Strange Friendships

Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams

“Are you girls going down for lunch?” Tae Woo asked as he approached the still panting idols.

“Gosh, can’t I catch my breath before you start interrogating us?” Nana spat, lying back with her sweater pulled up to show the bottom of her sports bra. Tae Woo snorted, pulling the towel from around his neck to throw at her.

“Ya!” She snapped ripping the soaked towel off her lap before dropping to the ground.
“Aish, Tae Woo Oppa, isn’t it a bit early for you to be picking at Ana’s restraints?” Gogi teased from behind her water bottle. Tae Woo chuckled before shaking his head proudly.

“It is never too early.” Tae Woo proudly mentioned before walking away.
“I swear to god, one of these days….” Nana began muttering under her breath as she stood to stretch.

“Min Hee-ah!” Joon Hee whined as he ran over, basically throwing himself onto her back.
“Ya! You’re going to kill me!” Gogi whined pushing off the slightly larger man who laughed.
“Go eat lunch with us.” He pouted as she rolled her eyes looking to Nana who ignored her pleads.

“PWEAAASSSSSEEE.” He rubbed his hands together in a begging manner causing the girl dancers to chuckle.

“Joon Hee-ah! Leave the girls alone would ya?” Sean asked as he walked over to pry him off of Gogi.

“No, it’s alright Oppa.” Gogi reassured as Sean smiled at her before walking out.

“So lunch?” He gestured over his shoulder as Gogi chuckled.

“We’ll meet you guys down there, let us change.” Gogi excused as the guys and girls nodded before walking out.
“If I wouldn’t know any better I would say Joon Hee likes you.” Nana mentioned as she pulled out a change of clothes from her bag. Gogi just snorted doing the same as she pulled out her own set of clothes.

“Yeah and Tae Woo likes you.” Gogi immediately retorted causing Nana to laugh out loud as she walked across the room to the small changing and showering area. Once Nana was done, she walked out a towel over her head to see Gogi now heading in.

“I’ll meet you downstairs.” Gogi called after her as she nodded, continuing to dry her hair as she stood near the bench holding her bag. Flipping on the music app on her phone to play some music, she hummed, singing a few notes here and there as she continued to dry her hair thoroughly.




Knock Knock


Someone knocked on the still open door as Nana looked up from her bag to see someone she had been hoping to see a bit later in the day. She sighed, ignoring his presences as she looked back down to her bag to pull out her brand new bottle of BB cream. Looking to the mirrored wall standing in front of her, she applied small dots to each corner of her face before shutting the bottle and dropping it into her bag.

“Did I catch you at the bad time?” He asked as he approached her hesitantly. She continued to ignore him as she rubbed in the white liquid, immediately liquefying her skin that had been dry from the work out and shower. Patting her cheeks one last time, she reached in for an liquid eye liner pen to add something simple.
“Ana. I know you can hear me.” His voice said sternly as she sighed, putting the cap on before shutting her bag and putting it over her shoulder.
“I’m starving, can we do this later?” She spat pushing past him as he sighed, running to follow her out of the room. Grabbing her wrist, he yanked her into the nearest empty room which happened to be the neighboring dance room before shutting the door and locking it.
“YA!” She snapped as she caught herself after being thrown in. She glared over at him as he courageously stood guard at the door.

“Let me talk!” He snapped as she sighed, crossing her arms over her chest before turning to the empty room.
“I don’t want to hear anything you want to say to me.” She hissed under her breath sending Jonghyun’s nerves soaring.

Listen!” He snapped again watching as she side eyed me.
“Just listen to me alright?” He offered more calmly this time.

“Fine. You have 1 minute.” She offered turning to him.


Gogi walked out of the bathroom, running a brush through her hair before noticing someone sitting near her bag. She stopped in surprise catching the man’s attention as he looked up from his phone.


bb fashion 3

“Ah-ha! It was you.” He mentioned in realization with a large smile causing her to smile.

“What are you doing here Oppa? I thought you had recordings today?” She asked continuing on her way over to her bag.
“I came to check on you.” Onew admitted easily sending a small unnoticeable blush across her face. She chuckled awkwardly before placing her brush and towel into her bag.
“Oppa, you don’t have to do that. I’m fine.” She reassured as he turned his attention to look up at her face, a sad expression now in place.
“Do you not like me doing this?” He asked softly causing her eyes to widen at the sadness behind his voice.

“Ah no, it’s not that Oppa.” She quickly defended worried as a small smile appeared on his face.

“Good! Cause I don’t plan on stopping.” He stood stretching as she continued to watch him confused.

“It’s about time for lunch right?” he turned to her with a bright smile causing her to quietly nod. Did she miss something?

“Perfect! Let’s go eat!” He pulled her bag off the chair and over his shoulder before marching out of the room. It took some time to collect her legs that had suddenly ran off without her but once she walked out, she couldn’t help but smile.


Nana took a seat across the room from him before stopping him from approaching.
“You sit there.” She commanded pointing to the bench across from the room from her. He turned to look at the space gestured before sighing and nodding unwillingly. Making his way over, he sat before turning to look at her annoyed expression.
“I’m sorry.” He admitted suddenly as her eyes widened in surprise.

“For what?” She called over, slightly amused but too proud to show it. He put a hand through his hair before looking back up to her.
“For kissing you….” He whispered suddenly embarrassed. Nana couldn’t help but blush at the mention of the event, turning away to try and fight the images that were now attacking her mind.

“You’re just lucky I didn’t pin you to the wall and beat you senseless for doing that.” She spat under her breath as Jonghyun looked up surprised.

“And I’m sorry for yelling at you.” He added as she nodded, never turning to look at him.

“Is that all?” She asked after a moment of silence.

“Um no…. I actually wanted to tell you something else.” He admitted scratching the back of his neck sheepishly.

“Can it not wait? I haven’t eaten since yesterday and I’m starving.” She whined as she stood up, pulling her bag over her shoulder, ready to go. Jonghyun stood up at the same time as her, never moving his eyes from hers.

“I just want to tell you this one last thing, and then you can go.” He promised causing her to sigh as she crossed her arms over her chest before nodding.

“Alright, hurry.” She muttered as he nodded, clasping his hands together at his chest before taking a deep breath. How was he going to word this that she wouldn’t take it the wrong way and attack him? Sighing, he looked up to her impatient face before finally agreeing on something.

“I care about you.” He reworded what he actually wanted to say to her, for his own safety.


Nana on the other hand stood there for a moment, her eyes staring deep into his as the words he had just spoken reached her. She wasn’t sure how she was supposed to take that comment but from the looks of things, he meant well. She sighed, looking away in thought. Was she supposed to answer him? She cared, sort of, cared about his health, if that counted. At this point, she couldn’t care if he got run over by a bus. She cared about his music and his amazing voice that she would never admit to. Was that the same thing? Rubbing her chin she turned to see his hesitant smile slowly growing on his face.

“Is that all?” She spat as he nodded confused before she dropped her arms.

“I’m not sure what you are looking for me to say after that, but I’ve had a long day and just want to eat and rest before recording.” She bowed her head slightly before walking to the door, unlocking it.

“I mean it Ana.” He called after her as she froze in the doorway before nodding and being on her way.


Gogi and Onew walked into the cafeteria to see all the dancers already sitting and eating, Key, Hyori and Minho sitting with Amber, Kris and Luhan sitting with Heechul and Kai.

“Omo! Min Hee!” Amber waved over with a large smile sending the younger girls waving over.

“Min Hee-ah!” Kai and Heechul sang over causing her to chuckle.

“Come on, let’s get some food.” Onew mentioned as he walked past her towards the counter.

“Ahjumma!” Onew sang as the two women behind the counter chuckled.
“Omo, seems like our Onew-ie knows when chicken in on the menu.” One teased causing Gogi to chuckle as she slowly approached.

“Afternoon Ahjumma.” Gogi smiled, bowing her head as the women immediately reached their hands over to shake hers.

“Omo, darling, we haven’t seen you and Nana-ssi in quite some time.” Eu Jong mentioned with a sad pout causing Gogi to chuckle.
“We have been so busy Ahjumma.” She pouted back causing Jae Hee to smile and nod.

“Dear, you’ve been losing too much weight, eat more.” Jae Hee whined as she loaded Gogi’s plate to the brim of food.

“Ahjumma.” Gogi whined looking at all the greasy food that was now piled sky high on her plate.
“I have to keep my figure for debut or president will have my head.” Gogi whined in a pout as she took the offered plate.

“Aish, that man needs to stop being so uptight.” Eu Jong brushed her off to get started on making Onew’s plate.

“Thank you Ahjumma.” Gogi bowed her head in thanks as she walked over to see the guys waving her over. She sighed, smiling at Joon Hee watching her, eagerly waiting to see if she would sit with the dancers only for her to go and sit next to Kai.

“Min Hee-ah.” Heechul sang wriggling his fingers out in front of him towards her. She just chuckled shaking her head at his obnoxious behavior before looking down to her plate.
“Where’s my baby girl?” Heechul then asked referring to his nickname he thought up for Nana, knowing that it pissed her off. Gogi took a bite of rice before looking over her shoulder for her lost partner.

“She said she was going to meet me down here, but I made it down before her.” Gogi mentioned chewing her food before looking to see Kris staring at her.

“What? What is it now?” She asked suddenly catching him off guard as he laughed before shaking his head.
“I was waiting for you to speak in English, just need brush up on it every once in a while.” He defended causing her to snort and shake her head.
“Ya! What did we tell you both? Stop talking English around us, we can’t understand.” Kai whined as Gogi smiled, patting his thigh.

“Yeah, and it’s creepy.” Heechul involuntarily shivered as Gogi chuckled.



Nana finally made it to the cafeteria after basically ditching Jonghyun upstairs. She rolled her eyes as the elevator door opened onto the floor. The moment she stepped out into the hallway the bus load of voices was the first thing she heard coming in the direction of the cafeteria. It was obvious to her, it wouldn’t be a quiet lunch today. Sighing and pulling up her bag she slowly and hesitantly trotted over to the cafeteria opening before coming into sight.

“ANA-AH!” Heechul shouted the moment his eyes landed on her. Her relationship with Heechul was strange from the very beginning. He had only come back from his army services around the same time the girls were still getting used to SM when he approached her.



It was a bit late at night on their second week at SM Entertainment, Gogi was off tutoring with Onew and Taemin, here she was walking away from her tutoring session with Jonghyun, yet again. Nana walked into the cafeteria to see it completely empty, which she had been hoping, even the cooking Ahjumma were nowhere in sight. Nana walked to the far corner of the room, against the large window and took a seat to stare out at the night sky. She couldn’t understand why she was being treated the way she was from someone like him. Wincing slightly, she rubbing her fingers over her knuckles, noticing it starting to redden, maybe she should have thought it through before punching an idol in the face. She was going to be so fired once the president saw his face. Rolling her eyes, she laid her head back against the wall and just aimlessly stared out the window.

“Ah, Ana-ssi.” An elderly voice called as she looked over startled to see one of the kitchen Ahjumma looking at her from the end of the table. Nana sighed, she had thought this particular table set in the corner of the room was out of view.

“Ah evening.” Nana sat up and bowed her head to the still smiling woman.
“What are you doing over here, alone?” She asked worried as Nana smiled.

“I just needed to get away from everything and take a break.” Nana explained as she smiled, walking away without saying another word.

“What the heck?” Nana whispered to herself confused before leaning back once more.

“Here, eat these.” The voice startled her again as she sat up and looked over to see the Ahjumma sliding over a plate of cookies and orange juice.

“Oh.” Nana spoke surprised as she looked down at the obviously still warm cookies.

“It’s alright dear. The others usually come down looking for a late night snack. There not as fattening and sugar coated as you may be used to but they are delicious.” She promised as Nana picked one up before taking a bite out of it. It was different but tasted just as good. Once she knew Nana would be alright, she left the young woman alone and retired back into the kitchen area.


She wasn’t sure when she had fallen asleep, but from the way her neck was now groaning, she knew she had fallen asleep in an awkward position. Groaning slightly when she felt something touch her hand on the table, she pried her eyed slowly open to see that the lights in the kitchen were still on, the soft music still playing in the background. this time, she pulled her head from the wall behind her, her hand immediately reaching up to rub her sore neck.
“Ow.” She muttered, sitting up with her head now facing her lap. Curse her for being so tired. She continued to rub her neck before she heard a noise in front of her. Opening her eyes to stare down at her pants she carefully lifted her head to see a figure sitting across from her. Her eyes immediately widened when the figure came into view, sending her body up against the wall in shock and the figure began laughing.

“Hi.” He smiled as she looked around confused to see that they were alone.

“I came down here to get some peace and quiet, found someone sitting in my usual spot.” He gestured with his head to the spot she was currently sitting in. She looked around still slightly confused before rubbing her neck again.
“I was going to wake you earlier because of your neck but Ahjumma scolded me.” He muttered his lips barely touching the brim of his tea cup. She still hadn’t said anything as her eyes trailed down to the now empty plate in front of her.

“Ah, I hope you don’t mind. They were getting cold.” He offered as she looked at him surprised.

“You don’t even know me and you just stole my food?” She asked speechless as he sent her a bright smile.

“Like I said, they were getting cold.” He offered in a serious tone causing her to lean to stare at him.

“Who are you anyways? Dancer? Stylist? Makeup Artist? Cook?” He asked sipping his tea as she chuckled, crossing her arms over her chest before turning to look out the still dark window.

“I’m Nana.” She explained in monotone as he nodded.

“Well ‘Nana’ what are you doing here?” He asked interested as she smiled over at his bewildered expression.

“I work here if you must know.” She answered in a matter-of-fact tone causing his eyes to widened.

“Really?” He asked intrigued as she nodded, looking away.

“So janitor?” He asked teasingly, she knew he was just pushing buttons now.

“Shut up.” She hissed under her breath causing him to chuckle.

“Well since we’re introducing ourselves, I’m…..” he started with his hand out before she cut him off.

“You’re Kim Heechul from Super Junior.” She answered his own introduction, leaving his hand floating in the air between them.
“Oooooh, I see the pretty lady knows me.” He praised causing her to snort.

“Pretty, yes, patient, no.” She mentioned causing him to laugh.
“Smart mouth too.” He added as she laughed, looking to him amused as he smiled at her from over his cup.

“So when did you start working here Nana-ssi?” He asked interested, his eyes never leaving hers.

“Just a few weeks ago, Heechul-ssi.” She answered back causing him to smile.

“Just call me Heechul or even better, Oppa.” He teased as she rolled her eyes. This guy reminded her so much of her brother, just more bubbly.

“What do you do for SM?” He asked as he finally noticed her hair.

“Omo! I love your hair!” he cooed loudly causing her to flinch in surprise by the sudden use of his loud tone.

“Aish, don’t do that. Geez.” She scolded, holding her chest as he smiled.

“You’re foreign, aren’t you? The way you said ‘Aish’ sounded funny.” He chuckled as she glared over at him.

“Shut up.” She hissed as he smiled.

“Where are you from then?” He asked tilting his head in interest.

“I’m from the states.” She answered immediately as his eyes widened.

“What would someone from the states being doing in SM?” He asked confused as she heard someone calling her name from down the hall.
“Oh.” She said surprised as she stood up and began shuffling out of the bench before turning to the still confused man.

“I belong here because I’m part of the new duo debuting in March.” She smirked, bowing her head to the surprised man before walking away.

End of Flashback:


And that’s how their friendship had started. From that day on, every day she was in SM, he would always attempt to find her and piss the hell out of her. He called her frequently which she surprisingly didn’t mind. He was like the flirty best friend that girls always had once in their lives and for once in her life, she didn’t mind such a presences. 

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi