❁The First Crimson Moon❁


Welcome to the Crimson Twilight Review Shop's First Archive.


If you requested from our shop around September 2013-February 2014, you can find your reviews here.


This is our first storage room for our old requests.

If you have an old review in here, you can credit to this storage room instead of the shop.


To prevent having too many chapters in our shop, we had decided to archive more than half of our old reviews into another story, which we like to call, The First Crimson Moon.


We did not want to delete all the reviews. After all, they did represent how much our reviewing skills have evolved over time, and it is also funny realizing how ignorant we were at that time.

It gives us a nostalgic feeling, and it also motivates us to keep working, no matter how busy we are sometimes.

To see how far we've come from then, and to see how much we've been through together.

We have no plans of closing the shop, nor do we have any plans of slowing down.


If you wish to request for a review from our review shop, please click here.


Also, some reviews have unknown links on some words (usually the word job). We have deleted most of those links, but if you do find some that we have not deleted, tell us and do not click on it because we don't know where it leads.


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