Chapter 1

Memories of Yesteryear

The cold breeze of the morning air woke Baekhyun up. With a heavy feeling of starting another tiring day at his college, he got up from his bed and made his way to the balcony. 

The sun is not rising yet and the sky is still at it's best blue hue, the busy street on the afternoon is filled with silence only the sound of the rustling leaves can be heard. 

It's his daily routine. Watch the sky as it slowly becomes lightly colored with a rosy red and yellow hue, it was amusing to him.

How the light of the sun covers the darkness.

Feeling the cold railing on his hand, he just let out a heavy sigh not understanding why life has been cruel to him ever since he was born in this world. 

He felt manipulated. He never felt freedom. 

What was it again? He never know how to smile anymore when he got forced to do things he never wanted to. To do things he's not interested at.

Trying to start the day better. He got himself ready knowing that any time by now, his father would just barge in his room and demand him what to do. 

It's his life, as much as he try to oppose everything. 

He just can't. 

Not having any interest to show up with the breakfast of his family anymore, he sneaked out without even saying anything. 

That was him, that's his attitude. 

With heavy footsteps, he reached out on his bike. He just shook his head as he saw some rust building up on his poor bike. 

As much as he wanted to replace it, he can't. He holds on to the memories he made with that bike, it's better to keep it beside him than not to have any fun memories at all. 

It's his only joy. His only treasure. 

Slinging his bag on his back, he decided to go. He turned his head as he saw people coming out of their houses, students like him and even those who works at the office starts to leave. 

He noticed that the light in the living room of his house was too. He just sighed as he pedaled away, he doesn't want to stay longer at home.

He felt imprisoned. 

He turned his bike on the corner of the street and the same always happened he stopped in a small alley. He felt like it's his routine already, watching a certain girl walk down the opposite side of the street as her smile never escaped her face.

He find it amusing how she greets those people without a heavy heart. He finds it amusing how those little dimples appear on her face whenever she smiles widely. 

Call him a stalker but he felt joy whenever he sees her smile. He felt his burdens being carried away as he sees her beautiful face. 

But then, he could never think of any way how to approach her because behind those smiles he can see sadness in those pair of brown eyes. 

With those to months, he felt used to it. Watching the girl disappear down the road, as much as he wants to know her more he only knows that she's from an art school, based on what her uniform she always wears. 

As for him, he takes aeronautics. It wasn't his dream at all, but how could he protest when he's being manipulated right?

Seeing the girl already disappear. Baekhyun rode his bike and decided to go to school he felt thankful though even if it's just only a few minutes he got to forget how his life is. He felt some urge of euphoria. 

On his way he passed by at a school field. Kids running everywhere, playing and laughing, he just looked down as he tried to remember if he even experienced that kind of childhood. 

But as much as he knows, he always gets lock up in his room after school, facing thick books with words that his young mind couldn't even understand.

He never played nor laughed freely with his friends  

He felt chained. By his own father. 

Shaking the melancholic memories away he continued to go to his destination. His school, the place where he thinks the reason why he always got locked up back when he was a child. 

He entered his room and saw a few of his classmates talking  and laughing. They seemed to be happy to be there but to him it's not.

Where would he want to be? The place where his eyes are staring at, a place a few blocks away from his own school. A place just across the road. 

The art school. 

That's where he wanted to be. But then it's already fate that decided. 

For him to live like being a robot. Controlled over. 

For him to live like an obedient puppy. To be dictated again and again. 

For him to live with emptiness. Not knowing the real meaning of freedom and happiness.


A/N: How's the first chapter? {¤.\}

Poor Baekhyun.

Who's the girl?! 

I can feel the love~ hahaha 

Thank you for reading guys!

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it's going to be better.. ^^


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Juniar07 #1
Chapter 81: I hateeeeee u authornimm
DON'T TOUCH MEEEE !!! I'm really mad right noww
I lopiuu the end :( :(
Fab_ien_ne #2
Chapter 81: Chapter 80: I don't understand, I wish it had a different ending, you know.. :'( But it was a great story, you can write really good! I just hope your next story's will end more positive authornim, with a happy ending, please..!!! But besides that, you did a great job, you can be proud of yourself!!
ziualhaq #3
Chapter 81: woaaaahhh, unexpected really. why author why???????
this story is daebak, but why do you do this to me??? it's just a dream???? andwaewww
ziualhaq #4
Chapter 34: should i cry? because this is so saddd
Chapter 81: DAEBAKK>< ONE OF THE BESTT STORIES!!!! LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH>< as expected another well written story!! Love ur plot and ideas ttm!! How can u write so well authornim>< anyways, keep up the good work and continue making us emotional kekkeke jkjk
Chapter 81: How could you do that??? I mean whyyyy??? T^T Everything was so real dammit! I didn't expect that you would.. Ohgod! well done authornim~
aaangela #7
Chapter 81: why authornim
riamae877 #8
Chapter 81: I wasn't expecting that! I was blown away, LIKE SERIOUSLY ARE YOU EVEN REAL? You write so good that it breaks my heart. </3
This story is very well-written and a work of art. <3
LoveBaek #9
Chapter 81: Taeyeon ah...
carlatricia #10
Chapter 81: Omg!! That was a bomb! I can't believe it. Just WOW! *speechless here*