Welcome To SM Entertainment

Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams

~ringgggggg~ ~ringgggggg~ ringgggggg~


“Uh.” Nana groaned tangled in her sheets, trying to let her exhaustion take over again. About to slip into a deep sleep again, she heard that same annoying sound again.

“Uh, what is that?” She muttered trying to yank her eyes open to look around her dimply room only seeing a flashing light on her side table. Blinking a few more times before she pulled her head off the pillow to see that it was her cellphone.

“Who is it at…….4:12am?!” She snapped in annoyance, putting an irritated hand through her hair before sitting up on her knees to grab her phone. Sighing in frustration to see that it was the pairs manager calling.

“What now?” She sighed, finally answering it.

“Yes! Hello?!” She shouted, being sleep deprived was really taking a toll on her annoyance.

Nana-ssi.” Jiyong’s voice came through the line as she sighed, putting a hand through her hair.

“Yes, can I help you at 4 in the morning?” She spat finally climbing out of bed to the nearest window, pulling open the curtains to see that it was still dark outside.

I called to you both know that you will be going to SM.” He explained causing her eyes to shoot open.

“WHAT?!” She shouted overly surprised as Jiyong pulled the phone away from his ear in shock.
I thought I told you girls about it?” He muttered as Nana hissed annoyed.

“No, sorry sir but you didn’t mention that.” She hissed sarcastically walking over to turn on her room light to get ready.

Well I’ll be by at 5:30 to pick you two up. Bring a pair of extra clothes and your dance clothes to change into.” He explained as Nana froze.

“For what?” She asked confused as he sighed.

Just in case.” He answered as she sighed, frustrated.

“Alright, I’ll wake up Gogi.” She hung up and threw her phone onto her bed before marching into the hallway and to Gogi’s closed door.

“Gogi!” Nana shouted kicking the door in only to be welcomed by the dark room.

“GOGI!” Nana screamed again, turning on all lights possible before pulling her comforter off of her.

“Oh god!” Nana shrieked in surprise, covering her eyes when she was met by Gogi’s partially bottom, only in underwear.

“Why are you in my room so early?” Gogi asked groggily, using her free pillow to hide her bottom from Nana’s eye sight.

“Dear god, do you have to sleep like that?” Nana asked grossed out as Gogi sighed, opening one eye to glare at the older woman.

“You are in ‘my’ room, you know that right? I can dress how I please.” Gogi explained annoyed, shutting her eyes as she snuggled into the mountain of pillows.

“Well I hate to interrupt your dreams, but we have to get up and get ready.” Nana explained unwillingly pulling the pillow from her friends backside before landing her palm on her friends bare thigh, sending her shrieking in pain.

“YA! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?! WHY DO YOU KEEP HITTING ME!?!” Gogi shouted now sitting up rubbing her stinging thigh that was already showing signs of a red hand print.

“I said get up. Jiyong called, he’s picking us up in an hour.” Nana explained as Gogi put both hands through her messy hair before sighing as she looked up.

“Where are we going? I thought we were free today?” Gogi asked through a yawn, stretching as Nana sighed.

“I thought so too, but we’re going somewhere today.” Nana felt a nervous shiver run up her spine.

“Where?” Gogi asked as Nana walked over to the door, never turning back.

“SM.” She mentioned before shutting the door, allowing Gogi to sit there in a daze at what she just heard.

“OH MY GOD!” Gogi shouted in realization, immediately jumping out of bed to get ready.


Jiyong-ssi.” Nana called as they sat in the van on the way to SM Entertainment. Jiyong looked over to the backseat.

“Hm?” He answered as she sighed, looking up from her phone.

By chance, did you give TOP my phone number?” She asked seething as she held her phone out for him to see the many missed calls she had.

Oh ummm, yes I did. He said he had something important to talk to you about.’ Jiyong explained as Nana sighed loudly, putting a hand on her beanie annoyed.

Jiyong-ssi, after this, I would appreciate it if you didn’t aimlessly hand out my number unless it’s for business that you are involved in.” Nana explained as Jiyong swallowed heavily before nodding.

“He’s been calling you?” Gogi whispered over shocked, taking her friends phone to see the many missed calls and text messages from said rapper.

“I’m so tempted to change my number.” Nana muttered as Gogi chuckled.

“Wow, I’m surprised. The one person you’ve been drooling over for how long actually called you and your acting like it’s a bad thing.” Gogi muttered low enough for Jiyong not to hear.

“It’s a bad thing when I’m not allowed to do anything with ‘said’ person.” Nana glared over at her friend who sighed and nodded.

“Well at least still talk to the dude. Not like love interest type but as friends. Still would be awesome to have a friend like him.” Gogi whined as Nana sighed, looking over to her annoyed.

“So you’re telling me to turn down ‘said’ person, and suggest we stay friends?” Nana asked over annoyed as Gogi nodded.

“Why? There’s nothing bad with being friends.” Gogi looked away irritated by her friends sarcasm.

“It doesn’t hurt to be friends. Plus what if president takes the dating policy off in the future?” Gogi teased elbowing the older woman who sighed, turning to look at her friend.

“You know I don’t take rejection good.” Nana pointed out as Gogi sighed.

“Jesus Christ, I’m telling you to friend the dude, not sell your soul to the devil.” Gogi muttered adjusting the scarf around her neck.

“Come on.” Gogi whined when she noticed Nana still staring down at the texts left by the idol.

“Just text him back, you don’t have to engage in anything beyond a friend.” Gogi pointed out as Nana sighed before looking over.

“Fine, I’ll talk to him, but on one condition.” Nana then smirked when an idea popped in her head.

“Alright, what?” Gogi asked easily as Nana chuckled to herself.

“You text Hoya.” Nana whispered as Gogi’s eyes shot open in surprise then over to her friend.

“W-what….How?” Gogi whispered over, narrowing her eyes as Nana chuckled.

“You left it open on your dresser, I saw it when I went to wake you up this morning.” Nana explained as Gogi growled under her breath before looking away.

“.” She muttered under her breath as Nana chuckled.

“So we have a deal?” Nana asked cockily as Gogi smirked before turning to her friend.

“Fine.” Gogi agreed as Nana’s eyes widened in surprise.

“Wait. What?” Nana asked turning to her as Gogi pulled out her phone, showing her click on a saved number with ‘Hoya’s name next to it before sending a simple text that read ‘Thanks for helping us the other night. I appreciate it’. Nana sputtered her lips in annoyance before glaring at her friend as she chuckled and pressed send, looking to the older woman proudly.

“Alright, your turn.” Gogi pushed as Nana continued to glare at her.

“And it can’t be something rude. Be friends with the dude.” Gogi explained as Nana rolled her neck annoyed before pulling her phone out of her back pocket, clicking on his text folder.


Sorry about responding to you rudely that night. I was drunk.


Nana pressed send before Gogi scoffed.

“As romantic as always.” Gogi muttered as the van finally came to a halt.

“Be happy I said that and not something I was actually planning to say.” Nana muttered before looking out the window to see that they had arrived.


The girls were quickly escorted out of the van and into what seemed to be the lobby area of the building. An elder man that sat in the corner, dressed as a security guard stood up to greet them.

Welcome back Jiyong-ssi.” The elder man bowed as Jiyong smiled and bowed back.

Thank you Gae So-ssi.” Jiyong thanked before turning to the two girls.

This must be Lee Soo-Man-ssi and Kim Young-min-ssi have been raving about.” The elder man turned to the two young girls who bowed their heads politely.

That they are.” Jiyong smiled gesturing for the girls to introduce themselves.

“I’m Nana.” Nana introduced with a surprisingly bright smile, bowing her head.

“I’m Gogi. It’s nice to meet you.” Gogi added as Gae So smiled.

“It is a pleasure to finally meet the two that has this company so riled up lately.” He teased causing the girls to laugh.

“Girls, this is Kim Gae-so-ssi. He’s the head security here at SM.” Jiyong introduced as the girls smiled at him.

“I’m getting too old for this job, but it has its advantages.” He teased as Jiyong chuckled.

“We’re actually a few minutes late for our meeting with the CEO, will it be alright to go up?” Jiyong asked looking to his watch as Gae So nodded quickly.

“Yes, yes, yes, go right ahead. Top floor to your left.” Gae So directed the group to the elevator.

“Ah, one more thing Gae So-ssi. The camera crew for MTV-K will be arriving at noon. They have their passes with them.” Jiyong explained as the group stepped into the waiting elevator.
“Understood.” Gae So answered with a large smile.


The ride to the top floor was quiet except for the random coughs and throat clearing.

“I feel like I’m going to be sick.” Nana suddenly broke the silence as everyone turned to see her holding her stomach. Gogi just chuckled before looking to Jiyong.

“That’s a first. The stone cold Nana, nervous?” Gogi teased as Nana turned her glare to her partner.

“Yeah, cause chances of meeting the ‘Oh-so-gorgeous’ EXO is close to slim, right?” Nana retorted seeing the blush cross her friends cheeks along with her eyes widening.

“That’s what I thought.” Nana hissed before turning to Jiyong.

I’m actually surprised to see you a bit pale, Nana-ssi.” Jiyong mentioned as Nana rolled her eyes.

“Ah, today, everyone’s a critic.” Nana adjusted her jacket as the doors opened.

Alright, since we’re here finally. I just want to give you both a run down.” Jiyong turned to them quickly once they had exited the elevator.

Lee Soo Man-ssi is the retired CEO of the company. He’s the man that has been chatting via video with you, today we’re meeting the official CEO Kim Young-min.” Jiyong explained as the girls nodded in understanding.

“Is he nice?” Gogi asked in a whisper as Jiyong quickly adjusted his suit.

Let’s just say, sometimes President Kim is a bit, serious.” Jiyong explained as the girls immediately began putting on their best looks.


They made it down the hallway and to the two large glass doors at the end.

“You girls ready?” Jiyong asked as they nodded hesitantly.

The moment the girls had stepped into the room, the man sitting behind the desk, to Jiyong’ surprise, smiled brightly.

Ah! This must be Ana-ssi and Min Hee-ssi.” The middle age man mentioned their real names walking over with a large smile. Both girls bowed their heads respectfully as he shook their hands.

Just as Soo Man-ssi has promised.” He smiled as the girls as they immediately bowed.

“I’m Ana or Nana, it is nice to finally be here.” Nana introduced.

“I’m Min Hee or Gogi, it is honor to finally meet you.” Gogi added as they both bowed. He smiled, gesturing for the girls to take a seat on one of the couches that littered the far, ceiling to floor window wall. The girls took a seat next to each on the love seat, placing their bags at the feet while Jiyong took a seat across from them with Young Min.

“How was your flight, girls?” Young Min asked interested as they looked up to him surprised.

“Comfortable.” Gogi promised as he nodded turning his attention to Nana.

I’ve never been out of the country or on a flight that long, it was an interesting experience. “ Nana put on her fake happy expression.

That is good. Well I am happy to finally meet you both. Soo Man-ssi has put in good word about you both, so I expect the unexpected as he calls it.” He mentioned as they watched him nervously. Obviously there were some big shoes to fill from the sound of it.

“We will let you both demonstrate later, for now, I want to go over a few things with you.” He explained pulling out a folder before placing two separate sheets of paper in front of the girls who leaned forward interested.

“I know Soo Man-ssi has explained your contract. This is the actual contract I need you both to read and sign. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask, I welcome you to your input if anything is not to your liking.” He offered as the pair nodded, reaching over to see ‘SM Entertainments’ logo plastered professionally across the top of the paper.


The girls carefully read through it as Jiyong and Young Min spoke amongst themselves. Basically the contract explained most of what Soo Man-ssi or Jiyong had already ran by them. Their personal networks, their lives were no longer private and would belong to SM Entertainment and soon the public once the debuted, a dating ban that would be placed on them till further notice, along with a few other things that pertained to their future.

“I would like to personally go over a few things before you sign.” Young Min suddenly interrupted as the girls looked up.
“Jiyong-ssi has mentioned the social network situation?” He asked as the girls nodded.

“We deleted them the day Jiyong-ssi explained it to us.” Gogi announced as he nodded in understanding.

“It will be for the time being. Our artists usually have social networks to keep in touch with fans and whatnot, but for you two it is slightly different. You both are to be kept a secret till we announce it further.” He explained as they nodded in understanding.

“The dating ban.” He announced as both girls ears perked up in interest.

“It will be for the time being?” Nana copied exactly what the contract said as Young Min nodded.

“We like our artists to stay well-grounded and focused, especially at a time like this, your debut.” He explained seriously.

“We will keep the ban on you both till we see it fit to lift.” He offered never wavering in his tone.

Young Min added a few things to the girl’s minds as they sat their quietly listening intently.

“Do you have any questions for me?” He asked as the girls looked to each other before Nana’s head quickly whipped over.

“I do.” She spoke with a hand raised. He smiled and nodded towards her.

“Jiyong-ssi mentioned back at the airport when we arrived that we would get another manager.” Nana explained as Young Min nodded.

Youngjae had other business to attend to today. For group activities, Jiyong-ssi will be strictly in charge of the both of you. For solo activities, whatever it may be, Jiyong-ssi will accompany Min Hee-ssi while Youngjae will accompany you, Ana-ssi.” Young Min explained as the girls nodded.

“You will also receive your stylists, publicists and makeup artists.” He added as the girls nodded, slowly taking everything in.

“If you do not have anymore questions for me, please sign.” He smiled offering both girls a pen. They sighed, smiling to each other before signing. He clapped his hand alongside Jiyong before standing up, the girls soon followed.

“Let me be the first to say, congratulations and welcome to SM Entertainment.” He spoke professionally with his hand out to shake each girls. It was a large leap of faith but finally they were considered SM Entertainment artists.


Young Min and Jiyong soon gave the girls a brief tour of the building where the MTV-K camera’s arrived.

“This will be your rehearsal studios.” Young Min announced as he pushed open a door to show the ever popular wall of clouds. Gogi busted out laughing at the site while Nana just stood there staring at it in surprise.

“Wow, it really is there.” Nana whispered as Mina walked over.

“What is it Nana-ssi?” Mina asked as Nana turned to look at her.

“We always watched the artists dance practice videos. We always wondered if the walls actually had those clouds on it.” Nana smirked pointing to the wall in front of her that indefinitely covered in the cloud wallpaper.

“You will meet our choreographer when the time calls for it.” Young Min added as the girls nodded.


They arrived at an empty studio while they all piled in.

“This will be your recording studio.” He pointed out as the girls eyes darted around the room.

“Wow.” Nana whispered in awe.

“This is so awesome.” Gogi whispered walking over to the controls.

“Soo Man-ssi has commended you both on your skills, both vocal and rapping. We will have a demonstration later.” He explained as the girls nodded nervously. Suddenly a phone could be heard ringing through the room as all eyes darted around to each other.

“Ah! That is mine, I apologize.” Young Min quickly pulled it out before answering. He spoke a bit before hanging up and looking to Jiyong.

“Jiyong, take the girls down to the cafeteria to eat. I have a few things to take care of. We’ll continue when I return.” He offered as everyone nodded, immediately bowing their goodbye to him.

“Wow.” Nana said again, plopping down on the long black leather couch that sat against the room.

“Girls, let’s get you both something to eat then we can continue.” Jiyong announced as they hesitantly stood from their various places.

“You can leave your bags here, we’ll be back after.” He offered as they nodded, placing their duffle bags on the ground before following him out and down the hallway.

“We didn’t get to see anyone.” Gogi pouted as Nana scoffed.

“It’s a good thing.” Nana retorted as they quietly followed Jiyong down the hallway.
“And why is that? I thought you were excited to meet one of them.” Gogi whispered away from the camera. Nana sighed before turning to her friend, sending her a glare that obviously said ‘I-have-no-idea-why-im-your-friend’.

“Can you keep a straight face if Kai or Onew were to suddenly show up?” Nana popped her lips on the ‘p’ causing Gogi’s eyes to widen before turning away. As much as she hated it, Nana was right. If one of her biases or bias groups suddenly showed up, there was no promise that she would even still hold her composure. Being in SM was enough of a step for her, holding it all in was going to kill her by the nights end.


Jiyong escorted them down to what seemed to be a cafeteria, far from the ones they ate in as students.
“Woah.” Nana whispered in surprise as they stepped in the entryway.

“Hello.” A voice called as everyone looked over to the foods line to see a pair of elder woman behind it, both smiling but obviously confused.

“Ah! Ahjumma!” Jiyong called smiling as the ladies laughed before wiping his hands and reaching over the counter to hold his hand.

“How have you been Jiyong-ah?” One asked with a motherly smile.

“Where have you been? We haven’t seen you in quite some time.” The other added worried.

“We were worried Young Min-ssi might have kicked you to the curb.” The first one answered as Nana and Gogi muffled their laughter at Jiyong’s flustered face. Leave it to the older generation to ask continuous questions without letting the victim answer for himself.

“I am fine, I had some work overseas so I was busy.” He answered in a sigh as they looked over his shoulder to the unfamiliar two girls with cameras.

“Ah! We have a guest.” One called quickly letting go of Jiyong’s hand to adjust her outfit while the other made sure her hair was in place.

“Girls come here.” Jiyong called as Nana and Gogi nodded, quickly walking over to his side. They bowed their heads as the woman just stared in awe.

“Girls, these are the head cafeteria cooks, Kim Eu Jong and Dong Jae Hee.” Jiyong introduced as the girls smiled and bowed again.

“Ahjumma’ s. These are SM’s new rookies. TMX.” He introduced as the women’s eyes shot open in surprise.

“I’m Gogi. It’s so nice to meet you both.” Gogi introduced smiling at the women.

“I’m Nana. Your cooking smells absolutely mouthwatering.” Nana praised as they giggled.

“Are those your real names?” Eu jong asked as the girls chuckled and shook their heads.

“With the camera crew from MTV-K following the girls, their real names are to be undercover.” Jiyong quickly whispered as they both nodded in understanding.

“Well you both are absolutely gorgeous.” Jae Hee praised as the girls blushed, bowing their heads.

“Where are you from? Japan? China?” Eu jong asked interested as they looked up.

“We’re from the states.” Gogi answered immediately as the women gasped.

“That is the first for Young Min-ssi.” Jae Hee confessed as Jiyong nodded.

“Anyways, Young Min-ssi had some work to attend to and sent the girls down here to get something to eat.” Jiyong explained as the women immediately began busing themselves around the counter top.

“You girls both need some meat on your bones. So be sure to eat all of this.” Eu Jong explained piling one of the plates sky high with food. Nana wanted to stop her or at least say something, but the woman smiled brightly at her.

“Plus it’s so cold outside, be sure to keep warm.” Jae Hee added as the girls nodded, taking the plates handed out to them, bowing their heads.

“We have a table set up for you girls.” Mina called as they turned to see one of the tables set up with small cameras on each side of the table.

“Oh, no large cameras?” Gogi asked surprised taking a seat, looking at the camera in interest.

“We are going to the van to change the tapes. Relax.” Mina explained as the two girls nodded, sitting across from each other, waving at the crew as they left.

“Will you girls be alright by yourselves?” Jiyong suddenly asked never looking up from his phone.

“Why?” Nana narrowed her eyes at the man as he looked up.

“I need to retrieve a file from Young Min-ssi’s office and send it to him.” Jiyong explained as they nodded in understanding.

“I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere.” Jiyong pushed before running down the hallway. Finally, the girls could breathe.

“Go where? I don’t even know how we got down here?” She muttered to herself before looking to the food loaded on her plate.

“Oooooooooh.” A moan came from across her, startling her as she looked over to see Gogi’s eyes shut and moving a million miles per minute.

“Bul-gogi.” She sighed in two syllables as Nana shook her head.

“If they keep serving this to us, I may come down here more than we need to.” Nana bit into the juicy meat staking on her plate. She chewed and chewed before turning to the camera angled to point at her.

“Are these really necessary?” She asked slightly annoyed that she couldn’t even eat without something recording her.

“Ya! This is what celebrities do. Get used to it.” Gogi retorted smiling at the camera videotaping her on the other side. Nana sighed on last time before reaching over and turning the camera off.

“Ya!” Gogi scolded as Nana sighed in relief before going back to eating.

“Just for a bit, I can’t eat in peace with something breathing over my shoulder.” Nana stopped her as Gogi sighed, shaking her head. The girls stayed quiet, looking around the medium size room in interest.

“So it’s like we don’t have to leave the building to eat.” Nana mentioned as Gogi nodded.




Both girls flinched in surprise by the sound of the elevator reaching their floor from down the hallway.

“Jiyong was faster than I thought.” Nana muttered reaching over to quickly turn the camera on her side back on.

“Maybe President didn’t need the file.” Gogi shrugged with a chopstick in . Then the unexpected happened. The sound of male voices, lots of male voices began to approach with the sound of lots of feet.

“Um.” Nana dropped her spoon into her half empty plate at her mistake in person.

“Nana.” Gogi whispered panicked as the voices came around the corner and straight to the counter.

“AHJUMMA!” They all shouted cheering as the women behind the counter chuckled.

“All of you this time?!” Jae Hee shouted happily as they laughed.

Gogi couldn’t do anything but look down in her plate, slightly happy that her back was facing them at the moment. For Nana, she peered over at them through her long bangs, biting heavily on the chopsticks that laid in . Before she could look away and act like nothing was amidst, a few of them turned to look in her direction.

“Oh crap.” She hissed under her breath, quickly looking away to see Gogi’s panicked expression.

“And you wanted to meet someone.” Nana growled over at her friends sudden cowering figure.

“I didn’t mean with us alone.” Gogi gasped when she heard them begin talking to the cafeteria ladies. They hadn’t expected to meet someone this soon. 

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi