Jay Park "Welcome" Music Video Filming: Part 3

Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams

We faced each other, my inner self slowly shaking at the close proximity. It was finally one of those scenes that I knew was approaching, but I hadn’t mentally prepared myself. Hyori stood next to me, adjusting my bangs as Jay stood in front of me, speaking to the director who had placed himself on the other side of me. I flinched in surprise, looking from Hyori to something on my waist to see that Jay had reached over to rest his hands on my waist. I looked up quietly startled to him to see his eyes weren’t even on me but the director.

“Will that be alright Gogi-ssi?” Dong Hae asked unsure as I blinked in confusion before slowly nodding, causing both men to chuckle.

“Aigooo.” Dong Hae cooed obviously noticing that I had not been paying attention.

“Sorry sir.” I bowed apologetically, looking up to see Jay’s teasing smirk, oh how I’d love to wipe that smirk off his face.

“I was just asking Jay-ssi if being intimate would be alright with you two?” He asked again as I looked down to his hands still on my hips then up to him.

“I’m fine with anything sir, if it gives the music video what it needs, I’m fine.” I confidentially admitting causing him to smile and nod.
“For this scene, it won’t show much of your face Gogi-ssi. We’ll have the camera come from behind Jay-ssi and up between the both of you.” He added, gesturing exactly where he had planned for the camera to approach from causing me to nod.

“We’ll have you turn around for a bit also, just so we can collect more of an intimate vibe.” He added as I nodded in understanding.

“It’s alright with you?” Jay asked down to me as I looked up, my blush hiding behind my makeup.
“Sure, why not. It’s for the music video.” I teased causing him to smile and nod, finally pulling his hands away from my hips.

“We’ll do a run through!” Dong Hae shouted to everyone as those still on set began to shuffle out of view.

“Gogi-ssi! I need intimate, so just go along with it!” Dong Hae shouted as I nodded, adjusting my dress a bit before looking up to Jay who only smirked down at me.

“You’re enjoying this too much.” I pointed out under my breath causing him to chuckle as he leaned down a bit.

“That I am.” He whispered teasingly as I rolled my eyes, turning to look at Dee Dee who was quietly seething on the side. She was so totally head over heels for this dude, I don’t blame her, he was gorgeous.

“ROLL!” The director shouted as the music began, Jay immediately turned to me as I looked up at him seductively, his hands outlining my body as he lip sung the lyrics, his hands ghosting down to rest on my hips.

“CUT!” The director suddenly shouted as I immediately looked over startled.

“Gogi-ssi! I need you to be more responsive to Jay-ssi’s touch, alright?” He called as I nodded, bowing my head in apology before fixing my hair myself. Responsive huh?

“ACTION!” The director shouted as Jay looked at him, momentarily biting his lip as I smirked, placing one hand on my own hip while I popped it out a bit. He looked me up and down once before the lyrics started, his hands ghosting my figure before landing on my hips. The moment his hands landed on my hips, I stepped closer to him, his body pressed up against mine. I felt his breath waver momentarily causing me to smirk and stare up at him amused.

“CUT! PERFECT!” The director shouted as I stepped away, chuckling at Jay’s face.

“Better?” I tilted my head teasingly causing him to quietly groan.

“Demon woman.” He smirked muttering under his breath as he turned to look at the director approaching.
“That was perfect Gogi-ss! Especially you stepping forward towards him, that was genius.” The director praised causing me to smile and bow to him in thanks.
“I hoped it would work but I’m glad you agree.” I added as he smiled and nodded, turning to Jay this time.

“We’ll move on to the next scene immediately, this time, I need Gogi-ssi to have her back to Jay.” He explained as I turned, looking over my shoulder towards them.

“Jay will do the same thing we just did, Gogi-ssi, I just need to you to react to him intimately.” He explained seriously as I nodded in understanding.

“Anything you want to do, as long as it’s not over the top, would be perfect.” He added as I nodded, turning to look at Jay.

“Anything in mind?” I teased as he smirked down to me.

“I have a few.” He added as I chuckled and nodded.
“Thought so.” I commented as Hyori smirked at me from her spot to the side of me. She wriggled her eyebrows at me momentarily causing me to snort and reach over to playfully whack her. Jay saw the interaction and look to us both interested and confused. I chuckled at his face before nodding to Hyori to let her leave.

“What was that about?” Jay asked amused as I turn my back to him, crossing my arms under my s before shrugging.

“Nothing important.” I teased as he stepped closer, his back barely touching mine.

“You girls talking about me?” He whispered as I involuntarily shivered in front of him, sending a smirk across his face when it didn’t go unnoticed.

“No, we’re not that bored.” I retorted causing him to chuckle, leaning down close enough to breath in my neck before pulling away.

“Uh-huh.” He spoke not totally convinced as I thought he would be. I sighed, feeling the feeling returning back to my body as he stepped further away from me.

“By the way.” I started as I turned to him interested, catching his attention as he looked from the director fiddling with the camera then to me.

“Hm?” he asked, crossing his arms over his bare chest, slight distraction to be honest.

“How’d you know I spoke English?” I asked smiling up at him as he chuckled.

“Well, when my manager said they hired a trainee, I was slightly interested. It seems not a lot of folks know about you Gogi but I overheard you speaking with your makeup friend.” He smirked causing me to chuckle.

“Well that can lean on the fact that no one knows me, I’m a total secret.” I whispered the last part as I watched a spark of interest light in his eyes.

“Secret? How secret?” He asked, now totally into the secret.

“Well, no one knows who we are, only that we are from the states. Everything on us is untraceable, no one knows our real names, which is why we parade around with our stage names, no one knows when we’re debuting either.” I listed as he nodded and turned away with a smile.

“Interesting, so I’m getting a sneak preview of you then?” He asked teasingly, my body shivering at his words. I glared at him turning away annoyed as I heard him chuckled.

“I quite like that idea.” He added proudly as I rolled my eyes, going back to fixing my dress.

“You would.” I muttered under my breath, staring at the wall directly across from me.

“Alright! Quiet on set!” The director suddenly shouted as I quickly got into character, feeling Jay approach me from behind. I took one deep breath before he yelled action, Jay’s arms immediately reached out to lightly touch my arms on each side. With the beat, I barely looked over my shoulder in time for his hands to drift down to my hips, his mouth now hovering over my bare shoulder, lip syncing the lyrics to this song. I arched my back intentionally bringing me closer as his hips were now pinned to mine, his hands drifting over my waist.

“CUT! GOOD!” The director suddenly shouted as I broke out the trance I hadn’t even known I had been in. Jay chuckled against me before pulling away.

“You’re not half bad.” He commented as I turned to him with a narrowing glare.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I spat back quietly as he smirked, looking me up and down once more.

“You’re perfect.” He answered proudly, quickly walking away, leaving me standing there confused.
“Perfect? What’s that supposed to mean?” I whispered unsure to myself.

“Perfect? What are you talking about?” A voice pulled me from my thoughts as I looked over to see Hyori and Dee Dee approaching.

“Nothing, so, how was it?” I asked unsure as I was pulled from the set to allow them to adjust it for the next. I sat down in the seat offered, Jiyong handing me a water bottle while Hyori placed a paper towel to my forehead and neck, clips keeping my hair in place and out of my face.

“You guys got amazing chemistry together.” Jiyong praised as I smiled over at him.

“Yeah, seeing as someone was seething the entire time, someone would think she was watching you guys have on set.” Hyori whispered teasingly causing Jiyong and myself to break out laughing. Dee Dee looked over suspiciously.

“YA! I know you’re talking about me.” She hissed reaching over and playfully whacking all of us, only sending us into a further fit of giggles.



I was able to sit and watch Jay shoot a few of his solo shots. He was incredibly talented as I had figured. The raw emotions he held and passed on to the camera were just what the music video seemed to need. Didn’t help that he was shirtless most of the time, being that it was practically a song about getting into bed with him, it seemed to fit perfectly.

“Min-Hee-ah.” A voice called as I blinked the sleep from my eyes before looking over startled to see Jiyong looking at me worried.

“We’re going to break for a quick lunch, I have your food in your changing area.” He pointed back to the tent as I nodded, standing off the seat with my heavy coat around me before walking alongside Jiyong. Stepping into the tent, I smiled when I saw that Hyori and Dee Dee were just sitting down to eat also. I sat down beside Hyori with a loud sigh before turning to the take out plates sitting in front of us.

“What’s wrong Min-Hee ah?” Dee Dee asked with her chopstick in . I rolled my neck a bit, pulling the coat off, careful of the napkins and clips Hyori still had plastered all over my head.

“I’m tired.” I whined picking up the nearest free chopstick before breaking it apart. The two women just chuckled along with Jiyong who had pulled a free seat over to our table.
“That is the life of an idol Min Hee ah, just imagine when you two finally debut, it’ll be worse.” Hyori explained in understanding next to me causing me to sigh and nod, picking up a piece of meat before placing it in my mouth. Good thing about all this way, they seemed to buy the most delicious food for us.


After a few moments, someone called out from the curtains entrance. Jiyong stood up and walked over to see who it was before coming back with a hesitant look on his face.

“Is everything ok?” I asked unsure as he nodded slowly.

“Can I join you ladies?” A voice spoke up from behind him as I sighed, knowing exactly who it was. I couldn’t help but smile though, Dee Dee unnies smile had finally reached the heavens as she quickly scooted over towards me, gesturing for Jay to have a seat.

“I guess you can.” I answered chuckling in surprise as he nodded, bowing to Hyori before taking a seat.

“Do they speak English as well?” Jay asked as I looked up to see him gesturing with his chopsticks.

“We do.” Jiyong announced gesturing to himself and Hyori before Jay’s eyes drifted to Dee Dee who still had not pulled her eyes from his figure.

“She wished she could.” I whispered as he chuckled, bowing his head hesitantly towards her before Dee Dee turned to glare at me.

“I know you said something about me, what?” She asked defensively as Jiyong and Hyori muffled their laughter.


A few moments went by of us just talking, Dee Dee attempting to catch up on our English conversation before a phone began vibrating, loudly in the room.

“Oh!” Jiyong spoke surprised as he scooted out of his seat and his bag near the vanity. He pulled out my phone and turned to me.

“Who is it?” I asked hesitantly as he smiled.
“It’s Ana-ssi.” He answered as I nodded, holding my hand out to take it before answering it.

“Oi, Min Hee!” She called as I nodded.

“Yes?” I answered back.

“I just called to let you know that JiHoon got lost but found the company building.” She mentioned as I snorted.

“Figured as much. I knew he would.” I rolled my eyes.

“Well I sent him off with Koa, back to the apartment.” She added as I shook my head.
“You think that was a smart idea?” I asked amused causing her to snort.

“Pfft, I don’t care if it was, they were driving me insane over here.” She hissed as I chuckled.
“What happened now?” I leaned in interested.

“Dumb of a brother almost punched Heechul in the face for calling me sweetheart. He thought he was making a move on me.” She hissed as I broke out laughing, gaining a ton of confused faces from everyone in the room.

“Oh my god! Really? What did Heechul do?” I asked interested, ignoring the nosey eyes now flashing at me.

“Heechul was so confused at first, didn’t help that Koa was cursing him to hell and back in English.” She added as I broke out laughing again. I was slightly sour that I had missed such a memorable moment.

“Darn, I’m slightly upset that I had missed that.” I admitted causing her to sigh.

“I’m not, anyways, how’s the shoot?” She asked interested this time as my eyes flashed to Jay.
“It’s going quite well, surprisingly.” I admitted.

“And Jay? Is he as hot as you thought he would be?” She teased causing me to roll my eyes.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” I waved it off causing her to chuckle.

“Did you guys get to the forbidden bed scene yet?” She teased as I snorted.
“No we haven’t Ms. Innocent.” I hissed back causing her to snort.
“Well I just called to check in on you and let you know that our brothers are now roaming the town…..don’t answer their calls, it’s better if they are lost.” She whispered the last part quickly causing me to giggle.

“Not like I could answer if I wanted to, too busy.” I added.

“Well then, that’s just perfect!” She praised as I smiled. Once I hung up and passed the phone back to Jiyong to hold, I turned back to my still barely untouched food.

“Was that Ana-ah?” Dee Dee asked over as I nodded, putting a carrot in my mouth.

“Something happen?” Jiyong asked this time as I shook my head.
“Seems like my brother got lost but ironically was lost in front of SM.” I teased causing them to gape in surprise.
“Wow, the irony in that.” Hyori mentioned as I nodded.


The bed was brought out on set as I sat there staring at it in a trance. This scene was one I knew was approaching throughout the day, one that I was most nervous for. I sighed, massaging the side of my head with the sharp nails I had. This scene was going to kill me. I looked to Jiyong slightly panicked as he smiled reassuringly. Finally it was the one scene I had been dreading all day. 

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi