Jaejoong 'Just Another Girl' Music Video: Part 1

Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams

The Next Morning…

“Nana-ssi.” A voice whispered as Nana slightly stirred in the darkness of her room.

“Nana-ssi, you need to get up.” The voice whispered as she groaned, turning to lie on her stomach to bury her face in the pillows.

“Nana-ssi, we need to leave in a few minutes.” The voice whispered again causing her to groan loudly before peeking out to see that indeed someone was walking around her room, pulling open the curtain to her windows.

“You have a music video filming today.” The voice reminded as she groaned, shutting her eyes tightly before sighing. She had totally forgotten they had rescheduled the music video filming for a few days earlier than originally planned.

“We need to leave in 10 minutes to drive to the filming location.” He reminded again, turning on the room light before leaving the room.

“Damn Youngjae.” She muttered tiredly as she rolled to lie on her back once more, stretching. She sighed loudly before turning to look at her clock, it was 3:30, she had only slept for 2 hours last night. She groaned loudly, rubbing her eyes viciously before sitting up. Suddenly with the thought of the music video filming today, she grew nervous. It would be her first, alone, without Gogi filming with her. Along with that, it was with someone she looked up to and frankly had a crush on since Gogi had introduced his group back when. She sighed, putting her hand through her messy blue locks before turning to the open door where Youngjae had returned.

“The filming site is quite a ways away, so we’ll leave in a few minutes.” He explained as Nana absentmindedly nodded before yawning. She stretched her arms above her head before they dropped in her lap. She looked around her room for a minute before rubbing her face to get rid of the sleep that was still holding her hostage. The moment her fingers barely brushed her lips, her eyes whipped open before she hissed. That damn bastard, just because he was handsome and an idol, he thought he could advance on anyone. What gave him the right to kiss her? She bit her lip, scratching her head viciously before staring out the still dark window. The next time she saw him, she would shove her foot so high up his for doing that. She grabbed a simple outfit from her closet consisting of sweats and a shirt before trotting into the bathroom to do her morning duties, Teeth brushed, face washed clean, face moisturizers in place, hair brushed and up in a simple bun, clothes changed and ready for the day. Nana packed a few things into her oversized purse such as the camera she had been neglecting as of late and a few cosmetics before walking out of her room bear paw boots in hand to the living room.




“Ready?” Youngjae asked seeing her walk down the hallway. She nodded with her eyes shut, dropping her bag to the couch before walking into the kitchen to find something small to eat on the way. Settling on a few fruits and a bottle of orange juice, she slipped them both into her bag, her beanie now over her head, jacket tightly wrapped, and scarf covering her neck and half her face, sunglasses in hand.


Gogi was scheduled for another rest day as Nana left with Youngjae and their bodyguards. Of course, to no one’s surprise, the fans from last night were still waiting out front. Nana kept her eyes down, her face completely hidden from sight as the guards surrounded her. Seeing that she was visibly leaving the dorms, fans knew she had to be someone of importance so they ambushed her, or at least tried to. Once in the safety of the van, they immediately took off towards the filming site, Nana sat to the farthest back of the van, her feet curled up under her as she nibbled on an orange. She sighed, watching the lights of the early morning traffic pass by as the van pulled up on the highway. A few minutes later, Nana found herself reliving the previous night’s happenings, again. Her fingers hesitantly touched the tip of her lip before she snorted, immediately pulling it away when she realized where her thoughts trailed to. Of course. He would piss her off till she was vulnerable then do something so low as to kiss her. It wasn’t like the kiss meant anything aside from the fact that she was now positive the dude had some inferior motives against her. She snorted, rolling her eyes, the next time she saw him, and she would get him back so bad. She kicked her foot out in anger, sending her bag down to the ground, her camera rolling out when she realized why she brought it. Sighing, she adjusted her beanie on her head before leaning over to pick it off the ground. Opening the screen and turning it so that her face was now clearly showing. She made sure she looked presentable before turning it on and waving.

“Hi guys.” She spoke unsure, looking to the front of the car where the two guards and Youngjae were chatting quietly amongst each other.

“I’m heading to a music video shoot right now.” She whispered to the camera before smiling.

“I’m kind of excited but more nervous than anything.” She admitted before turning the camera to face the window.

“We’ve been driving for about 30 minutes now, and its 4:30am.” She further explains, curling a stray hair that fell out of her beanie.

“It’s Jaejoong-ssi’s comeback music video.” She chuckled before sighing.

“I feel like I’m going to throw up, I’m so nervous.” She whispered, sighing deeply once again before looking to the camera.

“Don’t get me wrong, I admire Jaejoong-ssi, it’s just that I don’t have Gogi-ah with me today so I’m alone for the first time.” Nana admitted, biting her lip.

“Nana-ssi, who are you talking to?” Youngjae asked back concerned as Nana looked past the chair at him before turning her camera to him.

“MTV-K vlog.” She explained as he bowed his head to the camera before nodding to her. She turned the camera to face her once more before shaking her head.

“Manager is worried over nothing.” She muttered for only her to hear before turning to the camera.

“I’m going to try and get some sleep till we get there. I hope you guys will continue to support not only TMX in the future but Jaejoong-ssi music video once it’s released.” She mentioned before smiling and waving at the camera. Nana shut off the camera and put it back into her bag yawning. She was so tired.


“Nana-ssi.” A voice whispered, slightly shaking her as she groaned.

“Nana-ssi, we’re here.” It whispered louder this time causing her to groan loudly before peeking out of her eyes.

“We’re here Nana-ssi, everyone is waiting for you.” Youngjae’s foggy image popped into view as he backed up from her, climbing out onto the pavement. Nana yawned, stretching at the same as she looked through the tinted windows. They were in some sort of warehouse parking lot. Looking back through the backdoors to further confirm that indeed, they were completely surrounded by warehouses, each one numbered. She picked up her bag from the ground, grabbing her camera with the other hand as Youngjae helped her out of the van and to the pavement. She stretched on her toes before turning to the two guards and Youngjae. Cars were packed around a certain warehouse along with a few trailers parked against the building.

“We’re this way.” Youngjae announced, leading the way towards that same warehouse. She quickly pulled out her camera and turned it on to face her, might as well use it for her own personal use too. This was for someone she was a fan of, best to keep the memories. Turning the camera to pan the area she was approaching from across the road, she turned the camera on herself to fix her appearance.

“We finally arrived. It’s 5:45 in the morning and I’m tired.” She whispered slightly shivering when a random wind whipped up through her. She sighed, pulling her scarf closer to her face before looking to Youngjae who was still walking.

“The only reason I’m actually doing this particular vlog is because I’m a huge fan of Jaejoong-ssi. If I don’t record this now, I probably will never believe myself later.” She whispered before turning the camera to face the door that Youngjae was now holding open. Once they were all in the building, they walked down a single hallway to another door that opened to the entire warehouse. Nana panned her camera around momentarily, seeing not just one set, but a few sets set up around the building. A rock song was playing as they entered with a very familiar voice singing. They must be filming. Youngjae held his hand out for her camera which she willingly handed over along with her bag.

“I’ll videotape for you Nana-ssi.” Youngjae promised as she nodded, looking around nervously.

“Hello?” a voice welcomed as they turned to see a beautiful young woman smiling at them, dressed casually for the weather, a clipboard under her arm, a mic and earphone sitting atop her head.

“Can I help you?” She asked unsure as Youngjae stepped up to do his job.
“Ah yes, I’m Youngjae-ssi from SM Entertainment.” He introduced bowing as the woman’s eyes widened and turned to look at Nana.

“Ah, then you must be Nana-ssi?” She offered as Nana nodded, bowing her head to the woman.

“Omo, you are gorgeous.” The woman praised looking Nana up and down. She had to constantly remind herself to keep smiling and be nice, she didn’t want to come across as a to anyone here today, she had to make a name for herself.

“Thank you…..” Nana started as the woman’s eyes widened in realization.
“Ah, I’m Kwon Eujong, I’m one of the assistant creators for Jaejoong-ssi’s music video.” She introduced as the group bowed to each other.

“Actually, you are right on time, could you follow me?” Eujong asked, turning her back on Nana before gesturing for the group to follow as they did. They maneuvered through the groups of people shuffling around the room, music playing and stopping in the background, followed by yelling of some sort.

“I’ll have you meet Jaejoong-ssi and our director before we get you into hair and makeup.” She explained as Nana nervously nodded, turning to see Youngjae turning the camera on. It was starting to get a bit freaky how well he knew her in the short time they shared together. Coming up on a black and white set filled with musical instruments, they walked to the edge of the set that currently held the superstar himself. Nana looked up in shock, her hands clenched in fists, her nails digging half-moon shapes in her palms, this was nerve wrecking.

“Cut!” The director shouted as Eujong waved the older man over to the group’s side.

“Cho Sung-ssi, this is Nana-ssi from SM Entertainment. Nana-ssi, this is Cho Sung-ssi, the director for Just Another Girl.” Eujong introduced the pair as Nana quickly bowed to the older man.
“Ah, it is nice to finally meet you Nana-ssi.” The elder man smiled a fatherly smile before chuckling.
“As I see you now, you will do perfectly in Jaejoong-ssi’s music video. You are extremely beautiful.” He praised sending a bright blush across her face.

“I thank you.” Nana bowed her head thankfully.

“Oh, who is this?” A voice suddenly interrupted the conversation as Nana trailed her eyes to the right before her heart sunk. There he was, physically standing with a bright smile just a few feet from her.

“Oh! Jaejoong-ssi, perfect timing.” Eujong teased as Nana looked to Youngjae, slightly panicked.

“Jaejoong-ssi, I would like to introduce to you your leading lady.” Director welcomed as Jaejoong’s head quickly whipped over to look at Nana.
“You’re Nana-ssi?” He asked staring at her, his eyes slowly trailing down her body then back to her eyes. Nana swallowed heavily, where had her strong personality drifted to. Swallowing her nerves, she bowed her head before smiling gently.

“It’s an honor to finally meet you Jaejoong-ssi, I’m Nana from TMX.” She introduced as he smiled, bowing his head back before holding his hand out.
“It’s nice to finally meet you Nana-ssi.” He welcomed as Nana reached out to shake his hand only for him to lift it up to his lips with a devious smile.
“We’ll have fun today, yes?” He whispered kissing her knuckles as she slowly nodded in a trance.
“I hope so.” She bravely answered causing him to smirk over at her.

“By the way, I love your hair.” He praised gesturing to the stray strand peeking out from her beanie. She looked down to it surprised before chuckling embarrassed to him.

“Thanks, I’m still trying to get used to it.” She admitted as he chuckled and laughed.

“Nana-ssi, let’s get you changed for our first scene.” Eujong pushed as Nana nodded, looking once more at Jaejoong speaking to the director, his eyes already on hers. She kept his stare before turning and following Eujong and her guards across the room to a side door. It opened to the morning air which then led to one of the trailers they had seen earlier.

“This trailer is yours, your stylist and makeup artists are already waiting.” Eujong explained as Nana nodded, walking up the 3 steps as Youngjae opened the door.

“Nana!” Hyori smiled as she turned to see said woman now standing in the doorway.

“Hyori?” She asked confused as Hyori turned to her confused.

“What?” Hyori asked as Nana stepped in to allow room for Youngjae and the two guards.

“I just didn’t think you’d be here.” Nana bluntly answered as Hyori shook her head.

“You’re gonna have to get used to it, I am the duos head makeup artist.” Hyori teased as Nana sighed.

“Makes sense.” Nana answered, stripping of her coat, scarf, and beanie then took the offered seat.

“So have you met him yet?” Hyori asked as she began to apply a light foundation to Nana’s face.
“Who?” Nana asked confused as Hyori pulled away.

“Uh, your love interests for this shoot.” Hyori spoke in a matter-of-fact tone sending Nana’s heart fluttering.
“Oh yeah, I did, just now.” She explained as Hyori narrowed her eyes down at the young artist.

“What’s with the face?” Hyori pulled away from her eyes as Nana looked up confused.

“What face?” Nana asked innocently as Hyori scoffed.

“We’ve been together for…….2 months, basically every day, all day, you think I can’t notice things?” She asked putting a small dab of cream on her wrist to add to her face. Nana just snorted, looking away before turning to allow Hyori to continue. It was quiet for some time as Nana held her eyes shut, allowing for her exhaustion to creep up on her at random points.

“Does he know it’s me?” Hyori suddenly asked as Nana’s eyes fluttered open to see the unsure expression across her face.

“Who? Jaejoong?” Nana asked slightly yawning as Hyori scoffed.

“I’m a big fan, but I don’t care if he knows me or not.” Hyori retorted causing Nana’s eyes to roll.

“No, Sehun doesn’t know it’s you.” Nana explained finally figuring out who she was talking about.

“And if he did, he hasn’t said anything.” Nana added, adjusting slightly in her seat to get more comfortable.

“Are you nervous?” Nana teased peeking out her eyes to see Hyori’s face flush red in embarrassment.

“Shut up.” Hyori muttered as Nana smirked.

“So how’s Gogi?” Hyori then asked moving down to her lips as Nana sighed.

“She’s fine. She’s at the dorms resting today.” Nana explained in monotone.


“Alright Nana-ssi! Let’s get you all ied-up!” Dee-Dee walked in from the back of the trailer startling the young woman.
“Ya! Where were you hiding?” Nana asked surprised as Dee-Dee chuckled.

“I was getting your things together, why miss me?” Dee-Dee teased as Nana snorted.

“Just get me dressed.” Nana pushed past her into the back of the trailer away from the guards and manager.


A few minutes later…

“Oh, this is so simple.” Nana gestured down to the outfit Dee-Dee had dressed her in, an oversized sweater with a high neck and a plaid legging.


Just Another Girl #3


“Well considering it’s for a simple scene, it would make sense.” Dee-Dee retorted adjusting Nana’s hair over the high neck of her sweater.

“Nana-ssi?” A voice called as both women turned to the door of the room they were currently dressing in.

“Oh Eujong-ssi.” Nana announced as the woman smiled.

“You look amazing in that.” She praised causing Nana smiled.

“Thanks.” She thanked as both women waited for her to speak.

“We’re ready for you when you’re ready, but I wanted to go through a few things, if that’s alright.” She smiled as Nana looked to Dee-Dee for some confirmation.

“Nana-ssi is ready for the first scene.” Dee-Dee confirmed as Eujong smiled before gesturing for Nana to follow her to the main area of the trailer.

“I just wanted to go through your scenes with you, to familiarize yourself with it before you actually do them.” Eujong took a seat as Nana placed herself across from her.

“Alright.” Nana welcomed causing Eujong to smile as she pulled out a binder like the one from the Infinite H filming.


“For the scene you are dressed for, it’ll be a bed scene.” Eujong explained sending Nana’s eyes widening in shock.

“B-bed scene?” Nana stuttered nervously as Eujong chuckled at her comment.

“Not that sort of bed scene Nana-ssi.” Eujong promised still laughing as Nana sighed in relief.

“Sorry, I had to make sure.” Nana explained as Eujong nodded.

“Has anyone explained the plot of the music video to you?” Eujong asked unsure as Nana nodded.

“Youngjae-ssi mentioned that it was basically about a couple. The boyfriend is talking about his girlfriend being just like any other girl, not true to him.” Nana explained as Eujong nodded.

“More or less so.” Eujong promised as Nana nodded, Hyori coming over to adjust a few things on her face.

“Basically, you’ll just be a couple with Jaejoong-ssi, lying in bed, laughing, talking, or whatnot. It is set to be a flashback scene.” Eujong explained as Nana nodded in understanding.

“The director will explain more of what he wants once we get on set.” Eujong added as Nana nodded. Eujong easily explained the rest of the scenes that would be filmed together with Nana. Nana on the other hand sat there, nodding here and there, making sure to listen to each detail that was being asked over her.

“Alright, I think we’re done, let me take you to the set Nana-ssi.” Eujong offered as Nana stood up, Hyori, Dee-Dee, Youngjae and the two guards standing to follow. Youngjae made sure to place her winter trench coat she had arrived in, on to keep her warm. The moment the doors to the trailer opened, Nana hissed as the cold air hit her thin covered legs.

“Argh.” Nana groaned, curling her arms around her waist to keep her warm. They briskly walked into the semi warm warehouse studio before maneuvering to find the right set. Nana couldn’t help but look at the set in front of her in awe. It looked just like an apartment. White brick walls, large square patterned windows, couches, a bed placed in the center of the entire set, art pieces sitting randomly around the place, a piano placed at one corner.

“Wow.” She couldn’t help but whisper under her breath as they continued to approach.

“You look perfect Nana-ssi.” A voice suddenly spoke as she looked over to see the director approaching her. Hyori pulled off Nana’s coat and boots before fixing her now frazzled hair due to the wind outside. Eujong came back with a simple pair of house slippers to keep her feet from freezing on the cement floor.

“Thank you.” Nana whispered before smiling over to the director.

“Has Eujong-ssi explained the bed scene?” He asked through his glasses as Nana nodded.

“She gave me the basic run down.” Nana explained as he nodded, gesturing for her to follow him onto the set. Nana quietly followed him further on set, towards the bed that was being pulled back to allow room for the pair.

“Alright, so Nana-ssi, it won’t be anything too uncomfortable, but I will definitely need you both to seem like a couple in love.” The director explained as he turned to look at Nana who continued to look at the bed.

“Just things like holding hands, or Jaejoong-ssi reaching over to touch your face. But I do need you to look at him like you are deeply in love.” Director added as she nodded. On the outside, no one would be able to tell that the inside of her was bouncing around like a child on a sugar rush. She was so nervous that the outside simply looked like stone, it was this sort of thing, hiding her true feelings, she was good at it.

“Ah, Jaejoong-ssi.” The director suddenly said as Nana turned her head to see the handsome blonde man walking over in a pair of plain khaki’s and a loose long sleeve shirt.

“So what’s the run down?” Jaejoong asked interested as he smiled momentarily at Nana who smirked back at him.

“Just as I explained to you earlier Jaejoong-ssi. We need a loving couple.” Director explained as Jaejoong nodded in confidence.

“Will you be alright Nana-ssi?” Jaejoong turned to look at her unsure as she looked at him confused.

“Alright with what? I’m fine.” She covered smiling proudly as he nodded.

“Alright, we’ll have you guys set up now and get a few clips done.” The director explained as both stylists ushered their idol over to the opposite side of the bed from each other. Nana was laid down on the left side, her body lying to face Jaejoong who was positioned a bit higher than she was.

“Nana-ah, rest your arm under your head.” Hyori explained as Nana sat up to pull her arm under her head before lying down. Hyori nodded, pulling the comforter a few inches up her leg as Jaejoong laid on his back, his hands resting across his flat abdomen.

“Will you be alright if I improvise?” Jaejoong asked as the stylist fixed his hair. Nana turned her head slightly to look up at his smug grin.

“Depends on what improvising will mean with you, Jaejoong-ssi.” She teased as he smirked down to her.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” He admitted looking away proudly as she rolled her eyes before getting comfortable.


“We’ll do a few test takes to see what works best.” The director informed the pair now getting comfortable.

“If at any time you feel uncomfortable Nana-ssi, please don’t hesitate to announce it.” The director added as Nana playfully gave him a thumbs up sending Jaejoong chuckling.

“Free spirit.” Jaejoong muttered under his breath as Nana nodded proudly.

“Alright.” Director shouted once more, getting into his seat behind the screens.

“Action!” The director shouted as the camera began to make its approach on the couple. Nana turned her smiling eyes to look up at Jaejoong who smiled down at her warmly. Damn he was beautiful. She looked down to her free hand embarrassed as his hand weaved effortlessly through her fingers, bringing it up to his lips to kiss it. She chuckled sending his lips smiling on her knuckles. He loosened his fingers around her as it dropped, Nana caressed his soft cheek as he leaned into it.
“Cut!” The director shouted as Nana immediately retracted her hand from his face to sit up.

“Nothing bad, but I do need more from you two. We need it to look like you both are head over heels for each and have been for quite some time.” The director explained as he approached the pair.

“So more intimate?” Jaejoong offered as Nana swallowed heavily looking to Hyori who had walked over that moment to fix her hair.

“Yes, not too intimate but intimate enough for viewers to know that you both visually love each other.” The director added as Jaejoong nodded, poking Nana in her side as she chuckled before turning to glare at him. She hissed, rubbing her side before rolling her eyes. This man was too open then she was used to. She was already hissing at the dude and he was already poking fun, what more did this day hold?

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi