chapter 80: I don't understand, I wish it had a different ending, you know.. :'( But it was a great story, you can write really good! I just hope your next story's will end more positive authornim, with a happy ending, please..!!! But besides that, you did a great job, you can be proud of yourself!!
ziualhaq #3
Chapter 81: woaaaahhh, unexpected really. why author why???????
this story is daebak, but why do you do this to me??? it's just a dream???? andwaewww
ziualhaq #4
Chapter 34: should i cry? because this is so saddd
Chapter 81: DAEBAKK>< ONE OF THE BESTT STORIES!!!! LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH>< as expected another well written story!! Love ur plot and ideas ttm!! How can u write so well authornim>< anyways, keep up the good work and continue making us emotional kekkeke jkjk
Chapter 81: How could you do that??? I mean whyyyy??? T^T Everything was so real dammit! I didn't expect that you would.. Ohgod! well done authornim~
aaangela #7
Chapter 81: why authornim
riamae877 #8
Chapter 81: I wasn't expecting that! I was blown away, LIKE SERIOUSLY ARE YOU EVEN REAL? You write so good that it breaks my heart. </3
This story is very well-written and a work of art. <3
LoveBaek #9
Chapter 81: Taeyeon ah...
carlatricia #10
Chapter 81: Omg!! That was a bomb! I can't believe it. Just WOW! *speechless here*