Chapter 33

Memories of Yesteryear

"Unnie.. is there something wrong with me?" Taeyeon asked with her voice full of worry. Boa took a seat next to her before rubbing Taeyeon's shoulder.

"I don't want to give you a false alarm Taeyeon. Let's get the final test before assuming things can we?" Boa asked before standing up again and taking Taeyeon's hand to lead her to get another test.

The MRI.

Taeyeon followed Boa and the MRI started. It didn't take long enough though as Boa put Taeyeon as her first priority, now Taeyeon is waiting anxiously again at Boa's office.

Not long after, Boa entered while holding a brown envelope. She took on the chair opposite from the place where Taeyeon is sitting at.

"W-What's the r-result?" Taeyeon anxiously and worriedly asled. She's afraid for herself, she's afraid on what the outcome will be.

"Taeyeon.. the results show that you have a degenerative disease on the brain, a spinocerebellar degeneration to be exact. I'm sorry but it's what the test says, you got it back when you were younger, this is hereditary and either you got it from your mom or dad. The symptoms didn't show in your early years but it's all coming out now" Boa said and Taeyeon took a while too grasp in everything she heard.

She had what?

"Am..I.. Am I going to die?"That's the first thing that came out of her lips as soon as everything sinked in.

Did she do something wrong to be punished like this?

Why on the earth full people it's her that's chosen to be like this?

What is she going to do now?

How is she going to tell Baekhyun about everything?Will he leave her right after he hears everything?

"I can't say that you won't die but.. the life expectancy decreased and since you had this kind of disease when you were younger. Expect it to be two to five years from now on.."


Even a lifetime isn't enough for her to do everything she wants. To be with Baekhyun and do anything and everything.

What more is it compared to three to five years?

"Is.. is there any cure with this? What's going to me after this?"

Tears are flowing out of Taeyeon's eyes. Boa just heaved a sigh pitying the younger girl who basically is pleading for her to let everything know.

"You've got to have a therapy Taeyeon although I can't assure you that it will fully treat you. Also, I hope you won't freak out of anything but.. it will affect you physically and mentally" Boa said confusing Taeyeon more.

"So there's no treatment?" Taeyeon asked and Boa sadly shook her head. 

"What's going to happen to me then?" Taeyeon asked and Boa took a deep breath before looking straight into Taeyeon's eyes. As much as she doesn't want to hurt the younger girl's heart, she knows she have to be honest. 

"Maybe after a while.. you will find it harder to walk, to talk, to see and react over things. Your brain will slowly lose it's function on some parts of your body.. you'll find it hard to write and do simple things that you usually do" Boa said and Taeyeon kept mum trying to put everything Boa had said in her brain. 

It's too much for her. 

Too much. 


Baekhyun walked out of his workplace with a wide smile on his face. He glanced at his wristwatch and saw that it was time to pick Taeyeon up, he's planning to have a dinner with her tonight. 

Maybe ask her to be his.. officially. 

That would be the greatest gift he would have. Oh, and maybe the first one since he never recieved any, a smile crept on his face as he drove away having Taeyeon occupy hisind. 

"Goodafternoon Baekhyun.. are you looking for Taeyeon?" Hyoyeon asked as soon as she saw Baekhyun enter the cafè. 

"Uhh.. yes. Is she here?" Baekhyun politely asked while the smile never left his face. 

"Uh, no. I remeber she asked me to drive her to the hospital.." Hyoyeon innocently said making Baekhyun confused. 


"What is she doing there?" Baekhyun asked with his voice showing a hint of worry. 

"For a checkup.."

"Oh.. thanks. I gotta go, thanks again" Baekhyun said before sprinting about of the cafè. The hospital wasn't that far from Hyoyeon's cafè so Baekhyun quickly arrived and as soon as he did, he hurriedly went to the nurse's counter. 

"Is there any Kim Taeyeon here?" Bawkhyun asked and before the nurse can reply he felt a tap on his shoulder. He ly to see a lady wearing a white coat approach him.


He saw. She gave him a smile before handing out her hand to him which Baekhyun accepted. 

"I'm Kwon Boa, I'm a friend of Taeyeon. You are?" Boa asked and Baekhyun gave her a polite smile before answering her back. 

"Byun Baekhyun.. do you by chance saw her?" Baekhyun asked and Boa bit her lower lip before giving Baekhyun a light nod. 

"She just left a couple of minutes ago.." Boa said and Baekhyun nodded. "I'm going now.. thank you doctor" Baekhyun said and Boa gave him a reassuring smile and nod. 

But before Baekhyun could take a few more steps Boa called him again. 

"Baekhyun-ssi" Boa called making Baekhyun turn. 

"Uhh.. what is it?" Baekhyun asked. 

"Take care of Taeyeon.. she needs you right now" Boa said and before Baekhyun can speak again. The older girl left him to approach some patients. 

Still confused, Baekhyun made his way out of the hospital. Thinking that Taeyeon likes staying in silent places, he went to the nearest park. 

He's right. 

She's there. 

Sitting in an old playground while staring at the ground. The sun had already set and yet she still glowed with her beauty but he noticed that there's something wrong in her eyes. 


"Taeyeon.." He said as he approached the lonesome girl. Upon hearing her name being called by the voice she loves the most, she looked up only to find her heart breaking into tiny bits of pieces. 

How is she going to tell him?

"H-hey.." Taeyeon said as she smiled only to be greeted back by Baekhyun's frown. 

"Why didn't you tell me that you're going to the hospital? I could have accompanied you there you know.." Baekhyun said and Taeyeon forced a smile which Baekhyun believed. 

"It's okay.. I can manage" Taeyeon said before giving him a reassuring smile. 

I won't let you know the truth, Taeyeon thought. 

"Still.." Baekhyun said as he pouted. Taeyeon just chuckled before hugging him real tight taking Baekhyun in surprise. 

"Thanks for everything.." Taeyeon said and she heard Baekhyun chuckle. 



"Would you.. want to take this relationship with me to the next level?" Baekhyun bravely asked and Taeyeon slowly broke their hug making Baekhyun miss her warmth. 


"Is there something wrong?" Baekhyun asked and Taeyeon gave him a sad, worried, troubled and stressed look. 

"I don't think.. I can.. Right now" Taeyeon said as she closed her eyes. She would love to, she would really love to be officially his but the fear is eating her mind up. 

The three years, the five years remaining on her. Will it be enough for the two of them? 

She don't think so. 

"Why? Did I do something wrong? Am I not enough? Are you still confused? Did you find another guy?" Baekhyun asked with a hint of disappointment. His insecurities are eating him up, he doesn't even know a way to stop it. 

He hates it. 

"Because I'm sick! I'm going to be useless and I know you won't love me after that anymore.. let's not keep our hopes up anymore.. I don't want you to leave me when I'm already useless. Find someone.. someone better than me" Taeyeon said not caring if Baekhyun knows the truth anymore.

So that's what Boa meant, she's sick. Baekhyun thought.

He snapped out of his thoughts and saw Taeyeon walking away from him. They're going to face it together, he won't let her go anymore. 

He spoke. She stopped. 

"Don't let me walk alone, I want to walk by your side. Don't let me talk to someone, it's you I want to talk with. Don't let me fall for someone else.."



"It's you that I fell inlove with.."


A/N: drama much but bear with it.. it's the flow of the story. 

Update! The fever's gone now but the funny thing is I fell asleep while taking the exams. It's about music though so I kinda finished it in a short time.. but who the hell sleeps during an exam. That's me! Hahaha 

Take care y'all! Thanks for reading!

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it's going to be better.. ^^


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Juniar07 #1
Chapter 81: I hateeeeee u authornimm
DON'T TOUCH MEEEE !!! I'm really mad right noww
I lopiuu the end :( :(
Fab_ien_ne #2
Chapter 81: Chapter 80: I don't understand, I wish it had a different ending, you know.. :'( But it was a great story, you can write really good! I just hope your next story's will end more positive authornim, with a happy ending, please..!!! But besides that, you did a great job, you can be proud of yourself!!
ziualhaq #3
Chapter 81: woaaaahhh, unexpected really. why author why???????
this story is daebak, but why do you do this to me??? it's just a dream???? andwaewww
ziualhaq #4
Chapter 34: should i cry? because this is so saddd
Chapter 81: DAEBAKK>< ONE OF THE BESTT STORIES!!!! LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH>< as expected another well written story!! Love ur plot and ideas ttm!! How can u write so well authornim>< anyways, keep up the good work and continue making us emotional kekkeke jkjk
Chapter 81: How could you do that??? I mean whyyyy??? T^T Everything was so real dammit! I didn't expect that you would.. Ohgod! well done authornim~
aaangela #7
Chapter 81: why authornim
riamae877 #8
Chapter 81: I wasn't expecting that! I was blown away, LIKE SERIOUSLY ARE YOU EVEN REAL? You write so good that it breaks my heart. </3
This story is very well-written and a work of art. <3
LoveBaek #9
Chapter 81: Taeyeon ah...
carlatricia #10
Chapter 81: Omg!! That was a bomb! I can't believe it. Just WOW! *speechless here*