TMX & Company departing JFK

Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams

"Hey! You said I could borrow that jersey jacket!" Gogi whined when Nana stepped into the back of the taxi after loading the back with her luggage. 

"Over my dead body, this is my favorite one." Nana mentioned back teasingly pulling on her teal sleeves.

Both girls were dressed for the cold New Years weather waiting for them in Korea. 

Nana in a long sleeve print white sweater, red pants, grey suede boots, black beanie and scarf along with a few accessories.


Gogi was dressed in her black and white masterpiece, from head to toe. Ready to rock the fashion world in Korea.

Untitled #20

“So how’d your parents take you leaving?” Gogi asked over to Nana who sighed from the backseat of their taxi.

“Don’t ask.” Nana answered in monotone never leaving her eyes from the snow covered window.

“Why? Did they flip?” Gogi asked nosily as Nana sighed louder to glare at her partner.

“They would flip, if they knew.” Nana answered causing Gogi’s eyes to shoot open in surprise.

“YOU DIDN’T TELL THEM?!” Gogi shouted while Nana reached over and slapped a hand over .

“Sorry about that.” Nana immediately apologized to the shocked driver, then glaring down at the younger girl

“Geez, your mouth is like a foghorn.” Nana hissed pulling her hand away to fix her beanie.

“So they don’t know?” Gogi asked hesitantly watching Nana pull her bag up into her lap.

“Honestly if they did, I wouldn’t be sitting in this taxi on the way to the airport with you now.” Nana pointed out looking at the younger woman uncaring.

“Well if you’re here, then where do they think you are?” Gogi asked while Nana sighed, hanging her head back against the headrest.

“Apologize to your parents for me. I told them we went upstate for the weekend.” Nana explained as Gogi’s eyes shot open.

“Geez, you are really trying to kill me, huh?” Gogi asked now sour with the news.

“Pfft, it was either that or telling them the truth and get held back.” Nana spoke annoyed with the situation.

“Whatever, what’s done is done; I just want to get out of this town.” Gogi muttered while Nana narrowed her eyes.

“Wait a minute, what about Marcus? Is he going to be alright with you gone now?” Nana asked mentioning Gogi’s boyfriend of 3 years. Gogi just side eyed Nana before turning back to the window.

“What did you do?” Nana immediately asked suspiciously.

“I tried to break it off with him, but he’s as dense as a board, nothing gets through to him.” Gogi whined as Nana shook her head before sitting back.

“Seems like we have a bunch unfinished business just waiting to bite us in the .” Nana mentioned as they finally saw JFK airport in the distance.

“So MTV-K is meeting us at this airport or in Korea?” Gogi asked pulling her hat onto her head.

“We’re supposed to be meeting MTV-K, that mina girl, the one that’s supposed to be interviewing us and following us the whole time. And our manager.” Nana explained causing Gogi to grow even more nervous with the reminder.

“I feel like I’m going to be sick.” Gogi whispered holding her stomach as Nana rolled her eyes.

“Geez, these are people we already met, aside from whoever our manager is. Why flip out now?” Nana asked while Gogi shut her eyes, taking a few deep breaths before nodding.

“I can do this.” She whispered pumping herself out before they finally pulled up on the airport.

They carefully climbed out into the cold winter weather, the taxi man helped them grabbed their dozens of bags and loaded them onto a cart for the girls.

“Thank you so much.” They thanked him, paying for their ride before he left with another couple in the back.

“Alright so where are they?” Gogi asked pulling her scarf closer to her neck.

“Let’s get inside, I highly doubt they would be waiting for us out here.” Nana pointed out as they walked in to the semi-warm ticketing area.

“Ah there you guys are!” A familiar voice shouted over the noise causing the two girls to look over and see Mina along with a pair of cameras, a Man holding what seemed to be equipment and a younger man dressed nicely.

“Oh Mina.” Nana spoke finally meeting the group.

“Before we start, these are the two cameramen that will be following us on the trip, Jimmy and Kyle, this is our tech manager, Michael, and he’ll introduce himself.” Mina smiled stepping aside as the younger man stepped towards us, bowing his head.

“It’s nice to meet you Gogi-ssi, Nana-ssi, I’m Jiyong Kyung-Lee, I’ll be your manager through all of this.” He introduced causing the girls eyes to shoot open before quickly bowing.

“It’s so nice to finally meet you too.” Gogi added as he smiled and nodded.

“Like Big Bang’s Jiyong?” Nana teased causing Jiyong to chuckle and nod.

“Yes, that exactly.” He answered as they smiled and nodded.

“You can speak English too?” Gogi asked surprised as he nodded.

“It’ll be easier for you two, but don’t think just because I can speak English you can slack on Korean.” He teased causing Gogi to chuckle and look over to Nana’s nervous smile.

“Now that you’ve met everyone, we’re just going to start recording now. Just do what you would do normally, don’t mind the camera’s, they be shooting you at random times or all the time. Either than that, just be yourself.” Mina explained as the two girls nodded nervously before turning to each other.

“Alright girls, let’s go get your bags checked in.” Jiyong immediately went to work as the girls nodded, slowly trying to process that there was now someone to do everything for them. They patiently waited in the long line for Korean Air while passengers checking in took random stares at the pair now being recorded by the cameras.

Finally they got their dozens of bags ticketed through the plane along with receiving their tickets. Jiyong held the girls tickets along with their passports while they simply carried their carry-on luggage.

“I think I could get use to this.” Nana whispered smiling at the nearest camera.


They slowly made it through customs then the security checkpoint before finally making it to their gate.

“Geez, I see why I’ve never left the country. It’s such a hassle.” Nana whined plopping down in the nearest seat she could reach.

“Oh, this is nothing to the flight. 19 hours on a plane.” Gogi teased poking Nana’s cheeks as Nana groaned in annoyance, pulling her beanie further down her face.

“What are we supposed to do on the plane for 19 hours?” Nana whined over causing Mina to chuckle from behind the cameras.

“How about we do a small interview here?” Mina suddenly asked as the girls eyes shot open and to the various eyes on them from curious people.

“Now? In front of all these people?” Gogi whispered shyly causing Mina to nod.

“Just a short one, till they call our flight number.” Mina added, changing her seat from the one next to Nana to the one across from the pair, along with the cameras.

“Alright.” Nana whined in defeat, sitting up before adjusting her outfit.

“Just introduce yourself, where we are and why.” Mina whispered as the girls nodded before Gogi gestured for Nana to start.

“Hey guys, I’m Nana.” She started with a smile.

“I’m Gogi.” Gogi added before elbowing her friend.
“Currently, we’re here at JFK waiting for our flight to Korea.” Nana announced gesturing with her arms.

“We just got through customs and security, so in hours, we’ll be in Korea, finally.” Gogi mentioned smiling.

“What are your guys thoughts on the fact that your identities are supposed to be kept a secret till debut?” Mina asked as Gogi nodded for Nana to go.

“Well President didn’t explain to us entirely about the idea, only that he wanted it to be a surprise till the end when we debut. Honestly it’s fine with me, we’ll be able to enjoy Korea for a few months without fans following us. We’ll be normal people for a few more weeks.” Nana explained as she nodded.

“I’m excited to see fans when we do get them though.” Gogi admitted.

“Who are you most eager to see from your label company?” Mina asked as the girls turned to each other.

“Do we have to answer that?” Nana asked as Mina chuckled.

“It’s so personal and embarrassing.” Gogi whined covering her cheeks.

“It’s all for the fans. When you do debut they’ll want to know everything about you. Best to come out in the open now.” Mina explained causing the two girls to sigh and hide their faces in embarrassment.

“You go first.” Nana urged Gogi who bit her lip turning to the camera.

“I really want to see SHINee and Exo more than anything.” She admitted causing Mina to smile brightly.

“And you Nana?” She asked turning her attention to the woman who was trying to hide in her seat.

“Ummm.” Nana whispered under her breath looking around the waiting area.


Flight 212 with destination to Seoul, Korea at Gate 23 will be boarding now starting with our business class, wheelchair and elderly passengers and those flying first class


“Oh look at that, that’s our flight.” Nana quickly interrupted standing with her bags before following Siwon to the entrance.

“Hey! That’s cheating!” Gogi whined poking Nana in the back from behind.

“Oh did you want to miss our flight?” Nana asked amused following Jiyong who handed the woman waiting at the gate our tickets.

“Cheater.” Gogi whispered rolling her eyes causing Mina and the cameramen to chuckle and follow down the gateway to the plane door.


Once the pair was situated in their seats in first class leaving the girls beyond speechless, the other followed into the cabin and took theirs.

“Geez is this really a plane?” Nana asked surprised as she reclined her chair all the way back before shooting up with the chair.

“Ya! You’re going to break it.” Gogi whined as Nana snorted, leaning forward and pushing the buttons for the small screen television in front of her.

“Wow.” She whispered looking over to the row next to her where one of the cameramen were seated. Next to Gogi was the other cameraman and their tech man, in front of them were Mina and their manager Jiyong.

“Have you never been on a plane like this before?” Mina asked over the chair directly in front of her, causing her to lean back.

“I’ve never been out of the country, these seats are like beds.” Nana’s voice trailed off as she played with the reclining part of the chair again.

“Are you girls nervous?” Mina then asked as the two girls looked to each other.

“Gogi almost threw up in the car on the way to the airport.” Nana quickly admitting pointing over to the dumbfounded girl.

“Hey! Don’t tell them that!” Gogi whined playfully hitting Nana in the shoulder.

“Well it’s true.” Nana muttered reaching over and buckling her belt tightly.

“What are you two most worried about when you arrive?” Mina asked as they sat there in thought.

“The one thing I’m worried about is the years of Korean Language studying going down the drain. I get there and draw a blank.” Nana nervously chuckled as Gogi reached over and whacked her arm.

“Don’t jinx it.” Gogi whined as Nana rubbed her arm.

“What about you Gogi?” Mina asked turning her attention with the camera’s towards Gogi.

“Um, the one thing I’m most worried about is freezing up.”

“Like freezing up on stage?” Mina asked as she slightly nodded her head.

“A little bit of that, I’ve looked up to and admired many of the people we will be working alongside, being able to meet them and now work with them, I never thought it was possible before I met Nana. But now that we’re headed to where they are, there are so many things running through my mind. Will I freeze up when I get to meet them? Will I forget the lyrics or the dance?” Gogi explained as Mina nodded.

“That’s understandable though. Any fan would be that way.” She explained back as the two girls nodded.

Passengers were slowly piling on to the large plane, some into the business class where the pair were stationed. Every passenger that walked pass their seats looked from the cameras and then to the girls in wonder. Most likely they thought it was some sort of television show because they continued to stare.

“Um, Mr. Kyung-Lee.” Nana announced to the seat in front of her. He quickly unbuckled his seatbelt before standing and looking over to her.

“Call me Jiyong, it’s alright. We’ll be working alongside each other.” He interrupted as she slowly processed it before nodding.

“Jiyong? What are we going to do when we land?” Gogi asked in interest as Jiyong smiled.

“I’m supposed to you two to the SM dorms and get you situated there. It’ll be about 9pm when we land, so there won’t be much we can do today.” He explained as the two nodded, getting comfortable in their seats. It was about to one of the longest flights of their lives, but also the bridge for them to cross into their new lives.

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi