SHINEE 'Dream Girl' Music Video Filming: Part 2

Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams

After finishing the scenes with the red dress, Gogi was changed into something more to her style, leather leggings, a white long sleeve KTZ collared shirt while Hyori left out the rest of the outfit so that Gogi could enjoy lunch while everyone was on break.


Dream Girl 2


“So fun?” Nana asked as she walked into the dressing room to see Gogi lounged out on the couch.

“Fun, but exhausting.” Gogi waved her off, never opening her eyes to look at her friend.

“Well eat and you won’t be so exhausted.” Nana scolded, pushing her legs out of the way so she could sit on the couch also. Gogi groaned as she sat up and stared at the food being put out by Jiyong and Youngjae.

“I have a feeling if I eat, I’ll be ready for a nap.” Gogi muttered under her breath as she took the offered chopsticks from Jiyong.

“Just be quiet and eat.” Nana whined taking the offered chopsticks from Youngjae to pick around at Gogi’s food.

“Geez, at least chew your food before you choke.” Nana snapped seeing the carnivorous way Gogi was attacking the beef sitting tauntingly in the tray.

“I’m starving, be quiet!” Gogi snapped back as she grasped a large chunk of rice to shove in .

“So have you and Jonghyun patched up yet?” Gogi asked once she swallowed the load only to choke this time.

“Geez, chew.” Gogi teased as she patted her friends back. Once Nana got her breath back she glared over at her friend’s smirking expression.

“YA!” Nana snapped, her half chewed rice shooting out of and into Gogi’s face.

“EW! YA!” Gogi snapped this time trying to get the rice off without ruining her makeup.

“Do you guys do anything but fight?” A voice suddenly asked as both girls turned their attention to the door to see 4 faces peeking in.

“Do you guys do anything but interrupt?” Nana spat back as Key and Taemin immediately bounded into the room with their plates in hand.

“Nope, not when it comes to you two.” Taemin smiled as Gogi rolled her eyes.

“So how do you like the music video so far?” Minho asked, squeezing himself to sit between the two girls.

“Yes, I wasn’t completely comfortable until you basically sat on me.” Nana spat under her breath as Minho smiled over at her.

“It’s fun.” Gogi admitted as Minho smiled proudly.
“That’s good. We would hate for you to be bored out of your mind.” Taemin whispered worried causing Gogi to smile.

It got quiet as everyone indulged themselves in the food littering the table before Nana stood from the table.

“Manager.” She called as everyone watched her confused.

“Where’s the restroom?” She asked in a hushed tone as he gestured for her to follow him out of the room.
“I have two dumplings left on my plate, if their gone when I return, I’ll kill you.” She threatened pointing her finger at every person around the table before stepping out. Just when her figure disappeared around the corner, everyone began leaning in to grab a piece of it before she peeked around the corner.

“I spit on them!” She shouted as everyone immediately retracted at the new news sending her laughing out loud.

“Does she always do that?” Key asked once he was done laughing at Minho’s face of disgust.

“Ah it might surprise you, but she used to be worse.” Gogi sheepishly scratched the side of her neck as they looked to her surprise.

“Well then again, I’m not totally surprised.” Taemin added in realization. Gogi chuckled at his remark before her eyes drifted to the man sitting next to him and across from her.

“So how’s everything going since the situation with Hoya-ah?” Minho asked over as he wiped his mouth carefully with a napkin.

“It’s alright, the photos taken of my face were caught before they hit the net, which is good.” Gogi explained, sheepishly rubbing the back of her neck.

“All in all, it turned out for the best.” Gogi nodded relieved.

“So any news about after you guys debut? What’s the plan?” Taemin asked interested as Gogi shrugged slightly before her eyes lit up in realization.

“Oh! I forgot! We got invited to perform for the Korean Wave World Tour.” She pointed out as their eyes widened.

“Really?” Key asked over excited as she nodded.

“Whoo Hoo!! Three whole months with you girls!” Key and Taemin chanted as they held hands and jumped around in a circle causing Gogi to laugh.

“Will you girls have enough time to promote your debut song before the tour?” Onew then asked as Gogi shifted her eyes to the eldest who stared at her intently over his chopsticks. She swallowed down the rice she had just been chewing before reaching to sip her water bottle. She just aimlessly nodded behind it as Minho and Taemin smiled.

“We’re gonna be able to travel the world with you guys.” Key cheered in his seat, obviously excited by the news.

“It’s gonna be so much fun!” Taemin added equally excited.



Nana followed closely behind her manager who pointed to a small hallway on the opposite side of the warehouse to where the makeup room was.

“Thanks.” She thanked as he nodded and began walking back towards the makeup room. Once she had done her business, she stepped out only to bump into something that startled her. The person caught her shoulders as she began stumbling back. She yelped in surprise before feeling the pressure on her shoulder, holding her from falling over. Once the shock left her she looked up hesitantly before sighing when she realized who it was.

“Should have known.” She muttered under her breath, gently prying his hands of her shoulders before stepping back away from him.
“Thanks.” She thanked him, curling a hair behind her ear as she turned to look away from him.

“Sure.” He answered less than enthusiastically as he continued to stare over at her. When she noticed he wasn’t about to move out of the way to let her through, she cleared , getting his attention.

“Well I have to head back.” She announced attempting to push past him before he grabbed her hand to stop her from going any further. Biting her lip, she cursed under her breath for not moving fast enough.

“Why are you avoiding me?” He asked seriously as she sighed, trying to shake his hand off of her wrist.

“Ana, stop ignoring me and answer the question.” She snapped quietly as she turned to look at him amused over her shoulder. He looked annoyed, overly annoyed from the way his veins were jutting through his neck to his jaw.

“Why should I answer anything you ask me?” She whispered as his lips twitched in annoyance just slightly.

“Stop avoiding me.” He warned as her eyes flashed challenging.

“You have no say in what I do.” She glared back yanking her arm from his as he growled through his teeth.

“Never did and never will.” She added walking away as he put a frustrated hand through his styled hair.


Once lunch was done, a small touch up was done on Gogi’s face as she was escorted towards a strange, boxed off set. Gogi stood off outside just looking the small opening as some of the techies worked about.
“Interesting.” A voice interrupted her train of thought as she looked over to see Nana also looking in interested.

“It’s like a scene out of Alice in Wonderland.” Gogi commented as Nana nodded then turned to her friend.

“What are you supposed to be doing during this scene?” Nana asked interested as Jiyong overheard the conversation and stepped in.

“She’s playing tug of war with Minho-ssi.” Jiyong whispered as nana looked to him confused.

“Excuse me?” She asked confused as Jiyong chuckled.

“You’ll see.” He answered as Nana turned her confused eyes over to her partner.

“Gogi-ssi!” The director called as Gogi handed her coat to Jiyong before walking over to the steps.
“Careful.” The director scolded as Gogi carefully maneuvered up the steps and into the white and black room.

“Woah.” Was the only thing she said as she looked around, trying not to lose her footing on the slippery tile. She then looked over to see the large opening where the crew and cameras were set up facing her, a trampoline on the furthest wall.

“Be careful.” The director warned as Gogi nodded keeping her footing. A red string was thrown towards her from the cameras as she looked down at it, unsure what to do.

“You’ll be pulling on that for this scene.” The director explained as she looked down in realization, picking it up only to see that Nana was holding the other end, a competitive stare on her face.

“It will be incorporated into a scene with Minho-ssi being pulled on the other side.” The director further explained as Gogi nodded.

“I need a very determined look from you during this scene.” The director added as Gogi nodded, wrapping the end of the string around her thumb before holding on with both hands.


“ACTION!” The director shouted as Gogi began yanking on the string, Nana doing the same on the opposite side of the cameras. Some of the crew couldn’t help but chuckle as the pair got into a full out brawl, pulling left and right.

“CUT! CHECK!” The director shouted as both girls relaxed, rubbing their sore hands together while the crew looked in on what was just filmed.


After a few more takes, the set was changed to a room with a single bed.

“So, how’s everything going?” Nana asked as she sat next to Gogi, watching them change the scene around a bit. Gogi looked over confused, seeing a very relaxed expression playing on her friends face.

“With what?” Gogi asked turning to her friend who turned to look at her amused. Just then, at a perfect time, someone walked pass them to the set.

“Oh! Speak of the devil.” Nana muttered gesturing with her eyes to the man that walked on set. Gogi’s eyes landed on the familiar back now walking away from her. Immediately a blush spread across her face all the way to her ears.

“Ah-ha, good I see.” Nana praised seeing the change in complexion as Gogi reached over, whacking her friend on the arm, hard.

“Ah! Owwww.” Nana whined rubbing her arm with a large smirk painted on her face.

“Do you feed off torturing me?” Gogi whined, glaring at Nana who just smirked, shrugging.
“I enjoy seeing you flustered. It’s quite entertaining.” Nana admitted as Gogi rolled her eyes.

“There’s nothing going on between the two of us, so you can drop the jokes.” Gogi mentioned in monotone sending Nana’s entertained eyes back to her.

“That’s what you think.” Nana sang knowingly as Gogi looked over confused.
“Alright, I’ll bite. What is it I don’t know great swami?” Gogi spat sarcastically as Nana chuckled to match her sarcasm.

“Do you like him?” Nana asked bluntly, Gogi sitting their unable to speak as she sat there.

“W-what?” Gogi stuttered as Nana sighed, turning in her chair to face the woman next to her.

“Min Hee, we’ve been friends for a while now, like you always tell me, I know you like the back of my hand. And there is no way in hell I would miss the obvious changes in you while he’s around.” Nana wriggled her eyes, watching amused as Gogi’s cheeks got redder and redder.

“Aish.” Gogi hissed under her breath, looking away from her friends intense stare to the set.

“I don’t know what I feel for him, ok.” Gogi whined, finally admitting it as Nana sat back intrigued.

“Why don’t you know?” Nana asked interested as Gogi sighed, putting a hand through her loose black locks.

“I’m not sure if I just feel whatever I feel towards him because he is who he is or because I actually like him.” Gogi pointed out as Nana nodded in understanding. 

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi