SHINee 'Dazzling Girl' Music Video Filming: Part 1

Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams


I swear I am NOT doing this on purpose... *pouts*

Geebuz! This is the longest I have EVER gone without writing and I'm personally slapping myself for keeping you guys waiting! *sighs* I'm such a HORRIBLE writer!

Well.......I've finally had the time to sit down from my busy schedule with life, school, kids, holidays *groans* too annoyed to even name everything I've been busy with...anyways...i'm back for the time being...I've had to sit down and re-write my timeline for this story...I got all the main stuff down and accounted for...but still struggling in some places.

I will TRY my VERY best to update as often as I can...if I can't, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be patient with me JUSEYO!!





Dazzling Girl #1

Ana attempted to walk out of the dressing room behind Hyori and her manager who walked ahead of her. But it seemed like fate had another plan in store for her. The moment she had passed the one person she had wanted to avoid, his hand shot out and grabbed her wrist, causing her to stumble towards him in surprise. Jonghyun looked down at her, his eyes serious as she opened and shut like a fish out of water. She wanted nothing more than to yell at him, kick him in the nuts and shove him into a closet, but she couldn’t even find her courage to speak up to him after what he had confessed. Then again, he could have just been messing with her. She glared up at him at that last thought, ripping her arm out of his grasp before growling.

“Don’t touch me.” She hissed warningly, taking the initiative to walk as far away from him as possible. Hyori had been waiting right outside the changing area with a knowing smirk playing on her lips. Ana rolled her eyes, shuffling after her manager who was already waving her down.

“Ana-ah!” Key, Minho and Taemin walked over to meet her. She gave them a soft smile, chuckling as Minho came to stand beside her. Out of all the Shinee members, Minho was the only one she could stand to be around for more than a few hours. They had exercised together on a daily basis, or when their schedules allowed it. Minho actually got Ana and Min Hee back into running before the crack of dawn. Not an easy achievement but surprising nonetheless. Ana playfully elbowed him in the arm before turning to look at the two still standing in front of her.

Waaaa, you look so different with brown hair.” Minho cooed, pulling on a stray lock hanging over her shoulder. She snorted, playfully swatting his hand away before glaring at him.

“I had brown hair to start with, idiot.” She hissed before turning to the other two members quietly laughing at the exchange.

“Min Hee-ah didn’t come with you today?” Taemin asked, obviously just noticing that she was one member short. She snorted, rolling her eyes.

“She had better things to do today.” Ana mentioned, pushing the light brown hair back over her shoulder, adjusting the lens free glasses sitting on her nose.
“Oh? And what is that?” Key asked intrigued as Ana sputtered her lips in annoyance.

“Sleeping in.” Ana pouted causing the 3 to laugh before she turned to glare at each of them, her eyes widening in shock.

“What the hell happened….I-I mean….no, what happened to your hair?!” She about yelled looking at Key in absolute shock. Those closest to the ground all flinched in surprise turning to look at the woman confused at her outburst. Key chuckled nervously before putting a hand through his short locks.

“Why? You don’t like it?” Key asked slightly heartbroken that she had reacted that way to his new hair style. Ana blinked a few times before finally realizing what she had just done. Clearing , composing her expression, she looked down to the flats on her feet.

“It looks…….good.” She answered, a light blush on Key’s cheeks not going unnoticed by his two members who were still beside them.

“R-Really?” Key asked unsure, a hand reaching up to pat down the back of his neck, embarrassed.

“Nana-ssi!” A voice shouted startling the group as she turned to see what seemed to be her manager waving her down from her set.

“Oh geez, Onew got a hair cut too.” She muttered under her breath, turning and walking away, but not before noticing the man sitting off to the side beside the member in question. She didn’t have time to think about what he confessed, whether it be true or just a story he mixed up to get her to like him, she had more important things to worry about, like attempting to debut successfully.


After being introduced to the director and given a rundown of the music videos concept, Ana now stood on the set which was decorated simply. A white room, a leather couch sitting against the far wall, a strange D shaped mirror sitting to the couches left with a shady lamp beside it. She wrung out her hands together, standing at her mark as she watched the director speak with a few of the camera folks. Her eyes scanned over to see Hyori giving her two thumbs up causing her to snort before slowly letting go of a small smile. She did enjoy doing these sorts of things, that’s one thing she wouldn’t hold against anyone. As tiring as it could be, it helped prepare the pair for what they could look forward to do for their own group soon enough. She sighed, adjusting the glasses that continued to fall down her nose, Hyori taking the opportunity to walk over and fix a few hairs out of place.

“Nervous?” Hyori asked with a teasing smirk causing Ana to snort.

“I’ve done this twice before. I’m practically a professional already.” Ana teased back causing Hyori to chuckle, using the tip end of her comb to adjust the wig slightly.

“So what was that in the changing room earlier?” Hyori suddenly asked causing Ana’s eyes to shoot up to her, a look of slight horror on her face. Hyori was taken aback by the look in the woman’s eyes, a look she never thought she would ever see through the stone cold persona known as Nana. But as a surprise, there it was, plain to the eye. Ana quickly controlled her expression just as fast as she let it slip before turning away from Hyori.
“Ana-ah….is there something going on?” Hyori whispered worried about her friend as Ana shook her head.

“Everything is fine, I can take care of it.” Even though she denied there being a problem, Hyori figured Ana didn’t realize that she had said that second bit. Hyori smiled warmly at Ana before nodding.

“Well just know, if there is ever anything wrong, I’m here.” Hyori mentioned before walking away, allowing Ana to let go of a breath she hadn’t known she was holding in. Once she got her placing back, she looked over just as the director was approaching her.
“Alright Hoku-ssi, just as I said. I just need to approach the mirror slowly, I need a blank expression. Stand there for a few seconds, watching yourself through the mirror and then slowly take the glasses off.” He explained, gesturing wildly at the mirror across from her. Ana smiled and nodded her understanding towards him causing him to clap and walk back to his seat.

“Quiet on set!” someone yelled into the room, startling Ana as she looked over to find the person belonging to a horn of a voice. But unfortunately, her eyes found the one person she didn’t want to see at the moment. From his seat beside Onew, Jonghyun’s eyes were already directed at her. She quickly looked away, her cheeks a blush as she growled, mumbling curses under her breath.

Action!” The director shouted as Ana professionally composed herself in record time before slowly approaching the mirror. The closer she got to the mirror, the more she noticed the prominent blush present across her face. Her eyes slightly widened in surprise before the music cut, surprising her.
“Cut!” The director shouted as she pulled away from the mirror, looking to his approaching figure.

“Sorry.” She bowed her head apologetically causing the director to chuckle and pat her shoulder softly with the rolled up script.
“No, no, no. Nothing like that Nana-ssi, quite the opposite actually.” He promised as she pulled her head up to look at him confused.

“Opposite?” She asked as he smiled, stepping beside her, his arm wrapped around her shoulder to turn her back towards the mirror.

“That look of surprise was what I was looking for.” He smiled, squeezing her shoulder a bit.

“Don’t make it too surprised, but just enough is perfect, alright?” He asked as she chuckled uncomfortably before nodding. He gave a bellowing laugh before he patted both her shoulders and walked away.

“Start from the top!” He called as he approached his seat. Ana took the few steps back to her start point, Hyori rushing over to fix her hair, disappearing just as quickly back into the crowd of people.

“Fighting!” A few voices called as her eyes turned to see Key, Taemin and Minho quietly cheering near the back corner of the room. She couldn’t fight back the quiet chuckle and roll of her eyes as she turned back to the mirror.

“Dorks.” She whispered, a confident smirk playing on her face.


“Why don’t you just confess to her already?” Onew’s voice broke his concentration as he looked to the man sitting beside him.

“What?” Jonghyun asked, unsure what he heard spill from Onew’s mouth. The man in question, chuckled and turned to look at his younger member.

“Ana….” He motioned with his head.

“Why don’t you just confess you like her already?” Onew pressed, a teasing twinkle playing in the corners of his eyes. Jonghyun snorted, pulling one leg up to cross over the other, a magazine lying across his lap.

“Already did.” Jonghyun sighed out, his eyes never leaving the magazine as he flipped to the next page. Onew’s eyes about bugged out of his head at the answer he was given. He gaped looking down at an unfazed Jonghyun, then back to set to the woman who was now talking to the director.
“You WHAT?!” he shouted in a whisper causing Jonghyun to sigh, sitting back from his lap before looking over to the woman on set.

“I confessed last night, she ran.” He answered in monotone as Onew blinked a few times.
“Wait, wait, wait. Give me a second to catch up.” He put his hands up in a stopping motion before taking a deep breath.

“You confessed you liked her, to Ana?” Onew asked slowly, gesturing over his shoulder to said woman. Jonghyun just nodded, slight sadness brushing over his features momentarily.

“And she ran?” Onew then asked as Jonghyun nodded, looking back down to the magazine to avoid any eye contact. Onew couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Jonghyun actually confessed to the girl, but she ran? What the heck was going on? He was hoping Ana would have wipe the floor with him or something, but running? That wasn’t the usual personality of their firecracker….

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi