
Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams

Night Out


“What the hell are you wearing!?” Heechul shouted the moment he had spotted her approaching the bar of one of the most exclusive clubs in Korea, Wingz. Ana shrugged innocently, allowing her coat to hang open and show her visible mid-drift. Slipping into the open seat beside Heechul, she smiled at the bartender awaiting her order.

“Screwdriver.” She ordered as the man nodded, quickly getting to work on said drink.

“Geez, what’s with you tonight?” Heechul leaned over to get a better look at her face, only to be welcomed by an eye roll.

“Life is out to kill me, that’s what’s up tonight.” She nodded her thanks to the bartender before eagerly grasping the offered drink, downing it in one go. Ana hissed as the strong liquid made its slow course down . Smiling in relief by the warmth that washed over her form, she held her empty glass out for the bartender who hesitantly took it.

“Ya! I’m talking to you!” Heechul snapped, ripping her arms towards him causing her to spin to face him also.

“Geez, calm down. I’m not killing myself or anything dangerous.” She brushed him off annoyed, smiling at the bartender before slowly taking the drink in with a sip. Heechul sighed, scratching the side of his head before sighing as he looked to the woman sitting beside him.

“So, tell me, what happened that has you all wound up?” Heechul bluntly asked sending Ana sighing, lightly tapping the brim of her glass cup with her nail.

“The one thing I had thought would be so easy to avoid, is becoming increasingly annoying to experience at the moment.” She whispered, though Heechul could still make out the words over the loud bass of music blasting through the club.

“And what would that be princess?” He leaned in closer, his nosey interest skyrocketing.

“Stop calling me princess. You’re more of a princess than I am.” She retorted annoyed, side glaring at him.

“I got confessed to.” She answered in a loud voice following her large gulp of her drink. Ana shut her eyes, allowing the liquid to do its work. While Heechul stared at her with overly wide eyes. Did she just say she got confessed to?

“By who?” Heechul all but shouted at her eagerly wanting to know the 411 rundown on who, what, when, how, why? Ana sputtered her lips, slapping his hands away from her before turning to face the club.

“Doesn’t matter.” She shrugged uncaring, her daze covered eyes taking in those dancing.

“Wait, where’s Min Hee-ah?” Heechul then asked as Ana hopped off the stool, slightly stumbling before laughing at herself. She was gonna have fun tonight, forget any of this crap ever happened in the last two days. Pulling her coat off her form and throwing it anything but nicely at Heechul, who barely had time to catch it in his grasp.

“YG. And I’m here to let off some steam!” She cheered before running into the crowd of people. Heechul gasped as he barely caught the fabric in his grasp before looking up to see her half-dressed figure disappearing into the crowd.


Blink. Blink. Blinking. Blinking. Mouth agape. Breath gone. Brain wavering.

“You definitely killed her this time.” TOP nodded in reassurance as GD looked to Min Hee worried.

“Min Hee-ah, are you all right?” Taeyang was the one to ask as said woman blinked a few more times, never pulling her eyes from the man before her. Did he just say what she thought he did? No. There was no possible way. Clearing , she finally pulled in a deep breath, blinking her eyes, pulling them away from GD before immediately standing up. Everyone in the room paused, unsure what to do as Gogi quietly walked over to her bag, pulling it off the ground and around her form.

“Min-Hee.” GD grasped her arm, stopping her from leaving as she froze in the doorway. This wasn’t happening, not now.

“I’m sorry.” GD whispered concerned as she plastered a smile on her face before peering over her shoulder at him. GD was caught off guard by the smile but the clear worry wavering in her eyes.

“I’ll call you with my answer soon. I just remembered I was supposed to meet Ana unnie for dinner.” Min Hee lied out from between her teeth, forcefully ripping her arm out of his grip. GD looked down to his empty hand then up to the woman waving at his friends before she disappeared out the door and around the corner.

“Wow.” Was the only thing Teddy could see as GD turned to face the room.

“Told you blunt doesn’t always work.” TOP sighed, resting his head back against the couch.

“Well it worked for your hyung.” GD whined causing TOP to laugh, pulling his head up to look at his friend amused.

“Nothing works for me.” TOP admitted as GD groaned loudly, plopping onto his backside.

“What do I do now?”


Min Hee charged out of the elevator on the main floor before bursting through the doors into the cold afternoon air. What the hell was that?! First Ana and now her! No! There is no possible way this would happen. Growling in annoyance, she pulled her beanie out of her bag and shoved it over her head before turning in the direction of their apartment. Min Hee was just going to walk around for a bit, she didn’t have the heart to call Jiyong for a ride knowing the 21 questions he would surely land on her about her supposed appointment.


Pulling out her phone, she dialed for Ana and hoped that said person would answer. Surely, said person didn’t sending Min Hee groaning loudly.

“Ana! Where are you? It’s an emergency, please call me when you get this message. I’ll be at the apartment.” Min Hee left a message before hanging up and continuing on her way towards their apartment building.


Heechul stared down at the phone ringing in his hand before looking up in search of the phones owner. Where the heck had she disappeared to? He smiled, waving at a few people he recognized walking around before his eyes landed on a familiar group. Paying for his drink, grasping her coat and phone in his arms, he maneuvered through the crowd, emerging on the opposite side of the room.

“Hyung!” Taemin was the first to notice his sudden approach as the other members turned with a smile.

“Surprised to see you all here.” Heechul mentioned, patting Minho on the shoulder who only patted his hand.

“Who are you here with?” Key leaned in interested as Heechul’s eyes panned around the crowd once more.

“I was here with Ana-ah, then she disappeared.” He answered as all SHINee eyes turned to Jonghyun who sat stiffly at the mention.

“Ana-ah?” Onew asked on alert as Heechul turned back to the group, slipping her coat and phone onto the table.

“Yeah, we came out for drinks, she had a few then went off to dance. Haven’t seen her since.” Heechul added as Key reached over to hold her things in his lap, momentarily looking to Jonghyun who quietly went back to sipping his drink.


“Heechul-ah!” A voice squealed sending everyone spinning to see Ana stumbling towards their table. Key and Jonghyun’s jaws dropped to the ground at her current wardrobe, consisting of a large mid-drift and tight pants. Jonghyun was out of his seat before he even realized it, his eyes ablaze as he watched Ana stumbled in Heechul’s awaiting arms. Onew on the other hand, kept a steady hand on Jonghyun’s arm, keeping him from doing anything rash.

“Geez! There you are! Where’d you disappear to?!” Heechul scolded, grasping her shoulders tightly in his hands as she laughed.

“Oh, dancing, mingling.” She smirked, looking over her shoulder amused.

“Mingling, with who?” Minho asked, leaning out of the booth to see who she was staring at to see Jaejoong a few booths down smirking at her. Minho leaned back in with Taemin, swallowing before turning to see Jonghyun’s face covered in a deep shadow.

“Oh gosh.” Taemin sighed into his hand, slapping it to his face in despair for what he knew was about to happen.

“Do you have no shame?” Jonghyun’s hiss suddenly took everyone by surprise, all expect for an overly drunk Ana. Heechul turned his attention from the girl in his arms to the member talking.

“Jonghyun? What?” Heechul asked confused as Jonghyun slammed his fists down on the table, startling the members who sat back in shock.

“I’m leaving.” Jonghyun growled annoyed, gesturing for Minho and Taemin to scoot out, as they did. Jonghyun stood, ignoring s protest while slipping his coat back on.

“Make sure she gets home safely hyung.” Jonghyun whispered to Heechul, taking one last look at the giggling girl before disappearing.

“What just happened?” Heechul mentioned more to himself before Ana stumbled into the open space beside Minho, who welcomed her strange embrace.

“He’s stressed.” Onew answered easily while Key nodded, his mind weaving in and out to what just happened.


Ding Dong


“Argh, who is it now?” Min Hee whined, throwing her legs off the arm rest before standing. Pulling her sweater down, she trotted lazily to the front door, peeking out with wide eyes.

“What the—“ Min Hee whispered worried, ripping the door open without a second thought to see Heechul barely hanging on to a drunken Ana.

“What the—“ She asked again with wide eyes as Heechul brushed past her quickly, ducking down the hallway towards Ana’s room. By the time Min-Hee had made it back to them, Heechul was already tucking Ana under her comforter.

“What happened to her?” Min Hee asked concerned as Heechul stood, stretching his muscles.

“Had a few drinks, got crazy.” Heechul answered simply while Min Hee shook her head in disbelief before sighing.

“How much to drink?” Min Hee spat as Heechul shrugged innocently.

“Maybe 4 or 5 screwdrivers.” Heechul answered sending Min Hee’s eyes wider.

“Dear god.” She hissed annoyed, putting a frustrated hand through her hair.


JGD had been calling her non-stop since coming back to the apartment, and the very person she wanted advice from was somewhere between being dead drunk and in a drunken coma. Sighing seemed like all she could do today.


“Thanks Oppa.” Min Hee thanked the idol who only laughed a bit and nodded, placing her coat and phone onto the foot of her bed.

“I blame myself partially for inviting her out.” Heechul turned to Min Hee with a smile before shrugging.

“Have her call me in the morning. I want to rub in her hangover.” He teased sending Min Hee laughing.

“Then I will pass on the message.” Min Hee followed him out of Ana’s room and towards the front door where Heechul stopped to turn towards her.

“Oh, there was one more thing.” Heechul mentioned, brushing his long hair from his face.
“And what is that?” Min Hee asked with her arms crossed over her chest.

“Jonghyun.” Heechul said seriously, watching as Min Hee’s eyes alit ever so slightly.

“What about him?” Min Hee then asked seriously as Heechul shrugged and turned to open the door.

“Nothing. Bye Min-Hee-ah!” Heechul shouted walking down the hallway towards the elevator to go to SuJu’s floor of the building.


Min Hee stood there for a moment more before ducking back into the apartment. What had happened tonight with Ana that obviously involved Jonghyun? Biting the tip of her pointer finger in thought, she walked back into the quiet apartment, tomorrow, she’d approach Ana.


Next Morning…

Groaning. Pain was radiating from every part of her body, mostly from her head where it felt like someone was taking a sledge hammer to. Holding her hands over her ears, she buried herself deeper into the pillows, hoping whatever noise that leaked into her room from life outside, would just let her die peacefully.

“Ana!” A voice shouted followed by the slamming of her door opening. Letting go of a choked sob, Ana held her eyes tightly shut as pain rocketed down her spine and back up to her head.

“Dear god.” She cursed through clenched teeth sending the one responsible smiling from the doorway.

“Ana! You alive?!” Min Hee shouted teasingly, walking across the room to open the curtains, only adding to her friend’s pain. It was well into mid-day, thankfully the girls had the day off to prepare and rest for their upcoming filming. Ana quickly curled into a ball under the pillows, one pillow each being pinned against her ears while she buried her face into the nearest pillow.

“Up and Out sunshine!” Min Hee spun away from the window to smile at the huddle of bedding stacked in the middle of the bed.

“If you don’t shut your ing mouth, I’m going to throw you out the damn window! SHUT UP!” Ana snapped, finally emerging from the pillows before collapsing when the pain amplified by her yelling.

“Sweet god.” She hissed, holding her head as Min Hee simply shook her head, amused.

“That’s what you get for drinking.” Min Hee stuck her tongue out before walking back towards the doorway.

“Get up, wash up and eat something. Remember we have rehearsals tonight.” Min Hee informed before shutting the room door.


Oh how much she wanted to punch that girl in the throat? If her head wasn’t attempting to eat her from the inside out, she probably would have.


What the hell happened last night with Heechul? Groaning. She slowly sat up, squinting her eyes to the bright light encasing her room from her now open curtains.

“.” She hissed under her breath annoyed before finally standing, with much stumbling. Once she got her footing, she randomly grabbed a few things from the closet before emerging from her room to disappear into the shower.


“Yeah, she just woke up.” Min Hee informed Heechul who had been calling all morning for Ana.

“She’s dying.” Min Hee laughed, looking over her shoulder to hear Ana groaning from the bathroom.

“Yeah, don’t think that’s gonna happen anytime soon. She’s barely conscious.” Min Hee added to Heechul’s favor to get Ana to call him.

“Yeah, we’ll be at the company building tonight for rehearsals. Okay. Sure. Bye Oppa.” Min Hee hung up Ana’s phone before shaking her head.


Ana on the other hand, stood under the scathing hot water, the hot water helping with her stabbing hangover. Tilting her head back, she allowed the water to run its course down her form before disappearing down the drain. What had happened last night? What happened after she had a couple drinks with Heechul? How the heck did she get home last night? Holding her head as she leaned against the tile wall, her eyes suddenly shot open when memory of last night shot through her head immediately.

“Oh god.”



She felt good. The alcohol was doing what it was meant to do, cause her to forget all her worries. Swinging her hips to the beat, she rose her arms into the arm, dancing with the beat that was blasting through the place. Smiling, she rolled her head around, enjoying the buzz feeling she currently was welcoming with open arms. Before the song could finish, a pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around her waist from behind. Uncaring, she leaned her head back into the awaiting chest behind her and continued her hip movements. A warm breath blew across her bare shoulder and collarbone before she felt lush lips touch the tip of her ear.

“What are you doing here?” A familiar husky voice whispered into her ear, his arms on her hips tightening ever so slightly. She shut her eyes at the voice, her lips before turning to look up at his foggy figure over her shoulder.

“Having fun, you?” She asked teasingly as one of his hands trailed up her side before landing on her opposite cheek.

“You.” He whispered in a daze, leaning closer as she smiled, watching him approach before the ever familiar taste of his lips encased hers completely. No s given. She turned in his arms, throwing her arms around his sturdy shoulders to pull him closer.

End of Flashback:


Shower forgotten, she ripped a towel off the rack and around her form before dashing out of the bathroom towards the kitchen.

“MIN HEE!” Ana shouted as Min Hee turned startled before looking at her friend surprised to see her still dripping wet and in only a towel.

“Jesus! What the hell is with you?!” Min Hee scolded running around the counter to her friend who stood there frozen.
“Hey, are you ok?” Min Hee was now worried by her friends pale face.

“I—I” Ana stuttered out, her eyes wide as she looked across at her friends eagerly growing concern for her.

“You? You what?” Min Hee egged on, reaching out and holding her friends shoulders in her grasp.

“I made out with…….Jaejoong.”


Oh god. What was going on?


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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi