
Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams



So dinner didn’t happen like they had expected, Nana had rejected their offer to have a late night dinner at their dorm and instead both parties retired to their own dorms for a night of well rested sleep.


The Next Morning….

“So she’s going to come on a blind date, here?” Gogi asked as Nana nodded from her spot at the kitchen sink where she was washing the morning’s breakfast dishes.

“Yeah, why? Problem?” Nana asked over interested as she shook her head, leaning against the island in thought.

“Just thinking of the many ways I could torture the two of them.” Gogi smirked sending Nana chuckling as she shut off the water and turned to her friend.

“I’m slightly surprised to see you thinking of things to torture people with, isn’t that my job?” Nana asked amused as Gogi laughed.

“As true as that is, we both know those two like each other.” Gogi walked into the living room, taking a seat on the couch.

“You knew?” Nana asked surprised as Gogi snorted.

“Of course, I think the only ones that don’t notice anything are those two.” Gogi mentioned while Nana plopped down on the recliner, her legs now resting up on the leg rests.

“What do you have planned?” Gogi asked over interested as Nana smiled.

“Stuff. Lots and lots of stuff.” Nana mentioned with an evil grin causing Gogi to sigh.
“Actually, now that I think about it, I think it’s safe to say you should probably keep your distance.” Gogi teased only receiving a glare from said woman.

“No, I set this up, I’m going to be present in the dorm.” Nana shook her off as she sighed.

“Ana, you set it up before you got piss drunk. You wouldn’t have remembered if Luhan hadn’t told you.” Gogi pointed out sending Nana’s eyes rolling in annoyance.

“Nonetheless, she wants me to be there.” Nana added as Gogi sighed.

“When are they supposed to be here?” Gogi asked standing up and stretching as Nana looked to her watch.

“She said she’d come at 5, Sehun is supposed to be here sometime after that, they had a schedule today.” Nana yawned, feeling herself slowly being dragged back in slumber.

“Well I’m going to tidy up a bit before then.” Gogi announced as Nana nodded, turning her head to the side to get a more comfortable side.
“Wake me up at 3ish.” Nana called through a sleepy voice.



Once she was done cleaning Gogi retired to her bedroom, throwing herself atop the sheets of the bed. Staring up at the ceiling in a trance she sighed once more before her phone began going off the dresser. Reaching for it without moving her body from the bed, she pulled the phone into her view before slightly smiling.

“Hello?” She answered staring up at the ceiling.

“Hey.” His voice came on the line as she smiled again.

“What do I owe this surprise phone call?” She teased as he laughed.
Hey, can’t I just call to talk, geez.” He hissed annoyed as she smiled. Ever since her encounter with the fans, he had been calling constantly to make sure she was alright. It was actually quite cute. If it wasn’t him, it was Hoya coming over at any time of the day to make sure she was still alive.

“What are you doing right now?” He asked as she sighed loudly.

“Lying out on my bed, staring at the ceiling.” She answered in monotone.

“Oh, no rehearsals today?” He asked surprised as she snorted.

“If I was busy today, do you think I would have answered the phone?” She asked in a matter-of-fact tone sending him laughing.

“Oppa, you don’t have to constantly call me to check in. I mean, I’m positive you’re pretty busy with your own career.” She whined as he smiled on the opposite line.
“Don’t even bother scolding me because you know I’ll keep calling even if you change your number.” He threatened causing her to sigh, inwardly smiling.

“So if you girls are off today, what are your plans?” He asked intrigued as she narrowed her eyes.

“Why?” She asked suspiciously as he chuckled.

“No reason, just curious.” He defended innocently as she scoffed.

“Uh-huh, the great G-Dragon just curious? That’s a bit dangerous, don’t you think?” She teased as he snorted.

“So mean.” He whispered feigning hurt as she smiled.

“We don’t have anything planned for ourselves, but a friend of ours is coming over for a blind date tonight.” Gogi explained as GD sat there confused.

“This friend is coming over on a blind date with one of you?” He asked hesitantly as she broke out laughing.

“No, no, no, no. She’s a friend of ours that Nana-unnie set up with someone else.” Gogi quickly defended as GD laughed this time.

“Ah, I see.” He couldn’t help but sound slightly relieved.

“What are you boys doing tonight? Recording? Rehearsing? Something workaholics do best?” She teased as he laughed sarcastically.
“I’ll have you know that we are taking a break tonight to relax.” He answered proudly as she snorted.

“Woah! Look at that world! The great G-dragon actually plans to leave his studio to relax! God, is the apocalypse approaching?” She shouted teasingly, biting her lip to hold in her laugh as GD growled through the phone.

“Ya! It’s not my fault I’m a hard worker!” He shouted causing her to break out laughing again.

“Alright, alright, you can stop laughing you insane brat.” He muttered the last part as she stopped to catch her breath.

“Well Daesung-ah is heading home tonight to visit his parents, Maknae is in Japan for a show and Bae has plans to stay home, so it’ll just be me and Hyung tonight.” He finally explained as Gogi sat there in thought before something popped up.

“Oh! You guys could come over tonight.” She offered sitting up quickly as the line went quiet.

“But won’t we be intruding on your friends date, I mean, I do that often but I would hate to do that to a friend of yours.” He teased as she snorted, unimpressed.

“Shut up and listen for a moment.” She scolded annoyed.

“You can come over and hang out with me and TOP oppa can hang out with Unnie.” Gogi offered simply.
“And do what?” GD asked intrigued.

“I don’t know, we can watch movies or just hang out.” She shrugged as GD leaned back in his seat interested at the offer.

“So the four of us just hanging out?” He asked unsure as she sighed.

“It’s either your deaf or there’s an echo on this line.” She sighed irritated.

“Why can’t you guys just leave them by themselves and go hang out with us?” GD asked in a whine as she rolled her eyes.
“Nana said she has to be here for our friend and we’re not allowed to leave the dorms without letting managers know.” Gogi sighed. So plans were set in store as the girls quickly got ready for whatever the night held.



“YOU WHAT?!” Nana shouted from the bathroom as Gogi chuckled nervously after spilling the beans about their own company tonight.

“What? You were planning to just stay in the room all night doing nothing?” Gogi asked over trying to calm her friend down.

“Uh….YEAH!” Nana threw her hands into the air before sighing, leaning against the sink with her hair hanging over the sides of her face.

“It’s not like we’ll be doing anything bad, just watching movies and hanging out while Hyori and Sehun have their shindig in the dining room.” Gogi brushed her off only getting Nana to look over and glare at her friend.

“Well thanks for planning something without telling me.” Nana hissed pushing past her friend to head into her room and slam the door shut.
“The exact reaction I was expecting.” Gogi muttered under her breath before shrugging uncaring as she walked into the bathroom to get ready for the night.


Nana emerged from her room dressed in a long sleeve superman sweater, grey sweats and bright neon checkered socks, her glasses sitting on her face.




“Well don’t you look cute?” A voice teased as she rolled her eyes, continuing on her way towards the fridge.

“I’m not dressing up to impress anyone, you?” Nana teased turning to look at Gogi’s accusing glare.




“I just admitted you were cute, you couldn’t just take the compliment?” Gogi asked annoyed as Nana shook her head behind her water bottle.

“Why are you so upset that TOP’s coming over?” Gogi glared over the island counter as Nana snorted, pulling her bottle down from .
“Because, have you noticed that I haven’t been hanging out with him since a certain night?” Nana asked shoving her bottle back into the fridge before turning to glare at Gogi who only rolled her eyes.

“So you’re telling me the reason you haven’t been hanging out with him is because there is a chance you guys would probably get down to business yet again?” Gogi bluntly answered, her arms crossing over her chest.

“YA!” Nana shouted angry as Gogi chuckled.

“Bingo!” Gogi shouted clapping for herself as Nana rolled her eyes.

“I swear to god, I’m going to call Onew and tell him your dirty little secrets.” Nana threatened as she pushed past Gogi into the living room.

“YA!” Gogi shouted this time as Nana smirked.

“You know, I saw some interesting things at the shoot yesterday, between you and a certain idol? Shall we talk about it?” Nana asked amused as she planted herself on the couch. Gogi stood frozen in place, just sending invisible laser beams at the unexpected woman sitting comfortably on the couch.

“I hate you, you know that?” Gogi hissed under her breath as Nana nodded, smiling over to her friend.

“Don’t worry, the feelings mutual.” Nana reassured as Gogi lifted her hand to interject before the doorbell rang.

“I got it!” Nana shot off the chair, her blue hair swaying back and forth across her back as she approached the entryway. She answered the door to see that it was the food service they had ordered from.
“Min Hee! Food!” Nana shouted pulling out the needed cash from her bag hanging by the door before handing it to the man who then began handing her tray after tray. Gogi ran over and helped Nana transfer everything into the dining room before thanking the delivery man.

“You think we bought enough food?” Gogi asked sarcastically as they stared at the 4 trays full of different sorts of food.

“Well you did have to invite two extra people.” Nana spat as Gogi sighed, rolling her head to look at her friend.

“Would you get over it already, geez.” Gogi hissed as she began arranging the various different foods.

“What are you doing?” Gogi asked as she watched Nana grab various foods to put on a single tray.

“Since I’m being forced to hang out with the dude, I’m eating what I want.” Nana hissed as Gogi rolled her eyes.

“Whatever, just make sure there’s enough for Hyori and Sehun.” Gogi mentioned as Nana nodded.


A few minutes later and Gogi opened the door to welcome Hyori who looked paler than the moon.




“Aw, you look so cute!” Gogi cooed wrapping her arm around her shoulder to usher her in.
“Did she come?” Nana asked as she rounded the corner from the bedrooms.

“Ana-ah.” Hyori immediately whined when she saw her.
“What now?” Nana whined back, her arms crossing over her chest.

“I’m so nervous. What am I going to do?” Hyori walked over to hug the unexpected woman. Nana sighed, looking to Gogi’s laughing expression as she walked past the pair into the living room.

“It’ll be fine. I’m sure you both will enjoy it.” Nana promised pulling the girl away from her to look down at her outfit.

“Are those leggings?” Nana asked surprised as Hyori looked down in confusion before nodding in realization.

“I bought these a while back at a thrift store, do they look alright?” Hyori suddenly asked self-consciously.

“Those are so cute!” Gogi interrupted as Hyori smiled brightly.

“Well I hate to break up the party but Sehun should be arriving any time now.” Gogi added as Hyori suddenly paled again.
“What are we going to do?” Hyori began panicked as Nana sighed, walking to stand behind said woman, pulling her coat off before hanging it in the entryway they had yet to move from.

“We’re going to go in and wait for him.” Nana pushed her into the apartment as the dining room came into view. The girls had spent most of the afternoon setting it up to look like a little date area. A small table cloth over the dining room table, their food set up with a pair of spaces to eat with utensils. The lights dim enough that the couple could see each other but enough to set the ambiance. Hyori looked at the table in surprise before turning to the two girls.

“Ana-ah, Min Hee-ah, you didn’t have to.” Hyori whispered touched at the scene before Nana waved her hand in the air.
“Be quiet and enjoy it.” Nana brushed her off before the doorbell rang.

“Omo! Omo! Omo! OMO! OMO!” Hyori began panicking, getting louder and louder as Nana gestured with her head towards Hyori. Gogi took the hint and put a hand over the frantic woman’s mouth before dragging her down the hallway into the nearest room which happened to be the bathroom.

“Crazy lady.” Nana muttered under her breath as she adjusted her glasses before walking over to the doorway. The light in the entryway shot on as she entered, her fingers getting to work on opening the door, showing an equally nervous Sehun, dressed causally. He obviously let go of a breath relieved as Nana chuckled.


“Was expecting someone else?” She asked smugly as he sighed, pulling on the collar of his coat to fan himself a bit.

“Noona, I’ve been dying all day.” He whined as she chuckled, smiling when she noticed the bouquet of flowers hiding behind his back.



“Well hurry up and come in.” Nana whined pulling the man into the apartment before shutting the door.

“Noona.” He whined quietly as she looked up to see the worry painted across his face. Sighing she looked towards the kitchen before turning back to him.
“It’ll be fine, I promise, alright?” She whispered as he continued to look at her before an expression of relief crossed his face.

“Thanks for doing this Noona.” He smiled as she snorted and nodded, reaching over and pinching his cheeks teasingly.

“Aigooooo.” She cooed teasingly.

“Nooooona.” He whined pulling her hands off his face before he began rubbing his now sore cheeks.

“Stop whining and come on.” She stepped up and began walking towards the kitchen only to be stopped when he suddenly grabbed her hand.

“What is it now?” She whined turning to his panicked expression returned.

“Is she here?” He asked in a whisper causing her to smile.

“She’s in the room with Min Hee-ah, now come on.” Nana whined pulling him in to see the decorated table.

“Noona.” He whispered as she turned to see him staring at the table.

“It’s fine alright. Just have fun, k?” She reassured as he took a deep breath before nodding.

“I’m going to get her, stay here.” Nana announced as he nodded, making sure that he was presentable as he stood there.

“Is she pretty?” He asked while she continued to walk away.

“Shut up and just be nice.” She scolded as she continued to walk away before hearing voices in the bathroom.

“Hello?” She called knocking on the door as she watched Sehun duck into the living room, out of sight. Gogi peeked out the crack of the door before seeing Nana and fully opening it.

“Is he here?” Gogi asked excited as Nana nodded, gesturing with her head down the hallway.

“I have a plan.” Gogi chuckled under her breath as Nana looked at her confused before she leaned over to whisper in her ear. Nana listened to the plan before sighing and nodding.
“Hurry up then.” She hissed walking away and Gogi turned to get Hyori ready.

“What’s going on?” Hyori asked once Gogi shut the door.

“He’s here, so we’re going to go out and greet him.” Gogi offered quickly fixing a stray purple lock hanging in front of Hyori’s face. Hopefully the night goes as planned, for both sides.



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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi