The Morning After

Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams

Next Morning….

“You let him in, didn’t you?” Nana spat as soon as she emerged from her room to see Gogi lounging in the living room. Gogi pulled the pillow hiding her face before looking over.

“Oh! Good morning to you too!” She spoke sarcastically before hiding her face again.

“Why’d you let him in?” Nana crossed her arms over her chest annoyed before looking to the cameras around the room. They were off.

“And you turned off the cameras.” Nana pointed out surprised as Gogi stood up before stretching.

“Well couldn’t have them showing a clip of one of South Korea’s hottest idols just strolling through our dorm, looking for a certain person, now could I?” Gogi pointed out annoyed as Nana sighed, looking to her still irritated friend walking into the kitchen.

“Min Hee, I’m sorry alright. You were right and I was wrong.” Nana bluntly apologized, sending Gogi into a halt, overly surprised that Nana had even found the gall to apologize.

“Did you just apologize?” Gogi asked surprised as Nana rolled her eyes.

“Shut up. Just take it because I’m not saying it again.” Nana spoke emotionless as she strolled into the living room and plopped down when Gogi had been moments ago.

“So what happened last night? All I heard was a bunch of yelling.” Gogi asked interested from behind her coffee cup. It was great to have a day off after their long week. Nana just sighed, looking to the light snow falling outside.

“I confessed my reason.” Nana answered through a sigh as Gogi nodded.

“And then?” She asked interested as Nana glared over to her friend.

“And what? Are you looking for something in particular?” Nana asked irritated as Gogi shrugged innocently.

“With you two, many things could have happened behind closed doors.” Gogi teased as Nana rolled her eyes.

“Oh yeah, like your 3 am phone call with Hoya?” Nana tilted her head teasingly, chuckling when Gogi broke out choking in surprise.

“You…… heard that?” Gogi asked embarrassed as Nana snorted.

“Who could not hear your conversation with you yelling ‘Oh my god! Not! Really? No! I can’t! Shut up!’” Nana mimicked as Gogi rolled her eyes.

“Shut up.” Gogi hissed as Nana smirked before lying out on her side.

“Just date the dude.” Nana teased as Gogi chuckled sarcastically before walking over to the recliner.

“As soon as you date TOP.” Gogi retorted bringing the argument to a standstill.

“Touché’.” Nana nodded in surrender.

“So what are we going to do today?” Nana sighed staring across at the blank television screen.
“I don’t know, what do you want to do today?” Gogi asked uninterested as a phone began ringing.

“Not mine.” Nana shut her eyes in denial as Gogi stood up and ran to her room.

“Mine!” She yelled walking in the room to answer it.

“Hello?.............. Ah yes………… We just wanted a night off from the cameras…………… Um, yeah sure………… Will do………. No, nothing as of now……….. Probably just lie around the dorm……… Yes, I will………… Alright, bye.” Gogi hung up before looking at Nana’s irritated expression.

“What happened now?” Nana scratched her head before hanging her arm off the couch.

“Well one, MTV-K called Jiyong to let him know we turned off the cameras.” Gogi explained as Nana snorted.

“Bunch of tattle-tales.” She hissed as Gogi stood up.
“And two, he wants us to turn them back on.” She explained as Nana turned her head to the backrest of the couch, irritated. Gogi one by one began turning all the cameras back on, making sure to wave at each before walking over to sit near Nana. Before she could even speak, another phone began ringing through the dorm.

“I’m pretty sure that’s yours.” Gogi mentioned patting Nana’s before walking off to find her friends phone.

“It’s Key!” Gogi shouted as Nana waved her hand uninterested in the air.

Hello?” Gogi smiled before plopping down on the recliner again.

“Hahah, yeah, she’s not totally up yet.” Gogi mentioned looking down to Nana’s zombie form on the couch.

No, we’re off today. Free day.” Gogi explained as she looked to her nails.

Yeah, we had our photo shoot yesterday and we have a music video shooting tomorrow.” Gogi explained looking to the empty kitchen.

10?” She asked looking to the clock on the wall that clearly read 8:30.

Um it should be fine. If anything, I’ll drag Nana-unnie out of the dorm.” Gogi chuckled immediately getting Nana’s attention.

Alright, we’ll see you there. Bye.” She hung up before tossing Nana’s phone onto the crystal coffee table.

“We’re going out with Key and the guys.” Gogi explained as Nana groaned loudly before burying her face in the pillow.
“Can’t I stay back?” Nana whined as Gogi sighed.

“No, you’re going.” Gogi pushed as Nana glared over to her friend.

“If I go, they may come home one less member.” Nana hissed quietly, annoyed at the memories, Gogi rolling her eyes.

“Alright, alright, we all know ‘he who will not be named’ annoys you with a passion, something I’ll never understand. But get over it.” Gogi scolded as Nana shot up.

“It’s like his life mission to annoy the crap out of me. So help me one of these days……” Nana started before Gogi quickly stopped her, gesturing to the cameras around them. Nana groaned loudly before standing up and walking into her room, slamming her door shut. He annoyed her to no end.




From the moment she had met Jonghyun, she could tell already, the dude didn’t like her. For whatever reason, she always seemed to be able to sense his glares directed at her. What made it worse was when President assigned him as her vocal coach. She had been beyond pissed since Onew was qualified enough to tutor her for those two weeks instead of the devil reincarnated. On the last day of the first week of lessons, she had arrived only 2 minutes late, it had not been the groups fault, but the fact that a really bad accident had happened one block over, almost shutting down the entire block for at least 20 minutes or more. Once Nana and Gogi had arrived, Gogi ran in to meet with Onew and Minho, while Nana slowly walked to the recording studio she had been instructed to meet Jonghyun and Key. See, she could handle Key. From the first day, he was extremely friendly, the pair had ever surprisingly found common interests between each other. But Jonghyun was a different story.


When she arrived at the studio, she adjusted her outfit before knocking on the door and entering. It was quiet inside.

Nana-ah!” A voice shouted cheerfully as Nana smiled over at Key, one of the only people she allowed hugging her.

Hey.” She smiled accepting the hug before respectfully bowing to the producer on duty then turning her attention to Jonghyun who was already staring at her, clear irritation spread across his face.

Late.” Was the only thing he said just as she was about to bow her head in respect to him. She bit her lip and looked up, about to say something before Key stepped in.

Jonghyun-ah. It’s fine, it’s only 2 minutes.” Key whined as Jonghyun scoffed before looking away.

Oh yeah, 2 minutes won’t mean a thing when they finally debut and are scheduled to perform on Music Bank or Inkigayo.” Jonghyun muttered annoyed as Nana clenched her fists. This was the last straw.

I’ll be right back.” The producer interjected before excusing himself from the room. Nana immediately turned her glare back to the man that found his spot in front of the recording machines.

Studio, now.” He commanded as she turned her head to see Key looking at her apologetically. She had once asked Key what she had done wrong for Jonghyun to treat her the way he did, Key couldn’t answer it because he didn’t know either. She dropped her bag loudly on the ground before marching into the studio, making sure to stare him down as she put the earphones over her ears.

We’ll start from where we left off yesterday.” Jonghyun mentioned through her earphones as she rolled her eyes, turning to the pull down touch screen to see he was setting up the same lyrics she had been singing for the past week. She stepped away from the mic, clearing a bit, never looking to the man that she despised.

Start from the top.” He explained as she nodded absentmindedly. President had the girls testing out the various ranges of vocals, Nana for basic and high end vocalization while Gogi did a bit tamer vocalization along with rapping. This week, President had given the group the task of testing Nana’s vocals through Whitney Houston’s ‘I will always love you’, a song she knew would test her limits. Jonghyun pressed play as Nana did as she had rehearsed all day. On the first day of tutoring, both boys just sat their surprised and overly shocked by the voice that came off of her. President had praised these girls greatly but they didn’t expect it all to be true.

Stop!” Jonghyun cut her as she huffed, turning to him interested.

One more time. Cleaner pronunciation.” He called as she rolled her eyes.

Cleaner pronunciation coming from the dude that doesn’t even understand what I’m singing.” She muttered annoyed as Key stifled a chuckle.

I heard that.” Jonghyun spat as Nana snorted.

It was meant for you to hear or I wouldn’t have said it at all.” She added turning back to the lyrics as he rolled his eyes and pressed play.

Nana went through it over and over again, her annoyance riding as Jonghyun criticized her for things even Key didn’t understand why.

You’re slurring your words. It is sounds like rubbish.” Jonghyun massaged his forehead as he stopped the music for what seemed to be the 100th time this morning. Her blood boiled under her skin as she bit her lip and looked down to her shoes. She was moments away from cracking over, the anger and annoyance inside of her felt like burning lava waiting for it’s perfect chance to ooze through her pores.

If you sing like this when you debut, fans will throw things at you.” He added as she ripped the earphones off of her head, throwing to the ground. She had it, she couldn’t take it anymore. She marched out of the studio, glaring daggers at him as Key quickly stood up, grabbing her arms to stop her.

How dare you say my English is horrible when you can’t even fathom the meaning of any of the fricken words I’m singing!” She snapped pointing her finger viciously at him.

I’ve done nothing but listen to you and moan about me singing a song that I’ve sang hundreds of times since before I came here!” She added as Key glared over at Jonghyun who sat there speechless.

I can’t take any more of your bull! If I listen to you spout one more thing about my English being rubbish I’m going to shove my foot so far up your that you’ll be on my toes till your grandkids have grandkids.” I hissed annoyed, glaring at him before he broke out laughing. She stood there in confusion and anger as he continued to laugh before wiping the tears from his eyes.

Does it look like I care what you say to me? I’m your tutor, you want to debut, you listen to me.” He warned standing up as she kept her ground.

You have no choice but to do what I say. What I say goes, you understand or should I say this in English?” He whispered mockingly as her eyes flared. That was in, idol or no idol.

Idol or no idol, I’m about to rip your tongue out!” She snapped jumping across the gap, punching him in his gut, sending him flailing to the ground like a emerged fish. She gripped his hair, turning his face to look at her as she straddled his waist.

You’ll think twice the next time you try to threaten me. I could easily disfigure your sad excuse for a face.” She hissed, letting go of his hair, shrugging out of Key’s arms before standing up.

I’m leaving for the day. I don’t feel good.” She mentioned in monotone, bowing her head to Key before flipping Jonghyun off then trotted out of the room. She felt 100 times better than earlier.

End of Flashback:


Every run in she had with Jonghyun after that was exactly the same, aside from the fact about hitting him. She kept that to herself. But every time they ever ran into each other, the arguing never ended. She didn’t hate him per say, he annoyed her more than anything just because of the way he treated her, he barely even knew her. Maybe it was her anger issues that suddenly just sprung to life every moment he was around, but that still didn't give him the right to treat her the way he did. 


Untitled #100SHINEE ff

                                                      GOGI                                                                      NANA


“Come on. We’re walking to the restaurant.” Gogi banged on her friends door, fully dressed.

“Can’t we just get a ride? I mean, it’s like below freezing outside.” Nana hissed opening the door to show her outfit for the day.
“We could, but it wouldn’t make much sense since it’s only a block down.” Gogi mentioned slipping her arms through her coat.
“I swear to god if I die of hypothermia or something like that, first person I’m haunting is you.” Nana threatened, pulling her beanie over her head annoyed. Gogi laughed at her friends comment before following closely behind.

“Wait, let’s say something to the cameras this morning.” Gogi quickly dragged her friend over to the nearest one which happen to be the one at the entryway to their hallway.

“Say something to the camera.” Nana mocked as Gogi laughed sarcastically.

“You’re sarcasm is going to kill someone one day.” Gogi pointed out as Nana rolled her eyes.

Hey guys! We’re going out to meet some friends.” Gogi waved, weaving her arm through Nana.

We’re gonna have some lunch then hang out for a while since today’s our day off.” Gogi added side eying her friend.

Do you want to say anything Nana-unnie?” Gogi asked forcing a smile as Nana sighed, turning to the camera.

I hate snow.” She mentioned as Gogi laughed before waving and letting her friend go. Both girls quietly rode down to the lobby before emerging to see the light snow still falling outside.

“I really honestly hate snow.” Nana tied her coat tighter along with her scarf.

“Oh come on. We won’t die.” Gogi whined pulling her friend out into the winter weather. Both girls shivered as Nana turned and began following Gogi down the sidewalk. Nana immediately noticed the stares she was receiving as she looked to her shoulder to see that she had not tucked her hair out of sight. She sighed, pulling her hands out of her coat pocket before quickly going to work on tucking her hair into her beanie. Gogi happen to look over at the slight movement before sighing at her friends actions.

“You know you’ll have to take the beanie off sooner or later.” Gogi mentioned from under her own beanie.

“Plus, the boys know we got our hair dyed, they’ll want to see it.” Gogi smirked at Nana’s annoyed expression.

“Well I don’t need absolutely strangers staring at me either.” Nana muttered glaring over at a woman watching her tuck her hair away. Gogi hissed, elbowing the older woman to get her to stop.

“So are you going to tell me why you have a strange fascination to strangle SHINEE’s lead vocal?” Gogi asked slipping her hands into her own coat pocket as Nana sighed, watching her warm breath flow out in front of her in clouds.

“I didn’t say I wanted to strangle him.” Nana pressed as Gogi snorted.

“Oh yeah, cause all the yelling I hear you both do through Taemin means absolutely nothing.” Gogi spoke sarcastically as Nana breathed again, watching as her breath formed a warm cloud in front of her.

“I don’t hate the dude if that’s what you’re asking. I just don’t see the reason he treats me the way he does.” Nana answered, shrugging at her response as Gogi sighed this time.

“Maybe you should try talking to him outside of training. Maybe he just has a lot on his plate.” Gogi explained in his defense, this time Nana snorted annoyed.

“Oh yeah, cause debuting, running away from home, hiding from my parents, having with Korea’s iest idol while avoiding him, then on top of that debuting in a few months with music videos in the meantime isn’t a lot for me to swallow?” Nana spoke sarcastically, her voice lowered in certain areas.

“Yeah, I guess you are right there.” Gogi answered in understanding as the restaurant finally came into view. Nana held the door open as Gogi stepped into the warm area. They bowed to the hostess who waited patiently for their orders.

We’re meeting someone here.” Gogi mentioned with a smile as the young woman smiled and opened her folder.

Who if I may ask?” The woman asked as Nana bumped her shoulder to push her on.

Actually SHINEE invited us here.” Gogi answered as the woman turned to look up at them with pure suspicion setting Nana’s nerves into irritation.
I’m sorry, but we don’t have anyone by that name here.” She lied as Gogi bit her lip and turned to Nana for some sort of reassurance. Nana sighed, pulling her scarf off while untying her coat.

SHINEE asked us to meet them here. We know they are here.” Nana pressured as the woman pressed her lips into a thin line.

And I am saying, I am sorry but I cannot help you.” She bowed again before turning to walk off as Nana grabbed the woman’s arm tightly in her hand.

Excuse me.” Nana hissed as the woman looked to her surprise.

We were invited, so unless you find them and let them know we are here, I will find them.” Nana warned as the woman began struggling in her hand.

“Nana, let go.” Gogi whined trying to pull her friend off of the helpless hostess who was now yelling for help. Soon a few of the male employees had showed up, one being anything but gentle with Nana as he ripped her hand off of the woman before pushing her against the wall. Nana bit her lip in anger as Gogi stood close.

Get out.” He glared at the pair, Gogi now standing a bit behind Nana as Nana had a stare down with the man.

We aren’t leaving till we get what we came here for.” Nana spoke seriously as the man grabbed her arm and twisted it to her back. Nana winced in pain as he began to forcefully push her towards the door.

YA!” Nana shouted in anger, thrashing in the man’s arms.

STOP!” A voice shouted as the group in the hallway stopped and turned to see who the voice belonged to.

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi