Infinite H's 'Without You' Music Video Release

Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams

“I can’t believe you guys actually stalked the entire building.” Min Hee whined disapprovingly as they re-entered the girl’s apartment building. On the other hand, Ana was doing everything in her power to ignore the two men who had practically glued themselves to the girls since finding them. If it wasn’t bad enough that Koa had pushed Kai into a wall and Ji Hoon tripped Chanyeol trying to find the pair, the girls had to apologize down on their knees just so they wouldn’t charge their brothers with assault. No matter how much they wanted the pair to spend the night in prison for attacking idols, they knew, their parents would hear about it before they even had a chance to enjoy the silence.

“I told you, we’d find you two.” Ji Hoon answered simply as the 4 of them ducked into the awaiting elevator. Koa looked as smug as ever as he nodded from his spot against the wall.

“Yeah, and that walking Ken Barbie had it coming.” Koa smirked sending Ana’s eyes rolling. Oh how much she wanted to push her brother down the elevator shaft. How much she would enjoy his screaming before it cut off? Shaking the thoughts from her head, she sighed and pressed the button to their floor.

“That Ken Barbie is one of the top dancers in SM. If you had hurt him, prison would be the least of worries.” Ana hissed under her breath, not sparing Koa a passing glance as she pushed past him into the hallway.

“That would have been your fault, shouldn’t have ditched us.” Koa approached her quickly as she spun on her heels before slapping him across the face. Everyone froze in the hallway at the slap echoing down the quiet hallway. Ana eyes were ablaze as she glared across at the man who had been one of her closet friends since birth and her only sibling. Koa was in shock as he slowly turned his burning cheek to look across at her in surprise.

“Don’t blame any of this on me. It was you. Both of you. No one told you to come here. No one told you to visit us. We’ve been doing fine without people like you breathing down our necks. We have our own lives, our own jobs that DO NOT involve either of you. So don’t start spouting all this about looking out for us or wanting to hang out. We’re not stupid!” She snapped at both brothers before disappearing into the apartment.


The 3 others just stood in the hallway in utter shock.

“Wow.” Ji Hoon coughed out, chuckling a bit before awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

“Never thought I’d see her snap that far.” Ji Hoon looked to Min Hee amused, only to see his little sister looking up at him accusingly.

“You both deserved that. We could have lost everything tonight because of you.” Min Hee hissed before pushing past both men and into the apartment.


Ana plopped down onto the couch, groaning in annoyance as she gripped the side of her head, wanting nothing more than to rip her hair out. What a night?


Ringgggggg Ringggggggg


“Argh, what now?!” She snapped, ripping the phone out from her coat pocket before turning it over to see the Caller ID. Her eyes widened in a fraction before looking to Min Hee who had just entered the living room.

“Who is it?” Min Hee asked in concern as she unwrapped her scarf from her neck.

“Dongwoo.” Ana mouthed out as Min Hee nudged her head forward, gesturing for her to answer. Snorting in annoyance, she unlocked the screen before placing it to her ear.

“Yes?” She asked less than enthusiastic.

“Ah, Nana-ssi?” Dongwoo’s voice asked unsure as she sighed, burying her face into her palm.

“Yes, what is it Dongwoo-ah?” Ana asked annoyed as he sighed in obvious relief.

“Ah, good thing I caught you before bed. Just called to let you know that the music video will be released tonight!” He spoke excitedly as she whipped her head up in surprise before looking to Min Hee.

“Tonight? When tonight?” She asked shocked, reaching for the television remote.

“Within the hour. Hoya-ah told me to give you two a heads up and watch it.” Dongwoo chuckled as she flipped through the channels, attempting to find the music channel.

“Um, alright, we’ll watch it.” She rudely hung up on Dongwoo before turning her attention to the television.

“What’s going on?” Min Hee sat forward, her eyes glued to the television screen, both girls ignoring the fact that both brothers had finally made their presences known in the apartment.

“’Without You’ music video release is tonight.” Ana announced sending Min Hee choking back on air.

“Tonight?” Min Hee squeaked out in surprise, her eyes flashing to their brother’s confused stares.

“Within the hour.” Ana added before landing on the music channel to see it playing A-Pink’s new music video.

“What’s going on?” Ji Hoon took in the awkward tension that seemed to be engulfing the room.

“Aside from the fact that you two are ‘still’ here?” Ana spat out, turning to them with a glare.

“Hey! You cut that out right this minute!!” Koa snapped sending Ana shooting out of her seat.

“Why?! You don’t run my life!!” Ana snapped, gesturing widely with her arms before pushing past them towards the intercom near the door.

“Where are you running off to now?!” Koa shouted as he ran after her to see her dialing something into the wall.

“I’m calling security, what else? I’m tired of your !” She snapped, pressing the call button for the security counter. Ji Hoon and Koa charged at her, ripping her away from the wall before dragging her viciously through the kitchen and into the living room. Tossing her anything but gently onto the couch, Ana shot up to begin her attack only for a familiar tune to enter the room. She froze mid yell before turning towards the television to see a familiar scene.

“Oh god.” Min Hee whispered with a hand over . What bad timing.


Noticing the girls pale faces, the two brothers instantly turned to the television before their jaws dropped.

“Isn’t that—“ Koa started, stepping closer to the television with his hand pointing.

Min Hee-ah is---“ Ji Hoon muttered, stepping up beside Koa before gasping when the more intimate scenes popped up.


Min Hee sat quietly, quietly enjoying that their first piece of work was finally out for everyone to see. On the other hand, she could clearly see Ji Hoon’s face dropping lower and lower by every passing second. He was both shocked and horrified, that was obvious. Just how would they react to their debut music video?


Ana stared uncaring towards the music video, she was inwardly cheering that something she had hoped would happen was finally happening in front of her eyes. Who cares if their brothers disagreed to their way of life? This was something she had wished for so long and to see the final product out for everyone to see, it was exhilarating.


The music video ended with both women tied around Hoya and Dongwoo with the songs title crossing the screen.

“Well, that was awesome!” Ana cheered sarcastically as she stood, stretching.

“We have our final rehearsals tomorrow, so night!” Ana waved off before heading down the hallway. Koa’s shook from his daze before turning at high speed, grasping his sister’s arm while Ji Hoon turned a accusing eye at his little sister sitting innocently on the couch. Ana groaned annoyed, turning to glare at Koa who looked at her with so much surprise and horror, that the change between both were giving her whiplash.

“What the hell was that?!” Koa finally snapped, his wild eyes looking down at her with disapproval. Ana just scoffed, using her free hand to attempt to rip his hand off.

“That, was work. What else?” She hissed annoyed as he gripped her arm tighter, pulling her closer to him.

“I’m talking to you Ana. WHAT WAS THAT?!” Koa snapped in her face as she clenched her teeth before hiking her leg. Not sure why he never saw that move coming, especially with how many times she slid that one on him? Koa took in a deep breath before groaning in pain, letting her go to fall to his knees, holding his groin in pain.

“If all you’re gonna do is criticize something that I’ve wanted to do since I was small then, get out of my sight. Don’t ever show your face around here, again.” Ana hissed down at him, pain clear behind her eyes before she turned, marching back into her room, slamming her door.


Ji Hoon and Min Hee continued to stand in the entrance to the hallway, staring down at the pitiful man holding his family jewels in pain.

“I gotta be honest dude, you need to loosen the leash you have on her. She’s old enough to make her own decisions.” Ji Hoon patted his back comforting only to receive a slap from his friend.

“Don’t…tell me…how to treat….my sister.” Koa rasped out, slowly raising his head to peer at the pair.

“She’s my baby sister…I don’t want her….parading around…like that.” He hissed, slowly pulling himself off the ground and against the wall.

“Koa, she’s 22. She’s not a baby anymore. You and me, we both know that Ana is not known to make rash decisions, that everything she strives to do is something that means the world to her. Why can’t you be happy for her?” Min Hee pushed, looking at her friend’s brother hugging the wall in pain, his face plastered against the wall.

“Because….” He rasped out as Ji Hoon went over and patted his arm nicely.

“Because?” Min Hee asked in interest as Koa turned to face them, tears balancing on the brim of his eye lids.

“I don’t…wanna see her disappointed.” Koa whispered, his shaggy hair falling into his face.

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi