The Unexpected

Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams

One by one, Nana and Gogi sat in the same chairs they had spent the last 4 hours in, foil being pulled one by one from their hair as the girls stared at the wall. The deal was the girls wouldn’t see their hairdos till Hyori and the others removed the foil and styled it a bit. So as of now, both girls were facing the wall where both of their managers plus the publicist and their president who had showed up to see the outcome. It looked like it was a huge extravagant event from the audience they had acquired in less than 10 minutes.

“Nana-ssi, you look like you’re gonna be sick.” President chuckled at her nervous face; she bit her lip and looked up chuckling.

“I’ve never dyed my hair, so yes, I’m a bit nervous.” Nana admitted as the makeup artist tugged and pulled at her locks.


20 minutes later, hair spray, curlers, pins, it was time to see Hyori’s work for their own selves.

“How about we turn you both to see each other first?” Hyori offered with a teasing smirk on her face.

“If we must.” Nana rolled her eyes annoyed, quickly turning to see Gogi’s new hairdo and to see Gogi’s large eyes directed at her.

“Woah!” Gogi’s eyes widened even further as she stared at her friend’s new hairdo.

“You look amazing.” Gogi awed at her friend’s new hairdo, a color she had never thought would be possible on her friends head.

“Min Hee.” Nana breathed as she stared at her friend’s hair.



GOGI's New Hair Color

“You actually look better with that hair color.” Nana pointed out as both turned to the mirror.

“HOLY ?!” Nana shouted the moment the color caught her eye sight. She stood, leaning forward towards the mirror to look at the drastic change in hair style and color. Nana grabbed a curl hanging on her side before bringing it up to look at it. Blue. Everything was blue.


NANA's New Hair Color

“We went with something vibrant.” Hyori explained as Nana looked to her speechless.

“Obviously.” Nana mentioned hesitantly putting a hand through her new locks.

“Since you both wanted to go with something sad yet y, for Gogi I suggested midnight black for that sad factor, Nana-ah, we gave you the different shades of blue to better describe your changing personality.” President explained while Gogi muffled her laughter. Nana couldn’t help but chuckle at the presidents explanation before turning back to her reflection. It wasn’t as bad as she had expected, the color was a nice change.   

“Gogi, are you sure you weren’t originally born with black hair?” Sarah asked suspiciously as she adjusted Gogi’s hair over her shoulder.



The following day….

“I don’t think I’ll ever be used to having this color hair.” Nana mentioned in thought staring at herself in their apartment bathroom mirror.

“Hey, I kind of like it.” Gogi mentioned putting a hand through her now black hair.

“I did always say I wanted black hair.” Gogi added as Nana sighed, turning to look at her friend.

“You have a regular hair color, I have this triple different hair color thing going on.” Nana muttered looking back to herself as Gogi disappeared before coming back with her camera in hand.

“We need to document this.” Gogi mentioned as Nana sighed, putting her hair up into a high ponytail and turning to Gogi.

“Hey guys!” Gogi waved at the camera with a large smile.

“It’s TMX here. You guys notice something different?” She asked turning the camera so they both were in view. Nana just crossed her arms across her chest before leaning her head over towards Gogi, her blue hair now falling over Gogi’s shoulder.

“We got our hair dyed!” Gogi cheered as she rung her hair around like a crazy person.

“I got my black hair and Nana got this awesome mixture of blue.” Gogi explained like a child on a sugar rush.

“Isn’t it awesome?!” Gogi asked turning the camera to Nana who just sighed and nodded.

“I’ll admit it, I like the color.” Nana offered, pulling her ponytail over her shoulder to inspect it.  

“Wow. Did Nana-unnie just admit that?” Gogi gasped in sarcastic surprise causing Nana to roll her eyes.

“It’s a good think you got that on camera, because it won’t happen twice.” Nana muttered finally leaving the bathroom to continue on their day off.


The girls headed into the company building on Friday, all hesitant about their new dos as they entered.

“I’m gonna head to the bathroom, I’ll meet you in the dance studio.” Nana mentioned pulling her bag further up her shoulder as Jiyong and Gogi nodded.


Doing her business, she sighed, looking at her new hairdo in the mirror, a bit hesitant to see what everyone would think of her when they saw her. Gogi was a bit more lucky, even though her hair color was drastic from the very light brown she had before, hers was even worse. She had made the same tint Gogi had to start with, but now she had blue. Come on, who would look at you like a normal person, with blue hair? She sighed, looking down to the water still running through the sink. Guess she couldn’t expect anything less from the Kpop world, she had seen some out of control hair colors and styles when Gogi had first introduced her. Shutting off the water, she placed her bag on the counter before pulling out her beanie. She didn’t know if she could handle anyone staring at her today. Pulling it over her head, she tucked in all the blue hair that was hanging out before looking in the mirror to make sure.

“There.” She patted the top of her head before pulling her bag up her shoulder again. Before she could take another step, her cellphone began going off the hook in her bag pocket.

“Crap. I forgot to put it on silent.” She whispered to herself, dropping it on the floor before going in search for it. She pulled it out, couldn’t help the small smirk that crept up on her face from the ID name that was now flashing on her screen. She almost forgot, tonight was the party she was attending at YG. She pulled the bag up her shoulder again before finally answering the phone. She willingly did now that Gogi wasn’t around to nag her about it.

“Hello?” She answered nicely this time as she adjusted her dance outfit.

“Hey.” His deep voice welcomed back causing her to inwardly smile.

“Is there a reason you called this morning?” She asked leaning against the skin.

Just wanted to make sure I still had a date for tonight.” He teased causing her to snort.

“You’re lucky I’m even going.” She muttered as he chuckled.

“Oh! I did want to ask you something.” She interrupted his thoughts.

“And what is that?” He teased as she rolled her eyes.

“Not anything erted. Geez, is that all you think about?” She scoffed causing him to chuckle.

“Anyways, what is it you want to ask me?” He asked now all smug about it. She just sighed.

“What am I supposed to wear to this ‘party’? Like anything in particular?” She asked hesitant, playing with the end of her shirt nervously.

“Nana, you would look beautiful in anything, anything will be fine.” He teased sending a blush across her face.

“Idiot.” She muttered before quickly hanging up, chuckling a bit. The night would show surprises, for sure. Finally she emerged from the bathroom, tucking her phone back into her bag making her way to rehearsal studio.

“Geez, did you get lost?” Gogi called from her stretching position on the ground.

“There she is!” Their dance instructor, Jaze, as they called him, called from his spot against the wall.

“Let’s try a new routine today.” He clapped as their officially dancers stood of the benches around the room. Nana made sure to be nice and bowed to each of them, some giving hugs as she put her bag down on a free bench and turned to the group that was now getting situated.

“Did you bring your shoes?” Gogi asked over as Nana turned to see her pulling out her dance shoes.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Nana whined annoyed, pulling her shoes out of her bag and onto the bench. She pulled off her coat and hoodie, leaving her in a large, off the shoulder design t-shirt and leggings, Gogi dressed in a pair of torn jean shorts, leggings and a tank top.

“You know you’re gonna have to take it off sooner or later.” Gogi teased as Nana hissed from her seat, seeing Mina and the MTV-K cameras getting set up around the room for their rehearsal, a few talking to a pair of dancers, about them nonetheless.

“I’m not taking it off.” Nana hissed under her breath as Gogi chuckled.

“Come on, I think it looks hot.” Gogi urged as Nana sighed, rolling her eyes as she looked to Gogi.

“Over my dead body.” Nana hissed as Gogi grew a mischievous smirk. Nana looked away at the perfect time that Gogi stood, reaching out for her beanie before ripping it off and yelling, getting everyone’s attention as they looked back to see Nana’s crazy hair.

“Woah.” Jaze was the first to step up as Nana sighed, putting an annoyed hand through her hair.

“Yeah, I had to get it dyed.” Nana announced, standing up from her seat annoyed.

“I think it looks awesome.” Someone called. It was going to be a long day.

“That’s hot!” A few of the male dancers shouted sending a blush across her face. Well maybe she could handle it.



Finally, at 930, the pair was on their way back to their apartment, exhausted and sweaty. They had just spent the entire day working on random routines along with working in the recording studio, trying to get down their debut album.

“I’m so tired, I feel like crying.” Gogi muttered from the back seat as Nana sighed.

“I second that motion.” Nana raised her hand from the middle seat where she was currently sprawled out across.

“I can’t even feel my legs.” Gogi whispered putting her leg in the air to massage her aching calves.

“Nana-ssi.” Jiyong called from the front seat as she turned over to see Youngjae looking down at her.

“You have the YG party tonight. Did you still want to attend, or should I cancel?” He asked as she groaned in remembrance. Crap. She had slightly forgotten.

“No. I already promised I’ll go. I won’t go for long.” Nana explained as he nodded, stepping on the gas to get them back to the apartment quicker.


Once the girls had stepped into their apartment, both Jiyong and Youngjae close behind.

“I’ll just get a shower and change.” Nana waved off anyone that was paying attention, grabbing a pair of jeans and a party blouse from her closet before walking into the bathroom to shower. Gogi chuckled from her bedroom as she suddenly was reminded of her friends, secret night. Well not so secret to her. She knew how TOP made her friend feel, it was only a matter of time before they were diving into each other’s pants. She chuckled again, staring up at her ceiling as she laid atop her bed. Being in Korea for only a little over a month and already, it was turning out to be quite interesting. Her phone suddenly vibrated as she rolled over and pulled it off the charger on her night stand. Turning on the screen, she smiled when she noticed who the text was from. Her ‘shopping buddy’ as she referred to him as.


Are you sure you don’t want to come hang out with me tonight?


She chuckled when she realized he was referring to the same party Nana was heading to.


Naw, I think I’ll stay home and sleep. I’m exhausted.


She smiled as her phone vibrated again.


No way I can change your mind? I haven’t hung out with you in a while.


She blushed slightly before smiling as she texted back.


Don’t worry, we’ll hang out sometime. In the meantime, be sure to keep an eye on Nana-unnie. She’s going as TOP Oppa’s date LOL


She had to muffled her laughter as her phone vibrated again, showing it was a photo text this time. Eagerly she opened the photo to see his puppy dog eyes painted up at her. She snorted, covering as she broke out laughing. It was adorable, no doubt about that, but something you wouldn’t be used to seeing G-Dragon do. She shuffled around her bed, rolling onto her back to hold the phone above her. Making sure the camera was faced down at her, she stuck her tongue out at the camera before taking the photo. Laughing a bit, she sent the photo to him. No soon later her phone was ringing off the hook with his name flashing on the screen.

“Yes, what is it?” She answered chuckling into the phone.

“When did you dye your hair?!” He about shouted as she broke out laughing. She had totally forgotten that she hadn’t told him yet.

“Oh! A few days ago.” She answered as she stopped laughing.

“Geez, I had to look twice. I didn’t even know it was you at first.” He teased causing her to snort.

“If I have to say so, you look twice as gorgeous with that hair color. It gives you a certain, y edge.” He flirted as she rolled her eyes.

“Oppa, stop.” She whined as he laughed. He loved teasing her, knowing that it brought that certain blush to her cheeks.

“So what are you doing tonight if you refuse to hang out with me?” He slightly pouted as she sighed, sitting up to look around her room.
“We only got home like 5 minutes ago, I’m exhausted. I’ll probably just sleep.” She answered easily as she sputtered his lips. He had wanted her to hang out at the party tonight, but to no surprise, she refused him.


shinee ff#1


“Alright! I’m ready to go.” Nana finally emerged from the bathroom, dressed to impress, her newly dyed hair up in a messy bun a few strands hanging everywhere.

“Oooooooh.” Gogi teased wiggling her fingers towards her friend who just snorted.

“If you’re ready to leave, we’ll be heading out.” Youngjae announced as Nana slipped on her white winter coat and shoes on.

“I’ll be home later. Don’t wait up.” Nana mentioned over to Gogi who was sprawled out on the couch.

“Oh! Believe me, I’ll wait up.” Gogi teased, winking her eye at her friend. Nana just rolled her eyes before turning away.

“Have fun, well not too much fun. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t!” Gogi continued to call as the door shut.

“She is so gonna jump him tonight.” She muttered under her breath before turning back to the television.


Nana’s POV….

I was beyond nervous as I sat alone, for the first time, in the back of our company van. This was practically the first time I was going anywhere alone ever since moving here. I sighed, rubbing my cold hands together as I stared out the window into the cold night.

“Will you be alright alone Nana-ssi?” Youngjae asked back as I turned my head to him.

“Ah yes. I’ll be fine.” I answered nervously as he nodded.

“You have your photo shoot tomorrow for the teaser photos, so we’ll be back by midnight.” He explained as I nodded in understanding.

Finally, YG building had come into view, our van cruised past the security check point and over to the door. I swallowed heavily as I watched Youngjae climb out of the passenger seat to open the back door. Being sure that everything was in place, including my new hair he opened the back door and held a hand out for her. I welcomingly took it and stepped out into the cold night air.


I was fidgeting the entire time we entered the company building and up the elevator.

“Are you sure you’ll be alright Nana-ssi?” Youngjae asked as I looked over, nodding before turning away. The ding of the elevator brought me back to my senses as we were welcomed by music and laughing from down the hallway. It was one of those hallways we took a tour of the last time we were here. If I remembered correctly, it was packed with some empty rooms, others storing props and outfits from every group. I ped my coat, pulling it off and over my arm as we walked closer. Suddenly a body jumped out of the open door laughing as both myself and Youngjae flinched in surprise.

“Ah. Seungri-ssi.” Youngjae called as the man looked over his smile only growing as he looked at me.

“Nana-ah!” He shouted running over before throwing his arms around my shoulders. I was taken by surprise since I had only met this person once in my life, so I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to react.

“Woahhhhh, what happened to your hair?” he then asked when he pulled away from me, narrowing his eyes on my hair.

“I had to get it dyed for debut.” I mentioned as he nodded uncaring, diving back against me for another hug.

“Um heyyy.” I spoke unsure, patting his back as he jumped off, the clear smell of alcohol spilling off of him.
“Hyung has been raving about you all day.” He teased causing me to blush and cough, looking away.

“Will you be alright from here Nana-ssi?” Youngjae asked as I looked over, about to disagree only to have Seungri’s arm flung around my shoulder.

“I’ll watch over her don’t worry. Now, Nana-ah, come join the party.” He slurred pulling me with him as I turned to see Youngjae laughing, shaking his head before disappearing down the hallway.


Seungri practically dragged me into the open door that led to a giant room, larger than any of the others. It was full of music and laughing, folks eating and some just randomly hanging around. Seungri ripped my coat from me as I turned to snap at him, only to see him hanging it up on the side where a ton of other coats were hanging.

“Now, where did Hyung go?” I heard him whisper to himself, slightly stumbling as I watched him, slightly amused myself. I had only met him once, but he had this aura about him that was inviting, unlike my own.

“Nana-ah?” A voice suddenly spoke as my head whipped around to see GD looking at me with wide eyes.

“Oh!” I bowed surprised as he bowed his head.

“You dyed your hair too.” He mentioned stepping over to point up at it. I chuckled embarrassed before nodding.

“Did Gogi already show you hers?” I asked as he laughed and nodded.

“Took me sometime to realize she had dyed it.” He answered as I nodded.

“Well it’s a good look for you. TOP Hyung had his hair dyed the same way last year.” He explained as I nodded in realization.

“Anyways, TOP Hyung is probably looking for you. Let me take you to him.” He offered as I smiled and nodded. This would be the only time my personality or mood wouldn’t be sour. We maneuvered through some folks, some I recognized from videos and such, some stared at me in awe. Couldn’t blame them though, it was rare to have this sort of hair, anywhere.

“Nana-ssi.” A voice welcomed as I turned my attention from GD’s back to the voice calling me.

“Oh, President Yang.” I immediately bowed to him, curling a stray hair behind my ear nervously wondering what he thought of my hair also.

“I see President Young Min has finally indulged the both of you in your new looks.” He mentioned causing me to chuckle and nod.

“That he has.” I answered embarrassed as he nodded, smiling down to me.

“Well he has great style, that hairdo looks amazing on you.” He praised as I bowed my head in thanks.

“Nana-ah.” A voice mentioned as I looked over from my conversation with the president to see wide eyes staring right at me.

“Oh, hey.” I smiled over at him, seeing the way his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down.


Author’s POV….

Nana was increasingly nervous every second she was at the party, but on the outside, she seemed like any other person that was at the party. That was her secret, never project how she truly feels on the inside, it was the only way to keep herself comfortable around others.

“You came.” TOP’s voice spoke with obvious relief as she smiled embarrassed then looked to YG.

“I’m so happy you could join us tonight, please do enjoy yourself.” YG mentioned raising his glass towards her before walking off. She fiddled with the edge of her blouse before turning in time to see TOP make it to her side.

“I did tell you I would come, did I not?” She asked cockily as he chuckled and nodded, his eyes slowly drifting to her hair.

“If I didn’t know any better, I would say, that hair statement is made towards me.” He teased as she snorted, taking the glass he offered her.

“Don’t make this about you. It was bound to happen whether I wanted it or not.” She mentioned sipping the glass to see that it was red wine, some of the finest.

“Well it’s a good color on you I must say.” He admitted as she blushed from behind her glass, sipping it even quicker to busy herself.

“So you’re debut is certain now?” He asked interested as her eyes scanned the room, only nodding.

“Ending of March.” She added as he nodded in understanding.

“Well come, I want to introduce you to some people.” He grabbed her hand suddenly, startling her as he pulled her through the room to the opposite side where a group of couches laid. Almost immediately she let go of his hand, not wanting to send the wrong information.

“Nana-ah!” Daesung shouted waving from his spot as she smiled and bowed, both to him and Taeyang who smiled towards her. Both equally surprised by her hair change.

“Hyung has been talking about you showing up all week. We didn’t think it was true.” Taeyang teased as she chuckled and turned to TOP’s embarrassed face.

“Omo, and who is this gorgeous girl?” A female voice asked this time as Nana looked over to the 4 girls who sat on the opposite side.

“That’s TOP Hyung’s friend.” Daesung mentioned, winking his eye teasingly as the girls nodded in understanding.

“This is 2NE1. Park Bom noona, Sandara Park noona, CL-ah and Minzy-ah.” TOP introduced as Nana quickly bowed her head.

“I’m Nana, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” She smiled as they all bowed their heads from their seats.

“Nana-ah is from the new rookie group about to debut in SM.” Taeyang explained as CL’s eyes shot open and over.

“You’re the recording YG showed us the other day.” She pointed out as Nana shrugged confused.

“Yes, that was her and her partner.” GD suddenly entered the conversation, plopping down next to Taeyang.

“You have an amazing voice.” Dara praised as Nana bowed her head uncomfortably.

“Where is your partner?” Minzy asked looking around as Nana’s eyes flashed to GD who smirked.

“She said she wanted to stay home and rest.” GD was the one to answer as all eyes turned to him.

“Ah, so the girl Oppa’s been talking to was her.” CL wriggled her eyebrows teasingly as everyone chuckled.


“Wanna go check out the roof?” TOP suddenly asked from next to her as she looked over with narrowed eyes.

“In this weather, no thanks. I rather keep my toes and fingers.” She spat causing him to chuckle.

“Just for a bit, come on.” He pushed standing up before yanking her with him.

“Hey! Where are you taking her? I wasn’t done talking.” Bom whined in disagreement causing TOP to only wave back.

“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t!” GD shouted, teasing the pair. Nana just willingly let him drag her out of the room, making sure to stop and grab the pairs coats as they loaded into the elevator.

“So what is so special about this roof that I’m about to risk hypothermia for?” Nana asked slipping her arms into her coat, her scarf finding its way to her neck. He just chuckled from his spot next to her.

“Don’t worry about it.” He motioned for her to follow him out of the elevator and down the hallway.


He held a metal door open for her as she walked through it, almost immediately shivering at the cold breeze.

“Gosh, it’s freezing.” She muttered, glaring over at him with her hands stuffed into her pockets.

“Only for a bit. Come on.” He urged walking to the right as she willingly followed him to what looked like an enclosed glass room. He held another door open as she stepped through it, immediately feeling the warmth engulf her. He chuckled seeing the relief cross her face as he shut and locked the door.

“What is this room?” She asked ping her coat, looking to the curtains that covered the windows that encircled the room.

“It’s sort of like an observatory.” He explained walking over to pull open the far ends curtains, a clear view of Korea’s night life in sight.

“We usually stand outside to look at the city, but when it’s cold like this, YG had this built.” He explained as she nodded and walked over, peeking out the window.

“It’s pretty.” She nodded as he stood next to her smiling.

“So did you choose the hair color?” He asked a smug smirk across his face causing her to snort.

“Does your ego do anything but rise?” She asked annoyed as he chuckled and shook his head.

“Nope, it only goes up, knows nothing about going down.” He spoke looking back to the window as she nodded.

“Yeah, figured as much.” She muttered looking back to the window.

“And no, I didn’t have a choice about the hair color. They wanted it to showcase our personalities. Not sure why blue showcases mine, but President said the different shades of blue were to showcase my ever changing personality.” She explained hesitantly pulling her hair out of the ponytail to show the designs in her hair.

“Well, I like it.” He admitted looking at her, his hand reaching out to hold a lock between his fingers.

“The color is perfect on you.” He added as she bit the inside of her cheek, looking away.

“I didn’t like it at first, it took my sometime to get used to it.” She admitted back as he nodded, putting a hand through his brown locks.

“Yeah same here, took me some time to get used to the color too.” He mentioned back softly as she nodded, staring aimlessly out the window.

“So how has training been?” He suddenly asked as she sighed, leaving a foggy mark on the window.

“It’s been exhausting, but I expected as much.” Nana explained as he nodded.

“Are you ready to debut?” He then asked as she chuckled, tilting her head towards him, he looked to her confused.

“What?” He asked looking around confused before landing his eyes back on her light brown ones.

“Is there a reason why you had a sudden interest in me?” She confidently asked as his eyes widened in surprise.

“I mean, you are ‘you’. I’m no one special, we haven’t known each other for that long. Is there somewhere written on me that I’m an open target?” She then asked glaring out the window. She wanted to get this off her chest while she still had the courage to do so. TOP just swallowed heavily, unexpected to be answering these sorts of questions tonight.

“I mean, we only met a little over a month ago. We met once, well, now being twice. Sure we text and call each other sometimes. But what?” She turned her attention to look at him as he kept his eyes low.

“I’ll admit it though, when Gogi first got me into Kpop, you were the first idol I saw and stole my heart. It was an idol love, but when you kissed me in the mall bathroom, I had given myself the hope of maybe something more.” She admitted looking to the rings on her hands in thought.

“I don’t date much or get romantically involved with guys because I don’t like it. It’s foreign to me.” She whispered in thought, turning to look at TOP who was in an equal thought.

“I don’t date usually.” He mentioned as she turned her attention to him now.

“The last time I dated was before my debut with someone I thought loved me.” He added looking from his hands to the view we were blessed with. It was quiet for some time as Nana finally turned to see TOP staring down at her from next to him.

“I like you.” He suddenly admitted sending her heart soaring through the roof.

“W-what?” She asked in disbelief, chuckling nervously as he swallowed, shutting his eyes before opening them up again, giving her an intense stare.

“I like you Nana-ssi.” He whispered as she sighed, turning away from him, her eyes darting all over the place, the wine she had drank all night finally setting in as her mind floated.

“It’s Ana.” She muttered as he blinked in confusion.

“Excuse me?” He asked confused as she sighed.

“My name is Ana, Ana Kailua. That’s my real name.” Nana explained as it sparked something in TOP. Was she giving in to him?

“Ana.” Her name rolled of his tongue like honey being poured. She couldn’t give in. Nothing he would do could make her give in. Nothing. Suddenly her eyes were wide open, his warm lips engulfing hers as his arms wound themselves around her waist. NO. No, she couldn’t give in. No, she couldn’t. Oh, what the ? Who was she kidding?

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi