Waiting To Be Disappointed

The Way We Used To Be

The week quickly went by and his anniversary event with Yoona was quickly approaching.  As the days got closer, he became anxious thinking about her reaction and how happy she will be.  He had already forgotten what his father had said to him about getting married to some girl, especially since his father never mentioned it again.


Night of Their Anniversary



As Taecyeon arrived at the restaurant where they had their first date; he slowly double checks everything to make sure that it perfect.  He rented the entire restaurant so they can have some privacy.   There was the finest bottle of wine chilling in ice, dozens of roses and balloons set all around the restaurant from the entrance to the table that they will be dining at.  He excitedly waited for Yoona’s arrival; constantly looking at his watch.  Soon it was time for Yoona to arrive; however, she was not there. 




“I bet she’s probably just got stuck in traffic.  Very soon now, she will be walking in through the door,” he told himself while looking at the time.


Two hour pass, and she was still not there.  At this point, he began to worry.  “This isn’t like her to be this late.  I hope nothing bad happened to her on her way here,” he said as he pulled out his phone.  As he his phone, he received a text message from Yoona. 



It says:

“I am sorry Taec Oppa, but I will not be able to make it there.  You see, I just received an offer that I cannot refuse.  I have been offered to go overseas to complete in a modeling gig, and if I pass it; I will be the new face for this enormous company and I will have accomplished my dream.  With this opportunity, I can be a well-known model all across the world.  This is a once in a lifetime chance for me that I cannot pass up, but, with this opportunity I will have to leave you your side for 1 ½ year.  However, I know how deep your love is for me, and I also know that you will wait for my return.  When you get this text, I will be on the plane flying overseas already.  I love you.”



As Taecyeon read the message, he was overcome with anger and sadness.  He couldn’t believe that Yoona had left without even meeting him.  How could she do this to him?  Did she really love him?  If she did, how can do something so selfish without even considering his feelings?  All these questions filled his mind as he got up and left the restaurant feeling disappointed in the one that he loved the most.  Due to his bad mood, he did not want to return home.  Instead he decided to call his best friend Nichkun to go out for a drink.  Nichkun met him at the bar and they began to drink as Taecyeon told Nichkun everything. 



“How can she do this?  I feel as though I was waiting this entire time to just be disappointed.  This time I really thought that she wouldn’t be so selfish and that maybe she would give into me.  Is this really love?  When you love someone, aren’t you supposed to give in to the other person?  This was what I always thought love was, was I wrong?  Am I supposed to wait for her to come back?” Taecyeon asked Nichkun.



“I don’t know Taec.  Love comes in many different shapes and form.  How I see it is that you have two choices.  One, you give up and find someone else.  Someone who will love you the way you want to be loved or you can chose option number two.  Which is waiting for her to return.  Whatever choice you chose, I will support your decision.  However, knowing you Taec, you love her too much to give up, so you will chose number two and wait for her,” Nichkun said to Taecyeon while sipping on his beer.


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leeluv #1
Chapter 67: Authornimmm,i've been reading all over again,please update soon =)
leeluv #2
Chapter 67: Author-nim , update soon please . in love wth this story! Fightting! =)
Priincessg1 #3
Chapter 66: I really like Nichkhun for Guigui he really looks after her :) Keep it up! I really like this story!
suri65 #4
Chapter 67: Tq dear author for update the story. Welcome back. After so long of waiting finally you update the story . Tq again. Wow what an amazing story. I also like nickhun and l don't mind if guigui choose khun at the end of your story. He will treat guigui well. Your story never fail in touching my heart. I like it so much. Please don't stop writting and please continue your story until the end. Your story is so good and play with our emotion and l cry so much when l read it.Tq again forwritting such an amazing story.
HappyThings #5
Chapter 67: Authorniiim~~~~~ your story really really really touch my heart... You will continue this story didnt you?
suri65 #6
Chapter 63: dear author. please update the story. you cant stop now. you are a very good writer . i love reading your story. l want to know what happen next. who will guigui choose taec or nickhun. please update soon. your story really touch my heart
aimeharumaa17 #7
Chapter 63: love this story... I want more taecgui skinship, hug n kiss... I'm so so curious what will happen next, update please...
v3n4m5 #8
Chapter 63: Really love the story! Still waiting.. Pls Update soon Authornim. Fighting!!!
Chapter 63: I love to see what's going to happen between Taec and Nickhun next. May the best man win. And I hope it will be Taec..hihi.

Chapter 63: thanks so much for updating! :D
that's an exciting twist in the story, Nichkhun being Taec's competition... I think that'll help Taec in finally doing something and decide what he really wants... and the two of them watching movies, just like old times... so sweet!
waiting for the next updates XD