Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams

“Gogi.” Nana whined kicking the side of the younger woman’s bed. It was already 7:30am and thanks to the jet lag they were still suffering from, it was a surprise that Nana even got up to the sound of her alarm blaring on her night stand. Irritated with the lack of sleep, she finally ripped the covers off the unmoving woman before slapping a hard hand onto her thin shorts covered . Gogi shot out of bed with a yelp, all a while rolling from side to side rubbing her cheek in pain.

“Aish! Why’d you have to hit me so hard?!” Gogi snapped through her zombie like bed hair.

“Jiyong will be here in 30 minutes.” Nana explained in monotone before walking out uncaring that there was now an upset woman thrashing in bed.


Nana walked slowly across the hallway before stretching in her doorway. Only way to keep her awake is by opening the curtains to her room. It looked cold outside. Bad idea. It just made he want to stay in even longer. Forcing herself to keep moving, she shuffled over to her closet and began digging through the racks for her outfit of the day.

It was cold, she knew that, but she also didn’t know where they would be heading for the day. Best to be comfortable too.




The girls took their turns in the bathroom, getting ready for the day. Hair done. Makeup done.


“I need coffee.” Nana whined shuffling her feet into the kitchen where she had smartly started the coffee machine earlier. One of the perks of moving into this dorm, it was nice enough of them to fill their fridge and cabinets with food and necessities.  

“I want some too.” Gogi whined running in to the kitchen before plopping down on an open stool, dressed to impress.


“Here.” Nana mentioned holding out a mug with steam pouring out.

“Thanks unnie.” Gogi chirped while Nana snorted.

“Stop calling me unnie, it makes me feel old.” Nana hissed before sipping on her own.

“Nana, it’s better being called unnie than noona.” Gogi teased causing Nana to choke back on her coffee.

“I totally forgot about that.” She whispered in realization before adjusting her sweater.

“So where do you think Jiyong is going to take us today?” Nana asked interested as she took a seat next to Gogi.

“Hmm, I was wondering about that all night that I couldn’t get any sleep.” Gogi mentioned back still in thought.

“Well he did say it was somewhere special.” Gogi added as nana nodded.

“Special could mean anything, he could be taking us to a mall or some ancient museum. Any of those would be considered special for him.” Nana muttered under before breath before her eyes caught something in realization.

“Geez, I totally forgot we were being videotaped.” Nana whispered gesturing with her eyes as Gogi looked over before smiling.

“Oh!” She said quickly climbing off as if she was now fully awake and run over to the closest one.

“Morning!” She chanted bowing and waving causing Nana to roll her eyes.

“It’s too early to be that cheerful.” Nana answered looking away.

“Don’t mind her, she’s extremely grouchy in the morning.” Gogi explained gesturing over her shoulder to nana.

“I’m only grouchy because I should still be sleeping. My body is still trying to get use to the time difference.” Nana pointed out not amused, sipping the remainder of her coffee before walking over to wash her mug in the sink.

“Jiyong should be here soon.” Nana mentioned before Gogi ran over , grabbed her before pulling her over to the camera.

“It’s not polite to not great your viewers.” Gogi whispered causing nana to snort and rip her arm out of her grasp.

“We don’t have viewers yet, not till this actually airs, so for now, you’re talking to yourself.” Nana mentioned, bowing quickly before walking off to continue to get ready for the day.

“Geez, grou-chy.” Nana sang before turning to the camera, waving then walking away.



“Scarf. Beanie. Glasses.” Nana whispered to herself as she randomly chosen from her collection.  She pulled out her shoes before turning to her new room, once again, seeing that lonely camera sitting there.

“Alright, alright, fine.” She gave in, tossing her things to the bed before walking over to her computer chair where it was sitting. Plopping down loudly before turning to face the camera sitting on her desk, she fixed her hair and bit before making sure everything was in order.

“Alright, here it goes.” She whispered turning the LCD lens towards her before hitting record.

Volg #2! Hi guys!” She said a bit more cheerfully before sighing.

“Sorry if I came across as rude earlier in the living room, my body is still trying to get used to the time difference and it doesn’t help that I’m not much of a morning person.” She explained sheepishly scratching the back of her neck then turning to the camera to smile.

“Um, well today, we’re supposed to be starting our tour of Seoul. Our manager Jiyong-ssi told us last night that they would be taking us somewhere special. So myself and Gogi spent 99% of the night trying to figure out where we were going.” Nana explained before chuckling.

“We’re not sure where we are going today, but I’ll take my video camera in case.” Nana gestured standing with it before fixing her hair in the screen’s vision.

“Oh Nana unnie!” A voice called from the door startling her as she looked over to see Gogi smiling.

“Are you vlogging?” Gogi asked surprised running in before waving to the camera.

“Well, we’re heading out, see you later.” Nana quickly said, waving to the camera before shutting it off.


~Knock~ ~Knock~


“Let’s go.”

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi