SHINEE 'Dream Girl' Music Video Filming: Part 1

Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams

When the girls showed up to SHINEE’s filming for Dream Girl, the first thing they saw when they stepped into the studio was the large shiny black room with blinking blue lights here and there. Gogi was set to be the lead lady for SHINEE’s ‘Dream Girl’ music video while Nana tagged along to show her support for the younger woman.

“I’m so glad you came with me.” Gogi suddenly whispered as Nana chuckled.

“It’s not as bad as you put it out to be. Sure in the first few minutes it’s a bit nerve wrecking, but you’re lucky. You already know these guys.” Nana hissed causing Gogi to smile.

“Yeah, I guess you are right there.” She brushed off her earlier nerves and began smiling to familiar faces walking around.

“Girls, this way.” Jiyong gestured as the pair maneuvered carefully through the crowds of people quietly watching the recording going on. The girls were ushered to the head of the set, in view to watch the guys film their parts as they danced with microphone stands.

“In a dorky way, that’s pretty cool.” Nana whispered causing Gogi to roll her eyes.
“Would it hurt you to compliment someone without your sarcasm?” Gogi asked over annoyed as Nana immediately shook her head.

“Figures.” Gogi sighed turning her attention back to the set.

“CUT! Change tapes!” The director shouted as everyone began bustling around including a few women running onto set to attend to the boys with either water or makeup adjustments.

“Girls, let’s go meet with the director.” Jiyong pushed as the girls nodded, walking over to where an older man was sitting quietly reading through a folder in his hand.

“Ji Hoon-ssi.” Jiyong called as the man immediately looked up through his glasses.

“Oh! Jiyong-ssi.” He smiled as he stood up to shake the manager’s hand.

“It’s been years since I last saw you, how are you?” He asked causing the girls to snicker.

“I’m fine, thank you but I would like you to meet some people.” He offered as his eyes turned back to look to the two girls, his smile growing.

“Ah! You must be T.M.X.” He announced as both girls immediately bowed.

“I’m Nana.” Nana introduced as the man nodded.

“I’m Gogi, it’s nice to meet you.” Gogi smiled as the man’s attention stayed on her.

“Ah, then you are my leading lady.” He offered as the younger woman nodded, slightly embarrassed.

“That is perfect and you came early also.” He praised as Gogi chuckled and nodded.

“I rather be here early then late.” She offered back as he clapped once, nodding his head.

“Perfect.” He praised again as she smiled.

“Well we are reshooting a few of their scenes then we’ll be working on your scenes for the remainder of the day.” He explained as Gogi nodded.

“Min Hee-ah!” A voice shouted as she turned to see Hyori and Dee-Dee rushing towards her.
“Come on, let’s get you ready for your first scene.” Hyori offered after bowing towards the director.

“Ah, alright.” Gogi mentioned rushed as she bowed once more to the director before being willfully dragged towards the makeup room.

“Ana-ssi.” Youngjae called as she looked over from the set to her manager.

“We have a chair set up for you to watch.” He offered as she smiled and nodded, quietly following him towards the seat that was just off the edge of the set. She pulled herself up into the seat before leaning back, her eyes planted on the men now speaking to the director. Her eyes went to each member before landing on the last one, for some reason, her heart ached and also boiled at the sight of him. Snorting, she turned her eyes away and looked at all the crew members. Bastard kissed her then apologies, what the hell was this? High school?

“Ana-ah!” A familiar voice shook her from her thoughts as she turned to see Key running over in his nicely styled blonde hair and suit. She smiled gently as the man ran over and pulled her into a hug.

“I’m so happy you came along with Min Hee-ah, where is she?” He asked pulling away from her before looking around.
“Getting ready.” She explained as he nodded, standing next to her as they watched a few of the techies work around set.

“Pretty flashy.” Nana offered as Key chuckled.

“Extremely.” He added as she chuckled before shaking her head.



Gogi sat patiently as her hair and makeup was did. Once she was prepped, she was quickly slipped into a long red silk dress that hugged her figure to her hips till loosening to lie around her feet.
“This is a gorgeous dress.” She praised as Hyori adjusted it here and there to make sure that it was sitting properly.


dream girl


“Gogi-ssi?” A voice called from outside the changing stall getting the pairs attention.
“Ah, Gogi-ssi is changing.” Dee-Dee explained being the only other stylist of hers out in the makeup room. Once Hyori slipped on a pair of matching heels and gold tusk earrings, the pair emerged from the curtained area to see a young man sitting on the couch near the door.
“Ah, you must be Gogi-ssi?” he offered as he stood up smiling at her.
“Ah yes I am.” She reassured as he nodded.

“I’m Kim Shi Woo, the music video coordinator.” He introduced bowing his head as she soon followed suit.
“It’s nice to meet you Shi Woo-ssi.” She smiled as he gestured for her to sit back in her seat, which is just what she did.

“I wanted to take some of your time to explain a few things about your participation in the music video.” He offered, pulling up a seat to sit in front of her.
“Are you nervous?” He asked interested as he flipped through his binder sitting in his lap. She chuckled slightly, allowing Hyori to mess around with her hair.

“Ah, a bit. I’m actually relieved that I’m working with a group I know personally, so it does help.” She admitted causing him to laugh and nod.

“Fair enough. Ah! Here it is!” He quickly turned the binder so that she could see the drawings of what seemed to be scenes for the video.

“For the outfit you are wearing now, director Ji hoon will probably ask you to do the individual head shots.” He offered as she looked at him confused.
“It’ll be shots of your shoulders up that we’ll use to add in various areas of the music video.” He explained before going into further detail of what the music video was going to consist of.

“So my face won’t be showing in a few shots?” She asked confused as he nodded.

“The point to that is to give the audience a chance to use their imagination, and imagine that you are their dream girl.” He explained as she nodded in understanding.

“Director may choose to go against it, but for now, this is what is planned.” He reassured as she nodded.

“We need Gogi-ssi on set!” A voice yelled from outside the door as Gogi turned, startled all of sudden.

“That’s our cue. When you get set up in your other outfits, I’ll explain them further.” He quickly explained as Gogi stood, nodding her head. Hyori and Dee-Dee helped Gogi out of the makeup room and to the set that as of now only held a white background and a golden frame hanging aimlessly in the middle.


The minute Nana saw Gogi approaching, she left her bag on the chair and walked over to comfort her friend that looked moments away from spilling her guts.

“You’ll do fine, you always do.” Nana announced as Gogi looked up from her fidgeting hands to her friend.

“Be happy it’s with someone you know, like I said, I had to do mine with someone I just met.” Nana further teased causing Gogi to chuckle.

“Yeah, you’re right.” Gogi sighed, shaking her hands out to try and get rid of the nerves.

“Gogi-ssi on set!” Director Hoon shouted as Gogi nodded, nervously stepping up the small lip before walking across the white floor towards the frame.

“Ah, perfect!” Director called seeing her appearance as he climbed up to join her.

“Alright, we’re going to do a few head shots.” He started as Gogi listened intently.

“What I need from you is y but not overkill.” He offered as she nodded slowly this time, unsure exactly what he meant.

“Something simple like brushing your lips, or caressing your neck, curling a hair behind your ear, things like that.” He explained as she nodded in understanding. He clapped a hand on her shoulder once before walking away as she took a deep breath, turning to look at Nana who smiled at her, sending a calming feeling through her. A camera began to raise and head in her direction till it was about 2 feet from her face.

“Gogi-ssi, I need you to look directly into the camera!” Director shouted as she nodded, doing just that.

“Action!” The music began as Gogi’s eyes dimmed, her hand slowly trailing up her chest to her neck where she gently caressed it as told. Tilting her head to the side so that her hair could fall effortlessly down her shoulder, she bit her lip before dragging her thumb across it. In the last second, she slowly rose her head, tilting it in the opposite direction to easily curl a stray hair behind her ear.

“CUT!” The director shouted as she let go of the breath she hadn’t known she was holding. Gogi bit her lip nervously as the crew and director watched over the clips she had just filmed.

“Gogi-ssi that was perfect, I just need a bit more emotion from you!” The director shouted as she nodded, clearing as the camera approached. They did a few more shots before Gogi was allowed to see the clips she had shot. At first it was a bit embarrassing before she began feeding off the warm praises a few of the crew members sent towards her. The next shot they filmed was of Gogi running gracefully towards the camera, a shot of only her legs. Gogi pulled the hem of her dress higher to show off her soft thighs before reaching the marked X for her to stop.

“CUT!” Ji Hoon shouted as she turned to take the offered water bottle from Jiyong.

“So it’s ok Ji Hoon-ssi?” Gogi asked as he smiled and nodded, catching attention when a sound on set erupted. They had moved sets to film her next scene, a pink room with golden trim. An awkward white rectangle painted in the middle of the wall, until she realized what it was when the large golden frame she had seen earlier began being set up. It wasn’t a white spot, it was a hole in the wall with a white background on the other side.

“Can I have Gogi-ssi go and get set up on the other side of that frame?” He asked as she nodded, allowing Shi Woo and Jiyong to her onto set and into the small pocket.
“Wow, it really is another room.” She mentioned in awe as a voice chuckling caught her attention. She quickly turned her attention to the little window that held the frame to see Onew smiling in at her.

“Oh, hi oppa.” She bowed her head only sending him smiling brighter down at her.

“That dress looks beautiful on you Min Hee-ah.” He praised, smiling brighter when he noticed the noticeable blush cross her face.

“Omo! Min Hee-ah, you look amazing!” Taemin shouted as he approached Onew’s side. Gogi chuckled embarrassed before thanking him as Onew inwardly glared at the younger man who had interrupted them.

“Min Hee-ah, why don’t you have a boyfriend? You’re too pretty to be alone.” Taemin pouted teasingly as he rested on his arms now resting on the frame. Onew had to hold himself back from ripping Taemin’s hat off his head and using it to beat him senseless.

“Taemin-ah, stop.” Gogi whined as Onew rolled his eyes, looking away from the encounter.

“Gogi-ssi.” Shi Woo interrupted hesitantly as she looked over, immediately blushing in embarrassment, she had forgotten he was here.

“Ah, I apologize Shi Woo-ssi.” She bowed her head only causing the man to smile and nod.

“For this scene, we’re going to have you standing on this step.” He offered, gesturing to the step that was placed right against the wall that held the hole for the frame.

“It will be a freeze frame.” He added as she nodded.

“So basically, I’ll just be standing still.” She asked as he nodded.

“Alright.” Gogi answered in understanding as Shi Woo nodded, walking away so that the crew and Hyori could help her onto the step, placing her where they needed her to be, the back end of her dress hanging over the edge of the frame onto SHINEE’s side of the set. Gogi was instructed to turn her body slightly towards the frame, her far arm over her head while the other hand touched the bottom of her jaw just barely.
“THAT IS PERFECT!” The director shouted on the other side as Gogi smiled slightly.

“EVEN BETTER!” He shouted as she chuckled under her breath.

“Just keep that pose Gogi-ssi!” Director shouted as she nodded, keeping as still as possible. Even when she felt someone gently pull on the back of her dress, she had to contain herself from laughing. What more did the filming hold in store for her?

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi