Hung Over

Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams

Next Morning…..

Nana struggled to get up from her bed as her alarm blared through the apartment. She groaned when she sat up, pain shooting straight through her face.

“Holy .” She hissed, now sitting up on her mattress, her hands buried in her messy hair.

“What the hell happened?” She whispered looking around her still dark room then to her phone sitting in her lap. 3:45, what a perfect time to get up. She sighed, scratching the back of her head as her head throbbed again.
“Ow.” She hissed in pain, annoyed that it was hurting this much. Suddenly her phone vibrated as she squinted and looked down to the bright screen, who was texting her this early in the morning? Sighing she saw the name that flashed up on the envelope flying across her screen. Hesitantly she opened it.


Are you awake?


Bastard. Of course he would text to check if she was awake. What the hell did he want so early?

I am now. I have filming in a few hours.


She answered back, shoving the phone into her bra as she stood up, immediately regretting it as she fell back onto her back end.

“Oh my god, what did I do yesterday?” She hissed holding her head again as a knock came from her door. Didn’t help that every tap that person made only further pushed the throbbing in her head louder.

“What?!” She shouted before hissing as she held her head again. Gogi peeked in after the yell, smirking when she saw her partner obviously in pain.

“Serves you right.” Gogi proudly spoke as she the room light and walked in, holding a tall glass of water and Tylenol pills.

“What happened yesterday?” Nana asked hesitantly taking the offered medicine and drank the entire cup of water. Gogi sighed, plopping down on the empty spot next to her.

“Well first of all, I come back from our brunch to find that you had company.” Gogi started as Nana nodded in understanding.

“The living room was a disaster. Kai was drunk, Tao and Lay were drinking but not too bad, Sehun was just a laughing mess.” Gogi explained further as Nana turned to look at her confused.
“What about me? Did they throw me off the balcony head first?” Nana groaned as Gogi chuckled.

“No but it sure feels like it right?” Gogi teased as Nana groaned massaging her head again.

“You were so drunk, you couldn’t even remember how many bottles of Soju you drank.” Gogi offered as Nana laid back in her comforter, sprawling her body out.

“I feel like I’ve been holding my breath for hours, my heads going to explode.” Nana whined as Gogi sighed looking to her friend.

“You were also singing on the couch.” Gogi teased as Nana groaned rubbing her eyes.

“Perfect. I get absolutely piss drunk and sing, probably horribly in front of EXO. That is pathetic.” Nana whined throwing her hands up as Gogi laughed.

“Yeah, never heard you sing Like a or I’m Too y for my Shirt.” Gogi started mimicking as Nana further buried herself in the comforter.

“Oh my god, what the hell is wrong with me?” She started scolding herself under her breath as Gogi chuckled.

“Well it did account for how pissed off you were yesterday.” Gogi mentioned as Nana grabbed a pillow and hid her face.

“I fell like .” Nana whined through the pillow as Gogi chuckled.

“Well good to know you look like too.” Gogi teased standing up as Nana turned to glare at her.

“Oh! And you had a shirt wrapped around your head, and you used your lipstick, drew an eye patch and goatee on your face.” Gogi was full blown smiling down as Nana just began screaming into her pillow in rage.

“Aside from acting like a complete idiot, did I do anything else I’ll regret later?” Nana then asked with narrowed eyes as Gogi sighed, turning on her heels to look at her oblivious friend.

“Well you did try and tell Onew that I liked him and then started spilling jumble about Jonghyun.” Gogi hissed as Nana’s eyes widened.

“Oh my god, kill me now.” Nana rolled onto her side to face away from her friend.

“Jiyong will be by to pick us up at 4:45 and………your phone is ringing.” Gogi announced as she walked out. Nana immediately shot out of her spot, groaning in response to the sudden rush of blood to her head.

“Ow, ow, ow.” She chanted as she squeezed her eyes shut tightly, blindly reaching out to find her phone before putting it to her ear.

“Hello?” She groaned.

So you are awake.” The deep voice spoke intrigued as she groaned, massaging her forehead.
Just barely.” She whispered in pain.
Are you alright? You don’t sound too hot.” He asked worried as she sighed.

Yeah, well, I don’t feel too hot either.” She muttered falling back to lie in her comforter again.

What happened?” He asked concerned as she sighed.

I rather not tell you, it’s quite embarrassing.” She muttered burying her face further into the pillow. He chuckled, now that she said that, it made it twice as interesting.

Now that you mentioned that, I really want to know.” He teased causing her to sigh, if glares could kill through the phone, BIGBANG would be one member less.

I supposedly got drunk last night.” She whispered embarrassed. If Nana could see him now, then she would have witnessed TOP of all people falling off his chair in the middle of the recording studio, everyone now looking at him in surprise.

Did you drink that much?” He asked now in a whisper as she groaned.

I don’t even know, I can’t even remember anything I did, but Gogi was nice enough to remind me of all the embarrassing things I did.” Nana hissed as TOP chuckled.

What’d you do?” He asked huskily as she blushed before groaning when her headache attacking again.

Supposedly what Gogi said is that I had drawn an eye patch and goatee on my face, I had a shirt wrapped around my head singing to Like a .” By the time she had finished her explanation, TOP was in a fit of laughter, having to excuse himself from the recording studio just because he knew he wouldn’t be able to stop any time soon.
Remind me to take you with me to a club next time.” He teased as she scoffed.
Yeah, in your dreams big boy.” She hissed causing him to laugh as the line went quiet.

So you guys are recording this early?” She asked breaking the silence as he sighed.

Ana-ah.” He spoke her name seriously as she stopped talking.

What is it?” She asked in a groan as he sighed.

I know we agreed to not date, which is understandable but….” He started as she sighed, rolling her eyes.

I’m not dating him.” She immediately defended as he released a breath.

Who was he?” He asked interested as Nana sighed, he was starting to sound like a jealous boyfriend.

We were hanging out with SHINEE yesterday.” She explained as he nodded in understanding.

Ah, that Jonghyun.” He muttered in a hiss causing her to smirk. She couldn’t help it, having the great and almighty TOP jealous over her, it was an amazing feeling to the crappy headache she was fighting through.

Anyways, I would love to chat with you and all but I have a shooting today.” Nana mentioned teasingly.

Filming? Photo Shoot?” He asked interested as she finally pulled herself out of bed with much effort.

No, we’re featuring in Infinite’s subunit’s music video.” She explained as their conversation rolled on.




“Min Hee! Your phone!” Nana shouted from the open bathroom, hearing her friends phone ring from her bedroom.
“Got it!” Gogi shouted as she ran from the kitchen back into her room to answer it. She chuckled upon seeing the name flashing across her screen as she took a seat on the edge of her bed.

Morning.” She answered cheerfully as the voice chuckled.

Isn’t it a bit too early for you to be up and happy?” His voice teased causing her to chuckle.
Ah, I have an early schedule with Nana-unnie so we’re up.” She explained, smirking at the irony of their schedule.

What about you Oppa?” She smirked deviously.

Ah, today is our last day for filming for an Infinite H Music Video.” He explained proudly as Gogi chuckled off line.
Woah! No way!” She acted totally shocked and excited, obviously boosting his ego even higher, if possible.

Yeah, it’s exciting.” He added as she smiled.

What song is it? Something good?” She asked intrigued as he laughed.
Well it is Dongwoo-ah and I, of course it’s good.” He proudly answered as she laughed.

What’s so exciting about it, aside from the fact it’s your song?” She asked interested, seeing if he would brag about the guest she already knew would be present.
Well we have 2 female actresses that will be featuring, so we get to film a few scenes with them today.” He added, sounding a hesitant as she smiled. Bingo.

Oh who?” She asked sounding extremely interested.
I have no idea, we asked but the production crew said it was a surprise or they don’t know.” He huffed causing her to chuckle.

Well nonetheless, I’m sure they’ll be beautiful and great.” She praised as he sighed.

I hope they are, or this music video is going down the drain.” He muttered under his breath as she smiled.

Oh, there is one secret, can I tell you?” He whispered now causing her to smile, Bingo Two!

Oh yes, tell me!” She whined as he chuckled.

Zion T. is featuring in the music video.” He whispered as she faked gasped.

No way!” She shouted as he laughed.

Yup, pretty awesome right?” He asked proudly as she chuckled.

Min Hee, Jiyong is here!” Nana’s voice shouted through her shut door as Gogi sat up.
Well it was good talking to you, but I have to leave before my manager comes in and drags me out.” She chuckled, standing up to grab a coat from her closet.
Ah, but you never told me what you girls are doing today?” He whined causing her to laugh.

Don’t worry, it’s a secret I can’t share anyways.” She pointed out slipping her arms through the coat before opening her bedroom door.

Aish, this mysterious girl.” He hissed as she laughed walking around the corner to see Nana and Jiyong waiting in the open door for her.

Well, good luck today, I guess.” He muttered sounding a bit upset as she chuckled, slipping her feet into her shoes of choice.

Good Luck and have fun today. I know you will!” She smirking knowingly as Nana narrowed her eyes in suspicion.


Quickly the girls followed Jiyong down to the lobby area of the apartment, in a slight hurry.


ffUntitled #72

                                                                     NANA                                                                            GOGI

Noona!” A voice shouted suddenly as the girls along with Jiyong stopped and turned to see a few of the EXO boys coming out of the elevator across from them.
Oh, morning.” Gogi smiled softly as those present bowed to both the girls and manager as they returned the gesture.

Nana-ah, are you alright today?” Luhan asked over, clear worry painted across his face. Nana on the other hand, turned beat red in embarrassment before turning away.

I have a headache from hell but I’m fine.” She muttered unable to look at them. Jiyong couldn’t help but look at the conversation in confusion, did something happen that he didn’t know about?

Noona that was a nice rendition you did last night.” A voice teased as her head whipped over to glare at the voice, of course, the ever loving maknae.

“Shut up.” Nana hissed under her breath as those that knew what had happened, stifled a laugh.

Wasn’t bad for being off key and no music.” Gogi added as the glare turned to her, the boys broke out laughing.

Girls.” Jiyong warned as they both looked over.

“Ha-ha-ha, as fun as it is for half of EXO to tease me, we’re in a rush.” Nana hissed annoyed before walking away with Jiyong.

Is she ok?” Suho asked over to Gogi who just smiled.

She’s slightly hung over, but she’ll be alright.” Gogi answered with a smile, her eyes trailing over to Chanyeol who quickly winked at her. She blushed brightly before looking away in a panic.

Anyways, we’ll see you guys later.” She bowed her head to the side before running off.


To no one’s surprise, Mina was waiting for them in the van when both girls arrived, the MTV-K camera’s set up towards the backseat.

Morning.” Mina welcomed bowing her head as Gogi smiled over Nana’s shoulder. Honestly, it was one of those mornings where Nana just wanted to roll back into bed and ignore the world. Nana just seemingly nodded her head to the woman before climbing into the backseat, her sunglasses finding its place in front of her eyes to protect them from the bright lights off the cameras.

How are you girls this morning?” Mina asked over the middle seat head rest.

We’re excited.” Gogi answered for the both of them knowing that Nana was currently fighting a nasty hangover.

What about you Nana-ssi?” Mina asked turning his attention towards the quiet member. Gogi bit her lip and looked over hesitantly to Nana, awaiting her rash answer.

I’m a bit under the weather, but nonetheless, excited.” Nana admitted, a fake smile painted on her face.

Ah, that’s a shame.” Mina mentioned as Nana chuckled nervously before nodding.

Yeah, it’s a bit unfortunately since we have our first music video filming today.” Nana pouted as Gogi had to fight the urge to break out laughing.

So can one of you girls explain to the camera’s what we are doing today?” Mina asked looking down to the cards in her lap.

Ah, T.M.X is lucky enough to be featuring in Infinite’s new subunit, Infinite H’s upcoming Music Video.” Gogi explained to the camera near her.

Do either of you know what will be happening in the music video?” Mina then asked interested as Nana massaged her temple.

They haven’t told us much about it only that it’s a hip hop single.” Nana explained never turning to look at the camera.

Are you guys excited to meet Infinite H’s subunit?” Mina then asked a sparkle in her eye as Gogi chuckled.

Actually we met them already.” Gogi answered sheepishly as Mina looked to the pair in surprise.

You have?” Mina asked as Nana nodded.

We ran into them the day after we arrived while we were visiting one of the late night markets.” Gogi explained as Mina looked on in surprise.

We actually saw them in a coffee shop there then ran into them again.” Gogi added as Mina nodded.

So does that mean that Infinite H knows that T.M.X will be featuring?” Mina asked interested as Gogi chuckled.

No, they don’t know it’s us.” Gogi added as Mina chuckled.

It should be interesting then.” Mina added as both girls nodded.


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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi