1 Shy_Daydreamer

❁The First Crimson Moon❁

Finished on 10/3/2013

Sweet Fake Smiles by Shy_Daydreamer

About: Chanyeol(EXO)+Minah(OC), abuse, mature content(not )

Title: 4/5 The title is very unique, I really enjoy it. The title doesnt really have a good tone when you say it, I suggest you add or change a few words. Also, the title doesn't really represent anything in the story, besides from the fact that Minah was putting up a fake smile when she first met her uncle.

Foreword: 7/10 The description is a bit too straightforward, all you wrote is what Minah though. I wish you added some more details that represent her emotions. I really enjoyed your prologue, it gives off a hint of mystery to me, it made me want to keep reading on. Also, it's not giving away too much of the story at all. Consdering most of the stories I have read, this has amazing grammar and spelling for just the prologue. I really enjoyed how you bold printed what Chanyeol was saying, it made it really pop out as it should have.

Plot: 23/25 I really enjoyed the plot of your story, it wasn't the most unique story but it was really interesting. The only thing I didn't like was the fact that the plot was a bit too cliche, I believe that there are a lot of stories out there with a parent that is abusive or alcoholic, and the fact that you should have given more details in a few moments in the story. Besides from that, the plot is really amazing. I really like how in the end, Chanyeol and Minah didn't end up dating, which would have made the plot really cliche. 

Characters: 21/25 You really made a great description about Minah and her uncle. You showed clearing how her uncle had a kind personality in the beginning, while later on his personality changed to an abusive type.  You clearly represented how Minah felt and reacted to how her parents died. You did an amazing job with doing this, with excellent use of words, punctuation and grammar. The only thing I really wish you did was to give more details about Chanyeol.

Grammar and Spelling: 18/20 There are only a few minor mistakes, such as; in the first sentence of your one-shot it said "died on a car accident". It should have said "died in a car accident". Also, a part where is said "he lost her parents and now her home?" Im assuming you meant to write "she lost" instead. Im also very surprised how greatly amazing correct the grammar and spelling is considering the other stories I have reviewed. I really enjoyed your word choices you used to make the story so detailed. I also liked how you bold printed the dialogue in the story. It relaly made the dialogue pop out more.

Flow: 15/15 For a one-shot, the flow is just amazing. I can't believe how smooth the flow is. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the flat at all. I give you a thumbs up.

Overall: 88/100 Amazing story with an abosolute perfect grammar and spelling. I really enjoyed your word choices. Characters aren't too mary sue. Although the plot is a bit cliche. Good Job! :)

Reply: I already accepted the review. Thanks for the honest review, it helped me a lot! I'll credit you guys as soon as I have the time ^^

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