Worries & Realization

Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams

Nana’s POV…

The moment the van pulled up in front of the hospital, I was happy to see that whatever paparazzi or reporters that had been there early had decreased in some. I basically jumped out of the back of the van before Youngjae could even put it in park at the curb.

Nana-ssi!” He yelled worried from the van as I stumbled a bit before regaining my balance. Damn it was freezing tonight. The moment the sliding doors to the hospital opened, I walked in shivering, patting my bear paw boots off on the mat before running over to the closest receptionist.

Excuse me.” I called as the young woman looked up from her files before standing and bowing.

Can I help you?” She asked unsure as I looked around unsure as how I was supposed to go around with this, especially since there was still a considerably amount of people waiting in the emergency room waiting room.
Hi, I’m actually looking for someone that was admitted here earlier.” I explained as she smiled and nodded, sitting down before turning to her computer.

Name please?” She asked as I bit my lip, was she really going to let me in.

Seunghyun, Choi Seunghyun.” I mentioned as her fingers froze before she looked up to me, now serious.

I’m sorry, but it is against regulations to release any information on patience here.” She explained in a professional tone only causing me to roll my eyes. Of course she wasn’t going to let me in. But what’s with that 360 turn around on her personality.

I was invited here. If you can just call up…..” I started before she stood suddenly.

I’m sorry, but we have no such patient here. If that is all, I would like to ask you to leave.” She asked gesturing to the door as I sighed, slamming my hands down on the counter, scaring her. It was late, I was exhausted, worried, and cold, and her flip personality wasn’t helping much.

I was invited here by his manager who told me to check in at the front desk and with security. Now if you’d be so nice as to call up and reconfirm what the hell I just told you, I’d appreciate it. I’m exhausted, cold and haven’t eaten all day. Having to listen to your 360 personality swap in front of me is driving my sanity over the edge.” I hissed over the counter as her eyes slowly widened but in fear and surprise.

SECURITY!” She shouted as I groaned annoyed, looking over to security that was running towards me, hands on their weapons.

“Perfect.” I sighed as they gripped my arms tightly.

Ma’am, we will be escorting you off the premises.” I was too exhausted to argue or fight back.

Excuse me?!” A voice called as they turned me away from the counter, a tall, hefty man in street clothes ran from the elevator, looking at me unsure.

Nana-ssi?” He asked as I nodded.

That’s me.” I spoke sarcastically as he nodded.

It’s alright, she is with us.” The man spoke as the security guards nodded before letting go and walking off.

Nana-ssi, are you alright?” A voice then asked as I nodded to Youngjae who ran in from finally parking the van.

I’m Kim Nam Gook, Seunghyun-ah manager.” The hefty man introduced slightly bowing his head as I returned the gesture.

I’m Nana, thank you for calling me.” I thanked as he nodded, gesturing for us to follow him out of eye view and towards the elevators.

How is he?” I immediately asked as we stepped into the elevator.
He’s been out of surgery for a few hours. He hasn’t woken up yet, but the doctors said they did all they could to help his hand.” Nam Gook explained as I nervously fiddled with my fingers in my coat.

If it’s alright, what do you do for a living Nana-ssi? You don’t look Korean.” Nam Gook bluntly asked as I chuckled in surprise. I wouldn’t be surprise if he didn’t know who I was; he wasn’t around when I was at YG.

I’m from SM’s upcoming debut duo T.M.X.” I explained as he looked at me in realization.

Ah, that’s right. President Yang mentioned Nana-ssi and her partner.” He mentioned as I nodded. The bell for the elevator beeped as we stepped out onto the floor. I followed closely behind him, Youngjae next to me. We reached a pair of double doors where another set of security were standing. Nam Gook explained to them who I was as I hesitantly bowed to them before walking past them.

I have to make some phone calls to rearrange Seunghyun-ah schedule. Feel free to stay as long as you like.” Nam Gook stopped and gestured to a single sliding door.

Ah yes. Thank you.” I bowed my head to him as he bowed and walked off.

Do you need me to stay with you Nana-ssi?” Youngjae asked as I took the offered grocery bag before shaking my head.

I’ll be fine. Go find somewhere to rest, I’ll call when it’s time to leave.” I explained as he nodded, bowing his head before walking back the way we came. I stood in front of that door hesitantly for the next 10 minutes, unsure as to if I should continue. Why was I doing this? I had no connection to said man, yes, I slept with the dude, but what? That was all. I sighed, shaking my head as it ran away with itself. Biting my lip, I pulled the door opened quietly to hear the soft sound of machines beeping. I honestly hated hospitals, they were creepy as hell. Finding my courage, I shut the door quietly behind me and finally walked in to the dimly lit room.

“Woah.” Was the first thing that left my mouth when I finally walked around the corner into what looked to be a living room area. Geez. This room wasn’t one I was used to. It was massive. Well if there was another word for massive that could explain the largeness, that’s what it would be. Finally when I was out of the living room, I emerged into the actual hospital room where he was lying.

“Typical idols.” I couldn’t help but whisper in wonder as I finally saw the large normal looking bed holding the man that had stolen my heart. He looked so peaceful laying there, a breathing mask over his mouth and nose, IV, his hand bandaged tightly. I sighed at the scene, taking off my shoulder bag before placing it on the couch of the room.

Some room you got here.” I exclaimed, making sure that I wasn’t too loud as I continued to look around the room before ending at his side. I had a hard time looking down at him for some reason. All I wanted to do was jump into his arms and hug him in relief. I honestly had expected it be worse news, but thank the gods he was fine and safe. I sighed, grabbing a free seat before placing it at his side for me to sit.

Look at you, making me worried over nothing. I seriously thought it was worse.” I whispered embarrassed, fiddling with the plastic bag in my hand.

Geez, I worried about you during the whole shoot for nothing.” I whispered now annoyed as I put the bag up on the side table that held his plastic cup and water container.

But you’re fine, right?” I asked no one in particular, looking down to his bandaged hand lying in front of me. I don’t know what took over me but I had the sudden urge to reach over and touch it, gently. So I did. The bandage was rough to the touch, slightly warm probably from the heat radiating off of him. I trailed my finger down the top of his hand to his pinky finger that laid closest to me. I bit my lip, looking up to his peaceful face before touching his pinky.

“You big doofus. Aren’t you supposed to be careful on set?” I spat retracting my hand from his immediately after realizing what I had done. I stood up soon after, walking over to the one set of flowers that lay around the room, smelling them.

You had visitors already? Lucky.” I teased seeing a name card on it, fighting the urge to look at it before turning away from it quickly. I took a seat on the couch in the corner of the room near the window and sighed. It was perfect that we didn’t have any schedule tomorrow, I wanted to head back to the dorm and sleep, but I wanted to make sure he was alright.

“You’re a dumb , you know that?” I spat annoyed, pulling my legs up on the couch so that I could lie against the arm rest facing him.

I spent the last 3 hours worrying about you just to get here in record time to see you still asleep.” I hissed, crossing my arms over my chest. I mean, I couldn’t honestly be mad at the dude, but I was tired, hungry and my emotions were all over the place. I would have rip that receptionist teeth out and watched her choke on them had it not been for security. It was starting to turn out to be a pretty nasty night.

“I shouldn’t even be here. I don’t even know why I am here.” I hissed under my breath looking to the open window that showcased the light snow still falling. A few quiet minutes later I had fallen asleep without realizing it.


Author’s POV…

Nana silently snored as she curled up on the couch near the window. Unknown to her the person she had visited had been awake the entire time, listening to her rant over and over about non-sense. Once he heard the light snores coming off of her, he peeked out slowly before turning to her. Smiling inwardly, ignoring the pain that was now shooting through him as he watched her sleep. She was adorable when she slept. A knock disturbed him as he turned his head to the door in time to see what seemed to be her manager and his.

Seunghyun-ssi.” The man bowed as TOP nodded his head.

I’m Nana-ssi’s manager, Youngjae.” He introduced as TOP weakly smiled

I figured she would fall asleep.” Youngjae muttered as he walked over to wake her up.

No.” TOP called in a raspy voice as Youngjae stopped to turn to him.

Does she have a schedule tomorrow?” TOP asked as Nam Gook came to his side.

Ah no, TOP-ssi, she does not.” Youngjae answered as TOP turned to his manager.

Have two sets of breakfast delivered in the morning. And could you please fetch a pillow and blanket for her.” TOP calmly spoke as his manager sighed, shaking his head in defeat before doing what was asked.

“If it alright with you Youngjae-ssi, could Nana-ssi stay here till she wakes in the morning. She looks exhausted.” TOP asked as Youngjae bit his lip hesitantly, looking down to his idol.

Youngjae-ssi, I will call the moment she awakens. She will be alright here.” Nam Gook promised as he walked over with a large blanket and pillow. Youngjae sighed in defeat before nodding. Youngjae assisted Nam Gook in rearranging Nana so that she was lying comfortably on a fluffy pillow with a heavy blanket draped over her for the cold.

Nana-ssi was so worried about you today TOP-ssi.” Youngjae bluntly admitted as TOP looked to him surprise.

She was?” TOP asked his eyes drifting to the sleeping woman on the couch.

She kept asking me to call Nam Goo-ssi to ask about your condition through her whole shoot.” Youngjae offered as TOP looked to him.

She even jumped out of the van downstairs before I could even park it.” Youngjae chuckled as TOP sighed. This girl would be the end of him.

I will back by morning.” Youngjae thanked, bowing his head before taking his leave.

Hyung, it is alright. You may head home.” TOP sighed lying his head back against the pillow.

I will be back by morning. Rest for now.” Nam Gook scolded as TOP waved him off with his good hand.


Nana’s POV…

I twitched in my sleep. Literally twitched when a bright light began to try and pry itself through my eyelids. Damn sun. If it wasn’t bad enough that my stomach was trying to eat me from the inside out, now the sun was trying to starve me of sleep. I sighed annoyed, grabbing the blanket that was draped over me to help cover my face. I sighed in relief into the fluffy pillow before everything set in. My eyes shot open as I looked at the back of what seemed to be the couch staring back at me. Realization. I shot up immediately, looking around the room panicked before my eyes landed on a pair of now already awoken ones. Aish. Head rush. I held my head in sudden pain as a chuckle filled my ears.

It’s not funny.” I hissed holding my temple as I peered out at him.

Actually, it's quite funny from where I'm sitting. Do you know you talk in your sleep?” He asked amused as I snorted, lying back down with the blanket over my head.

“Go figure, I would fall asleep in the same room as this man.” I scolded myself quietly as I slowly pulled the blanket down below my eyes to look at him again. He chuckled as I rolled my eyes back.

No matter how many times you do that, I’ll always be right here.” He teased causing me to sigh and sit up, throwing my legs over the edge.

When did wake up?” I asked stretching before looking to see him closely watching me.

I was up when you came last night.” He bluntly answered as my eyes shot open in anger and annoyance before turning to him.

“You WHAT?!” I shouted as he put his hands up in the air in defense, my realization setting in when I saw the large bandage still wrapped around his arm. How could I hate a man that was in pain? I sighed, calming myself down before looking away.

I didn’t think you would come.” He admitted as I sighed, walking over to where I placed my shoulder bag down last night.

“Shut up.” I muttered under my breath only sending a brighter smile across his face.

Ana, come.” He gestured as I turned to him unsure.

Why? For what?” I narrowed my eyes as him only sending him chuckling again.
Just come here.” He whined, adjusting his bed so that he was sitting up. I sighed deflated before marching over annoyed to his side, staring at him expectantly but hesitant.

What is it?” I crossed my arms as he sighed.

You have something on your face.” He pointed out as my eyes shot open.
What? Where?” I began panicking, grabbing at my face as he chuckled.
Come here, I’ll get it off.” He said between laughing as I immediately leaned over close enough for his opposite hand to reach my face. The moment I was in range, he leaned over and kissed my cheek. I gasped, pulling away with a hand to my cheek as I glared at his smiling face.

I’ve been dying to do that for too long.” He teased looking away proudly as I snorted.

If you enjoy being in the hospital this much, I could always match the other hand to this.” I threatened as he chuckled looking to me in disbelief.

You worry about me too much to hurt me.” He teased as I snorted, rolling my eyes before walking away.

And look at that ladies and gentlemen, the almighty TOP has mounted his ego horse in record time.” I sarcastically announced before walking over to see that my phone was dead. He laughed at my comment before I sat down on the couch I had slept on.

It does feel nice for someone aside from my members and family, to feel worried about my wellbeing.” He admitted as he sighed, looking up to him.

I couldn’t even work properly yesterday cause of you.” I hissed as he smiled, lying his head back on the pillow to watch me.

Did you worry about me that much?” He teased with a glint in his eyes.

“Shut up.” I hissed annoyed before something caught my eye.

“Oh! I almost forgot.” I mentioned quickly standing up and walking over to his side table.

I brought something’s last night, one because I was starving and two, I remembered you mentioned like banana milk.” I explained grabbing the bag before placing it in his lap. He looked down to his disbelief before looking to me.

“What?” I asked confused as he smiled.

You worried enough to go to the mart and buy me this?” He asked proudly as I snorted, grabbing a bread bag and milk before walking away.

You can hop off the ego train; my manager got it while I was working.” I burnt his hope down while he pulled out a bottle of milk.

Well I can wish, can’t I?” He sputtered to himself as he sipped it. I couldn’t help but smile from behind my straw at his eagerness to gain my affection and attention. I did feel bad that it would never happen, one because my contract and two, because I was too afraid to see what his fans would do to me if I chose to be with him. I turned my attention away from him and to the window once more. What was I even doing here? I told myself I wouldn’t fall any harder for this guy and look at me! I was running to his aid the moment I hear he’s injured. What was I doing? This was the exact opposite of what I should be doing. I sighed, biting my straw momentarily before turning my head to see him trying to adjust the straw that was almost out. I chuckled, shaking my head as he continued to try with his hurt arm.

Aish, look at this boy.” I muttered, placing my milk down before standing up to go and help him.

Here, let me help before you get into a fight with the straw.” I whined reaching over to pop his straw back into place. He smiled at me, sipping the milk.

Thanks.” He thanked as I rolled my eyes.

What are they going to do with you? You can’t even pee or shower properly.” I pointed out as he chuckled.

Well I will gladly hire you for such a job.” He teased as I snorted, slapping his bare foot.
“Dream on big boy.” I teased walking back to the window.

So how long are you supposed to be in here?” I asked walking around the room in interest. Now that there was light, I could see much more. He just sighed before whining.

They said probably a week at the most.” He breathed out as I nodded.

That means your schedule will be a wreck, I’m assuming?” I turned him as he nodded.

Yeah, I’m sure the director is upset.” He muttered rubbing the side of his face with his good hand.

Well things happen, can’t always have what you want.” I pointed out as he nodded.

What about you? How was the music video?” He asked as I shrugged.

It was alright. A lot more intimate than I was expecting, but I’ll live.” I pointed out in monotone.
What sort of intimate?” He then asked as I turned to look at his sour face. Have to admit, it’s a good feeling having a guy like TOP jealous for you.

I had to hug Dongwoo-ah, hold his hand, dance with him. Things like that.” I quickly waved off, a smirk placing across my face.

What sort of dancing?” He then asked as I heard his bed rising again.

You know, that sort of dancing girls and guys do in clubs.” I pointed out innocently as he eyes wavered for a bit.
Do I even want to ask which sort of dancing?” He asked as I shrugged.

I was practically glued to his crotch, if that’s what you’re asking.” I bluntly added, seeing the spark in his eyes light up. Gotcha.

Forget I asked.” He muttered causing me to smile and turn to him, my arms proudly crossed.

What is this? Is the almighty power rapper, T.O.P, jealous?” I asked teasingly as he rolled his eyes.

And what if I am?” He spat as I chuckled, shaking my head.

“Don’t worry about Dongwoo-ah, we’re just friends.” I defended, rolling my eyes as I heard a knock on the door. The door opened before shutting as we waited whoever it was now walking in from the living area.

Ah, good morning.” I immediately bowed to TOP’s manager who nodded his head.

I have breakfast.” He offered two trays now sitting in his hand as I quickly pulled the table out for TOP, positioning over his lap where his manager placed both trays. I pulled up a seat before looking to Nam Gook’s unsure expression. He looked exhausted.

If it’s alright with Nam Gook-ssi, I can help feed Seunghyun-ssi. You look exhausted, go rest.” I reassured as he looked at me surprised.

My brother was in the hospital for a month from an accident. I’m sort of used to this sort of stuff.” I admitted as he looked to TOP’s equally surprised face.

I’ll just be in the living area.” He offered hesitantly as I nodded, standing to pull the trays cover off. Fried eggs, soup, rice and tea.

“Yeah give tea to the handicap guy.” I muttered irritated as TOP laughed.

Are you really going to help me?” He asked in disbelief as I pulled out his utensils.

I can always hook up a straw to it and have you it alone?” I offered sarcastically as he immediately shook his head.

No, no, no, I quite like this Ana.” He teased as I rolled my eyes, sitting on the edge of the bed.

Shut up and don’t get used to it. Nice Ana only comes out on rare occasions.” I held out the spoon for him to sip. I was quite enjoying my day off so far. 

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi