
Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams

Author’s POV…

Gogi was soon released from the hospital not long after she had awoken. She was slightly surprised to see that a few SHINee members along with Chanyeol still littered her room. SM Entertainment hired the girls a pair of bodyguards that quickly escorted them out the back of the hospital and to the awaiting van to take them to their dorm. They had wasted their entire day off sitting in the hospital. Nana constantly looked over to Gogi who sat there quietly, staring out the window. Both girls couldn’t help but blame themselves. Nana blamed herself for not being there for Gogi when she should have been. Hadn’t the rule been ‘chicks before ’? Gogi on the other hand blamed the soon to be unveiled secret on her. If she hadn’t drunk as much as she had, they wouldn’t have been in this mess. Honestly she hadn’t felt any of it last night when she was attacked. She had her alcohol tolerance to thank for that, but she definitely could feel it now. She had a few bruises here and there, and for what? Their secret was going to be released on mainstream media by disgusting fans that had attacked her. She sighed, turning to look at Nana only to see that she was aimlessly looking at the ceiling in thought. This was turning out to be more awkward than usual. When the pair arrived at the dorm building, they were dressed in beanies, face masks, sunglasses, the who nine yards as the large men escorted them in, pushing through the packs of fans that were now crowding the front of the building.

Once the girls were in the confines of their own dorm, they both retired to their own rooms. Lucky enough President had told MTV-K about what had happened and ordered for the cameras present in the dorm to be turned off till further notice. Gogi walked into her room before carefully falling onto her bed in a heap. She had messed everything up. She sighed, scratching the side of her head before feeling the slight bandage she still had on her forehead from a small cut she had received.

Ding~Dong               Ding~Dong

Gogi sighed annoyed, about to get up till she heard the door across the hall open.

“I got it.” Nana called as she laid back down, pulling a pillow to place under her head.


Nana walked into the kitchen, then to the entryway, opening the door before looking on surprised to see who was standing there.

“Um, is it a bad time?” The man asked as she shook her head.

“No, we just got home. What’s up?” she asked unsure, her eyes turning to the other man, unsure if she should glare at him like usual or smile.

“I came to check on Gogi-ah, is to ok if we come in?” Onew asked as she sighed, looking over her shoulder before nodding.

“Yeah, come in.” She stood aside, allowing them in as they kicked off their shoes and walked in.

“Woah, this is some place.” Onew immediately praised as she stood off to the side of them, nodding in agreement.

“Um, let me go get Gogi.” She mentioned as Onew stopped her.

“It’s alright. Which room is she in?” Onew asked as she hesitantly pointed to the first one on the right side. He nodded, walking over to the slightly ajar door before knocking.

“Come in.” A voice called from the other side as he pushed the door, hesitantly peeking into the large room, taking in the appearance before turning to look at the body lying under the covers.

“What is it Ana? Did someone come?” the voice asked in a muffle as he chuckled, shutting the door before walking over to stand near her side.

“Are you alright?” He asked suddenly causing her to shoot up into the sitting position, immediately regretting it when he head began to throb.

“Ow.” She whispered holding her hand to her bandage as Onew looked on panicked.

“Oh my god, are you alright?” He asked more urgent this time as she nodded, looking to him annoyed.

“Aish, oppa, you can’t just sneak up on me like that, especially when I’m in my own dojo.” She teased causing him to smile as he grabbed a chair sitting in the room and pulled it up closer to the bed.

“How are you feeling?” He asked as Gogi crossed her legs under her comforter and sighed.

“I’m tired, I have a headache that could probably kill, I’m still a little sore in some areas, but fine.” She sighed as he nodded, looking to her worried.

“I was so worried when we found out.” Onew admitted sending a nervous and embarrassed blush across her face.

“We didn’t know what happened; Jiyong-ssi just said a group of Sasaeng’s got a hold of you.” Onew mentioned hesitantly as Gogi sighed, looking down to her fingers in her lap.
“I was barely conscious to start with thanks to the Soju, but I do remember a few of them yelling at me, asking who I was, why I was with Hoya-oppa.” She explained as he put a hand through his hair before sighing.

“It’s a dangerous world. When you two debut finally, you’ll probably experience Sasaeng fans first hand, especially since you’re a female duo, some male fans may go to extreme distances to see you both.” Onew explained warily as Gogi nodded.

“Oppa, can I ask you something?” She suddenly perked up as he looked up and nodded.

“Of course. Anything.” He answered promising as she nodded.

“Chanyeol-ah mentioned an argument at the hospital, what was he talking about?” Gogi asked confused as Onew looked at her surprised.

“Nana-ah hasn’t told you anything?” Onew asked unsure as she blinked confused before shaking her head.

“No, she hasn’t said anything to me since we’ve been back.” She mentioned as he sighed and nodded.

“When Youngjae-ssi called Nana-ah to let her know what had happened, she showed up no long after with G-Dragon-ssi. When President told her the details, she was pissed. It took Chanyeol-ah, Kai-ah, Suho-ah, President, Youngjae-ssi, Jiyong-ssi, me and even Jonghyun-ah to hold her back. She was in the doorway, ready to run out and find whoever did it to you. Even before that, we heard her yelling at G-Dragon-ssi.” Onew explained as Gogi listened intently.

“What was she yelling at him about?” Gogi asked concerned as Onew sighed.

“Nana-ah blames what happened to you on her. She said that if she had chosen to go with you to the party instead of visiting TOP-ssi in the hospital, she could have fought to protect you.” Onew explained as Gogi sighed, looking away to the partially covered window.


It was Nana and Jonghyun, alone, what a bad idea. Nana sighed, turning to look at Jonghyun who was busily looking around the living room, no attention towards her. She had a right mind to leave him alone and just go to sleep but then thought against it as she took a seat on the couch, her legs now resting up on the coffee table. She stared at the blank television for a while before seeing his reflection turn to look at her, unsure.

“Take a picture, it last longer.” She mentioned turning to look at his surprised face.

“You can sit. I don’t bite all the time.” She added gesturing to the seat closest to him as he nodded quietly before sitting. It was quiet again and that’s when Nana realized that they had never been alone before this. Every time they were together, someone else was around and they were biting at each other’s necks. Nana crossed her arms over her chest and turned to look at the spotless kitchen.

“This is a pretty nice place you got here.” Jonghyun’s voice startled her as she turned to look at him with narrowed eyes, catching him off guard.
“What? Did I say something wrong?” He asked in defense as she shook her head and looked away. Quiet, once again, no shocker there. Nana sighed, lying her head back against the head rest to stare at the ceiling hoping that it would do something cool to entertain her.

“You hate me, why?” Jonghyun asked a logical question this time striking her interest as she pulled her head up to look at him, a lock of blue hair falling in her face.

“Did I ever say I hated you?” She asked annoyed as he shrugged looking away.
“Well you don’t seem to particularly like me.” He answered in monotone as she snorted, before looking away in disbelief.

“You’re one to talk you know. Every time I’m near you, it’s like I have a sign somewhere on me, giving you a heads up that it’s time to run my sanity out the window and piss the hell out of me.” She spat back as he turned to look at her.

“Hey! Most of the time I have a reason!” He retorted causing her to roll her eyes.

“Yeah sure. And the reason being?” She asked, leaning towards him in interest.

“Sometimes it’s good to tough on someone, it makes them work harder towards things.” He explained as she laughed sarcastically.

“That has to be the lamest excuse I have heard in all my years.” She applauded him sarcastically as he growled.

“Hey! And what about you?! Huh? Every time I’m around you girls, all you do is glare at me like you expect me to burst into flames.” He shot back causing her to laugh.

“Oh my god, are you seriously going to go there?” She asked annoyed as he nodded.

“Yeah, I’m going there because I can’t handle your loud mouth or obnoxious comebacks any longer! All I did was try to tutor you to be a better vocalist and you punched me in the face! Was that seriously necessary?!” He shouted as she shot out of her seat, glaring down at him.

“You deserved that you ungrateful bastard!! If someone told you your Korean was so horrible, fans would throw things at you, you would do the same?! And for the record, you’re lucky I punched you in the face, I was planning on aiming a lot more south!” She shouted marching into the kitchen, Jonghyun inwardly squeezing his legs together at the thought.

“I can’t believe this dude.” Nana hissed quietly into the fridge as she pulled out a bottle of water. She slammed the fridge shut and turned to see him standing in the living room, his eyes directed at hers.

“What?!” She snapped her arms up in the air as he decided to approach the opposite side of the island counter.

You’re ungrateful brat, you know that?” He hissed over the counter, sending her sputtering in disbelief.

“Me, ungrateful?” She asked outraged, gesturing to herself as he nodded, clearly annoyed.

“I have never heard you once tell me thank you for tutoring you all those days. I mean, come on, I know manners is like shoving a hot curling iron down your throat, but seriously.” He teased as her eyes grew in anger. She slammed her water bottle down before marching around the counter to him. She wanted nothing more than to pin him to her wall and throw darts at him while she was blindfolded. Oh, how she would enjoy hearing the screams of pain coming from him. The moment she was in his face, she poked her finger at his stiff chest, her eyes ablaze.

“You don’t deserve a thank you from me. You know why? Because all you ever did was criticize me for being a vocalist. Not once did you ever praise my voice like Onew-ah and Key-ah did. Even President did it on more than one account! You criticized my English that was the biggest kick in the you could have done for someone that is from AMERICA!” She shouted annoyed as he stood there, unable to pull his eyes off of her or even come up with a coherent sentence to say back.

“English is my native tongue so you have NO excuse to tell me that MY English is bad when it is a fact that you’re ENGLISH could be put up as a new language!” She spat further, poking him in the chest harder.

“And another thing! You can’t even mind your own damn business! You have no business putting your nose where it doesn’t belong. You may by a label mate, but that is all you are! You are not my brother, you are not my mother, you are not my father, you don’t have the right to yell or prosecute me for something that I am old enough to take care of! If I want to date him, I will. If I want to call him, I will. If he wants to go on a date with me, he will. That is MY choice, not yours! You have NO say in it! NONE!” She snapped as he continued to stare at her, both in surprise and arousal. He had to admit, seeing her burst into anger was pretty attractive from where he was standing.

“I have NEVER let someone tell me what or how to run my life and I’m not about to let YOU do that!” She snapped, tears sitting on the tips of her eyelids. Surprisingly Jonghyun had seen the tears before she even realized they were there. He was patiently waiting for her to snap to see them fall, like he had seen yesterday when he stopped her in the doorway. It’s a fact that many, who cry, don’t look pleasing to the eyes, but when Nana cried, you could see it in her face, the way her proud and strong wall fell leaving her vulnerable and weak for everyone to see. It was strangely beautiful to him. As she spat the last words, he had lost all control over his body. His head leaned in and captured her lips between his. Nana’s eyes widened in surprise and confusion as something warm, pleasantly warm attached itself to her lips. She had surprisingly found herself frozen unable to move till he pulled away, his eyes planted on hers still.

“I did those things to help you.” He whispered, his eyes never wavering from hers as she stood there, trying to recollect anything logical to explain what had happened. She had even tried to reel her arm to whack him across the room, but nothing. She had no control over her body.

“You are incredibly talented Nana-ah, I did those things so you would work beyond what you are expected of.” He added sighing before turning to look away.
“I gave in a lot quicker than expected.” He muttered as Nana finally blinked, regaining her thoughts.

“Why?” She asked as he turned to look at her confused.

“Why what?” He asked softly as she sighed, rolling her eyes before looking away.

“Never mind. Well thanks for visiting and practically ually harassing me. I’m going to be in the bathroom, brushing my teeth and washing my mouth out with hydrogen peroxide.” Nana waved him as she pushed past him to the hallway where she disappeared into the first open door. He was outraged, more than outraged, hurt.

“What’s with all the yelling?” A voice startled him as he turned to see Onew walking out of the hallway, looking around confused.

“Nothing. The usual.” Jonghyun shrugged as Onew sighed.

“You both seriously need to go see a therapist together. This bickering it getting to the point that I’m actually afraid to leave you alone with her.” Onew mentioned as Jonghyun looked at him hurt.

“Why not the other way around?” He asked as Onew slipped his shoes back on before scoffing.

“I’m sorry Jonghyun-ah, but seeing how long you had that bruised nose she gave you, I would say she could probably kill you before you even figure out how to kill her.” Onew smirked, sending Jonghyun gasping in surprise. What would happen next for them?

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi