MTV-K Interview w/ TMX Vocalist, Nana

Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams

MTV-K Interview with T.M.X Vocalist, Nana

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Now, on to our interview with Nana.


Host: How long have you and your partner, Gogi, known each other?

Nana: "I originally am from Maui, Hawaii. My father is in the military so we began moving around alot when I started Middle School. He was being stationed near New York City, where I started my last year of Junior High. Gogi was one of the first people at my new school that spoke to me, but she was really friendly and kind, then we spoke of our hobbies and such, that's what got us even closer together. So till now, it'l only been about 5 or 6 years since I met her."

Host: For someone with no Korean background, how do you feel about debuting in a foreign country and not your own?

Nana: "Well of course it's nerve wrecking. I wasn't sure at first when Gogi had suggested we audition for a Korean Agency instead of an American one. I didn't know how different the culture was there till we showed up at the auditions. I'm still a bit nervous now that we are months away from an actual debut stage. I'm not sure how folks in Korea will react to some foreigner like me on stage, but nonetheless I will bring a powerful stage that they will be blown away at. Please look forward to it. [bows head at camera]"

Host: What sort of training did you have to go through during your trainee years?

Nana: " Training. Wow, let me tell you now, it was like training for the military. [laughs] I didn't expect training to be that liberal or intense as it was. I was surprised, this was the only difference between American Agencies and Korean ones. For Kpop, you are trained for years before you actually make it to a stage, but in all honesty, I think this is better, it trains us to grow our talents far more past their expectations. Gives us time to train for perfection instead of being just randomly thrown on stage just because we were told we sing or dance well. For me, non-Korean as opposed to Gogi, I had to learn Korean from scratch. [Nervously laughs] That was the hardest part about training. We both already had to physically train our bodies, our vocals, our dancing, but on top of that I had to learn a whole other language. It was definitely a challenge."

Host: Your President, Lee Soo Man, had commented about both of your talents, greatly, especially your vocals. He mentions that your vocals will bring a whole other realization to Kpop, open new windows in fans hearts. What are your comments on this?

Nana: "[laughs] He said that? [host nods] Wow, if you ask me, he's preaching above my abilities.[laughs with host] Um well, I like to sing, always have. I don't think there was ever a time I hated to sing, it's just been with me since I was old enough to speak. I can comment that no matter how anyone looks at my singing or hears it, I just hope to be able to appeal to them as much as I can. I would hate to debut and find out that my singing is horrible. [laughs]"

Host: Do you listen to Kpop? Any Favorites?

Nana: [laughs] "In all honesty, Gogi was the one that forced me into listening to Kpop. Whenever we would meet to hang out or just dance and sing with each other, it was Kpop songs. Honestly, some of them blew me away, I didn't expect for foreign music to sound like that. So yes, I've listened to Kpop music before especially during my trainee years. As for favorites........let's see if I can remember what their names are [host laughs] Oh! BIGBANG, I really liked their uniqueness, also the vocals in that group are amazing, SHINee, Infinite, 2NE1, Seven, F (x), I think that's all I can remember." [laughs]

Host: Any Musical instruments you play?

Nana: "I've been able to play the piano since I was a kid. My grandmother was a piano teacher, so naturally I learned how to play it also."

Host: Does your Family support your decision?

Nana: "[nervously laughs] Unfortunately, they don't. The only one that had ever supported my choice at a singing career was my grandmother, she passed away a few years ago. When I told my parents about my audition plans, they forbid it. I had to sneak out with Gogi to the audition, and even with this, they don't know about. It's best they don't, if they did, I wouldn't be here right now."

Host: What are your goals now that you are working in this industry?

Nana: "Goals? I want to be able to show my parents that the choice I am making to do what I'm doing, is the right one. I want to be able to show them that even though they disagree, that I have the potential and talent to be able to stand amongst big names. I want to finally make them proud of me. As for the fans I hope we collect, we want to be able to bring a new type of music for them to enjoy, something different from the usual female persona. Something fresh and full of energy, music that can last a lifetime even in our world."

Host: Can you share any plans or activities that you know of, that TMX will be involved in?

Nana: [laughs] "The only thing we have been warned about is MTV-K following us on our travels to Korea next week, along with the process to our debut stage. Either than that, you can most likely expect the unexpected. It'll be tons of fun!"

Host: Anything you want to say to our readers and listeners?

Nana: "Please support us when we debut, we promise to give you an amazing stage along with an amazing debut. I apoogize ahead of time if my Korean may be a bit short of amazing or my mannerism may not be up to par. Take care of us and love us! [bows while waving]"


--------------------------------------------------End of Interview------------------------------------------------------------

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi