
Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams


The four person party had found its way to the living room after the newly established couple had left.

“Well at least they were nice enough to leave some food for us.” Nana muttered under her breath as she began picking at the leftover food still left on the table. TOP walked over from his spot in the living room, extremely amused by the woman aimlessly eating away.

“Aren’t you supposed to be watching what you eat?” He asked teasingly as the chopstick holding a piece of meat stopped just at her lips, clear annoyance painted across her face. She whipped her head towards TOP before snorting.

“You’re not my mother, I can eat as I please.” She spat shoving the meat into without any class before plopping down on the seat.

“I meant, as a trainee, doesn’t your president restrict you from eating like that?” TOP asked in more detail, taking the seat across from her. She snorted, rolling her eyes as continued to eat the large piece of meat still sitting in .

“I take care of my body.” Nana smirked over at TOP sending a flustered blush across his face.

“YA! Nana-ah, leave him alone.” Gogi shouted over, seeing the way her friend was currently teasing the man across from her. Nana rolled her eyes, turning back to the food, ignoring her friends protest.


“You know hyung likes Nana-ah.” GD whispered over as Gogi plopped down on the couch next to him. Gogi snorted and nodded.

“I’ve known for a while now.” Gogi whispered back, glaring over at her friend aimlessly eating.

“He’s always talking about her whenever we get together, does Nana-ah like him too?” GD asked over interested as Gogi looked at him emotionless.

“Liking him would be an understatement. This is her fighting the urge to jump across the table at him.” Gogi teased quietly causing GD to chuckle.


Nana narrowed her eyes across the room at the chuckling pair.

“Ya!” She snapped, startling the pair who looked over startled.

“I heard my name, mind filling me in?” Nana asked with a teasing smile, a knife sitting tightly in her grasp. Gogi rolled her eyes at her friend’s overly dramatic reaction before putting her feet up onto the coffee table in front of her.

“So we heard the photos were cut.” GD suddenly announced as both girls looked over.

“How’d you know?” Gogi asked over interested since she had not told him yet. He smiled, causing TOP to chuckle.

“YG pulled a few strings and help your president catch the photos.” TOP explained as Nana turned to the man surprised.

“He did?” Nana asked surprised as both men nodded from their seat.

“Wow, he’s not as heartless as I thought he was.” Nana muttered under her breath.

“Aish….Ana!” Gogi scolded as Nana looked over, putting her hands up in defense.


“So how is your debut music video coming along?” GD asked as everyone was now settled into the couches in the living room, the television on a random channel to keep everyone entertained.
“It’s moving along; we finally finished the choreography for it.” Gogi explained from next to GD who nodded back in understanding.
“When do you guys start filming?” TOP asked over to Nana who was sitting opposite of him.

“Either next week or the following week.” Nana explained never peeling her eyes away from the tv.

“Well call us, if we’re free we’ll come by to support you.” GD teased causing Gogi to laugh and nod.

“Don’t bet your life on it, if we invite you guys also, there’ll be like 50 people coming.” Nana hissed under her breath as GD and TOP looked to Gogi confused.

“Well the SHINEE guys and EXO along with Infinite and Jaejoong-ssi all said they wanted to come also.” Gogi teased as they nodded in understanding.

“So what about you’re promotional activities, any plans yet?” GD then turned to Nana, trying to pull her attention away from the tv.

“Oh! That’s what we forgot to tell you, we’re going on tour this summer.” Gogi explained excited once again by the news as GD turned to her surprised while TOP turned to Nana for answers.

“What? Don’t look at me like that. I’ve been busy so I haven’t had the chance to tell you yet.” Nana hissed over to the upset man before looking to the tv again.

“You guys on tour? Already? Isn’t that a bit early?” GD asked confused as Gogi chuckled.

“We’re going for the Korean Wave World Tour.” She explained further as he nodded in understanding.
“Ah that tour. I heard a few groups were already scheduled to go.” GD interrupted as Gogi turned her attention to him interested.

“Really? Who?” She asked leaning in as he blinked in confusion.

“Um well you two of course, SHINEE, EXO, B1A4…..” GD mentioned as Nana began choking on the meat she had just inserted into . TOP looked over startled before reaching over to pat her back.

“Ana, are you alright?” He asked worried now standing behind her, patting her back as she coughed into the napkin. Gogi broke out laughing once GD stood up worried about the choking woman.
“Y-ya!” Nana stuttered through a broken voice as she reached out to point at Gogi who was still laughing on the couch. TOP stepped away confused just as GD did from the laughing woman still lying on the couch where he had been sitting.

“I-I swear….” Nana whispered breaking out coughing again as Gogi broke out laughing even harder. Nana threw her napkin down on the table before standing, still choking and coughing on her food as she marched over to her friend. Gogi noticed the advance and stood up, running to hide behind GD who stood there confused.

“I-I swear Min Hee….-cough- d-don’t you say anything.” Nana rasped out a warning as she continued to cough, patting her chest in annoyance.

“Don’t say anything about what?” TOP asked interested as he walked over to join the conversation. Gogi peeked her head over GD’s shoulder before laughing.

“What is it Ana-ah? You like B1A4 or something?” GD asked in a shrug causing Nana’s eyes to flicker for the smallest moment, being caught by both men.

“YA!” TOP shouted at her causing her to roll her eyes before she punched him in the shoulder, hard, sending him whimpering into the nearest couch for refuge. Nana turned her glare to her friend still hiding behind GD before looking at him warningly.

“I’m warning you Jiyong-ah, move or I will go through you to get to her.” Nana warned, pulling her glasses off before tossing them onto the coffee table next to her.

“Come on Ana-ah, don’t you think you’re overreacting just a little bit.” GD offered hesitantly as her eyes flashed in annoyance.

“You, come with me now or I’ll spill everything about you.” Nana pointed a warning finger at Gogi before marching down the hallway to her room.

“Aish, she’s pissed.” Gogi stepped out from behind GD before sighing.

“If you hear screaming, come save me.” Gogi whispered before marching towards the still open bedroom door. Once she stepped in, looking for Nana, the door slammed behind her, sending her jumping in fear. Nana locked the door handle behind her before stepping towards Gogi.

“Unnieee…..” She whined rubbing her hands together in a begging manner as Nana stood their amused.

“You were going to tell them, weren’t you?” Nana asked through her teeth causing Gogi to stop and stand up.
“You act like I’m about to confess your murder or something.” Gogi whined, crossing her arms over her chest.

“I rather you admit to that.” Nana hissed as Gogi rolled her eyes.

“You’re overreacting, you know.” Gogi scolded as Nana snorted.

“You’d be doing the same thing if B.A.P was going.” Nana retorted as the younger woman rolled her eyes.

“Pffft, you’re one to talk, you’d die of happiness if B.A.P was going just so you could see Z-E-L-O.” Gogi teased causing Nana to glare hard at her friend.

“You.” She gestured, a threatening glare directed at her.

“Shut your mouth if you know what’s good for you.” Nana hissed as Gogi sighed, looking away irritated before finally turning to her.



Back with the new couple….

“Are you sure it was alright to leave like that? I feel like I just betrayed Ana-ah.” Hyori whispered as both herself and Sehun hopped into the nearest available elevator. Sehun chuckled, turning to the buttons to press for the lobby. Hyori stood against the far wall, still hesitant and nervous, even after what had transpired in the last 5 minutes. Sehun turned to her just as the door began to close to see her fiddling with her purse, the tips of her shoes, tapping on the ground quietly.

“I’m sure noona won’t mind.” He reassured as she looked up from her shoes before nodding hesitantly.

“I just can’t help feeling like we just ditched her.” Hyori honestly added, scratching the side of her neck sheepishly, adding an awkward chuckle.
“I’ll apologize to noona later.” He promised, walking over to stand next to her, watching amused as she stiffened, ever so slightly.

“So…..will we do this again?” Sehun finally gained the courage to ask, his eyes never looking over from the door across from them. Hyori on the other hand almost swallowed her tongue in surprise before looking over to see him scanning the door.

“You want to….do this again?” She asked surprised, gesturing between the two of them before he nodded.
“Why not? Do you not want to anymore?” He asked hesitantly, finally looking over to her, unsure if he even wanted to hear her answer. Immediately Hyori shook her head, smiling gently at him.

“No! I’d love to.” She promised sending a smile slowly growing across his face.

“I do have to apologize ahead of time though.” He cleared his throat, looking away from her as she blinked in confusion.
“Apologize, why?” She asked worried as he sighed, looking up to the ceiling this time.

“We may not be able to publically date or hang out for a while. None of the members are dating because we all made an oath to hold off dating till we had the chance to. We’re still busy with our comeback and then our various schedules.” He muttered hesitantly causing her to smile and nod.
“I know. I don’t expect any of that, so don’t worry about hurting my feelings.” She promised as he turned to look at her surprised this time.

“Really? You’ll be alright with me being away and never being able to say that we are…..well….. together.” Sehun blushed at the words causing her to chuckle.

“Sehun-ah, I’ll be fine.” She promised, taking the initiative to reach over and grab his elbow reassuringly before immediately letting go when the door opened to the bottom floor lobby.

“You really don’t have to walk me out to get a cab.” Hyori mentioned amused seeing the way he quickly adjusted his outfit, sliding a hat over his hair, a face mask and glasses in place.

“It’s the gentleman’s duty to assure the lady gets home safely.” Sehun teased as she chuckled and nodded, finally stepping out of the elevator to see that the usual security guard, Gae Soo arguing with a pair of men standing at the front door. Sehun froze next to Hyori upon seeing the situation in front of them.
“What do you think is going on?” Hyori whispered over as Sehun shrugged, noticing nothing dangerous was going on aside from the usual arguing that Gae Soo could handle being that he fought off a dozen crazy fan girls from entering many times before. Sehun hesitantly put his arm around Hyori before pushing her towards one of the other entrance doors that were not being guarded. Lucky enough, these doors were locked from the outside but could be opened easily from the inside. As they got closer, Hyori couldn’t help but look at the two men in surprise, they looked oddly familiar. Sehun noticed her slow in pace as they approached causing him to look up.
“What is it?” He whispered hesitantly as she shook her head before looking to him.
“It’s like I’ve seen them before.” She whispered bluntly, taking one last look at the pair before allowing Sehun to her out of the building and to the nearest curb.



Finally both girls emerged from the bedroom after an intense argument, both men still waiting watched in interest as they separated the moment they entered, Nana walking back to her seat at the table, while Gogi walked over to retrieve the television control before plopping down on the couch.

“You’re both alive.” GD announced into the awkward ambiance causing Nana to snort from her seat.

“Just barely.” She answered in monotone, grabbing her chopsticks before going back to eating. GD and TOP looked at each other unsure before taking the safe route and sitting with one of the girls.

“So you like…..” TOP started before Nana shoved her metal chopstick at his face, stopping a few centimeters from his left eye.
“Don’t.” She warned seriously as TOP swallowed at the close proximity before nodding. She pulled away from the chopstick before going back to eating quietly.


“So?” GD asked quietly as he sat down next to Gogi. Gogi’s eyes darted to the woman still eating then to the nosey man next to her.
“So what?” She asked over turning her attention back to the screen.
“What the hell was that? She almost went native on you.” He spat in a low voice causing her to snort.

“If you want to see her go native, you should come when she has her monthly gift.” Gogi mentioned teasingly as GD blushed.

“I’m just making an assumption but from the way she reacted, she likes someone from B1A4?” GD asked over in a whisper, Gogi never turning to him as she nodded aimlessly.

“If you tell anyone, I’ll tell Ana you did it.” Gogi immediately warned as GD sighed, sitting back in his seat.


It was increasingly quiet in the dorm before a ringing noise could be heard. Everyone was startled at first before looking around confused.

“That doesn’t sound like a phone.” Gogi stood up confused as she shut off the television to hear it better. Nana held a napkin to before standing up and searching around for the godforsaken ringing noise
“Uh! You guys do know you have one of those touch screen security systems right?” TOP mentioned as everyone walked over to where he was standing near the door, the said screen showing a familiar name along with the companies official logo.

“Oh!” Gogi said surprised, pressing her finger to the icon of a shaking green phone. Immediately Gae Soo’s face popped up on the screen.
“Ah hello girls, I apologize for the late call.” He bowed apologetically as both girls shook their heads.

“No, it’s alright Gae Soo-ssi, we weren’t asleep yet.” Gogi promised as the man nodded.
“Is everything alright Gae Soo-ssi?” Nana then asked seeing the way the man would look up past the screen every once in a while.

“Ah we actually have a situation.” He mentioned, striking the curiosity of the two men present.

“What’s going on?” Gogi asked worried as he sighed.
“I have two gentlemen down here insisting that they know you both.” He explained as Gogi and Nana looked to each other.

“I’ve asked them their names and reason for being here but it seems that they do not understand me.” He added as Nana reached over for the coat closet, pulling out her coat and boots.

“Where are you going?” TOP scolded as she rolled her eyes, continuing to slip her feet into her boots.

“If you’re so worried, you are more than welcome to join me.” She spat back aimlessly shoving her hair into the hood of her hoodie and out of sight.

“I will be right down Gae Soo-ssi.” Nana mentioned before hanging up and turning to Gogi’s hesitant face.

“I’ll be fine.” Nana brushed her off, walking towards the door with TOP close on her tail.
“Make sure she doesn’t get into trouble.” Gogi called after TOP who nodded, struggling to get his shoes on and keep up with the marching woman.


“Honestly, why go down?” TOP asked as they rode the elevator quietly. Nana sighed from inside her coat.

“What if it’s someone we know that Gae Soo-ssi doesn’t recognize? I mean, it’s happened before.” Nana mentioned using excessive hand gestures. The elevator suddenly came to a halt a few floors above the lobby getting both occupants attention. TOP immediately slipped his beanie along with his large sunglasses onto his face.
“Honestly, everyone that lives here is either an idol or actor, what’s the point of hiding?” Nana muttered under her breath bluntly. A beep signaled the official stop of the elevator before it opened, showing someone she wasn’t expecting to see.

“Great.” She muttered, rubbing her forehead as she buried her head against the wall, away from sight. The man stepped in surprised to see Nana before his eyes traveled to the taller man now standing close to her side. He fought the urge to growl as he stepped in, bowing his head politely to the tall man who just seemed to stare right through him. What a jerk. He stepped in just as the door shut before turning to face the door. It was quiet for a few seconds before he cleared his throat.

“What are you doing out so late?” He asked no one in particular even though it was directed to the woman behind him. Nana pulled her face a bit from the wall, to see TOP standing like a statue next to her while Jonghyun kept his space in front of her.

“You talking to me?” She spat in confusion as he sighed and nodded, never looking back to her.

“Am I not allowed to be out late?” She spat back irritated as he sighed louder, rubbing the side of his neck.
“I was just curious, especially since you don’t seem to be alone.” He answered, his comment obviously directed at the man still quietly standing next to her. It was like the walls were closing in with this much tension filling the air. If the doors didn’t open soon she was going to suffocate on it. Rolling her eyes, she turned back to the wall and planted her forehead against it.

“From where I’m looking, Ana-ah knows how to take care of herself.” TOP finally answered as Nana’s eyes shot open and hesitantly over to the two men who seemed to be radiating enough heat to keep a freezing village warm. Jonghyun chuckled at the comment before barely looking over his shoulder at the older man.

“I know that. Ana-ah is a very strong woman, do you know that, T-O-P-ssi?” Jonghyun spoke proudly, a proud smirk evident on his face. TOP crossed his arms challenging over his chest before nodding.
“I do know that actually, all too well.” TOP added smirking as Jonghyun’s eyes flashed in annoyance.

“Dear god.” Nana muttered under her breath annoyed as she rubbed her makeup-less face under her glasses. Thank the norms, the elevator came to a stop on the lobby floor before opening. Just as Jonghyun was about to retort, Nana pushed herself between the two men before diving out into the hallway to the lobby area. She was beyond irritated as she made her way towards the security desk. Gae Soo immediately stood up as he heard her footsteps approaching, he bowed before gesturing to the front door. TOP and Jonghyun walked over just as Nana turned to see the two figures standing on the other side of the glass. At first she thought she was seeing things, she took a few hesitant steps towards the door before her eyes widened.

“What is it?” TOP asked worried as he saw her eyes grow under her hoodie.

“I……” She started speechelss as one banged loudly on the glass.


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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi