
Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams

Nana’s POV….

“So how’s training going? You guys ready for debut yet?” TOP asked as I sighed from my spot, sitting at the foot of his bed, my legs crossed under me as I watched him put cards down on the roll out table between us.

“We’re almost ready. We have to still film our music video, I think in 2 weeks.” I explained picking up my pack of cards to start assembling them. It was about 7am, my phone was charging on TOP’s phone charger that was brought in by his manager, all in all, we were just wasting time away till the other Big Bang members turned up.

“What sort of song are you guys doing for your debut stage?” He asked as I put 3 cards down between us.

“Um, secret.” I teased with a large smile causing him to snort.

“Always full of secrets.” He muttered as I nodded.

“Secrets make you more curious.” I further teased as his intense eyes looked to me above his cards.

“Are you hinting at something my dear?” He teased as I innocently looked down to my hand before shrugging.

“I don’t know what you are talking about.” I mentioned back before hearing a loud knocking on the door to the room.

“Geez.” I whispered patting my chest from the almost heart attack.

“I got it.” Nam Gook announced from the living area as he stood from his seat to open the door.

“I think those are your members.” I announced over to TOP who nodded absentmindedly, placing another pair of cards on the ones I had just placed.

“Ya! That’s cheating!” I shouted as he sputtered his lips.
“And tell me, how is this cheating?” He asked holding up his cards as I narrowed my eyes, he had clearly changed the pair from the one I had seen him put down.

“Cheater.” I hissed as he smirked placing it back down as we were practically bombarded.

“Nana-ah!” Seungri shouted the moment he came around the corner with a large smile, the other 3 following close behind. They each patted their hyung on the shoulder before coming and hugging, some more awkward than others, me.

“So it was true, Nana-ah was here the entire time.” GD teased as I turned to glare at him.

“Did you talk to Gogi-ah?” I narrowed my eyes in suspicion as he shook his head, taking off his designer coat.

“No, I tried to call her this morning to see if she wanted to come but no one answered.” He explained as I looked down when a hand patted mine.

“You’re turn.” TOP gestured as I put a hand down, immediately sending him pouting.
“Did you sleep here Nana-ssi?” A voice asked as I looked over to see Daesung gesturing to the blanket and pillow still sitting on the couch.

“It’s alright to just call me Nana.” I reassured sending a bright smile to his face.

“Did you sleep here Nana-ah?” Taeyang asked as I nodded, now slightly embarrassed.

“Ooooh, she slept here Hyung.” Seungri cooed elbowing TOP playfully as we both reached over to whack him unconsciously.


Ring Ring Ring Ring               


“Someone’s phone.” Taeyang pointed out, plopping down on the couch where I had slept.

“Oh wait, that might be mine.” I mentioned suddenly, jumping off the bed to grab it on the nightstand. I looked at it and sighed.

“Manager.” I whispered to anyone that was listening, pulling it off the charger before putting it to my ear.

“Hello?” I answered turning to look at the guys now checking on TOP that I was nowhere near him.

“Nana-ssi!” Youngjae suddenly shouted as I had to momentarily pull my phone away from my ear.

“Yes?” I hissed back irritated as his loudness.

“It’s Gogi-ssi.” He suddenly mentioned out of breath as my heart dropped. Something happened.

“What about her? Is she ok?” I now asked panicked, getting everyone’s attention in the room now that it was bone dry quiet.

“She was attacked by some fans last night.” He mentioned as my blood boiled over.

“WHAT?!” I shouted already running over to grab my coat, putting my arms through the sleeves in a hurry, everyone looking to me worried.

“Hoya-ssi escorted her home last night from the crew party, fans noticed him with her and…..” He didn’t even get to finished as I was now huffing and puffing in anger.

“Is she alright?” I asked through my teeth causing him to sigh.
“She was extremely drunk from what Jiyong-ssi told me, she got trampled quite badly. We’re here, in the same hospital as you. Would you like me to come you down?” He asked hesitantly as I shut my eyes tightly, all because I had to run to this dude here. I sighed, holding my head before looking to GD who looked at me, clearly panicked.

“Text me the room number, I’ll be right there.” I answered, hanging up before GD came over to me.

“Did something happen to Min-Hee?” He asked in a hopeful whisper as I turned to look at TOP’s hesitant expression.

“I have to leave.” I mentioned as he hesitantly nodded.
“Will you come back?” He asked as I made my way to each member, hugging my goodbyes before turning to look at him.

“I don’t know.” I answered unsure as he nodded, holding his arms out only causing me to roll my eyes.

“What? Everyone else gets a hug. I don’t?” He asked hurt as I sighed, pulling my bag further up my shoulder before leaning in to hug him. His arm arms wrapped around my instantly as my face rested in his pillow. Damn him for smelling so damn good. He naturally kissed my neck before allowing me to pull away from him.
“If you weren’t already in a hospital bed, I would have hit you for that one.” I warned sending a smirk across his face, bowing my head to the guys before making my way out. I thanked Nam Gook for his company and excused myself from the room I had spent my time in all night. Youngjae immediately texted me the room number as I made my way down the hallway to the elevators. I was nervous and slightly sad. It was my fault, it had to be. If I was there with them, this wouldn’t have happened. I sighed, putting my hands through my tousled blue hair irritated.

“Wait!” A voice suddenly called from behind me as I turned to see GD running at me from down the hall. I looked at him confused as he ran to my side, looking at me seriously.

“Did something happen to Min-Hee?” He asked worried as I sighed, turning to look at the now open elevator door, nodding. I heard a small growl rip from his throat as I stepped in, GD following me in as I pressed for the floor below.

“Are you coming?” I asked over once the elevator began to move, he just quietly nodded. GD was extremely quiet from that moment on, even when we emerged from the elevator, nurses that had been waiting squealed in delight as we walked past them.

“Nana-ssi!” A voice shouted as I looked down the hallway to see Jiyong and Youngjae waving towards me, but what surprised me was who was nearby, Infinite H, Hyori, Chanyeol, Kai and Suho from EXO, Key, Jonghyun and Onew from SHINee, along with our President. This wasn’t good. I sighed, looking to GD hesitantly as my eyes narrowed on Jonghyun’s ever criticizing ones.

“Nana-ah!” Key shouted running over before throwing his arms around me.

“She’s going to be alright, right?” He asked panicked as he pulled away from me. How would I know? I just found out. His eyes immediately left mine in realization before turning to the man standing next to me.

“Oh, G-Dragon-ssi.” Key bowed as the others followed suit. I ignored the other hello’s and turned to look at President and the pair of managers.

“Where is she?” I asked in a low tone as President sighed before gesturing with his head to the door they were standing in front of.

“She’s asleep Nana-ssi.” Suho mentioned as I ignored him, walking over to the door, pulling it open before walking in with GD close on my tail. When I saw her lying on the bed peacefully, only a bandage around her head, a few bandages on her arms and face, I took a breath of relief.

“Geez.” GD hissed walking to her side to get a closer look as I clenched my fists annoyed.

“If I had been there….” I started, turning to look at the window.

“Don’t take the blame for this Nana-ah.” GD scolded as I sighed, turning to glare at him.

“All because I had to run here last night instead of going with her, she wouldn’t be here if I had gone with her.” I whispered through a hiss as he sighed.

“This had nothing to do with you Nana-ah. If you had gone, it might have been the both of you.” He added angered as I snorted.

“I would have protected her!” I snapped back as he sighed.

“Nana-ah.” He sighed as the group outside ran in, obviously hearing me yell, my face distorted in anger, tears on the verge from bursting. This was my best friend, someone that I considered my sister. It hurt to see her hurt like this.
“Nana-ah, I’m so sorry… I tried…” Hoya started as I turned my back on him, I couldn’t look at anyone at the moment.

“It’s my fault I wasn’t there.” I whispered biting my lip before I felt something wrap around my shoulders from behind. Without looking back, a few more arms joined as I was now encased in a hug by Key, Chanyeol, Kai, Suho and Hyori.

“She’ll be alright Nana-ah.” Hyori promised as I sighed, allowing them to hold me as they were. Once they pulled away, I turned to the President, waiting a few words that I knew he wanted to pass to me from the look on his face.

“She has a few minor bumps and scrapes, she’ll be fine.” President pressed as I continued to stare at him unfazed.

“But.” He started, his hand clenching a folder he had been holding.

“But?” I asked unsure, taking a step towards him, my eyes drifting to Jonghyun who had just entered the room, taking his place against the doorframe, his eyes scanning me closely. I didn’t care about his bull, there were more important things going on aside from the never ending annoyance he put me through.

“They got photos of her.” Jiyong whispered as my eyes widened, ripping the folder out of President’s hand to see that indeed, clear shots of Gogi had been taken sending my blood rising.

“Who do they think they are?” I hissed, my hands clenching the photos at the corner.

“This is what they do. That’s what Sasaeng fans do.” Youngjae added as I shut my eyes, now seeing the photos of her lying on the ground, unresponsive, hands all over her. The next moment, I didn’t even have a chance to recollect what I was doing before I tossed the photos to the ground, marching towards the door to find the first Sasaeng I could find just to rip her tongue out and watch her choke on it. Arms were tied around me as I thrashed in the doorway of the room, screaming my lungs in anger.

“Nana-ssi!” Voices shouted as my face was then grabbed, my rage filled eyes, barely registered the now concerned face looking at me. Jonghyun? I was pulled forcefully into the room where I ripped the arms off of me and dashed to the farthest corner of the room, falling to my backside in the corner to bury my face in my knees. If they knew what was good for them, they would keep their distance for the time being. I was in no mood to entertain anyone.



Author’s POV…

“This is a mess.” President sighed once he saw the ever stone cold Nana crumble in the corner of the room. He knew, if they had allowed her out of the room, she would hurt someone just to get revenge for her friend. He sighed, turning to the two managers who were nervously standing, awaiting orders.

“Jiyong-ssi, we’ll have to push SHINee’s filming for Dream Girl back a few days. Youngjae, I need you to go retrieve a few things for me. We need to make sure those photos don’t get out.” President mentioned as they both nodded. SHINee plopped around the room along with the EXO boys, Infinite H had a ton of things to clear up at their agency now that there was a scandal going around of Hoya dating an unknown SM trainee as Gogi was being pertained. GD soon hesitantly left to go and pass word to the Big Bang members upstairs, more so to TOP on Nana’s condition. No one had expected to see her cry, they didn’t even know she would cry ever, especially with her personality. Everyone was stunned.

“Will she be alright?” Chanyeol whispered to anyone that was listening as they all lounged on the couches.

“I hope so.” Key whispered worried, his eyes never leaving Nana’s figure in the corner of the room.

“I never thought I would see noona cry.” Kai whispered as the others nodded.

“Gogi-ah is Nana-ah’s best friend. If any of the boys were in the same situation, you would be the same.” Hyori corrected him as he nodded in agreement.

“Wait, how’d she get here so fast? I mean, Youngjae-ssi was just talking to her on the phone then she showed up a minute later with G-Dragon-ssi, which by the way, what was she doing with him?” Chanyeol’s need to be nosey kicked in as he turned to the group for some answers. Everyone looked at each other equally confused aside from one.

“Hyori-ah?” Onew whispered seeing the knowing look at her face before she sighed.

“She came here directly after filming yesterday.” She whispered in a hushed tone as they continued to look at her confused.

“Did she come here for a checkup?” Suho asked concerned as Hyori shook her head.

“No, someone she knew was admitted here last night for an emergency.” Hyori explained her eyes panning over to Gogi who was still asleep.

“Oh.” Kai whispered, taking the explanation.
“But that doesn’t explain G-Dragon-ssi.” Chanyeol spoke as everyone tuned back into the conversation. Hyori just sighed again.

“TOP-ssi was admitted for an emergency surgery last night after he had an accident on set of his movie.” She came clean as everyone’s eyes widened.

“Are they dating?” Kai asked surprised as Hyori immediately shook her head, looking over to Jonghyun who just seemed to be glaring a hole in the wall next to him.
“They are really close friends.” Hyori defended as Key nodded in defense.


It was quiet for some time as Jonghyun sat at the back of the group just aimlessly looking around the room. Of course she had been here for him. If it wasn’t him then who? He hissed annoyed before turning his attention to Onew who was fiddling with his fingers. A blind could tell that the eldest member of SHINee had some hidden feelings for the still unconscious woman. The moment the band had found out of about her condition, the entire group was thrown for a loop when Onew ran out of the dorm cursing loudly to the heavens. Now here he sat, slightly pale, a thin layer of sweat resting on his forehead, his eyes always finding its way to the woman lying soundly asleep. Jonghyun rolled his eyes, when they connected with the woman still crouched in corner of the room. No one had gone over to her once she found that spot and from where he was sitting, she looked to have fallen asleep from the way her head continued to bob to the side at an uncomfortable angle. He sighed, turning to see a free pillow and blanket on the space between him and a sleeping Key. He sighed, massaging his head before finally standing up. Everyone turned him startled at his movement as he grabbed the blanket and pillow.

“What are you doing hyung?” Kai asked confused as Jonghyun gestured with his head to Nana.

“She fell asleep.” Jonghyun muttered, walking past them over to said woman hesitantly. Chances are, if she opened her eyes and saw him in front of her, she would punch him again. He ignored his own nagging and knelt down in front of her, slipping the pillow between her head and the wall she was leaning against before placing her head comfortably on it, then draped the blanket over her entire form, leaving her face free. He stood up quietly, continuing to look at her before sighing.

“Couldn’t help it, could you?” a voice startled him as he turned to see an awoken Key standing beside him.

“Shut up.” Jonghyun hissed quietly before walking back to his spot.


During the next few hours, member by member began leaving before it was only Key, Onew and Chanyeol.

Nana began stirring in her spot as Key being the first to notice, walked over to her, kneeling in front of her.

“Morning.” Key smiled as her eyes slowly opened to him confused.

“Where am I?” She whispered groggily as he chuckled.

“You’re at the hospital.” He explained as she groaned, burying her face in her blanket covered knees. She had forgotten.

“Did she get up yet?” Nana then asked looking to Gogi as Key shook his head.

“No, but the doctors said she’ll be alright to go home once she does.” Key promised as Nana nodded, slowly standing up with the help of Key. She watched as the blanket and pillow fell to the ground.

“Who put this on me?” She whispered holding it in her arms as Key sighed.

“Jonghyun-ah said you looked uncomfortable.” Key explained as her eyes widened.

“Where is he?” She then asked noticing that he was not present.

“He left about 15 minutes ago for a photo shoot.” He explained as she sighed and nodded, walking over to stand next to Gogi.

“They are going to find out who we are, aren’t they?” Nana whispered in thought as she stared down at her friends face. Key just sighed, walking to stand next to her, his arm now around her shoulder protectively. Nana had never felt so helpless before.

“Everything will be alright Nana-ah. Don’t worry.” Key promised as Nana sighed. If things didn’t turn out correctly, their identities would be exposed and the secret down the tube. It was her fault. 

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi