Debut Photo Shoot

Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams


So we’re making a teaser out of the debut photo shoot?” Nana asked confused as the pair sat in their final meeting for the girls debut photo shoot.

Basically.” Jiyong answered as the girls looked to each other both in thought and confusion.

Basically, we want to keep the secrecy on your identities a secret till we release the debut photos a few days before.” Baek Hee explained as the girls nodded in understanding.

We’ll have a few cameras around the set doing the video, almost like a behind the scenes take.” Eun Sang added.

We plan on releasing the teaser trailer of the shoot a few days before we announce your debut date and release the debut photos.” Young Min added seriously as the girls just absentmindedly nodded.

End Flashback


It was a quiet morning as the girls emotionlessly moved around their apartment at 4:00am, gathering various things to take with them, eating a light breakfast, and getting ready for their debut photo shoot. Nana hadn’t slept a wink all night, gathering the insane headache she had gained from the nights events. She had screwed up, big time, and nothing could take it all back. She sighed, staring at the dark circles under her eyes through the mirror.

“Hyori is gonna be pissed.” She muttered to herself, pulling down on one of the eye bags before sighing, continuing to brush her teeth and get ready for the day. She brushed her hair, putting it into a loose bun at the nape of her neck before finally emerging from the bathroom where Gogi was patiently waiting for her turn.

“Oh! Sorry.” Nana mentioned seeing that she must have been waiting for a considerable amount of time.

“Geez, you look like death.” Gogi pointed out seeing the dark circles encasing her friends eyes.

“Yeah well, I feel like death.” Nana muttered walking down the hallway to her room to continue getting ready. She pulled on a pair of jean pants and a teal tank top with a white cashmere sweater. They were instructed to dress light, but there was no way in hell she would dress light in this freezing weather. Suddenly her phone began blaring on the dresser near her computer as she continued to pull the sweater over her head, her eyes snapping over to the blinking light coming off of it.

“Now what.” She muttered, no energy to fight or argue with anyone this morning. She had hoped it wasn’t who she thought it was, lucky enough when she saw the name blinking on it, a slight relief washed over her. She tugged the end of her sweater down before answering on the last ring.

Hello?” She asked walking over to her bag sitting on her bed, making sure everything was present.

Morning.” His cheerful voice came across the line causing her to inwardly smile. This child had the remarkable abilities to lift her spirit no matter what mood she was in. Guess that’s why she had such a close relationship with him.

Morning.” She smiled walking to her closet to pull out a coat for the day.

Didn’t expect you to be up and about this early.” He teased causing her to snort as she threw her coat onto the bed.

And you were calling to wake me up? Is that it?” She asked, a hand on her hip as she stared at the wallpaper to her laptop.

No. Not really. I didn’t realize what time it was till the line started ringing.” He chuckled causing her to shake her head in disbelief.

Typical Luhan.” She muttered under her breath, plopping down on her back to stare at the ceiling.

So, what’s going on today that has you up so early?” He asked interested as she sighed loudly. As much as she loved his company and random phone calls, this child could not remember anything she had told him, especially things that were important.

I’ve told you this a thousand times already, you know that right?” She asked annoyed as he scratched the back of his neck sheepishly.

Nana-ah, I’m sorry. I’m not doing it on purpose, I promise.” He begged causing her to smile, and there goes his overload of aegyo trying to win her over. Pfffft.

We have our debut photo shoot today.” She answered as he nodded in realization.

Ah! That’s right! You did tell me that. Excited?” He asked as she turned to lie on her side, the phone now pinned between her ear and the pillow.

I want to be excited but I’m more exhausted then anything. I didn’t get in till about 1am this morning.” She explained sending a loud yawn over the phone.

Ah! That’s right, how was the party?” He asked as her mood immediately dropped.

I don’t want to talk about it.” She whispered as Luhan sat on his bed confused.

What? Why not? Did something happen?” He asked now worried. They hadn’t known each other for that long, but they had spent every free moment on the phone with each other or talking to each other after practices. It was like this ever since he took the charge of sitting next to her on the day they met.

Luhan, when I say I don’t want to talk about it, it means don’t.” She warned as he sighed. Nana hadn’t gotten across to calling him Oppa like he had requested, but he totally understood since her personality didn’t waver for it.

I’m just worried. You were excited to go.” He added back comforting as she sighed, rubbing her makeup less face.

Just something’s happened, that I kind of regret.” She admitted as he sat up interested, yet worried. He knew how much this career meant to Nana, and all the chances she was willing to take to get it. He didn’t want to think it but he had a feeling of what happened.

Did TOP-ssi do something to you?” He now asked protectively as Nana looked down to her hands, biting her lip.
He didn’t do something I didn’t consent to, if that’s what you’re asking.” Her pride had slipped away, all her proud walls broke at the mention of that man’s name. Luhan was taken aback by her forwardness to his question.

Well whatever you are going through Nana-ie, you are strong enough to pull through. You always will.” Luhan comforted using the nickname he had come up with for her, one that he was surprised she had let stick.

And when you feel you want to talk about it, you know I’m here. I always will be.” Luhan added sending Nana’s heart fluttering. This boy knew how to charm his way into someone’s life, it was dangerous.

Thanks.” Nana couldn’t help but smile at his offer, just as a knock echoed through the room.

“Yes?” Nana called as Gogi popped her head in, a hesitant look on her face.

“Jiyong is waiting for us.” Gogi pointed over her shoulder just as Nana stood to adjust her outfit.

I have to go but thanks for calling.” Nana walked over grabbing a scarf and beanie out of her closet. Luhan just chuckled.

Not going to call me Oppa any time soon I see.” He teased causing her to scoff.

You’ll be lucky if you ever hear that word from me again.” She answered as he laughed.

“Well, I can dream can’t I?” He teased as she smiled, shutting her bag as she slipped on her coat and beanie.
I’ll talk to you later, I just remembered I have a surprise for you.” She realized the blue lock of hair hanging out of her beanie.

Oh! Really? What sort of surprise?” He asked expectantly as she rolled her eyes.

You’ll see when I see you. Bye.” She laughed hanging up before he could come up with something ridiculous. Tying her scarf around her neck and pulling her bag over her shoulder, she trotted out into the living room to see Gogi waiting for her. They had not spoken since the incident during the previous night, so it was beyond awkward.

“Who was on the phone?” Gogi asked never turning to her as she stood up off the couch.

“Luhan was checking in.” Nana explained as she nodded, walking past her friend towards the front door.


The girls sat in silence as they rode to the studio where they would be shooting their official first photo shoot for their debut.

You’re girls nervous?” Mina asked as Nana nodded, never turning to the cameras she knew were videotaping her. They both had become accustomed to having the cameras there all the time.

Is there anything you are looking forward to today?” Mina then asked as both girls routinely turned to look at her, clearly irritation and exhaustion written on their faces.

I’m just looking forward to doing the photo shoot in general.” Gogi explained with a forced smile.

Yes, it’ll be exciting to work on our first project for our debut.” Nana added as Mina nodded, smiling at their answers.

“We heard that you have decided to do a y yet sad concept for your debut, care to elaborate for us?” Mina asked as Gogi turned to nod towards Nana who cleared .

“We decided on a y and sad concept because we believe that it will make a deeper impression on our fans. Debut artists usually give something bubbly and colorful or strong and upbeat, we wanted to the total opposite just to give light to our name.” Nana explained as Mina nodded.

“We wanted to separate ourselves from the constant use for happy debuts.” Gogi added as Mina nodded.


10 questions and 20 minutes later, the van finally pulled up into a packed parking lot set behind a medium sized warehouse studio, the light snow still falling outside. Nana pulled her scarf closer to her neck as their managers climbed out of the front to help them out. Youngjae held out an umbrella for Nana who willing accepted, Gogi accepting the one from Gogi.

“Girls just relax today, it’ll be fun.” Jiyong noticed the girls changed expressions from yesterday.

As they walked into the large empty building, the girls were immediately welcomed by the camera crew that would be filming the groups teaser, from both the photo set to their photographer.

“Girls, this is Kyung Soo Kim, he will be your debut shoots photographer.” Jiyong introduced a middle age man with a camera in his hand. The man tilted his glasses down before his eyes widened.

“Ah! You must be the lovely T.M.X.” He called letting the large camera hang around his neck as he reached out to share the girls hands. They just chuckled nervously before bowing deeply to the man.

“I’m Nana and this is Gogi, it’s so nice to finally meet you.” Nana introduced as the man smiled.

“My, my, my you girls are as lovely as Young-Min ssi had said.” He teased causing the pair to blush before turning their attention to the various things be set up in the room, many props lying around.

“We have about 3 separate sets we are going to use for both of you today.” He explained turning to point at the white backdrop where two old Victorian couches of different colors were sitting.

“One will be with these lovely Victorian fainting couches that I chose, another that will be different between the two of you, the last will be simple. So what do you say we get you in makeup and outfits?” He asked clapping his hands once, a large smile on his face.

“Ah yes.” Nana nodded with a forced smile.

“We’d like that very much.” Gogi added as he chuckled before gesturing over to trailer that had been set up for the pair at the corner.

“Let’s get you ready girls.” Youngjae called as they followed their managers over to the trailer, bowing and smiling at the crew members they walked past. Jiyong pulled open the door, holding a hand out to help them up.

“My Girls!” Hyori shouted the moment both girls were present in the warm trailer. They both smiled, accepting the hug from the young woman who just chuckled.

“You guys look so exhausted.” Hyori whined as the girls sheepishly smiled.

“It’s been a long week.” Gogi admitted as Nana nodded.

“Alright, alright, enough chit chat, we need to get you both looking y and ready.” Hyori announced as the girls handed their various things over to the managers waiting to hold them. Both girls sat in makeup seats, staring at their reflections as their makeup and hair was pulled in separate locations.

“Aish! Nana-ah!” Hyori whined once she saw Nana take off her sunglasses.

“I’m sorry. I couldn’t sleep.” Nana scratched the back of her neck sheepishly as Hyori sighed, a hand on her hip.
“Now look at this mess. I have to pull out a paint roller just to get enough foundation to cover these bags.” She poked at Nana’s eye bags sending the managers in a fit of giggles at Nana’s annoyed expression. During their 45 minute long sit down of makeup and hair, Mina had walked in with a few cameras to ask them some questions, do a little taping of their process since they were instructed not to film during the photo shoot aside from interviews on the side.

“Alright, Gogi-ah!” Hyori patted Gogi’s shoulder from behind, waking up the woman as she blinked her eyes before smiling at her reflection. Simple makeup, her new black hair flowing straight down her back, she looked stunning.

“Wow.” Gogi smiled at her reflection before looking to Hyori’s proud face.

“As much as I would love for you to sit there and admire my work, we need to get you ready.” Hyori chuckled as Gogi shuffled out of her seat to the awaiting team ready to dress her for her first set. Gogi was escorted to the back end of the trailer, away from male eyes, where a pair of racks full of clothes were set up.

“For the first scene, Gogi-ssi will be wearing………… this.” One of the assistant stylist mentioned pulling out a dress bag before placing it on the bed to open. Gogi gasped when the material hit her eyes, it was gorgeous.

“That is gorgeous.” Gogi mentioned reaching down to lightly pet it.

“It is.” The other woman nodded in agreement, pulling the long fabric out of the bag to hold in front of her. Gogi stripped down to her bare essentials, only leaving her in her and strapless white bra as she stepped into the surprisingly soft fabric. The woman also known as ‘Dee-Dee’ as they called her, zipped up the side of the dress, patting down any wrinkles or crinkles present before stepping back.


Photoshoot #3


“That dress looks breathtaking on you Gogi-ssi.” Dee Dee praised causing Gogi to smile down at the pool of fabric around her feet.

“We have Nana-ssi ready, how is everything in here?” Hyori’s voice came from the slowly opening door.

“Oh gosh, that dress was made for you.” Hyori praised as she ushered Nana into the room to change into her outfit.


SHINEE ff #4


“You both look lovely.” Soo Kim praised as the girls with the help of their stylist walked over to him, fully dress and styled from head to toe.

“Gogi-ssi can have a seat, we’ll be starting with Nana-ssi.” He pointed out as Nana sighed, taking in a deep breath. Hyori and Dee Dee held her dress up and walked Nana over to the teal Victorian couch set up next to a ladder. Hyori sat her down as Nana adjusted her dress, pulling it up to make sure it was holding her chest in from view.

“Alright Nana-ssi, I’ll need your cooperation with these.” Soo Kim announced as she side eyed him from Hyori fixing a few things on her face.

“We’re going to be take these photos from above.” He mentioned gesturing to the ladder as she pulled away from Hyori, blinking the mascara she just added before nodding to him.

“I need you to be lying down.” He added gesturing to the two helping her as they nodded, helping her lie down, listening to him explain how he wanted her hair. Her blue curled hair was now cascading around her head on the couch. Her right hand closes to the backrest of the couch, laid across , showcasing the few rings she had, while the other hung off the couch. Her legs were bent, the end of her dress up just a bit to give view to the heels she was wearing.

“Perfect, let’s do a few test shots.” Soo Kim announced as the room began bustling even more, Hyori and Dee Dee running off set to get out of the way. Nana swallowed heavily as she made eye contact with Gogi who was already watching her from the side.

“Can I have a few of you looking up at me?” Soo Kim asked as Nana turned her eyes to glare up at him. He chuckled before clicking the camera a few times before nodding.

“Alright, makeup!” he shouted as Nana moved her hand from her face to lie over her chest as Hyori approached with a clear tube.

“What is that?” Nana asked interested as Hyori chuckled.

“A secret little weapon to give you tears.” She explained twisting the cap before showing what looked like to be a normal stick of lip balm.

“Does it hurt?” Nana asked hesitantly as Hyori chuckled.

“A bit, but it does give the tears we’ll need.” She offered as Nana sighed, blinking her eyes a bit to get used to whatever pain or irritation that was to come.

“Now in these shots Nana-ssi, I need you to look sad. Can you do that for me?” Soo Kim asked from next to her as she looked over before forcing a nod.

“I think I can.” She whispered turning to look over to Gogi who was nodding to her. All she had to do was think about last night and the tears were already threatening to fall.

“Nana-ah.” Hyori called surprised as Nana turned her attention confused.

“What?” Nana asked as Hyori looked to Dee Dee’s surprised expression.

“Are you alright?” Hyori whispered as Nana continued to blink.

“Yeah, why?” Nana asked as Hyori blinked a few times.

“You were getting all teary eyed, I wasn’t sure if I even needed this.” Hyori mentioned holding up the tube as Nana blushed before looking away. 

“Oh, yeah, I’m good.” Nana cleared as Hyori nodded, finally leaning forward to rub the end on the bottom eyelid of each eye before standing up with a napkin at the ready.

“Holy crap that stings.” Nana whispered through her teeth as Hyori began catching the tears that were falling from her eyes, her makeup giving that smudge look.

“Oh that’s perfect.” Soo Kim praised as Nana continued to whine, constantly blinking to get rid of the irritation.

“Are you alright Nana-ssi?” Soo Kim asked worried as Nana sighed and nodded.

“Just give me a second to get used to it.” She smiled as he nodded, climbing up the ladder to get into place. Hyori and Dee Dee adjusted Nana’s dress a bit more, pulling open the slight slit to show off Nana’s legs on one side.

“Alright, I think I’m ready.” Nana announced feeling the warm rush of tears down her cheek. Hyori patted some of it away before catching a smudged flow before it dropped onto the couch.  Hyori and Dee Dee quickly ran off the set as Nana pulled her right hand over again, her eyes barely peering over her arm at the camera set up above her.

“You ready?” Soo Kim asked down as she silently nodded.

“Give me sad.” He called as she shut her eyes before opening up, letting the feelings of the night before rush through her.

“Perfect!” He shouted immediately clicking away on his camera as Nana kept her stance.

“Drop your right hand to your chest with the other and tilt your head the opposite way.” He called as she did just that, peering out the side of her eyes at him. About 20 minutes later as Soo Kim pulled away clapping.

“That was perfect!” He praised as Hyori and Dee Dee ran over to help her up and wipe her eyes. They were burning like no one’s business, so she was ushered back to their trailer and began trying to flush out the concoction.

“Maybe you’re allergic to it Nana-ssi.” Dee Dee pointed out as Nana held her eyes tightly with a pair of napkins.



It was Gogi’s turn as the crew exchange Nana’s teal couch for Gogi’s blood red one.

“Oooh, your white dress is amazing on that couch.” Soo Kim pointed out as she was laid out, Hyori and Dee Dee adjusting her dress to perfection. Once the lip balm tear jerker was put to Gogi’s eye lids, the tears were not milliseconds behind.

“Holy crap, that is…” Gogi muttered as Nana nodded from where she was watching.

“Told you!” Nana shouted as Gogi bit the inside of her cheek, trying to adjust to it. Finally when she had adjusted, Gogi opened her eyes to stare up at the camera.

“Same as with Nana-ssi, I need sad, yet y.” He offered as Gogi nodded, trying to get comfortable as one of her hands laid across her stomach, the other now resting on her chest. She leaned her head further back and kept her lips ajar.

“Perfect!” Soo kim shouted going to town on the photos as he instructed Gogi to move here and there.


“Nana-ssi.” A voice called as Nana blinked, squinting her eyes as she turned to see Youngjae holding her phone.

“You have a phone call.” He mentioned in a whisper as she hesitantly looked to the phone pressed against his chest.

“Who is it?” Nana asked unsure if she wanted to answer it.

“It’s G-Dragon-ssi.” He mentioned as her eyes widened as far as they would in its constant irritation.

“What? Why?” She asked confused as he shrugged.

“He wanted to talk to you about Gogi-ssi.” He mentioned as she sighed.

“Alright.” She finally gave in, holding her hand out to grab it as he set it in her hand and stepped back to give her some space. She looked to the number, noticing it was a number she did not recognize before clearing and turning her attention back to Gogi’s shoot.

“Hello?” Nana answered.

“Nana.” A deep voice suddenly answered as her heart leaped out of .

“It’s me.” He added as she looked down to her lap, her free hand clenched in a fist.

“Don’t be upset with Jiyong-ah, he did this on my behalf.” He added as she hissed annoyed, feeling that burning feeling in her eyes closely returning.

“Can we talk?” He asked as she bit the inside of her lip, keeping her from speaking.

“Nana.” He called wondering if she had hung up.

I’m busy right now.” She answered in a small voice, feeling her emotions slowly betraying her.

“Nana.” He scolded this time in a serious tone.

“I want to know why you ran out on me!” He snapped this time, startling her.

“Why?! You told me you can’t date; you need to explain it to me! I’m going insane here!” He shouted desperately as she bit her lip probably ruining her lipstick. She couldn’t do this now. She refused to. This was an important schedule, she couldn’t have her mind wandering to such trivial things.

“I have to go.” She spoke seriously as he sighed.

“Ana! You’re not listening to me!” he shouted as she sighed, looking over her shoulder to Youngjae who was entertaining himself with something on his phone.

“I can’t do this right now. We’re doing our first photo shoot, I can’t do this right now.” She whispered as he sighed.

“We need to talk. I don’t care when or where, but today. I’ll see you later.” He spoke sounding more than irritated as the line cut. She pulled the phone away from ear before tossing it onto table next to her.


The next scene, both girls were set up in red dresses that enhanced their legs and body. Gogi went first this time as the crew pulled a beautiful black convertible onto the set.


Photoshoot #2


Gogi was set up in the passenger seat, one of her long legs perched up on the dashboard, the other hanging out the open door while her knees met. Her hair styled to perfection, her dress hugging her body perfectly as Soo Kim got his camera set up. Nana sat to the side in her own red ensemble, patiently waiting as the thoughts of her previous phone call ran through her mind.

“Same as the previous shot. Sad yet y.” Soo Kim shouted from behind his camera as Gogi nodded with eyes tightly shut in pain. Nana sighed, massaging the temple of her head before reapplying the pair of ice packs that were given to her for her still stinging eyes.


Nana’s next shot included a y red ensemble as she laid out on a plush white bed, a camera being set up above her yet again.

“Don’t fall asleep now.” Soo Kim teased from above her causing her to chuckle, her eyes still shut.

“Don’t tempt me Soo Kim-ssi.” She answered as he laughed gesturing for her stylists to come.

“You think you’ll be alright with the eye serum again?” Hyori asked worried as Nana looked up from the comforter.

“My eyes are still burning.” Nana pointed out more in a whine as Hyori stood up in thought.

“What if Nana-ssi could give us real tears?” Soo Kim asked from above as Hyori absentmindedly fixed Nana’s hair lying around the comforter, the other stylist lying an old Victorian phone in front of Nana.

“Think you can do that?” Hyori asked worried as Nana shrugged.

“I guess it wouldn’t hurt to try.” Nana pointed out in thought as Hyori continued to look at her worried.

“Just think about something sad.” Gogi’s voice suddenly rang as Nana looked over to see her now dressed in a y black dress.

“Something sad?” Nana asked in thought as Gogi nodded. Hyori quickly help adjust Nana’s dress, making sure that enough of Nana’s legs were showing along with her gold heels.


SHINEE ff #3


“Something you know will bring you to tears.” Gogi mentioned staring straight into her friends soul as Nana sighed, she knew exactly what she was talking about.

“Alright, you ready Nana-ssi?” Soo Kim asked as she nodded, smiling reassuringly at Hyori who hesitantly walked out of the photo and to the side.

“Same as the others, I need to see a y side hiding behind the sad façade.” He explained as she stared at the beautiful phone and nodded.

“Stare at the phone as if you are waiting for your beloved to call, but know he never will.” Soo Kim further explained as Nana shut her eyes tightly, trying to dig back on her emotions to pull the one she needed forward.

“Let me know when you’re ready.” Soo Kim saw the dilemma and waited patiently as Nana tried to force the emotion out. It was hard, tiresome, but she found it. She opened her eyes in surprise when she finally felt the wet sensation run down her cheek.

“Perfect!” Soo Kim shouted excited as Nana quickly turned her attention towards the phone as Soo Kim had explained.


Once the girl’s solo shots were finished, it was time for the pairs paired photos. Both girls were dressed to impress in similar black ensembles, y. Gogi was now sporting a very y black lace dress that gave a perfect view of our hourglass figure, while Nana dressed in a short black ensemble that enhanced her body shape giving a better look at her long legs.


Untitled #106



Both girls were decked out with silver jewelry. Everything was cleared from the set, only the girls now present as they stood awaiting orders, Hyori and Dee Dee adjusting their outfits while fixing any stray hair.


SHINEE ff #2



“Alright girls.” Soo Kim announced as their stylists stepped to the side.

“This time around, we’ll only be giving the y vibe.” He explained as he motioned over for a pair of employees who were standing off to the side.

“We still have a sad addition to it, but it will mainly focus on the y side.” He explained as the pair of employees walked over with a pair of champagne glasses and a wine bottle.

“Don’t worry, you won’t have to drink.” He reassured seeing the girls confused expressions as Hyori and Dee Dee went to pour a bit of wine into each glass before giving it to the girls to hold. Nana immediately put the glass up to her nose and sniffed, it smelt delicious.

“For theses paired shots, I want you girls to be facing your backs to the camera.” He explained as they turned to face the white background.

“If you could hold the wine glasses in the opposite hands.” He added seeing that the girls were holding the glass between them. They quickly switched hands. He nodded before walking over to stand in front of them.

“In these shots, I would actually appreciate it if you wouldn’t mind holding each other hands.” He offered as the girls looked to each other, Gogi being the one to grab Nana’s hand before looking to Soo Kim.

“I want you both looking over your joining shoulders to the camera, a y intense stare.” He added gesturing with his hands as the girls nodded.

“Then with the hands holding the wine, tip them enough to have a steady flow of wine pouring onto the floor.” He explained as Nana’s eyes widened.

“You want us to waste it?” She asked surprised as he chuckled and nodded.

“It’ll be alright Nana-ssi.” He teased as she sighed, quickly taking a sip while no one was looking.

“I saw that.” Gogi mentioned slushing hers around her cup as Nana sighed.

“Shut up.” Nana muttered as Gogi chuckled.

“Alright girls.” Soo Kim shouted from behind them as they looked over their shoulders, smoldering gazes directed to the camera. They went on for about 20 minutes, taking a few breaks here and there to check their progress on the screen. The girls did a various style of poses together before finally breaking to see their progress.

“Perfect! Let’s move onto the solo shots!” Soo Kim shouted.

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi