Hyori & Sehun

Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams

Nana walked back into the living room to see Sehun fidgeting in the middle of it.

“Ya, calm down.” Nana scolded as the younger boy turned to her startled.

“Aish, noona, don’t do that.” He stomped his foot annoyed as she walked over to stand next to him.

“Be sure to be on your best behavior or I’ll cut EXO down one member.” She threatened as he nodded, irritated.

 “We’re ready!” Nana shouted stepping behind Sehun to put her hands over his eyes.

“Ya! Noona! What are you doing?” He began trying to shake her off as she kneed him in his .

“Stop moving.” She hissed as the bathroom door opened followed by two sets of steps. Hyori came around the corner, sweating bullets as Nana gestured with her head to come closer. Gogi took the opportunity and pushed the woman towards the couch to stand in front of Sehun.

“Noona.” He whined as she kneed him again.

“What did I tell you to do tonight?” Nana asked interested as he sighed, stopping his movements.

“Be on my best behavior, I know, I know.” He sighed as she chuckled before unexpectedly moving her hands away from his face.

“Noona, what was……” He was about to whine before his eyes focused on the nervous woman now standing in front of him. He couldn’t help it as his eyes naturally scoped down her body then back up to her beautiful eyes. Was she the one that wanted this secret date? No way. Impossible. Hyori stared up at him as if she had seen a ghost, her face slowly paling as she forgot to breath.

“Geez, breath.” Gogi whined, elbowing her lightly in the waist as she in a breath immediately.

“W-What are you doing here?” Sehun slightly stuttered as he watched her closely to see the light blush spread across her cheeks. She bit her lip and looked down to her fingers now fidgeting in front of her.

“U-um.” She couldn’t even find the words to speak as Sehun looked over his shoulder at Nana for some answers. Nana nudged her head, a clear hint to turn back around and stop looking at her, which is what he did.

“I-I actually told Ana-ah, to u-um, set t-this up.” Hyori said in a shaken voice, projecting her clear nervousness to be rejected in front of the man she cared for. Sehun on the other hand just stared at her in pure shock, his eyes wide, his jaw slightly dropped as he looked back to Nana once again for some clear answers.

“She’s my date?” He asked in a panicked whisper as Nana sighed loudly.

“Alright now that you both have met, yes, Hyori is your date, is there a problem with that?” Nana stepped up with a clear challenge, only giving a heavy swallow before shaking his head.

“Sehun-ssi, I-I’m sorry if you w-we’re expecting someone else?” Hyori bowed her head as Sehun looked at her worried.

“A-Ah n-no, it’s not that.” He panicked looking to Nana for some help. Her eyes rolled before she gestured to the flowers he still hid behind his back. His eyes widened in realization before he pulled them forward, almost shoving them in her face as she looked up startled.

“These are for you.” He offered as she looked up stunned, looking to Nana who just nodded down to the flowers.

“Ah, thank you Sehun-ssi.” She whispered nervously putting her hands out to grab the bouquet.

“You can call me Sehun.” He mentioned slowly gaining his courage watching proudly as a blush crossed her face once more. Hyori gave her a nod before bringing the flowers up to sniff. They were amazing. Her eyes drifted from the flowers then over to Sehun who was muttering something to Nana who just looked annoyed. Quickly taking the opportunity, her eyes quickly scanned down his lean body from his top to his socks, then back to his hair. He turned just as her eyes returned to his own, both looking down in embarrassment.

“Anyways, we would love to stay and chat.” Gogi quickly announced as the pair looked at them terrified.

“But we have our own plans tonight.” Nana stepped over to stand next to Gogi, looking at the pair grow more and more pale.

“You’ll be fine, we’ll be just down the hallway.” Nana gestured as she grabbed Gogi’s arm before pulling her with her.



The moment both girls were down the hall and out of sight, the silence in the room got heavier. Sehun was unsure what he was supposed to do while Hyori was unsure what she was supposed to say. The pair just stood there, aimlessly looking around the room. Sehun cleared his throat once before finally speaking up.

“You want to eat now Hyori-ssi?” He asked in a squeaked voice sending her chuckled behind her hand. He cursed his rushed voice.

“Um sure.” She answered as the pair walked over towards the table set up for them. Sehun quickly took the lead and ran to pull out her chair as she smiled at his surprised.
“Thank you.” She thanked in a whisper, ducking in before allowing him to push her chair in. Adjusting her skirt she sat there, watching him from the corner of her eyes as he took a seat next to her.

“This looks delicious, did you guys cook it?” Sehun asked as he broke her chopsticks before handing it over to her. She thanked him before handing him a napkin in return.
“Ah no, Ana-ah and Min Hee-ah both ordered and set it up before I arrived earlier.” She admitted as he nodded in realization. Before either one of them could say another word, the doorbell rang sending them flinching in surprise.

“Aish.” Hyori hissed under her breath as she patted her chest.

“Aish, who is that?” Sehun muttered about to stand up before the two girls came running down the hallway.
“NO! Stay.” Nana warned pointing at him as Sehun and Hyori looked at them confused as they disappeared around the corner to the entryway.


The girls ripped the door opened quickly to see GD about to ring the doorbell again.

“Oh hi…” GD was about to announced as Gogi shot her hand out to his mouth before pulling him into the room startling the young artist. Nana glared at that the older man about to speak before pulling him in by his collar.
“What’s going….” TOP was about to ask before Nana slapped her hand up on his mouth before putting her finger to her lips.

“Be quiet.” She hissed allowing him enough time to slip his shoes off before she began pushing him down the hallway.


The pair turned as they heard feet approaching only to look on confused when they saw Gogi dragging a wriggling body against her while Nana was doing the same behind her.
“Don’t ask any question and just continue.” Nana warned pushing her hostage down the hallway to her own room.

“I’m not sure if I even want to know.” Sehun whispered as Hyori nodded, continuing to chew her food as she turned back to the table.

“So it was you on the phone that day, Hyori-ssi?” Sehun asked suddenly as she began choking on her food in surprise. Sehun began panicking as he hands began failing around, unsure what to do until he decided on standing up to pat her back. Once the choking had subsided, Sehun took a seat, his concerned eyes on her as she fanned her face, grabbing a napkin to pat her loose tears.

“Sorry about that.” She apologized embarrassed as he shook his head.

“No, are you alright?” He asked leaning over a bit to get a better look at her face.

“I’m fine, thanks.” She took a deep breath before letting go of a shaky one.

“Here.” He offered a napkin as she took it, patting her lips embarrassed.

“I-it was me.” Hyori explained as Sehun watched her from his seat, his eyes never leaving her own that continued to look down in her lap.

“Why?” He asked suddenly as she looked up to him confused and hesitant.

“Why what?” She asked in a small voice as he smiled gently.

“Why’d you set this up?” He asked gesturing with his head down to the table as she blushed, covering with her hand.

“Um.” She muttered under her breath looking around panicked.

“Let’s eat before it gets cold.” He interrupted her inner battle as both aimlessly began digging into the food offered. Hyori quietly put a roll of rice into , chewing quietly as her eyes hesitantly drifting to the man quietly eating next to her.


Gogi and Nana ushered their hostages to Gogi’s room before shutting the door quietly.

“Geez, what was that all about?” GD asked confused as both himself and TOP stood there staring at the girls unsure.

“Oh! We’re those the friends you were talking about?” GD then asked in realization as Gogi sighed reaching over to whack him only for him to barely dodge it.
“Then why treat us like hostages?” TOP asked confused causing Nana to roll her eyes.

“Believe me, if you were my hostage, you wouldn’t even be speaking right now.” Nana muttered under her breath before she noticed a spark of something in his eyes sending her shivering.
“So what are we going to do now?” GD asked as he aimlessly walked further into Gogi’s room, his eyes darting around the room.

“I’m actually hungry.” Gogi mentioned as Nana sighed, looking to see her looking at her with a clear hint.

“Aish, alright, alright, I got it.” Nana waved her hands in the air as TOP looked to her confused.

“I’ll be right back.” She announced, never looking back to look at any of them.


Quietly opening and shutting the door behind her, she slowly creped to the corner before peering into the kitchen. She sighed when she saw what was going on, absolutely nothing.

“Damn them.” She hissed annoyed as they aimlessly ate the food she had paid for. Forget being sneaky, they needed help.

“So!” She shouted walking in as both flinched, almost jumping out of their seats in surprise. Nana kept the smirk planted on as Hyori glared over her shoulder at her.

“I don’t hear any talking coming from the kitchen; did I walk into a funeral?” Nana asked teasingly as she walked over towards the oven where she had stored the rest of the food.

“Ana-ah.” Hyori whined from her spot as Nana chuckled, pulling out the tray covered with food.

“You know, I didn’t set up this date so that you both can admire the food.” Nana spat as she began pulling out utensils and plates from the cabinet.

“More so offer my dorm so that you guys can admire the wallpaper.” Nana added turning her serious eyes to the pair.

“W-we…” Sehun started as Nana’s eyes flashed over to him.

“You what?” She asked tilting her head teasingly as he sighed.

“I just can’t seem to find anything to talk about.” He whispered embarrassed as Nana smiled, turning to see Hyori looking over at him in sympathy.

“Who came over Ana-ah?” Hyori suddenly asked once Nana had everything piled onto the large tray on the counter.

“It’s best if you don’t know.” Nana muttered under her breath pulling the tray up into her hands.

Why? Is it someone important?” Sehun asked interested as Nana sighed, turning to the pair eagerly waiting.

“If I tell you two will you then talk to each other like normal people?” Nana spat looking to each of them expectantly.

“We will.” Sehun nodded, his curiosity getting the better of him causing Nana to sigh.

“It’s GD&TOP.” She answered walking away, not waiting to hear their gasps of surprise. Kicking Gogi’s room door for them to open it as Gogi ripped the door open, a glare that could kill painted on her face before it disappeared when she realized why. Nana walked into the room and to the coffee table at one end of the room that was surrounded by a few couches.

“What is all of this?” GD asked as Nana placed the tray down before standing to pop her back.

“What does it look like?” Nana spat as Gogi hissed, elbowing her friend.

“What? It’s pretty obvious what it is.” Nana muttered under her breath as she adjusted her glasses.


“Like Big Bang’s GD&TOP?” Sehun asked the moment she was out of hearing range.

“It would seem so considering Ana-ah is close with TOP-ssi and Min Hee-ah is close with G-Dragon-ssi.” Hyori mentioned before turning back to her food.

“Can I be honest?” Sehun suddenly mentioned as Hyori looked up from her soup.

“Um, yes, feel free to.” She answered quietly, wiping before looking to him.

“You remember at that photo shoot you were helping us with?” He asked as Hyori’s heart stopped. The same shoot he had admitted that he liked someone.
“Ah yes. Can I say something before you finish?” She quickly interrupted him as he looked up surprised.

“Ah sure.” He answered gesturing for her to continue as she took a deep breath, trying to muster any courage she could.

“I’m sorry for dragging you into this, especially after knowing you like someone else. I’m not going to force you to like me as I do, but I do appreciate you enduring my company as you have. I don’t mind staying friends after this and helping you to be with the girl you like.” She spoke bravely before her same courageous self-fell around her. Sehun looked at her surprised, about to say something before she stood up, startling her.
“I need to use the bathroom.” She announced placing the napkin she had been using on the table before quickly shuffling out of the room. He didn’t want him to see her tears the way they were falling. Shutting the door behind her, she planted her back on the door and sighed, looking down in defeat. Why had she even agreed to such a thing knowing that his heart was set on someone else? She bit her lip, holding in the whimpers before she slid down, landing on her . What a mess.


Sehun on the other hand sat there speechless, unsure what to say to what she had just spoken. Of course, he wanted to tell her the truth but she didn’t even give him the chance. Looking to the hallway, he bit his lip seeing the length of time she was spending in the bathroom, something was wrong. Pushing his chair out, he quietly walked over to the door to see if he could pick up on any sounds. That’s when a whimper caught his ears. Immediate regret, sympathy and sadness hit his heart as he pulled away, looking further down the hallway panicked. He quickly shuffled over to a random door and knocked quietly, hoping he wasn’t interrupting anything important.


“Great.” Nana hissed under her breath the moment she heard that knock on the door. Placing her spoon down in her bowl she stood up and walked over to the door. She opened it before sighing at who was standing there.
“What did you do?” Nana asked immediately as Sehun looked at her pleading.

“She’s crying in the bathroom.” He whispered panicked as Nana’s eyes shot open.
“WHAT? WHAT DID YOU DO?!” Nana snapped grabbing him by the collar before ripping him into the room.

“Hey, what’s going on?” Gogi walked over, pulling Sehun away from an enraged Nana. The two guys sat there confused as Sehun made eye contact with them.
“Oh, hello G-dragon-ssi, Top-ssi.” Sehun bowed politely as both men returned the gesture.
What’s going on?” Gogi asked again as Sehun sighed turning to the two in front of him.

“She thinks I like someone else because I told her I did at the photo shoot.” Sehun explained as Nana hissed, reaching over to whack him on the back of the head.
Aish! Noona!” he yelled rubbing his head as she hissed.

But I thought…..” Gogi started confused as Nana cut her off.

Sehun thought it was smart to talk to Hyori about having a crush on this girl, when in truth it was her all along.” Nana explained in monotone causing Sehun to look at her speechless.

You knew?” He asked shocked as Nana sighed.

Hyori came to talk to me that day we were drinking. She told me everything.” Nana explained as Sehun sighed, dropping onto the edge of the bed with his face planted in his hands.

“What am I going to do?” Sehun sighed into his hands.

“What about telling her the truth?” A manly voice interrupted this time as Sehun looked up to see TOP standing next to Nana. He had a relationship to save and only one choice to save it.

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi