Namdaemun Market

Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams

red&black ffUntitled #48

                             Nana's Outfit                                                                                                        Gogi's Outfit





The next few days the girls were able to visit some iconic areas in Seoul, today was a free day so the pair went by themselves to Namdaemun Market, a huge market place that they have been told has some of the best homemade Korean dishes in Korea, sold by street vendors. The girls obviously took their personal video cameras to document their first outing together, alone.  

“This is so what we needed.” Nana whispered as they walked causally down the lines of street vendors still outside even in this cold weather.

“Oh it’s smells so good here.” Gogi squealed gripping onto her scarf as she smelt the air.

“Well you’re gonna need to point out to me various things. One thing I didn’t learn too well was food.” Nana mentioned looking to the opposite side of the street. Gogi chuckled before linking arms with Nana to pull her in the opposite direction.

“Then you’re paying, let’s go and eat meat!” Gogi cheered as they stepped into a small food stall separated by a short curtain. Nana just sighed, taking a seat on the empty stool next to Gogi.

“Ahjumma~ Two large orders of Korean Beef, kimchee with rice please!” Gogi called as the elder woman cooking chuckled and nodded, going back to cooking the meat on the grill.

“Omo, you girls are beautiful!” The woman finally took notice causing them to chuckle in reaction.

“Thank you.” Nana bowed her head respectfully to the woman who placed a bowl of rice in front of each of them.

“This place is awesome.” Gogi whispered still in awe as she pushed the small curtain covering their backs to look out at the busy street.

“Is it always this busy with its cold Ahjumma?” Gogi asked interested as the woman chuckled from behind the grill.

“Ah yes, even though it’s this cold, everyone still comes.” She answered as the pair nodded to each other. The vendor placed the 2 plates of Korean beef in front of each girl, bowing her head before she went to cleaning. Nana took some time to put her chopsticks in the right place while Gogi went straight into eating.

“Omo.” Gogi sighed in contentment.

“Ahjumma! You’re cooking is amazing.” Gogi cooed causing the woman washing dishes to chuckle and bow her head in thanks.
“Try.” Gogi nudged as Nana took a piece of meat, putting it into before chewing. It was just as she was told, delicious.

“Good huh?” Gogi teased as Nana sighed in defeat before nodding.

“But you have to remember, I never said it was nasty. I’ve just never tried it before.” Nana quickly covered her excuse before continuing to eat.

“Are you girls foreign?” The woman asked, obviously taking in the conversation the girls were having, that wasn’t English. Gogi chuckled before nodding.

“We’re from the states.” Gogi quickly answered as the woman nodded interested while she dried her hands.

“What are you girls doing here then?” She asked pulling up a stool to talk with the girls.

“We’re here for work.” Nana answered professionally as the woman nodded, unsure if she should dig deeper into their business.

“You beautiful girls like you, you must be models or something of the sort.” The woman pointed out as Gogi chuckled in reaction.

“Yeah, you could say that.” She quickly lied as Nana side eyed her partner who surprisingly didn’t give out their secret.

“How long have you been here?” She then asked as Nana took a sip of water from the paper cup the woman had handed them.

“We got in 2 nights ago.” Nana answered as the woman’s eyes shot open in surprise.

“Woah.” She spoke in surprise.


Within time, the pair had excused themselves from the woman’s booth and began taking a stroll down the line of vendors.

“Oh, we should do a video vlog.” Gogi pointed out, reaching in her bag for her handheld camera.

“You do it, it’s embarrassing.” Nana muttered keeping her eyes on the booths they were strolling by.

“Hey guys! Gogi here!” Gogi announced facing the camera towards her as she waved at it, keeping the screen facing her. Nana rolled her eyes, slipping her arms into her coat pocket before looking away to wandering eyes. She felt a sudden hit to her ribs causing her to retract and glare over at Gogi who was just simply smiling as she held the camera facing her.

“Say hi.” Gogi whispered through her smiling teeth causing Nana to look away rolling her eyes.

“Unnie!” Gogi whined like a little child annoying Nana.

“Fine, fine, fine. Hi guys!” Nana put on her fake façade, waving at the screen with a V-sign next to her head.

“We don’t have a camera crew today, just the two of us.” Gogi explained, turning the camera to face the booths.

“So we’ve decided to stroll around Namdaemun Market.” Gogi added as she turned the camera back to face her.

“We just had some yummy meat, now were just walking around like a bunch of tourist.” Gogi sighed before turning the camera so that both herself and Nana were in the shot.

“Unnie, you want to say anything to our fans?” Gogi asked enthusiastically.

“Not particularly.” Nana muttered causing Gogi to chuckle nervously before elbowing her again. She shut the camera and slipped it into her bag before looking over to an unfazed Nana.

“Do you have to do that?” Gogi whined as Nana looked over innocently.

“Do what?” She asked turning her attention to the small handmade jewelry shack they were walking past.

“Can’t you at least act like you want to do it?” Gogi muttered as she watched her walk over to inspect the jewelry.


After a few hours of walking, randomly buying things, they stopped at the only coffee shop they had seen since arriving. Ordering themselves something light, they took refuge in an empty booth at the side of the café.

“Ah, just what I needed.” Nana sighed once she took a sip. Gogi just watched in surprise.

“The more and more I see you, you’re starting to sound more and more like an Ahjumma.” Gogi teased causing Nana eyes to flash in anger.

“Hey! I’m not that old.” Nana scolded kicking her friend under the table. Nana pulled out her notebook and laid it on the table.

“Oh! Any new songs lately?” Gogi asked expectantly when she saw Nana pull out her book which they both nicknamed ‘The Golden Book’ because of the poems and songs Nana would write in them, we’re gold.  Nana sighed, massaging her forehead as she pulled her pen out.
“I’ve had a few inspirations.” Nana mentioned pulling on a tab to the last empty page of the book. Gogi chuckled at the comment from behind her coffee mug.

“Inspiration named T.O.P.” Gogi spelled slowly, teasing the older woman who blushed before looking up, glaring at her.

“Shut up.” Nana muttered going back to her book as Gogi chuckled.

“Did you give him a call yet?” Gogi whispered, leaning over interested as Nana sighed. She wanted to rip this girls tongue out and feed it to the bats, but she couldn’t.

“No, Ms. Nosey. Why should I?” Nana lied, composing her expression before looking back down to her book. Gogi snorted.

“Yeah right. And I was born yesterday.” Gogi rolled her eyes, snorting again when she realized what her friend had just said.

“You know you just practically said you don’t like the very guy, I personally know you’ve been crushing on since the day I introduced you?” Gogi asked outraged as Nana kept her eyes down to her book.

“And?” Nana asked uncaring as Gogi sat back, just staring at her friend in surprise.

“Call him.” Gogi urged as Nana sighed loudly before looking up.

“Why? For what?” Nana asked annoyed as Gogi gestured with her hands randomly.

“I don’t know. He must have given you his number for some reason.” Gogi answered to her oblivious friend.

“Didn’t you say, he wanted to finish what you started? I know how much you are dying to do that.” Gogi teased as Nana stuck her tongue out before going back to her writing.

“It’s in our contract, we’re not allowed to date. What if I call and that’s what he wants? Huh? Then what should I do? I’ll be the only one stupid enough to reject that person.” Nana spoke irritated. Gogi had to admit, she was right. It was in their contract. No matter how much her friend wanted to do what she knew she wanted, she couldn’t because she was afraid it would lead to something else.

“You didn’t even give him your number?” Gogi asked hopeful as Nana shook her head.

“I didn’t even realize he gave me his till later.” Nana answered as Gogi sighed in defeat.

“Oh, by the way, my brother called.” Nana announced as Gogi’s eyes shot open.

“He did?! When?!” She asked frantic as Nana tossed her pen to the middle of her book before leaning back to look at her friend.

“When TOP took me to the restroom, he called while I was in there.” Nana spoke looking down to the cushions they were sitting on.

“And? Did they find out?” Gogi slightly panicked. Nana curled a stray hair around her ear before looking up.

“Have you heard anything from your parents?” Nana asked as Gogi shook her head.

“I got a text from my mom but she was just asking how the trip was.” Gogi answered while Nana nodded in understanding.

“Well don’t worry about it, they won’t know I’m here unless your parents spill the beans.” Nana added going back to writing as Gogi sighed, one more thing to stress out about while they are here. Gogi took a sip of her coffee before looking around the semi empty café, her eyes landing on a pair of familiar ones. She didn’t recognize them at first, until she did a double take only causing her eyes to shoot open.

“Omo.” She whispered, squinting her eyes to make sure that who she was seeing were the actually people she thought she was seeing. When they knew it was them, she quickly reached over the table, whacking her friend, uncaring that she was probably leaving bruises and cuts on her friend.

“What?! What?!” Nana snapped, slapping her friends hand away annoyed. That’s when she noticed her friends stare across the café.

“Hey, you got something on your face.” Nana called as Gogi looked over frantic, patting her face.

“What? Where?” She asked panicking causing Nana to ‘tsk’ before shaking her head.

“Right there.” She pointed to herself at the corner of her lip. Gogi immediately began wiping at it.

“What is it?” Gogi asked frantically trying to get rid of whatever it was.

“Drool.” Nana answered teasingly while Gogi froze in realization before glaring over at her.

“Ya!” She snapped slapping her friends arm angered by the joke.

“Well what’s with the whacking anyways?” Nana asked shutting her tablet as Gogi’s eyes shot open in realization.

“Look!” Gogi urged pointing over conspicuously across the café. Nana sighed, uncaring before looking over in the same direction she was pointing. Holding her coffee mug was a bad idea. When she saw who she was pointing at, the coffee mug slipped out her hands and shattered to the ground, getting everyone’s attention, including the pair across from them, what a pair to meet here.

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi