Bag Full Of Crazy

Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams

A few days had passed and Ana was waiting up at 3am for her music video shoot with SHINee. She groaned as her alarm blared through the room at an uncontrollable volume. It almost sounded as if the walls to her room were containing the noise, making it louder every time it beeped. She rolled over onto her stomach, grabbing the nearest pillow to willingly smother herself under it, wanting nothing more than to just drown out the noise that was attempting to kill her. If the sound of constant beeping wasn’t enough, the sudden sound of banging on her door would do the trick. She glared at the door, silently wishing it would burst into flames along with the person behind it before it swung open, showing a very pissed off and annoyed Min Hee on the other end.
“TURN IT OFF!” She snapped at the top of her lungs, her frizzed hair bouncing around her head in annoyance as she marched it, ripping the phone off the dresser to turn it off herself. Finally, sweet silence as Ana’s eyes began to slowly flutter shut.

“Oh no you don’t.” Min Hee muttered annoyed, reaching over quickly to yank the comforter off of the older woman, revealing her to only be dressed in a large shirt and underwear. Ana immediately yelped in surprise, curling up into the fetal position as she glared up at the woman.

“Get your up! You have a shoot today!” Min Hee snapped, returning the favor as she reached over and slapped Ana’s thigh sending said woman up and standing in pain.

“Ow! What the hell was that for?!” Ana snapped, rubbing her now reddening thigh. Min Hee rolled her eyes and walked out of the room, across the hall, slamming and locking her door in all one go.

“Geez, hormonal wench.” Ana hissed under her breath, stretching one last time as she slipped on her pajama shorts and walked out of the room and to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Brushing her teeth, hair, washing her face, slipping her hair into a loose bun at the side of her head, Ana finally stepped out of the bathroom refreshed and slightly woken.


The pair were both lucky, seeing that their surprise gift also named ‘brothers’ were forced to go and get a room at a nearby hotel. For one, the girls hated them constantly nagging about their various daily routines, and two, they hated sharing the space with them. So as a deal to stay, the boys were now staying down the road, as far yet close enough for the boys comfort.


She stopped when she noticed the camera above the hallway slightly move, startling her. She had totally forgotten the MTV-K had installed more personalized cameras that move with her. Smiling forcefully, she slightly waved up at the camera, walking past it into the living room and kitchen while it turned to film her walking away. She waved at another one that turned with her movement into the kitchen, then waving at the one above the sink as she trotted to the fridge, pulling out her bottle of orange juice. Ana took the first sip, sighing in content before walking over to sit on a bar stool, aimlessly looking around the kitchen. She took a large swallow this time, her eyes panning to the camera that was stationed in the middle of the island counter, now staring at her. She tilted her head to the side, reaching out to turn the screen towards her, showing her form in the camera. She patted down a stray hair at the top of her head before sighing.


Over the past few weeks of living with cameras, she had hated it at first. It was an invasion of privacy in her own opinion but after sometime and chatting with fellow idols, she came to realize that this was actually far from her actual privacy being stolen. She had read up on sasaeng fans and what they were capable of. Having cameras like this filming her everyday lives, aside from what personal things may go on in the bedroom and bathroom, this was nothing. She had slowly become comfortable with the cameras everywhere, it’s not like she had to talk to them, and a simple wave or smile, here or there would do since Min Hee was practically glued to them all the time.


Ana sighed, resting one elbow on the counter before resting her chin in it, she stared at it.

I have a music video filming this morning.” She spoke in a hushed tone, not wanting to feed Min Hee any hints to what she was actually doing on her own. Ana fought back a yawn as she held her hand up to cover it from the screen.

“It’s…..” She started as she looked up to the clock on the wall before groaning and turning to the look back down at the camera.

3:03am.” She groaned, rubbing her forehead slightly exhausted before looking up.

I have an early interview with MTV-K this morning than I’ll head to filming at 5am.” She explained, sipping her juice again before sighing.

I’m so tired.” She whispered to herself, looking to the clean kitchen then back to the camera.

We’re preparing for our debut, it will happen in a few weeks’ time. We have our choreography and song done. We hope that you will enjoy it and support us when we finally step out. It has taken us a long time, lots of sweats and tears to get us where we are today. But we enjoy it.” She smiled as sweetly as she could before sighing and standing up.

I should probably get ready.” She waved at the camera, slipping her bottle back into the fridge before walking into her room to get dressed for the day.


Seeing that she would be heading for an interview first, she dressed decently. A black bandeau top, dark skinny jeans, a new designer crop blazer she had bought in town a few days ago, a few rings here and there, and matching earrings, topped off with a pair of teal, opened toed pumps. And since she would be heading to the music video filming straight after, she finalized on a simple dash of dark pink lipstick. Lucky enough, she was the type not to throw a tantrum about being bare faced in front of people. As far as people know, she’s worn makeup all her life, not so true though. She grabbed a black suede trench coat from her closet and slip her arms through. Spring was practically knocking at the door, the snow that had fallen while they were there was now fully melted but what was left was random chilly winds that would whip through when you least expected it. All in all, she was just excited to get back to wearing less suffocating clothes.


Ana slipped various things into an oversized purse, looking to herself in the mirror for a moment before setting out the door. She stopped, knocking on Min Hee’s door to see if she would answer, only to be answered by a mix between a groan and mumble. She rolled her eyes, pushing the door open a bit before peeking her head in to see Min Hee buried under a pile of pillows.

“I’m leaving.” Ana called into the room, receiving a random wave from Min Hee.

“I’ll see you later.” Ana called louder, smirking when she heard Min Hee groan louder under the pile. Ana barely shut the door in time for a pillow to whack the backside of it.

“Love you too!” Ana shouted, chuckling as she waved as the camera now facing down to her.


In record time, Youngjae knocked at the door of the girls shared apartment. Ana slowly pulled herself off the couch and towards the entryway, opening the door to let Youngjae know she was ready, in the meantime adjusting her coat while slipping a hat over her head. Damn hair was a magnet for attention.


Youngjae escorted her down to a conference area in the building that was sectioned off and reserved for the girls combined interview with MTV-K. Youngjae pushed open the door, nodding his head to the pair of security on duty before allowing Ana in. Ana stepped in, handing her bag to Youngjae who had already held his hand out for it. She sighed, rolling her neck a bit before walking over to where she noticed a familiar woman sitting with a stack of cue cards in her lap.

“Mina.” Ana called as the woman looked up quickly at her name before smiling.

“Hi Ana!” Mina called happily as Ana forced a smile despise her exhaustion. The woman in question stood up and hugged the soon-to-be idol before gesturing for her to sit. Youngjae quickly walked over to help her remove her coat and hat, letting her adjust her outfit before smiling over at Mina.

“Nervous?” Mina asked as the crew began getting set up to start behind the cameras. Ana sighed, crossing her leg before shrugging.

“More exhausted than anything.” She spoke annoyed as Mina nodded in understanding.

“It’s like the exhaustion is taking all the energy to be nervous or happy.” Ana sighed, massaging her forehead causing Mina to smile comfortingly.


It was quiet for some time, one of the crew members had to run back up to their room to grab a few things that had broken while setting up. Ana on the other hand, sat there, quietly picking at her painted fingernails, her thoughts running to what had happened a few days ago in the cafeteria.




It was quiet for some time after the mummified conversation blew over. Ana ate silently, making sure to put enough food into to stop her from having an awkward conversation with the man sitting across from her. Jonghyun constantly looked up to the woman across from him, his attention waving back and forth from the way she was sitting, to the way she chewed to the way she looked at her food. He had to be honest, this had to be the closest he had ever been to her, aside from the time he kissed her, but that didn’t count.

“Ana.” He called bravely as her eyelashes fluttered up to him, her light brown eyes now on him.

H-How is dance rehearsals coming?” He stuttered, trying to find something to talk with her about. Ana blinked in surprised by the path of the conversation before shaking her head in disbelief, a small smile playing on her face.

It’s going fine. We’re done, just rehearsing over and over.” She answered going back to eating as he nodded quietly, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly. Why couldn’t he figure out something to talk to her about? Oh, right, every time they spoke it was both of them cussing at each other. He viciously rubbed his forehead before sighing.

Ana, I’m sorry.” He bluntly added as she nodded, never looking to him, only infuriating him.

I’m being serious. I’m sorry.” He added as she nodded quietly. He tossed his metal chopsticks to the metal plate and sat back in a huff. Ana flinched in surprise before looking up at him annoyed.
Geez, what did the chopsticks ever do to you?” She muttered under her breath, momentarily glaring at him before going back to eating.

It’s because of you.” He spat as she immediately turned to look at him surprised.

“Me? What did I do?” She now defended, slightly outraged that he was already blaming something on her. She viciously gestured to herself using her own chopsticks, her glare directed across the table. He sighed, continuing to lean back in his seat as he put a frustrated hand through his hair.

You! You don’t believe me when I’m trying to apologize.” He hissed annoyed as she rolled her eyes, rubbing her forehead as her hair fell over her shoulders.

I never said I didn’t believe you.” She hissed looking back up at him seriously as he snorted.

Well you didn’t say you forgave me either.” He hissed back leaning forward as gaped, her chopsticks dropping in her plate.

You expect me to forgive you, already?” She asked surprised as he shrugged.

I just want you to believe that I’m sorry for doing what I did.” He muttered annoyed as she plopped back in her seat, her eyes looking across the table at him in disbelief.

Ya! I don’t forgive that easily, you should be lucky I’m even gracing you with my presences after what you did!” She spat over the table, her finger moving a million miles per minute at him.

God, this is why I don’t talk to women, they are just a bag full of crazy.” He hissed throwing his hands in the air annoyed at her causing her to scoff.

Bag full of crazy? You’re one to talk!! Just because you apologized, does not automatically mean I’ll forgive your ungrateful !” Ana snapped across the table, her seat pushed out behind her as she stood to get in his face. Jonghyun on the other hand, stood up, throwing his hands in the air annoyed.

What else am I supposed to call you?! All you do is hit me, curse at me, yell at me, I mean for god sake, I’ve NEVER seen you smile!!” He snapped at the top of his lungs now getting into her face, there was no way he was backing down from this.


In the meantime, both Eujong and Jae Hee were perched at the edge of the cafeteria counter, just watching in silence, waiting for something to happen.

You think we should step in?” Jae Hee whispered over to the woman next to her, her eyes never moving from the argument.

“No, leave them. If someone comes in then we can.” Eujong whispered over as Jae Hee nodded in agreement.


Ana sighed, rolling her eyes before stepping away from the table, grabbing her plate.

I’ve had enough of this.” She muttered annoyed, pulling her bag over her shoulder before grabbing her tray.

Ya! I’m not done.” Jonghyun snapped out at her, Ana naturally ignoring him as she walked over to dispose of her tray.

Thank you Ahjumma’s.” Ana bowed her head to the two women just seemingly smiling at her from behind the counter. Ana trotted down the hallway quickly, listening to Jonghyun mutter curses under his breath before thanking the cafeteria ahjummas.

“This elevator really couldn’t move any slower.” She hissed under her breath, watching as it slowly rose to reach her floor.

Should have taken the stairs.” His familiar voice rang mockingly from next to her as she rolled her eyes, turning on her heels to burst through the stairwell door. Jonghyun ran and caught up with her, grabbing her arm as she made it to the next stair landing. Ana on the other hand, her heels to glare at the man now stopping her from leaving.

Let me go.” She hissed warningly as Jonghyun shook his head seriously.

Not till you forgive me.” He added back seriously causing her to sigh and look at him in disbelief.

I’m forewarning you, let me go or I’m going to hit you.” She warned again causing him to sigh, tilting his head a bit. Ana had enough and threw her fist at his face, not expecting him to catch it so easily. While distracted, she threw the opposite fist only to be caught and turned, his hands holding her arms crossed across her chest, her back now to his chest. Ana couldn’t help but gasp in surprise as my back made contact with his rock hard chest, the wind in her lungs immediately soring with nowhere to go. Jonghyun was slightly surprised at himself, he hadn’t expected that move to work but to his surprise, it worked better than he had thought.

Ana, I like you.”

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi